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ALS Center/ Mabayabas/ Program A&E

Community Learning Dagatan/Mapulo/ Bilogo

SYSTEM Literacy Level BL/LE/AE
WEEKLY LESSON LOG Learning Facilitator Ismaela P. Bautista
February /4th Learning Strand LS2SC-AS-PSB
Month & Quarter

A.Content Standard Application of Scientific Ways of Thinking in Daily Life
B.Performance Standards Acquire scientific thinking skills through exposure to and practice in problem solving in different life situations.
C. Learning Competencies Describe plants found at home and in the community. LS2SC-AS-PSB-BL/LE/AE-19.2
Name some plants found at home and in the community. LS2SC-AS-PSB-BL/LE/AE-19.3
Identify the different parts of a plant and give the functions of each part, e.g., roots, stems, branches, leaves,
spores, and flowers, fruits and seeds if flowering. LS2SC-AS-PSB-BL/LE/AE-19.4
II. CONTENT (Subject Matter)
A. References
1.Session Guide pages
2. Module/Learner’s Materials pages
3.Additional Materials from
Learning Resource (LR) portal

B. Other Learning Resources LS2SC-AS-PSB

A.Springboard/Motivation What are some of plants you have at home?
(Establishing a purpose for the lesson) How will you describe them?
B.Activity (Review of previous lesson/s or video clip
Presenting the new lesson) Plants and the Parts of the Plant

C.Analysis (Presenting What are the different plants in our house?

examples/instances of the new lesson What are the parts of a plants?
What is the function of the stem?
What is the function of the stem?
D.Discussing new concepts and
practicing new skills (sub-activity #1)
E. Discussing new concepts and
practicing new skills (sub-activity #2)
F. Abstraction (Making generalizations What are the different plants you have at home? what are the parts of the plants?
about the lesson)
Draw a plant and level its part.
G. Application (Developing mastery)

H. Valuing (Finding practical applications Why should we take care our plants?
of concepts and skills in daily living)
I. Evaluation (Assessing learning) Identify the parts of plants being described

_________1. Plays a very important role in pulling the water and minerals so they can reach the plant.

_________2.It distributes the nutrients and minerals all the way from the plant to the leaves.

__________3. It contains chlorophyll which assists the plants in preparation for food.

__________4. The bright and beautiful part of the plant

___________5. It is the ripened ovary of the flower.

J. Agreement (Additional activities for
application or remediation)
A. No. of learners who earned 80% in the
B. No. of learners who require additional
activities for remediation
C. Did the remedial lessons work? No. of
learners who have caught up with the
D. No. of learners who continue to require

E. Which of my teaching strategies

worked well? Why did these work?
F. What difficulties did I encounter which
my principal or supervisor can help me
G. What innovation or localized materials
did I use/discover which I wish to share
with other teachers?

ALS Center/Mabayabas/ Program A&E

Community Learning Dagatan/ Mapulo/ Bilogo
Literacy Level BL/LE/AE
Learning Facilitator Ismaela P. Bautista
February /4th Learning Strand LS2SC-AS-PSB
Month & Quarter

A.Content Standard Application of Scientific Ways of Thinking in Daily Life
B.Performance Standards Acquire scientific thinking skills through exposure to and practice in problem solving in different life situations.
C. Learning Competencies Classify plants according to:
• habitat – soil, water, air
• structure and size –herb, vine, shrub, tree, periwinkle
• means of reproduction – asexual, (vegetative, e.g., cuttings, leaves, roots)
sexual – spores, seed LS2SC-AS-PSB-LE/AE/LS-19.9
II. CONTENT (Subject Matter) Classification of Plants
A. References
1.Session Guide pages
2. Module/Learner’s Materials pages
3.Additional Materials from
Learning Resource (LR) portal

B. Other Learning Resources LS2SC-AS-PSB-LE/AE/LS-19.9

A.Springboard/Motivation how do you classify plants in your house?
(Establishing a purpose for the lesson)
B.Activity (Review of previous lesson/s or
Presenting the new lesson)

C.Analysis (Presenting What are the different habitat of a plant?

examples/instances of the new lesson What are the different structure and size of plants?
how do plants reproduce?

D.Discussing new concepts and

practicing new skills (sub-activity #1)
E. Discussing new concepts and
practicing new skills (sub-activity #2)
F. Abstraction (Making generalizations How do we classify plants?
about the lesson)
Classify the different picture acc. to
G. Application (Developing mastery)
a. habitat ( terrestrial, aquatic and air)

b. size and structure( tree, herb, periwinkle, shrubs, vine)

c. means of reproduction( asexual, sexual)



H. Valuing (Finding practical applications why is it important to classify plants acc. to habitat,size and structure and means of reproduction?
of concepts and skills in daily living)
I. Evaluation (Assessing learning)
Classify the following plants acc. to habitat

_______________1. Lotus
_______________2. orchids
Clasify plants according to structure and size
_______________3. oregano
_______________4. rose
_______________5. mango

J. Agreement (Additional activities for

application or remediation)
A. No. of learners who earned 80% in the
B. No. of learners who require additional
activities for remediation
C. Did the remedial lessons work? No. of
learners who have caught up with the
D. No. of learners who continue to require

E. Which of my teaching strategies

worked well? Why did these work?
F. What difficulties did I encounter which
my principal or supervisor can help me
G. What innovation or localized materials
did I use/discover which I wish to share
with other teachers?

Functions of Parts of Plants

Function of Roots
A plant has roots that grow in the ground. This
underground part plays a very important role in pulling
the water and minerals so they can reach the plant.
Furthermore, it also expands within the ground so that
for better water absorption the water increases.

Roots also play the role of anchors which helps in

creating better stability. In addition, the roots also fuse
the development of the plant and stock reserve food
material. They also store food that binds the soil

Function of Stem

The stem is the part that stays above the ground. A

stem usually bears leaves, fruits plus flowers. It
distributes the nutrients and minerals all the way from
the plant to the leaves. Furthermore, the stem is the
support system of the plant.

Moreover, it shields the plant and assists in asexual

dissemination. The thorns of a stem protect it from
animals as well. The growth of a stem takes place
upwards allowing leaves to reach the sunlight for

Function of Leaf

It is safe to say that a leaf is one of the most important

parts of a plant. It contains chlorophyll which assists
the plants in preparation for food. Moreover, the veins
of a leaf allow the flowing of nutrients plus water.

A leaf has three basic parts which are petiole, leaf base
and lamina. The leaves of the plant help in
photosynthesis. Moreover, they help in removing any
excess water via stomata. In short, it is for

Moreover, some plants have leaves which also assist in

the process of reproduction. Thus, leaves perform a
number of functions, which helps the plant grow

Function of Flower

The bright and beautiful part of the plant which you

see is the flower. They play a role in making food. A
flower has female as well as male parts. Both of these
work collectively to fertilize the plant so it can produce

A flower consists of four basic parts, which are petals,

sepals, stamens, and pistil. The petals attract insects
and birds in order to pollinate them. After that, the
flower buds are protected by sepals. Similarly, the
stamens which are the male part and the pistil that is
the female part help in the reproduction system.

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