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chap 11


European Green Capital Award Nantes 2012 2013

11 A
Current situation.
By means of introduction, we point out that, since operations services are some-
times shared between Nantes Métropole and the city of Nantes, environmental
management is harmonised and coordinated according to the skills of the local
authorities, to cover all public services provided to citizens. Nantes Métropole
intervenes with respect to roads, economic development, urbanism, etc, while the
cities focus on education, sports, culture and habitat.



To get closer to the people, Nantes Métropole has opened district centres spanning several neighbourhoods or cities.

European Green Capital Award Nantes 2012 2013

Agenda 21 : an essential environmental-management tool.

Agenda 21, adopted by the Nantes Métropole Community Council in

February 2006, is the through line of environmental management.
After a complete diagnosis and co-production with more than 600 territory stakeholders, its content was
developed on the basis of 21 projects, all of which are regularly followed up : climate action plan, energy policy,
eco-neighbourhoods, sustainable transport, reduction of pesticide consumption, management of humid
areas, sustainable public contracting and limitation of waste at source are examples of these projects.
Agenda 21 also includes more organisational-type projects : training in sustainable development, inter-
nal mobilisation to provide outstanding environmental examples (see the Eco-Actions Guide annexed) or
assessment tools and commune events.

“Think globally, act locally”. The City of Nantes' Agenda 21 embraces

this concept and makes it a reality. At the level of the public policies
initiated by the city, since 2004 the accent has been clearly placed
on energy efficiency and greenhouse-gas reduction.
Thus, preservation of biodiversity translates concretely into the environmental protection of fragile natural
spaces such as Petite-Amazonie and the Mauves Prairie, both classified as Natura 2000 areas. This does
not imply any compromise to the Nantes development conditions. Continuing to densify the city by means
of the new PLU (Local Urban Plan), by building the city on itself to fight against urban sprawl, developing
eco-neighbourhoods such as the “Île de Nantes”, Bottière-Chenaie or Saint-Joseph-de-Porterie,
encouraging environmental quality among promoters and social landlords... All of these actions are
intended to make the city accessible to the greatest number of people so as to avoid urban sprawl and the
devouring of city space.
"Living together" remains a true challenge because it involves social cohesion, a pre-requisite for all
sustainable development.
The brochure presenting Nantes Métropole’s Agenda 21
The territorial Climate Action Plan and the Nantes metropolitan area’s action to promote efforts
to curb the greenhouse effect and forestall climate change. The 21 projects in Agenda 21
Nantes Métropole’s Agenda 21
Deliberation about the Climate Action Plan, 9 March 2007
Deliberation about the community’s Agenda 21
Deliberation about social and solidarity-driven economics, the three-year plan
The guide presenting eco-attitude for municipal staff
The Agenda 21 programmes in the City of Nantes
The drinking-water public service charter, Nantes Métropole’s 12 pledges

CO2 quantification : a horizontal project involving all services.

Following the logic of the Covenant of Mayors, Nantes Métropole is committed to systemising the
quantification of public-policy action in terms of CO2 avoided. The objective is both to monitor the
greenhouse-gas emissions of actions carried out by Municipality of Nantes and to set in place a tool that
will facilitate decision-making relative to the CO2 criterion for future actions. The climate action plan is
intended to facilitate the setting up of a carbon culture within the administration's technical services. This
culture will be applied equally to operations and administration to demonstrate the exemplary nature of
local public service.

Environmental certification of the public services provided

by the local authority guarantees quality and demonstrates
the efforts taken. The process is primarily carried out with
respect to water, administrative buildings, waste and water

City of Nantes Nantes Métropole

11 %

93 % 89 %

Number of FTE (full-time equivalent) local Number of FTE (full-time equivalent) local
authority employees working in ISO 14001 authority employees working in ISO 14001
certified departments certified departments
The number of local authority departments with certified ISO 14001 environmental management systems :
2 departments and 600 employees, i.e. 11% of FTE (full-time equivalent) staff in Nantes Métropole and 7%
in the city of Nantes.
On behalf of its public operator (the Authority), the Water department has set in place an integrated, QSE
(Quality, Safety and Environment) certified system, with ISO 9001 (2001), OHSAS 18001 (2004) and ISO
14001 (April 2010) certification. This certificate concerns the collection, treatment and distribution of
drinking water and management of customer relations, in the eight cities managed by the Authority (that is,
440,000 inhabitants, 120,000 subscribers and 270 agents).
The Water department employs two ISO 14001 2004 certified operators, who provide service to 110,000
inhabitants, that is, 67,000 subscribers.

