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German Alvarado



1. False and true questions

2. Understanding the text

3. Alphabet soup
Project translation


The business idea is, when undertaking, the starting point, the base on which the entire

business project will be built. The business idea will form the foundation of the new

organization and, for this reason, it must be a solid initiative, thoughtful and correctly

analyzed beforehand.

Now, having identified an excellent idea to start is not synonymous with business

opportunity. Our initiative must be accommodated in the market, an ingenious or novel

project is worthless if it is not successful among potential clients.

The key is, therefore, to define business ideas, which at the same time meet certain market

needs. To achieve this, an exhaustive analysis of the future target audience, the

competition, and the economic and material means necessary to put our business initiative

into operation is required.


in modern times it is important to return to good eating habits, because well-being and

vitality are being neglected, due to the speed of daily life, that is why we must eat healthier,

consume natural products and this is where ASOAGROPEC with its line of jams and
natural fruit pulps come into action, offering products of excellent quality, totally natural

from the harvest of the fruits until people or customers are going to consume it


Pesticides are chemicals that are used in agriculture to protect crops from insects, fungi,

weeds, and other pests. In addition to being used in agriculture, they are used to control

vectors of tropical diseases, such as mosquitoes, and thus protect public health.

However, pesticides are also potentially toxic to humans. They can have detrimental health

effects, for example, cause cancer or have consequences for the reproductive, immune or
nervous systems. Before pesticides are authorized for use, pesticides must be studied to

determine all their possible health effects, and the results must be analyzed by experts who

evaluate any risks that the products may pose to people.

ASOAGROPEC wants to provide natural foods free of any chemical that may affect the

health of the person and thus be able to transmit health and well-being to all our consumers



carry out a market study for the company ASOAGFROPEC analyze how feasible and

profitable it could be and what benefits it could bring both to the families of the clients, and

to all the people who are immersed in the commercial process


 Ensure the safety, reliability, and support of online purchases

 Graph the data obtained to record and analyze people's behavior before the product

and describe the essential factors for improvement

 Develop a market study through a series of previously selected surveys to describe

quantitatively and qualitatively the behavior of users before the product.

 Make the product known on social networks, exchange important information of

each user and future buyers


exploratory type research was carried out as it is important in the early stages of the

research process in order to verify the behavior of the product, know market share and

competition strategies, subsequently implemented descriptive research which consists in

describing the characteristics, distinctive or particulars of individuals , situations or thing,

bone those properties that make them recognizable in the eyes of others, this research

allows us to know the shopping habits of potential customers when it comes to acquiring


On the other hand we have qualitative research where through the survey we know the

opinions of the consumer against our product, their perceptions of it, whether or not it is

satisfied with the price determined, we also investigate loyalty against a brand or place

where they normally buy sportswear and of Course the importance of the proper use of

garments when exercising.

As for quantitative research, through the same survey, we would investigate the amount of

food derived from fruit you buy and how often you do so, since this allows us to have as a

database the correct information at the right time of offering the product.

The Collection Instruments

The following instruments shall be used for obtaining the information:


These techniques are processes used to obtain sufficient and truthful information that is

supremely important for the market study to be addressed, in our case the techniques we

have implemented are classified as follows

Surveys: Careful selection of the interviewees, the surveys allow us to have contact with

potentially buyers of the products, the know the answer of each of the questions each of

them carefully analyzed so that they allow us to find the strategies of how to reach the


Tab: Exact figures, meticulously calculated for concrete results.

Visualization: Every day we are in direct and indirect contact with the potential buyers of

our product, we strive to find the detail however small, in the everyday environment we

meet athletes, people looking for clothes as for days of rest, in others, observe, compare and

implement new ideas.


For this stage of the project we will carry out a survey of people of the environment in

general who will be the population, we can find them anywhere since our product is

characterized because it can be used at any time and not only when performing exercise.

