Scope & Delimitation

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Background of the Study:

A management information system (MIS) is a computer system consisting of hardware

and software that serves as the backbone of an organization's operations. MIS gathers data
form multiple online systems, analyzes the information, and reports data to aid in management
The system is expected to fulfill the information needs of an individual, a group of
individuals, the management functionaries which are the managers and top management. The
MIS helps in strategic planning to aid in management control, operational control, transaction
process, and to establish decision-making; helps in coordination among the department areas;
helps in finding out solutions to the problem inside the organization. It can analyze the
performance last year means whatever the organization did last year or previous years and the
business performance this year and also measures organization development and growth.
According to Maeve Cummings, a management information system is the study of
computers and computing in a business environment. Computer science focuses on the
machine while information systems or MIS focuses on how it can support the strategy and
operation of an organization. The concept includes what computers can do in this field, how
people process information, and how best to make it accessible and up to date.
Data is the bloodstream of any business entity. Everyone in an organization needs the
information to make decisions. An information system is an organized way of recording, storing
data, and retrieving information. The management information system is a broad term that
incorporates many specialized systems. It is the study of people, technology, organizations,
and the relationships among them. MIS professionals help firms realize maximum benefit from
investment in personnel, equipment, and business processes. It is a people-oriented with an
emphasis on service through technology.
Scope and Delimitation
This research will be focusing on determining the effects of management information
systems towards the effects of productivity among team leaders and operation managers of
VXI Global Holdings B.V. This involves survey for those who are leaders of the management
and operation managers of company. The selection of respondents is limited since the
researchers will be focusing on the operation management and based on the fact that the
response will expectedly be delayed.
This research will be conducted through an online survey that will be answered by the
team leaders and operation managers of VXI Global Holdings B.V. The selected respondents
from the operation management, the researchers handling out the survey questions. All of the
respondents had at least a year of experience in their field of work and came from different
areas of specialization.

The target population are all team leaders and operation managers of VXI Global
Holdings B.V. This population is deemed to be fully aware of the MIS use at the operation
management. A total of 15 respondents was surveyed through an online survey. In non-
probability sampling, the team leaders and operation managers were approached.
The analysis took place for an end-week period of September 2019. The survey was
designed in the English language. The research tested the time to finish the online survey and
it took approximately 6 minutes to be completed.

General objectives
Chapter 1
Scope and delimitations

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