The commitment charter to promote professional integration through public contracts in the metropolitan area of Nantes

The Building department, which manages buildings and properties, is in the final phase of implementing
the QSE process and has requested ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and ISO 18001 certification for all of its
activities (it is expected that these certifications will be obtained in september 2010).
As far as waste is concerned, our assignees are certified, in particular those for the multi-sector complex
"Arc en ciel" (triple certification : AFNOR 2008 : ISO 9001, NF ISO 14001, OHSAS 8001). And for the
Beau- lieu Malakoff domestic-waste incineration plant managed by Valorena (ISO 14000).

The residual waste incineration plant in Nantes Métropole.

Other departments are ISO 9001 certified. These include Water Treatment, certified as an organising
body and for its activities as an authority (168 agents).

European Green Capital Award Nantes 2012 2013

The COPR (the Nantes Métropole Risk Prevention Unit)
: specifically designed for the environment.
The Nantes Métropole COPR intervenes in the prevention of industrial risks (systematic visits to
enterprises and activity areas, collection, maintenance and sharing of information collected) and the fight
against accidental pollution (adoption without delay of emergency measures, research and studies in
close collaboration with emergency services. Application since 1975 of the “polluter pays” principle.

It inspects 250 to 400 business firms a year, deals with 150 to 250 complaints about or proven cases of
pollution a year, and feeds a database that it has been compiling since 1992.
The budget from the community amounts to €230,000 a year.


janvier 2007






La Chapelle-sur-Erdre La Montagne

Indre Apprenons les bons réflexes !

Le Pellerin

Les Sorinières Mauves-sur-Loire Nantes

Orvault Rezé Sautron
St-Aignan de Grand Lieu St-Herblain
St-Jean-de-Boiseau St-Léger-les-Vignes Sainte-Luce-sur-Loire
St-Sébastien-sur-Loire Thouaré-sur-Loire

The DICRIM, a document providing information about major risks for each of the 24 cities. It lists all the industrial risks (air pollution and
water pollution) and natural risks (flooding, earthquakes, etc.) and provides instructions to deal with them.

“Nantes, sustainable city, consumer”.

The City of Nantes has been acting to anchor the sustainable development of its territory. Public
contracting, given its economic weight (approximately €100 million, 17% of the 2009 budget) and its
influence on the market, is an essential axis, part of Agenda 21.
The target supply and service contracts identified progressively integrate eco-responsible criteria : eco-
foods for restaurants, eco-products for maintenance, social-inclusion clause for household contracts,
equitable and eco-textiles, paints, clean vehicles, furniture, construction wood and office supplies that
reduce the use of pesticides and phytosanitary products, and orientation towards new practices and eco-
actions (reduction in number of printers, recycling of paper and ink cartridges, water recovery).
Clean vehicles in the City of Nantes fleet (LPG and NVG)
54 % 41,5 %

Other vehicles

4,5 %
The fleet comprising vehicles that can effectively
be acquired with clean engines. Certain types
of vehicles (vans, especially), are only available
for sale with petrol or diesel engines.

Percentage of contracts for products with eco-labels

in the City of Nantes (2009)
14 %

NVG and LPG vehicles

Other vehicles

86 %

Percentage of contracts for products with eco-labels (2009) in the city of Nantes

16 %

Cleaning products with an eco-label

Cleaning products without an eco-

84 %

Percentage of contracts for products with eco-labels

in the City of Nantes (2009)
21 %

Office furniture with an eco-label

Office furniture without an eco-label

79 %
Percentage of contracts to purchase organic food for school canteens
in the City of Nantes (2009)


Organic food (30% of cheese, 100% of grated

cabbage) Non-organic food

91 %

Percentage of contracts for products with eco-labels

in the City of Nantes (2009)

42 % 58 % Paint and glue with an eco-label

Paint and glue without an eco-label

Percentage of contracts for products with eco-labels

in the City of Nantes (2009)

34 %

products Other products

66 %

Percentage of contracts for products with eco-labels

in the City of Nantes (2009)
16 %

Recycled or eco-certified paper

Other paper

84 %
Percentage of contracts for products with eco-labels
in Nantes Métropole (2009)

33 %

Paper with an eco-label

67 % Paper without an eco-

Percentage of contracts for products with eco-labels

in Nantes Métropole (2009)

40 %
Filing systems made of paper with an eco-label
Filing systems made of without an eco-label

60 %

Percentage of contracts for products with eco-labels

in Nantes Métropole (2009)

47 % Manufactured paper products with an eco-label

53 % Manufactured paper products without an eco-

Percentage of contracts for products with eco-labels

in the City of Nantes (2009)
24,5 %

Solid wood with PEFC certification

Solid wood without PEFC certification

75,5 %
Percentage of contracts for products with eco-labels
in the City of Nantes (2009)

28 %

Wood by-products with PEFC certification

Wood by-products without PEFC


72 %

Nantes Métropole encourages responsible

public procurement and contracts.

