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EDU 512

Task #1: Planning for Literacy Instruction and Assessment

Use the Context for Learning Information to supply information about your
school/classroom context.

About the School Where You Are Doing Fieldwork

1. In what type of school do you teach? (Type an “X” next to the appropriate
description; if “other” applies, provide a brief description.)
Elementary school: X
Middle school: _____
Other (please describe): _____
2. Where is the school where you are teaching located? (Type an “X” next to the
appropriate description.)1
City: _____
Suburb: _____
Town: X
Rural: _____
3. List any special features of your school or classroom setting (e.g., charter,
coteaching, themed magnet, intervention or other leveled small group
instruction, classroom aide, bilingual, team taught with a special education
teacher) that will affect your teaching in this learning segment.
The first grade class that I observed at Nuview Elementary School has a
parent volunteer that comes in three times a week to test students on their high
frequency words (Frey’s HFW). EL students and other students who need the
extra help with their literacy skills are pulled out from class to get reading
intervention instruction. There are also two special education teachers on
campus where students go for their educational needs.

4. Describe any district, school, or cooperating teacher requirements or

expectations that might affect your planning or delivery of instruction, such as

1 If you need guidance when making a selection, reference the NCES locale category definitions
( or consult with your placement school administrator.

required curricula, pacing plan, use of specific instructional strategies, or
standardized tests.

The master teacher mentioned that Nuview Union School District has whole
group planning days in which all grade level teachers from both elementary
schools meet to plan curriculum. The first grade teachers at Nuview
Elementary school meet on early days (Wednesdays) after school to plan for
the following week or two. At this time, they discuss curricula, ELD group
placement, and reading group placement. First grade leveled their ELD and
reading groups, so students go to a different class during these rotations.

About the Class Featured in this Fieldwork Task

1. How much time is devoted each day to literacy instruction in your classroom?
Mrs. Hutter and the other first grade teachers dedicate about 3-4hours
everyday for literacy instruction, this is what her daily schedule for
literacy instruction consists of :
8:30-9:05 Phonics instruction, 9:05-9:50 PE/ Reading intervention groups
in class, 9:50-10:05 grammar, 10:30-11:00 ELD, 11:45-12/12:05 Read
aloud, 1:00-1:35 Writing, 2:00-2:40pm reading groups.
On Friday’s students work on an art or science instead of writing because
usually students are done with their writing piece by Thursday. The
schedule is adjusted based on the pace students are learning and
completing tasks, assembly and drill interuptions, etc.
2. Is there any ability grouping or tracking in literacy? If so, please describe how
it affects your class.
First grade has a sight word system in which students have a book of sight
words with lists inside. Every time the student passes a list, they earn a
reward and move onto the next list. When they are finished with the entire
book, they move onto a new book of sight words. Students are tested
during their reading groups with running records by their reading group
teacher. Students are also tested on their high frequency words about
every two weeks by their teacher and spelling words every Friday.
3. Identify any textbook or instructional program you primarily use for literacy
instruction. If a textbook, please provide the title, publisher, and date of
The teachers use Wonders textbook and workbooks, Eureka math, i-ready
online program, and other outside resources.
4. List other resources (e.g., electronic whiteboard, classroom library or other
text sets, online professional resources) you use for literacy instruction in this
Mrs. Hutter has a projector, a white board, poster paper for her anchor
charts, chrome books for students to log onto clever- their online account
that gives them access to i-ready and epic which are websites for reading.
About the Students in Class Featured in this
Fieldwork Task

1. Grade level(s): First grade

2. Number of
 students in the class: 21
 males: 10 females: 11
3. Complete the charts below to summarize required or needed supports,
accommodations, or modifications for your students that will affect your literacy
instruction in this learning segment. As needed, consult with your cooperating
teacher to complete the charts. Some rows have been completed in italics as
examples. Use as many rows as you need.
Consider the variety of learners in your class who may require different strategies/supports or
accommodations/modifications to instruction or assessment. For example, students

 With Individualized Education Programs (IEPs) or 504 plans

For students with IEP’s, the teacher is mindful of their needs and gives them that extra support when
needed. These students also have reading intervention support in another classroom. Some students
also leave for some time to receive special education services.

