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Makeeda Warrington

Professor Gomez


6 April 2020

Dr. Anya Assignment

Answer the following questions:

1. Dr. Anya encourages all of you to try and “pursue on ground, local, language

experiences”, how could you do that here in South Florida? Do you think Miami offers

you a unique multilingual opportunity due to its diverse population in comparison to

other cities? Please, elaborate.

She meant in the sense of local to the places and countries where the languages are spoken and

are common. In Florida I could do that visiting areas that are more predominantly Hispanic or

other ethnic groups, I could also choose to eat at different restaurants that are of different

cultures countries. I think that Miami is such a melting pot of other nationalities and cultures and

it definitely offers a unique multilingual opportunity due to its diverse population of people from

across the globe. I say this because Miami in particular has so many visitors and settlers from

across the globe, mainly from the Spanish countries so much that almost everywhere you see a

sign in English there is also the Spanish translation.

2. Why do you think Dr. Anya says that it's especially important for black students to study

It's very important for us to go out and experience other places that are pretty similar culturally,

historically, and allow ourselves to gain experiences that help us understand or have a greater

understanding of what is really means to be a black person in this world.

3. What are some of the things that you think students could gain from studying abroad?

I think students to decide to do study abroad gain a much deeper understanding and appreciation

for other cultures and the importance for diversity of society.

4. As per Dr. Anya, language has been one of the main barriers for black students in the U.S

to be able to study abroad. Which other barriers do you think have stopped black students

from studying abroad? What are some concerns you have about the experience of

studying abroad or navigating life in a different country? How can your study abroad

program administrators possibly address or help resolve these concerns?

Language has been the main barrier for black students trying to study abroad, and with study

abroad programs and learning new languages I believe we can change this. However, I do think

the culture difference has also been a significant barrier in the sense that black people are

typically not very open to trying new or strange things for that matter. We are always too hesitant

also for the fear of also being judged in another country for being different. I would have some

concerns when it comes to being able to navigate another country having done it myself growing

in so many different countries with different languages. I often got lost or was misunderstood

and would have loved to have a guide or at very least someone with me who understood both

languages for clarification purposes. I think administration should take to the time to think of

ways to help like using the buddy system, getting a guide or having some type of map or default

5. Contrary to many students’ belief, Dr. Anya says the study abroad is not for a “select

few”. There are scholarships, programs that will give you credit, the possibility to transfer

your financial aid towards your study abroad program, etc. After watching this video, and

knowing that there are ways that could help you to do study abroad financially, would

you consider doing a study abroad? Where would you go and why?

I would in fact consider doing study abroad. I would love to visit Italy because I've always

wanted to visit and have always had the fascination for both the language and the culture as well

as the more touristy attractions like the leaning tower of Pisa and the Colosseum. I would also

love to visit Norway for the same reasons of my fascination towards their language and their

culture, I would also love to see the northern lights.

6. Do you think Diaspora focused study abroad programs that highlight the vital role that

Africa has played in Latin American Culture and History would be more appealing to

black students? The idea of experiencing a sense of “global blackness”—what does it

mean to “be black” in other countries and communities— would be the main reason for

black students to do study abroad? Would it be for you? Can you think in other valid

reasons? Elaborate your answers.

I do think that it could be slightly appealing to black students and that experiencing a sense of

“global blackness” for black students especially those of this generation is very important and it

would be for me as well. I don't however think it would be their main reason for doing study

abroad as I think this generation is far more interested in the “going, seeing and experiencing” of

traveling to other countries. I can however say that study abroad will open the eyes of students

enough to bring it to their attention. But generally, I think that the main purpose black students
would want to do study abroad is the gain more insight and knowledge from other cultures

parallel to their own.

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