The action plan under the general cross-cutting public policy for sustainable development
in Municipality of Nantes (currently being drafted) and the City of Nantes
The Municipality of Nantes guide for public contracts
The responsible consumption guide (ARAIS) for the general public
The social and solidarity-driven economics guide (Ecossolies RFP)
Nantes Métropole, like the city of Nantes,
is particularly concerned with the question of good
energy management of its buildings.

Energy Performance Diagnostics were done for 130 buildings, of which 19 were gymnasia, 6
administrative buildings, 78 schools, 4 day-care centres, 23 socio-cultural buildings. They show an
average ratio of 199 kWh/m2/year and 32 kg/m2/year of CO2 emitted, according to consumption analyse
between 2005 and 2007.
Between 2000 and 2007, the average consumption of buildings decreases by 8%, from 208 to 191 kWh/
m2/year between 2000 and 2007, overall.
In addition, there was a decrease from 22,024 kg CO2 emitted to 20,708 kg, that is, -6% between the same
The municipal buildings in the city of Nantes account for 0.8% of the Nantes metropolitan area’s total
Over the past five years, energy consumption in public buildings has evolved as follows :
2005 : 197 kWh/sqm/year
2006 : 202.5 kWhep/sqm/year
2007 : 189 kWhep/sqm/year
2008 : 192.1 kWhep/sqm/year
2009 : 191 kWhep/sqm/year
The 2009 energy efficiency indicator for heat : 91.8 kWhep/sqm/year
- The 2009 energy efficiency indicator for electricity : 99.3 kWhep/sqm/year
Level of compliance with the European Directive on global energy efficiency (energy, CO2 and renewable
sources) : 51%.
Electrical appliances : 95% of total purchases for workstations.

The city of Nantes has been monitoring the energy consumption of

its buildings since 1996, particularly major consumption of heat
(annual assessment of 150 installations, including 40 managed by
private operators with profit-sharing operation contracts).

Energy consumption in Nantes Métropole buildings

12 000

10 000

8 000 Natural Gas

6 000 Electrical heating

4 000
District heating
2 000 Electricity
0 year
2005 2006 2007 2008
These assessments make it possible to monitor results and to define rules for works management.
The objectives are followed up in connection with the QSE project and the Cit’ergie labelling.


The City of Nantes’ sustainable cleaning programme for 2009-2012
Concerto – ACT2

Nantes Métropole invests particularly in promoting

environmental issues among enterprises in its territory.
With its COPR unit, Nantes Métropole monitors installations from an environmental point of view.
In addition, Nantes Métropole's strategic orientations concerning economic development indicate the
importance of sustainable development that reconciles balance in the territory, maintenance of quality,
resource sustainability and social cohesion.
Action 13 of Agenda 21: Sustainable Local Industry, and Action 3 : Development of Eco-Technologies,
implement these general principles and take into consideration :
- maintenance, development and implementation of economic activity within a secured framework;
- creation of new activity sites that respect the environment in a perspective of sustainable development;
- requalification of ageing activity-sites, particularly with a view to improving environmental quality;
- management of incidents (risks, nuisances, etc) resulting from activities in the metropolitan area's territory.
With respect to innovation, Nantes Métropole, through its Atlanpole Project (see annexed document),
supports the accompaniment of some 15 enterprises in the "clean tech" sector.
On the other hand, Nantes Métropole participates in the Regional Innovation Fund with the Region des
Pays de la Loire.
Nantes Métropole has funded feasibility studies on the two projects below :
- Ouest Environnement : the new environmentally-friendly waste compactor (tight chamber),

- Phospotec, new ingredients (marine enzymatic hydrolysates) for human nutrition, animal feed and cosmetics, http://www.cmaintenant.
Atlanpole : a technology cluster that supports and coaches young innovative business enterprises in the field of
sustainable development and/or green technology.
The 2011 Biomarine World Forum in Nantes will focus on sustainable protection and promotion of bio-resources from the sea,

The Journées de l’Innovation (innovation workshops), 1998-2008.

11 B
Actions carried out during the last five to 10 years.
Development of a global policy of environmental management of community activities.

Nantes Métropole applies a policy of sustainable development with

its agents by means of service projects and action plans that take
into consideration the climate action plan and Agenda 21, as well as
with systems and enterprises, in order to apply throughout its
territory an integrated and global policy that involves all
Agenda 21.

Nantes Métropole’s Agenda 21 was one of the first in France to be

officially recognized by the Ministry of the Environment and
Sustainable Development. Nantes Metropole has been awarded in
February, 2007, for three years.
In February 2010, the Ministry extended this recognition to February 2012, being of the opinion that the
dynamic process launched had already achieved sufficient results to guarantee meaningful advances.
At the European level, Nantes Métropole signed the Aalborg Charter in 2004 (the City of Nantes having
done so in 1997).