The sample will be 80 randomly chosen people, who will provide us with the information

corresponding to the time of conducting the survey; in this way our research will be more

complete and truer.


totally natural pulp and jam, organically produced in the center of BOYACA, with

extensive nutritional properties and bringing all the freshness of the field to your table



Specifically directed in the department of Boyaca, in principal cities

Tunja, Duitama, Sogamoso

aimed at people who want to eat healthy and who lead a healthy life in general

Zone stratum 1-4

sufficient minimum incomePurchasing power


Product designed for women

Age: 2 - 90 years





Healthy food, may vary

People who care about their health and physical appearance


• self love

• freedom

• peace

• responsibility

Asoagropec provides healthy products that provide nutrients to the body without being

affected by the chemicals used by other brands in the production process

ASOAGROPEC jam and fruit pulp

It is nutritious








The fruit industry is extremely important in Colombia, as it has 7% of the export market,

although it has grown has also had difficult moments for factors such as smuggling and

globalization among others, this market is constantly changing, such rules are articulated in

various decrees as they are Decreto No 1074 de 26 de mayo de 2015

Decree No. 670 of April 25, 2017

Decree 1351 of August 22, 2016 Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Tourism

Iso 9001 2015


This packaging proposal is based on the environment, being cloth bags, they are reusable

bags, in this way we contribute the reduction of the plastic bags and 60% of the garbage are

plastic and this does not degrade A reusable bag avoids at least 6 bags x week, 24 x month,

288 x year.

The proposal is based on using organic cotton taking into account that cotton cultivation is

also important when it comes to caring for the environment, such cotton is cultivated and

cared for with the elimination of pesticides and they use organic fertilizers so that these

Protect everything around you what pesticides don't do, help with soil, water, animals, all

ecosystems and the elimination of chemical pesticides, chlorine bleach and toxic finishes

that are even transferable to t

he feet using in garments


Sale of ASOAGROPEC for all clients

 Jam and pulp fruit ASOAGROPEC


1/2 pound of fruit pulp for 1100 COP

1 pound of fruit pulp per 2000 COP

1/2 Pound of jam for 1900 COP

1 kilogram of jam for 3700 COP


We offer the best quality 100% guaranteed

It is an advanced transformation technology that is widely used in natural foods, a line that

combines the traditional flavor of farm fruits with other technological advantages of

modern processes.


The goal of advertising is 90% focused on social networks and 10% voice-to-speech We

look to focus on this medium considering what networks are at the moment, the trend of

our customers' posts and experiences, they mesh the attention of future consumers and

optimize and reflect better expectation for the current customer, it is important to note that

the business we have in important advertising resources without having to invest huge

amounts of money in another kind of recognition by the least starting the business


Sales in the warehouse, in person and online sales, online sales are easy to rate and

medicate the quality of the product or service, when quality is offered in these two aspects

we are sure that it is being sold, social networks determine these factors since there is free

expression of the experience in the purchase, rating either bad or good this helps us to

improve , everyone can see the comments


- pay attention to each comment on the website and on social networks

- delivery commitment against the clock

- promise to sell a guaranteed product

- security of delivery dates

- commitment to previously requested orders


To keep new customers in the store, a gift plan will be made based on what the purchase


Example: the client buys 4 kilograms that add up to a total of $ 6700 COP for buying more

than 20,000 COP, he can choose one of the flavors of less value will be completely free

People who make purchases online will have the option of creating their own user on the

page to have exclusive first-hand pulp, they will also have discounts to make several

purchases and will be able to interact with the page creating their own shopping cart,

favorite flavors, too They can have nutrition plans, healthy food recipes, among others.

Analysis of the situation

• Define the scope required in the plans

Provide the best service, offer quality products, give customers differentiating options from

other stores

 Recommendations for eating habits, and nutritional habits

Good products are identified but with high prices

Good products with stable prices but without any attention to service

Very economical products low in quality

Identify the perception of the related parties

There are expected to see the reality of the project to have proof of how the behavior of the

people involved will beConocer los recursos que se requieren para ejecutar el plan

- Establishment
- Excellent web pages

- Social networks

- Merchandise

- Delivery courier

- Strategic contact


Official website

- Exhibition of all garments

- Promotions for online purchase

- Sales: play with the prices, points accumulated for the purchase of each offer and

publication on social networks


Place: maximum advertising on the web, a comfortable supermarket

Strategies to be implemented in each of the phases:

Strategies to be implemented in each of the phases Strategies are all those that are

implemented for growth, in the definition of the life cycle is to take a garment that is

fashionable at the moment and make it get more demand, this would be obtained by the

purchasing value of the product.

