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Hamad Aldhlea

Dr. P.J. Moore

EAP 506

April 6th, 2020

Writing about a wonderful professor in my department makes me feel affiliated with the college

where I study. In this paper I will write about a professor who currently teaching me a course

called GLOA 600 at George Mason University(GMU). Niklas Hultin is an Assistant Professor of

Global Affairs at GMU. He did very well in his educational background due to his higher

degrees in both anthropology and law [ CITATION Geo20 \l 1033 ] . In fact, he obtained Bachelor's

of Art at University of the South Sewanee. He completed his Master's Degree from the Queen's

University Belfast and Ph.D. from the University of Pennsylvania. According to [ CITATION

Geo20 \l 1033 ], before joining GMU, he had different positions at different schools like

American University, University of Virginia, University of Cambridge and Swarthmore college.

The interest field of Professor Hultion is the west Africa studies. He usually try to relate

different topics from class GLOA600 to his concentration area. In his concentration area he

focus in both issues which are the politics of human rights and understandings of technology and

information practices [ CITATION Geo20 \l 1033 ] . Prof. Hultion has published his academic

research in different journals . These journals are Journal of Legal Anthropology , Anthropology

Today , African Affairs, Social Analysis, American Ethnologist and African Conflict and

Peacbuilding Review (IPCR) [ CITATION Geo20 \l 1033 ]. These academic articles are Small Arms

Control and Crime Prevention in West Africa, Transnational Human Rights Organizations,

Freedom of Expression ,Civic Education, Policing and Banking. As a result , any professor’s

focus on specific research in his field makes him well-versed. This encouraged me to take an

interest in conflict resolution specialization in international affairs in genera

Professor Hultion is an active with several Gambian civil society organizations. He is also

founding editor of the IPCR. Being a scholar in an amazing field like Global Affairs is really an

important skill. This research that Professor Hultion wrote about helped me to understand some

of the problems that currently occur in my country. There are a lot of international issues

throughout the year so students and professors should review, understand and care about these

issues. This indicates that students must read different research in order for them to have the

ability to be a researcher in their future majors. For me, I would like to read a lot about issues

related to conflicts and how they are resolved. That is why I would like to complete a master’s

degree in conflict resolution.


George Mason University. (n.d.). Global Affairs . Retrieved April 06, 2020, from College of
Humanities and Social Science.

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