The Conseil de Développement (consulting

college) has a role providing expert input,
which have considerable weight in
Community Council deliberations.

European Green Capital Award Nantes 2012 2013

In 2009, 19 of the 24 cities were involved in the communal Agenda 21 programme, some of them since the
end of the 1990s.

Number of cities that have adopted an Agenda 21 programme

Number of municipalities

2002 - 1 city

2005 - 3 cities
2006 - Nantes Métropole adopted Agenda 21

2008 - 10 and 16 cities embarked on a programme

2010 (est.) : 13 and 20 cities working on a

year programme
(20 of the 24 cities)

Nantes Métropole applies this programme throughout its territory

and encourages enterprises and citizens to use practices that are
more respectful of the environment in well-defined, targeted projects,
alongside social landlords, individuals and enterprises.

The Malakoff neighbourhood is running an experiment with the “energy efficiency” project.
The Ecossolies gathering in 2006.
A partnership between the community,
the innovation cluster, and social and
solidarity-driven economics.

The main projects under Agenda 21.

The “Energy Efficiency” project in Malakoff
A project to raise inhabitants’ awareness of their energy consumption, in association with Nantes Habitat,
a social housing company, in 40 homes in the neighbourhood of Malakoff.
An infrared aerial photograph revealing heat loss in buildings (housing, public facilities and business
The Génie Civil Ouest cluster
This business cluster is a resource centre that works on groundbreaking technology and tool creation,
and an observatory that focuses on buildings, life cycles, resource economics, construction environmental
efficiency, modelling for sustainable urban project creation and management, and eco-innovative
Nantes Métropole took part in and sponsored the backed the Ecossolies event in June 2006, which gathered
80 initiatives in metropolitan area towns and 11 Pays de la Loire cities, 570 organisations and 30,000
participants. By cementing their initiatives, Ecossolies are highlighting and promoting their economic
dimension, consoli- dating a network of stakeholders and the skills they can pool, bringing fresh new
momentum to territories, running initiatives targeting neighbourhoods, and working in synch with a
European and international drive. This approach has led to a co-construction by stakeholders and the
community of the innovation and co-development unit of Economie Sociale et Solidaire (social and
solidarity-driven economics).

Services certification.
As part of its environmental programme, in place since 2006, and pursuant to certification of the Water
department, a certain number of actions have been put in place and followed up as part of an environmen-
tal-management programme. Private operators participate in this programme : actions include water-bar
events to raise general awareness about tap water and stopping the use of herbicides.

Actions taken concerning waste since 2009 :

- Implementation of the collection and treatment of daily hazardous waste, of the Tri’Sac programme in
plants, recovery of computer equipment, transport respecting ADR, etc);
- Periodic checks according to LEMA and ICPE regulations (noise, air, water, etc)
- Awareness raising about the environment through internal communication, "Flash HSE", concerning
aspects of the programme.
Increase in the total consumption of eco-labelled products,
organic and energy-saving products.

A voluntary process has been begun with respect to purchasing :

social and environmental requirements in markets (organic, local
products and equitable commerce in collective meals, organic cotton
work-clothing, labelled office supplies, PEFC/FSC certified wood),
dialogue with suppliers, strong involvement in the Grand Ouest
network of sustainable public contracting, as well as of Procura at
the European level. 78 local authorities to implement dynamic,
interregional integration of fair environmental, social and ethical
criteria in public contracting.

The Grand Ouest network.

Nantes, Angers and the Pays de la Loire Region co-founded this network in 2006. It counts elected officials
and technical experts from those communities and the EPCI, and is in touch with a number of other
stake- holders (associations, businesses, institutions, etc.). In 2009, Nantes Métropole took part in a task
force on rolling out sustainable development policy in communities. This initiative and the discussions it
entailed led it to draft a methodological guide. The city of Nantes co-produced a guide for textile procurement
based on the conclusions that the task force working on that issue reached, and is currently chairing the
task force working on eco-certified wood procurement.

The first phase (2004-2007) made it possible to identify the obstacles and achievements. The first test-
contracts are now permanently in place. The process extends to new sectors and integrates, when new
contracts are awarded, new products that conform to sustainable development.
The offer is growing and suppliers’ commercial policies take these concerns into consideration. The awareness-
raising work done by the city with the economic players concerned contributes a great deal.

uilding efficient and varied small farming operations).

tion and optimisation programme currently underway is aiming to cut the number of printers by 50% in 2010.

afes. School canteens : introduction of a vegetarian meal on a regular basis, Repas pour la planète (meal for the planet).

site) and externally, for public-service users (e.g. it is currently setting up an e-services platform for paperless exchanges with people requiring civil-registry documents, domain n