Introduction: In this first phase we will search for all the information corresponding to the

tastes of people, the values that are on the market, the cost involved in the processing and

distribution of garments, the acceptance of the product on the market; for the latter you can

give samples for free or at a very provocative discount. Activities can be carried out at

sporting events or highly concurrent places when it comes to physical activity.

Growth: to achieve growth it is important that you show confidence for brand acceptance,

as could be achieved with distribution strategies such as advertising, in using products and

displaying them on social networks, creating emotions in advertising, quality in images

with own experiences and assuming that you are dressed with the best product make you

generate demand , increased production in each of the garments

Maturity: at this point of maturity the idea is to keep up to date, be a fresh, modern, not

copying product, but that is fenced adapting to the lifestyle of people, adapts to the trend,

attracting the attention of more buyers and increasing demand, increasing production and

reducing production costs.

Decline: Decrease operating expenses, not waste time and human talent, instead create a

novel product that is trending, reinvent or invent one need and desire for the consumer

Product Definition: Advertising makes the product have added value in order to

captivate, attract market attention

 The product and its attributes: the designers of each of the products, the materials,

the aesthetics, quality and all the organoleptic qualities.

 Identification of those responsible in each of the phases:

Life Cycle Definition: Business Strategies, Price, Demand, Advertising and Competitors

INTRODUCTION: At this stage the managers will be the stakeholders of the creation of

the company together with the person in charge of design and Marcketing.

GROWTH: For this step the managers will be the persons intended for the distribution,

sampling and advertising of the product.

MADUREZ: As a fundamental stage to be maintained, the owners of the company, the

design consultant and Marcketing and those in charge of the purchase of the raw material

and the processing of the garments will be in charge.

Decline. If a decline or decline of the company arises, solutions must be sought, and the

managers for this will be the owners of the brand, the owner of the raw material and the

manager of Marcketing and the study of offers. Also those in charge of promoting and

selling the garments.

 Identification of resources (human, physical, technological and financial talent)

to be allocated at each stage for the implementation of strategies

Increased labor for production, state-of-the-art technology, which guarantees the highest

quality of products, areas for each department of strategy, advertising, distribution,

production, offer creators, discount, market strategies. Sellers, advertising managers,



The following techniques and technologies will be used to monitor each of the phases.


Expense analysis

Quality investment

Market research

Supplier research

Machinery research

Profitability control
Accounting control

Control and monitoring of the PQRS


Communication equipment such as, desktop computers, laptops, cell phones, among others.

Applications, web page design.

Systems programs, the entire office suite.

Design and management programs and creation of textile prints.


The financing is mainly provided by two partners: based on savings of more than

$20,000,000 and financial loans, throughout the project the profitability is monitored in

order to take out the invested, mainly the capital lent by the bank, I get all the necessary

production and human talent expenses, production and courier facilities, and with greater

investment in the web pages that will be our greatest attraction.


The main responsible will be the creators of the brand and the company, then the staff in

charge of Designing the web and applications will be hired. A person in charge of physical

advertising and social media management will also be hired. For company accounting, the

services of a Counter will be required.

Through the growth of the company, the production of the garments, the purchase of fabrics

will be carried out, for this purpose the support of operative collaborators is essential for the

production and distribution brand


These indicators can be implemented with potential customers, alliance with companies

that use the products, mostly gyms, sales indicators would increase motivating the viewer

to acquire the garments

Warranties: These will be carried out with a follow-up and monitoring, specifying the

damage, causation, and time of purchase, in order to reduce the poor perception of the

customer, and give a positive response as long as you have the logical reason for the change

of the products, with this we guarantee the loyalty of the customers and make them speak

well of us, which would increase future customers.



Contribution margin: In this factor we must evaluate whether the sale price of our

garments cover the payment of fixed costs and if they do not leave any usefulness in order

to continue with the growth of the company and not reach the decline.

Competition: The level of competition presence in relation to sportswear that we both

parties sell must be taken into account. Know their prices, promotions, quality, customer
loyalty, their designs and their special offers, in order to cover all these aspects for the sake

of our brand.

Market positioning: Every day will work to increase the acceptance in the market, for this

we will carry out striking and visible activities that allow us to reach each place of the city

making known our product, its advantages and benefits.

Penetration Level: We will be able to know the level of market participation achieved,

when our sales increase and customer loyalty is increasing every day.

