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21st Century Literature (Quiz No.

Name: __________________________________________________ Section:__________________ Date:_______________
I. Direction: Identify what figure of speech are used in the following statements. Choose the letter your answer from the box below.
_____1. I like a smuggler. He is the only honest thief.

A. Simile B. Metaphor C. Personification D. Metonymy E. Hyperbole

F. Litotes G. Irony H. Oxymoron I. Onomatopoeia J. Euphemism

_____2. The loud boom of the fireworks scared the dog.

_____2. The student was given “excellent” for getting Zero in the exam
_____4. Can you give me a hand carrying this box up the stairs.
_____5. Your idea in politics are not useless.
_____6. I’m so sad that I’m drowning in tears.
_____7. The flag flapped in the wind.
_____8. It’s an open secret that they have been an affair for the past six months.
_____9. He is a special child.
_____10. I am not unaware of the quiz today but I need to take some rest as advised by my physician.
_____11. Swoosh, the basketball flew smoothly through the net and the game was won.
_____12. The popcorn leaped out of the bowl.
_____13. The wind howled its mighty objection.
_____14. He is as funny as a barrel of monkeys.
_____15. Time is a thief.

II. Direction: Underline the repeated sound in the following lines of a poem. Identify if the repetition of sound is alliteration, assonance or consonance.
____________________1. Whereat, with blade, with bloody blameful blade, He bravely breached his boiling bloody breast.
____________________2. “And stepping softly with her air of blooded ruin about a glade in a frail agony of grace she trailed her rags through the
little calcined ribcage.”
____________________3. The lint was sent in the tent.
____________________4. It will creep and beep while you sleep.
____________________5. Sam ate seven sandwiches on a sunny Sunday last month.

(Parent’s Signature over Printed Name)

21st Century Literature (Quiz No. 1)

Name: __________________________________________________ Section:__________________ Date:_______________
I. Direction: Identify what figure of speech are used in the following statements. Choose the letter your answer from the box below.
_____1. I like a smuggler. He is the only honest thief.

A. Simile B. Metaphor C. Personification D. Metonymy E. Hyperbole

F. Litotes G. Irony H. Oxymoron I. Onomatopoeia J. Euphemism

_____2. The loud boom of the fireworks scared the dog.

_____2. The student was given “excellent” for getting Zero in the exam
_____4. Can you give me a hand carrying this box up the stairs?
_____5. Your idea in politics are not useless.
_____6. I’m so sad that I’m drowning in tears.
_____7. The flag flapped in the wind.
_____8. It’s an open secret that they have been an affair for the past six months.
_____9. He is a special child.
_____10. I am not unaware of the quiz today but I need to take some rest as advised by my physician.
_____11. Swoosh, the basketball flew smoothly through the net and the game was won.
_____12. The popcorn leaped out of the bowl.
_____13. The wind howled its mighty objection.
_____14. He is as funny as a barrel of monkeys.
_____15. Time is a thief.

II. Direction: Underline the repeated sound in the following lines of a poem. Identify if the repetition of sound is alliteration, assonance or consonance.
____________________1. Whereat, with blade, with bloody blameful blade, He bravely breached his boiling bloody breast.
____________________2. “And stepping softly with her air of blooded ruin about a glade in a frail agony of grace she trailed her rags through the
little calcined ribcage.”
____________________3. The lint was sent in the tent.
____________________4. It will creep and beep while you sleep.
____________________5. Sam ate seven sandwiches on a sunny Sunday last month.
(Parent’s Signature over Printed Name)

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