European Green Capital Award Nantes 2012 2013

City of Nantes procurement from 2004 to 2009.
Fair trade (food and textile products).
- Protocol : coffee, tea, sugar and fruit juice (100%)
- School canteens : rice (100%)
- Sports : T-shirts (100%)
Organic and/or short circuits.
- School canteens : wheat, milk (10,000 litres/year), yoghurt, bread, sea salt, grated carrots (10
tonnes/year), grated cabbage (100%), cheese (30%)
- The introduction of a vegetarian meal and a “meal for the planet”
Eco-product targets.
- Recycled printer ink cartridges (70% gain on costs)
- Cleaning products (50%)
- Pesticide, fertiliser, etc. (use of natural products (composting) and eco-sensitive practices
- Solvent-free paint
From 1999 to 2009, the percentage of clean vehicles in fleet increase from 25 to 37% in the City of
Number of vehicles (under 3.5 tonnes)

Nantes (and from 16% to 29% in the Urban Community since 2001).

Fuel type breakdown, vehicles in Nantes Métropole Percentage of clean vehicles under 3.5 tonnes
and Nantes City fleets, 2009 in the City of Nantes and Nantes Métropole

City of
% year

Diester NVG Diesel LPG Hybrid Leadless


In 2009, Nantes Métropole launched an active project to take the

environment into consideration in contracts by methodically
implementing pilot contracts including training in eco-responsibility
(particularly in works contracts).
Nearly 60 people have participated in this training. In addition, in 2010, Nantes Métropole set up training in
negotiation. During these cycles, the objective of functionally describing needs has been emphasised, in
order to encourage exchange of experience with the technical solutions proposed and to stimulate more
innovative solutions and practices, particularly concerning sustainable development.

Objectives in cooperative, voluntary economy :

- to introduce cooperative, voluntary economy in the various public policies of Municipality of Nantes,
- to carry out research and development of socio-economic innovation,
- to support projects that address inhabitants’ concrete concerns,
- to develop the image of a territory that promotes multi-year saving.
Increasing the energy efficiency of community and communal
Nantes Métropole is the Energie Cité link for 8 of the metropolitan cities for this campaign and also operates
an energy technique network.

Community buildings.

Electricity consumption has been decreasing constantly since 2005.

Consommations en énergie
Electricity consumption des
has been
onbâtiments communautaires
a steady downward trend sincede
Nantes Métropole

Total Electricity
TOTAL District heating
12 000
Electric heating
10 000
8 000 Electricité

Natural gas
6 000
4 000
Chauffage Urbain
2 000
2005 2006 2007 2008
Gaz Naturel

2008-2009 : energy assessments on about 15 buildings and the definition of a large-scale refurbishing
programme that will last several years (€600,000). Municipality of Nantes is also taking part in the Display
Public lighting.
Modernisation of public lighting : from 2006 to 2008, more than 4000 lighting units were replaced with more
effective versions, an operation which is recognized and valued for its energy efficiency within the context
of the French regulation, Certificats d'Economie d'Energie totaling 27 Gwhcumac.

A street in Nantes.

Communal buildings.
The cities of the metropolitan area are particularly involved in energy saving in their public buildings
(schools, gymnasia, etc).
For city of Nantes :
- 1998 and 2004 : Energy Action Plans
- 2003-2007 : energy pre-diagnostics of buildings representing approximately 72% of the energy expenses
of all buildings.
- 2008-2009 : investments with payback of < 5 years, subsequent to the recommendations of the pre-
- Surveillance and optimisation of water consumption by buildings and green spaces (-34% between 2004
and 2007).
- Systematic pre-requirements for renovation or new works (climate programme, definition of an HEQ
profile, replacement of heating plants more than 25 years old before the end of 2014, objective of 0
heating plant fuel by the end of 2014, systematic analysis for the implementation of renewable energy
(geothermics, solar thermics, etc).
- 2008 : Display of the energy performance diagnostics (130 buildings). (see attached documents).
From 2000 to 2009, average consumption in city of Nantes buildings decreased by 7%, from 205 to
191 kWh/sqm/year, overall.
Over that same period of time, CO2 emissions dropped 4% from 20,383 to 19,648 km. The city of Nantes’
municipal buildings account for 0.8% of the Nantes metropolitan area’s total emissions.

City of Nantes building consumption and CO2 emissions calculated under French and European approaches
(corrected to accommodate weather conditions over the past three decades).
The DPE (energy efficiency assessment) for the City of Nantes, 2009.

Since 2009 :
- The levels of energy consumption of new buildings (BBC – Low Consumption Buildings) and of our major
reconditionings (RT2005 Globale and BBC Réha) are assessed after one and two years of operation;
- Setting in place of remote management of 150 heating installations and equipment (end of 2011) and of
remote metering of all power- and water meters;
- Training in HEQW, in the BBC label, and awareness-raising concerning eco-actions for all internal players
in the Commune of Nantes concerned;
- Systematic integration of consultation on EnR (removable energy) in all projects involving buildings and
all new projects.