Sales volume: the goal of the brand is to become recognized for its good name and quality;

by achieving this sales will increase and production will get better and better.

Customers: By offering high quality and good priced garments, customers will become

more and more and will maintain loyalty and trust in us for the guarantee provided to them.



Considering that in the manufacture of the raw material of the product is necessary the

implementation of machinery with high technological standards, we do not emphasize this

process, the serious manufacture and design where our manufacturing process and therefore

the dominance of distribution would begin, giving rise to priorities such as the

Considering that in the manufacture of the raw material of the product is necessary the

implementation of machinery with high technological standards, we do not emphasize this

process, the serious manufacture and design where our manufacturing process and therefore

the dominance of distribution would begin, giving rise to priorities such as the

In the definition of sales in terms of distribution is the great potential of the web, it is our

highest priority, total focus on social networks, pages, advertising in gyms, strategies are to

make all garments available, with deliveries in less time, promotions, web-only offers.



Satisfying our customers with innovative and healthy products, the final consumer will feel

strongly identified with the brand, will recognize it and its high quality.

Vision: Establish product manufacturing points, without intermediary, throughout the

strategic distribution plan, from its creation to the delivery of the product, transport,

designs, production quality standards, advertising, storage. To be a nationally recognized

brand for its quality and prices in garments.

Corporate values and principles:

- Loyalty to the company

- Respect your good name

- Responsibility

- Love for what we do

- Entrepreneurial spirit

- Effectiveness and commitment

- Engagement with the client


The problem lies in the display of the product, making people know the brand, the quality

through digital life.

Digital media helps humanity make life easier, minimizing time. The display of the virtual

catalog of fruits and flavors is a means of innovation that large companies have

implemented for the intellectual growth of an interactive, dynamic and creative vision, how

easy it is to buy on the Internet without having to move to a place. This means allows us to

show the consumer all the products in a way that manages to capture their attention, show a

strictly evaluated service protocol for greater satisfaction of the end customer.



Considering that the product displays focuses on virtual sales the display of it attracts

mainly in the visual, being the characteristic of the media together with the sound that

accompanies advertising. And when we head in the face-to-face part with the customer we

do so in commercial events showing the product in environments such as sport, health,

direct and indirect competitors, with sales promotions or active participation, the

participation that arises in the project needs are

• Stand with several sides open, allowing more people to enter.

• Lighting with effects that emphasize certain areas.

• Oral messages that invite people to participate in the event, generating memory stimuli

and feelings that define the public's attitude.

• Presents

• Audiovisual production that stimulates and transmits in a pleasant and concise way.

• Show the new benefits that food offers along with activities that the public can experience

Defining the objectives of the marketing plan

Positioning in the brand, being of high quality standards in fruit company ASOAGROPEC,

with innovative prodcuts, modern, and with a price more accessible to others in the market,

seeks to have a differentiator in others, not only in the product but in the service, valuing

the customer experience. It seeks to expand the sales areas, initially it will be in Boyaca,

over time orders will be taken nationally in main cities and in Cundinamarca according to

the demand of the products, seeking an increase in the volume of sales, lower expenses

higher profitability

It also provides job opportunities, seeks growth of 22% at the end of the year and a

projection of 30% for the second year, taking Colombian companies as an example and

perhaps with high expectations, among them Juan Valdez, FRUCO, to name only some that

are currently highly recognized and taking into account that there is no historical data

because it is a new brand on the market.

Defining marketing strategies

Implementing primary demand strategies

It is in the search that the user has a different perspective but with the same products, that

draws attention, make the non-customer see the benefits and advantages that can have if

they buy that same product but in another brand, motivation to a new shopping experience

and a similar productEntrega oportuna del producto

Payment facilities

Special offer prices

Resale of benefits, material, price, convenience of purchase among others

Online promotions, according to the quantity, not only wholesale but from 5 garments


Expand product sales coverage

Go into office, home, university

Implementing selective demand strategies

Aiming to preserve and expand, capture the attention of competing customers by reaching

new distribution channels and maintaining current ones

The correct way to achieve this type of demand, better positioning

Brand loyalty of current consumers, providing exclusive benefits

Advertising effort

Attribute recall

Defining the techniques

Creation of virtual platforms that attract the attention of the customer and not customers in

order to promote existing products and giving you know the attributes of each garment

