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Name: Jayvelyn Q.

Estrera Activity 2 CBI

Imaginary Water Shortage

A. Engage students in an “Imagine If” scenario where there was a

severe water shortage. Say, “Imagine that it has just been announced on the
news there is a severe water shortage and that for the next year every
person will only be allowed to use 5 gallons of water per day, and businesses
will only be allowed to use water from 8 a.m. to 9 a.m. It is suggested that
humans should drink 64 ounces of water a day, that’s half a gallon right
there!” Suggest these follow-up questions to help them develop their
thoughts. (Teacher may want to write the questions up on the board for
student’s reference as they write.) What would happen to them? How much
water do they really need to survive each day? Is one gallon enough? What
could they do to make sure they could survive with a 1-gallon ration of

Tell the students that since they had so many good ideas for conserving water, it would be
helpful for them to share their information with others so that even more people can conserve
water. Explain that it is called persuasion when you want to convince other people to do
something. Explain that they will be creating a poster to persuade people to conserve water. They
must choose one method of water conservation. Their poster must show and tell the reader how
to conserve water. Ask a few children to share ideas of what could be done. (for example: Write
"turn off the water while you are brushing your teeth" and draw a picture of someone brushing
his/her teeth with the water not running at the same time.)

Give the students ample time to complete a poster. Allow the students to display their posters
throughout the school or perhaps in local businesses.

Precious water–To raise awareness about the importance of water:

-Put some water in a container and cover it. Tell the students you have the
most important thing in the world under the cloth and ask them to guess
what it is.-

- explain how important water is

.-Ask the students to name all the ways people use waterand write down
their answers

.-Ask the students to keep a water diaryfor a day or two to see how theyuse
waterand discuss their results(compare with their original answers)

.-Rank the answers showing the most frequent uses of water to the least
frequent. You could research how much water each of these activities uses
to calculate how much water the class is using

.-Ask the students how they think water is wasted and how they can stop
the waste

. Write down their answers and stick them up in class to remind students
what they can do to reduce waste.

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