Raising awareness in the territory as regards environmental risks.

Concerning risk prevention and management, particularly environmental risks, the policy carried out in
Nantes Métropole is intended to ensure, to the greatest extent possible, the safety and health of all of the
metropolitan area's citizens. In fact, the presence in the territory of risks (natural, technological, environ-
mental, sanitary, from networks, in daily life, etc), pollution (air, water, soil, polluted sites, etc), nuisance
(noise, odours, dust, etc), as well as significant demographics and dynamic economic development, exist
hand-in-hand with an increase in the vulnerability of the territory and its inhabitants.
This observation makes it necessary to manage the question of risks, nuisances and pollution in all its
forms, even more so given that citizens are increasingly demanding that they be able to live "in a healthy,
risk-free enviroment".
Given that the safeguarding of our environment and our safety is of concern to everyone, the scale
adopted by Nantes Métropole is significant, in order to observe, prevent and act. In fact, when any urban
risk arises, often all the inhabitants of a population basin may be impacted.
Nantes Métropole is therefore committed to a voluntary, community policy with the following objectives :
- living with risks and making citizens players in their own safety and health;
- improving the quality of the living environment, a challenge in environmental health;
- adapting to climate change.
Risk Prevention plan.

In order to achieve these objectives, in 2004 Nantes Métropole adopted its Local Risk and Pollution
Prevention Plan, which uses a global approach to act on the entire risk chain :
- upstream, by means of prevention (risk awareness, taking risk into consideration in urban projects – PLU,
SCOT (Territorial Coherence and Organisations Scheme), etc - , means of surveillance, training actions
and preventive information for the population;
- downstream, "to be ready when...", by means of the organisation of crisis management with all of the
players concerned (the drafting of crisis-management plans, Community Intervention Plans – PIC - and
Community Protection Plans - PCS), a municipal protection plan, the setting in place of alert devices and
population information, DICRIM (Communal Information Document on Major Risks), etc.
The Local Risk and Pollution Prevention Plan is based on several principles, which are also the conditions
for its success :
- the political will and commitment of elected representatives, particularly the 24 mayors, who have signed
a risk-and-pollution-prevention charter;
- strong local partnerships, based on relationships of trust, with the communes, of course, but also with the
services of the state, the SDIS (Departmental Fire and Rescue Service), enterprises, researchers and civil
- national and international awareness-raising through the exchange of experiences by means of local-
authority and European projects.
Thanks to this exemplary choice at the national level, Nantes Métropole is able to act with the mayors and
the Prefect to create a common, dynamic approach. Inter-city is a facilitating tool, in a spirit of pooling,
rendering service to citizens more effective.

Sustainable economic development.

In addition, the actions carried out by Nantes Métropole to promote sustainable economic development include
- drafting of the Sustainable Economic-Development Master Plan (cf. objectives and action plan/tools in
the “Short and Long-Term Commitments” section);
- the accompaniment of enterprises in investments to improve their urban and environmental integration
within the context of the implementation of a community economic intervention fund and of a policy to set up
economic sites in the Nantes metropolitan area : construction of activity premises of high environmental quality;

Building high environmental quality business premises (e.g. the Abalone building in the Loire business district, a wood-fired boiler in
Chantrerie technological park, etc.).

- the support of competitiveness centres and clusters in the areas of sustainable construction, energy per-
formance and the development of renewable energy (recycling of composite waste through the EMC2
competition centre, promotion of the Blue Cluster, focus on marine bio-resources, implementation within
the context of the Civil Engineering Eco-Centre of a regional resource centre for economic and sustainable
11 C
Planned short- and long-term measures.
Nantes Métropole's Agenda 21 will be reassessed in 2010 and the various stakeholders will be evaluated
(€50,000 budgeted for this evaluation). This is a question of reviewing Agenda 21 so as to integrate it in a
general, transversal, public policy in sustainable development that will reflect the overall mobilisation of all
public policy in this area.

This public policy and the technical and steering policies will
guarantee an integrated approach to these environmental issues by
all Nantes Métropole services.
Furthermore, the focus will be on territorial awareness-raising through interconnecting all of the partner
players and communities in the territory : enterprises, associations, socio-professional sectors, socio-
cultural players, etc.

1. Development of a global policy of environmental

management of community activities.
Nantes Métropole will continue the actions taken during recent years in order to further the practices of
sustainable development in its territory, including in association with economic development and local
enterprises (Sustainable Economic Development Master Plan).

Nantes Métropole managerial project.