Nutritional and complementary feeding tips

Definition of management indicators (product, price, distribution and advertising)


Mass or intensive distribution: for the purpose of entering the market and being an

unrecognized brand the objective is to be able to cover as much as possible, the brand must

be disclosed and it is not our purpose that is something selective, exclusive, to reach people

with another type of reference, not popular but penetrate the market in that way
Our distribution has as its main objective the purely virtual recognitions, digital platforms

and supermarkets


• Advertising campaigns on web pages

• Instagram


• Official pages

• App

• Advertising on packaging (cloth bag)

Formulate the public relations plan for the event

Manage media relations: public relations are focused on attracting the

attention of the different supermarkets in the department of Boyaca.


Satisfying our clients with healthy and delicious products, the final consumer will feel fully

identified with the brand, will recognize it and its high quality.

Establish product manufacturing points, without intermediaries, throughout the strategic

distribution plan, from its creation to the delivery of the product, transportation, flavors,

production quality standards, advertising, storage. Being a nationally recognized brand for

its quality and prices in garments.

Encourage consumers to go hand in hand with life to promote good eating habits, motivate

a healthy life through a good diet, and that technology is a monitoring tool in our stage of

growth and entrepreneurship, not only for company, but with priority with our client in


Overall objective

Taking into account that the exhibition of the product is 50% virtual, which leaves us out of

many ranges to show the brand, the focus is determined in events, with the purpose of
publicizing the products, being these direct acts and face to expensive that occur in front of

the customer and provide a real experience.

The influential factor is gastronomic and cultural events, such as restaurants, and

everything related to healthy living, these exhibitions promote relationships with more

companies such as the kitchen area that is related to the good daily habits of people, fairs,

exhibitions, fundraising, among others.

Creation of projects that promote the care of the environment, use the spaces to generate

publicity and sale of products with cross-implementation, mixed exhibition and involve

many of the 100 reasons to participate in an exhibition, to name a few

Open new markets

Solve customer problems

Present new products

Let customers know the experts

Specific objectives

 Direct communication with the textile material manufacturers, without

intermediaries this process in the future, would reduce costs.

 Manufacture of garments in the main city, BOYACA being the objective focus, for

logistical distribution time, to move all orders from here.

 Growth in other cities in the future, taking into account that the projection is at the

national level and if we have an installation in other parts of the country, travel will

take less time to reach the final consumer and minimize distribution costs.
 Taking into account our approach to advertising where the greatest strength lies in

virtual tools, these provide faster access at the national level for the population to

which the product is initially directed.

 The delivery of the inter-municipal product will be worked with a company

responsible for the time, date and delivery in perfect condition of the requested


Target or target audience


Specifically, and mainly in the department of BOYACA, bearing in mind that the outreach

plan is presencial and virtual

Entrepreneurship with digital tools, recognition on the most popular virtual platforms.





 Stratum zone 1,2,3, 4,5

 Quality educational level

 People interested in exercising, for appearance and health

 Economically low and high

 Purchasing power


 Product designed for all people

 Age: 2 - 90 years


 Innovative

 Executive

 Entrepreneur

 Entertainer

 Entrepreneur

 Adventurer


 Workers

 Students

 Healthy eating, can vary

 People who care about their health and physical appearance


 self love

 freedom

 comfort

 peace

 responsibility

Custom execution staff

 Manager

 Collaborators

 Gymnasts

 Entertainer
These are the most relevant aspects of the project

Business idea: implementation of ideas to carry out the entire training project

Definition of the problem: observe the problems in the environment

Market segmentation: separate all characteristics of the population into small groups to

better focus on the target customer

Distribution system: set of intermediaries that go from the point of manufacture to the


Product display: aspects to show the products for sale, in events, stores, online store

among others.

Advertising campaigns: help material with visual, auditory and experience messages to

motivate the sale of products

Negotiation processes: implementation of parameters for the closing of agreements

between companies, from manufacturing to the last final distribution.

Business E-commerce y E- bisiness: sales of products in virtual media, between

companies to consumers,

Business – Business, commerce - Businessamong others.

Improvement plan: the changes and progress that must be implemented to improve the

conditions of the entire company.

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