Nantes Métropole will continue the certification of its urban services

(ISO 14001). As of 2010, generalisation of the carbon assessments
to all activities will contribute to planning that will help the public
service evolve and progress. Training actions are planned with the
Sustainable Economic Development Master Plan.

The Sustainable Economic Development Master Plan is in the process of being drafted and is being
harmonised with Action 13 of the Nantes Métropole Agenda 21, adopted on 17 February 2006. The plan
consists of 4 strategic axes :
- identification and qualification of the economic land offer,
- improvement of the quality of the land offer (urban, rural, environmental and architectural),
- improvement of the quality of installations (site management, reception and accompaniment of enterprises,)
- information and communication, in order to make economic development a shared project.
Quartier de la Création, a competitiveness cluster driving employment.

2. Certification projects.
The environmental process undertaken with the Water department, with the objective of "ensuring the
effectiveness of the public service for a controlled water price", is intended to integrate follow-up of all
actions, particularly those in favour of the environment, within overall management of activities and
services, by encouraging the players to take responsibility at the appropriate levels. This global
management system is in the process of being implemented and will be operational in 2011, with the
certification process well underway.

The budget for the water management system

€90,000 for action under the environmental initiative for 2010, excl. payroll costs.

Examples of action plans rolled out in 2009 that will continue in 2010-06-14

Plant modernisation (€60 million from 2013 to 2018, with an objective, inter alia, to cut energy consumption by 13%, i.e. 2 million kWh a year).
Hazardous waste management (prevention measures, training, a database, etc.)
Territorial Climate Action Plan : the carbon assessment for the water management body for 2010-2012, in association with the plan to modernise the plan
The vulnerable areas in the drinking water network were identified and addressed (use of water, protection of the quality of water, etc.)
Improved crisis management, drills, updated the Plan d’Etablissments Répértoriés (list of registered establishments)
Further sharing of environmental values in exchanges with service providers
Environmental constraints, in particular pertaining to pesticides, now apply in close protection areas around the three water intakes
Above and beyond the certification expected for buildings (ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and ISO 18001 in
September 2010), Cit’ergie labelling is planned for December 2010.

Cit’ergie (European Green Energy Award) : the city of Nantes label

will enable it to work on its purchasing practices and to integrate
environ- mental criteria, taking energy and climate aspects into
Acquisition of office materials, consumables (paper, etc, office articles and equipment, building
maintenance) and recommendations for the choice of materials (buildings and public works), purchase and
operation of vehicles according to ecological criteria, energy purchases, electricity in particular.

Cit'ergie, the situation today, the City of Nantes’ action catalogue
Cit'ergie, the City of Nantes catalogue assessment as at 12 April 2010
Environment and energy process fact sheet
Procedure sheet for Significant Environmental Aspects

3. Increase in the total consumption of eco-labelled products,

organic products and energy-saving products.
Nantes Métropole intends to set up, on the community level (in association with the metropolitan cities),
a consistent and global programme of sustainable development (purchasing groups, etc).

City of Nantes objectives 2009-2012 :

- Two-thirds of contracts must include environmental or social criteria before 2014 (600 contracts/year).
- 100% of balloons from ethical/equitable sources
- 20% eco- and/or short-circuit products
- 100% certified wood, including wood products
- 100% recycled or eco-certified paper
- Involvement of the territory, particularly within the context of the TDCE (Equitable Trade Territory) and its
progressive expansion to sustainable purchasing from a global point of view.

Building maintenance :
Within the contracts for the cleaning of community buildings 2010, the use of eco-labelled products that
respect the environment and the health of users is imposed.

Development of public space :

The launching of an eco-responsible approach to the development

of public space : 2010 Training Plan, the creation of methodology
files, the updating of the Nantes Métropole Guide to Public
Contracts, the designating of eco-responsible referents, and

European Green Capital Award Nantes 2012 2013

Vehicles – objectives 2009-2014 :
- To reduce the number of vehicles in the fleet (an audit is underway).
- To renew the fleet with clean vehicles, reducing CO2 emissions and local pollutants (67% of light
transport vehicles renewed by Nantes Métropole in 2009, were replaced with clean vehicles, 45% for the
- To promote the creation of infrastructures for the distribution of alternative fuels.
- To decrease global consumption of fuel by acting to renew the fleet and promoting eco-driving.
- To continue with the policy of encouraging personnel to use shared transport and bicycles.
- To develop biodiesel for diesel vehicles.

4. Increasing the energy efficiency of

community and communal buildings.
For Nantes :
The actions carried out by the city of Nantes with respect to energy saving in its buildings for the years
2009-2014 :
- systematisation of the LCB (Low Consumption Building) level in all new building projects (RT 2005 –50%)
and - 50% in reconditioning with an LCB objective (RT 2005 – 40%)
- certification of 21% green electricity in the consumption of City buildings
- the setting up of a QSE (Quality, Safety and Environment) process with certification objective before Summer
The commitment charter to promote professional integration through public contracts in the metropolitan area of Nantes
The deliberation about the implementation of the professional qualification and integration clause in public-sector contracts
Indicators tracking transformation into primary energy as seen by France
The Nantes metropolitan area’s Plan Vélo (cycling plan) for 2009-2014
Application for clearance, second session, November 2007. Presentation of territorial sustainable development projects and local Agenda 21

- remote metering for power and water in City buildings before the end of 2011
- analysis of the systematic implementation of photovoltaic power stations in projects for new buildings and
in the event of roof renovations.

Nantes City is reviewing the options to develop photovoltaic power plants on new projects and during refurbishing work.

European Green Capital Award Nantes 2012 2013

Nantes Métropole encourages its services to select eco-labelled
products when such products meet functional requirements. This
is therefore a question of increasing the percentage of sustainable
products purchased. However, these contracts are often conditioned
by the existence, or not, of relevant commercial offers.
In addition,
n, Nantes
Nan Métropole intends to promote these eco-responsible approaches by technically
ing certain contracts and stimulating these offers or behaviour in certain activity sectors, such
as works
ks (recourse to recycled products, water saving, waste separation, etc) in the context of a quality-
purchasing process.

5. The Sustainable Economic Development Master Plan : a 5-axis

project for the t rritory.

- To define a land-off r strategy that integrates environmental-performance criteria;

- To formalise a tool enabling decisions concerning maintenance, development and implementation of ac-
es and, in particular,
par industrial and logistic activities within the metropolitan area, within a context of
risk- annd nuisance
nuisan management and in a perspective of urban integration;
- To identify the conditions for requalification of existing activity sites and to develop a measurement panel
in order to reduce nuisance and improve respect for the environment at the enterprise- and activity-area
- To improve the management of enterprise projects and, particularly, operational conditions for the
reception and development of activities, by systematically distinguishing the specific characteristics of
industrial activities;
- To define information/dialogue tools with inhabitants about enterprises.
The plan will be implemented using various tools intended to ensure the consistency of the local
intervention system within the area of economic development with respect to the challenges and objectives
of the Master Plan.
Some actions have been begun but not yet assessed : environmental audits of old industrial sites with a
view to determining priority actions for the redevelopment of public space or the creation of common services,
integration of environmental-quality criteria in specifications for the transfer of land in the activity area of
Maison Neuve 2, as well as in concession agreements entered into with developers (such as the Croix
Rouge – Moulin Cassé Development Area).

In addition, within the context of devices to accompany enterprises

(ITT, etc), Nantes Métropole will include in these new selection
criteria a “sustainable development” criterion in order to choose
enterprises that have a verifiable programme in favour of energy
saving and the limiting of greenhouse-gas emissions.
Guidelines and action for sustainable economic development
Follow-up on action for sustainable economic development

European Green Capital Award Nantes 2012 2013

11 D
Geographic and historical factors that have
negatively influenced the indicators.
Nantes Métropole chose to take this very integrated approach to
sustai- nable development by focusing not only on the environmental
In addition, the intention to develop assessment applied to the specific reality of the territory has not yet
made it possible to accumulate a reference guide extending over several years.

A drinking-water plant on a constrained urban site.

The drinking-water production plant that provides water for half of the Department's population is located
in an urban area, which has an impact on the journey time and on organisation optimisation. This urban
environment (railway rights of way, major road axis, the presence of a Natura 2000 area), imposes
considerable spatial constraint on the environmental plan (cf. the plant site, annexed).
The plant is located on the outskirts of the estuary and is subject to the presence of a bottleneck of
sediment accumulation and of a salt-water interface, which led, in 1989, to the setting up of complete
facilities and to moving the water intake 15 km upstream, away from the area affected by the salt-water
interface. The cost of the operation in 1989 amounted to €20 million (equivalent to FFr 130 million).

An urban enclave in an up-and-coming area

Unfavourable decentralised organisation of the energy

issue in services.
Until the end of 2007, budget decisions affecting the city of Nantes Building department and relative to
the major maintenance of public buildings were under the jurisdiction of the Functional Department, which
were not connected to the management of energy budgets. This did not work in favour of improving the
energy behaviour in buildings and installations.
Since 2008, the city of Nantes Buildings department manages the budget allocated to major maintenance and
is therefore better able to steer the energy improvement of its buildings.
Furthermore, as a result of the energy pre-diagnostic carried out on educational and sports buildings
(representing 64% of all consumption), two contracts were signed between the Functional departments
and the BATI (Building, Architecture, Works and Engineering), in order to facilitate investment in energy
management with the use of savings observed for other similar actions on their real estate property (the
virtuous circle).

European Green Capital Award Nantes 2012 2013


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