 With specific language needs

There are several EL learners in the classroom, two students are still learning basic English. They are
given extra support when writing. The teacher writes down their idea in highlighter and they trace the
sentence. They also have reading intervention support every day.

 Needing greater challenge or support

Mrs. Hutter does a wonderful job having activities for her class for students to do when they are done
early. Also, many tasks are leveled such as their online programs, ELD, and reading groups. Students
also have math facts tests once a week, if students get all the math facts correct in 5 minutes, they
move onto the next math fact the following week.

 Who struggle with reading

Students who struggle in reading have reading intervention services, they are placed in a lower level
group for reading groups, and her guided reading groups during PE are also leveled. When half of the

class are in PE, the other group is divided into two groups that are leveled- while one group is doing
guided reading, the other group is doing I-Ready/Dreambox.

 Who are underperforming students or have gaps in academic knowledge

The teacher does a great job in keeping track of her students understanding and comprehension
meanwhile giving support and scaffolding for students who are struggling in an activity.

IEPs/504 Plans: Number of Supports, Accommodations,

Classifications/Needs Students Modifications, Pertinent IEP Goals
Example: Visual processing 2 Close monitoring, large print text, window card to isolate text

IEP- ADHD 1 Student receives positive reinforcement when he is on task, he

can set chair aside and stand while doing work, he has
supplemental task when he finishes a class activity.

IEP- Information 2 Scaffolding, special education services, reading intervention,

Processing/comprehension speech, repetition of instructions, repetition of information
when needed.

Students with Specific Language Needs

Language Needs Number of Supports, Accommodations,
Students Modifications
English language learners with 2  Sentence starters
only a few words of English  Sentence frames
 Guidance, scaffolding, translation
 Leveled books from the library
 Reading intervention
 Support with mastering kinder level sight words.

Students who speak a variety of 5 Leveled guided reading, leveled sight words, leveled library
English other than that used in books, ELD groups are leveled as well.

Students with Other Learning Needs

Other Learning Needs Number of Supports, Accommodations,
Students Modifications
Struggling readers 6 Leveled texts, targeted guided reading, ongoing reading
assessment (e.g., running records, miscue, conferencing),
reading intervention, speech for some students.

Activity #2 Knowing your Students: Complete Table below

concerning 2 selected Focus Students. Use these students for your lesson
Use this table to help you plan instruction for your focus students and
provide a rationale for your decisions. Complete Table once for each
Focus Student. Similar to TPA tasks.

Focus Student #1 EL Student Grade level:1

What sources were What What impact will this information
used to gather information will have on instruction?
information? was gathered?
Learning Modalities 1.Observation He is a visual This student needs extra support in
and Learning Style 2.Teacher learner and literacy areas. He will be in low
Preferences (i.e., 3.Student Spanish is his level group for reading, guided
Visual, Auditory, 4. Student work first language. reading instructions, reading
Kinesthetic/ hands samples I also saw his intervention, etc. Students needs
on) last reading support such as scaffolding, going
record which over sight words and vocabulary
was 9 words words. I think repetition and
per minute visuals would also help with his
(low for first understanding. The master teacher
grade). in this classroom is doing all of the
above to help this student.
Cultural 1. Observation. The student’s This class has a lot of bilingual
Considerations: 2.Teacher family also students which is really helpful for
3. Student only speaks this student because most of his
 Cultural Group interactions Spanish. team can communicate with him
 Proximity Student only and help him when the teacher is
issues receives busy with another student. He pays
exposure to attention in class and that is
 Eye contact English at helpful because he will learn. His
 Home school. He is a exposure to words and visuals will
Language friendly child. help support his learning.
He mostly

speaks to other
students who
speak Spanish
to him. He
pays attention
to the teacher
when she is
teaching and
he tries his best
in class.
Conversational 1.Observing The student is His participation in class and hard
Language – Basic 2.Teacher confident and work will help this student succeed
Interpersonal 3.Student tries his best to at the best of his ability. I am
Communication Interactions ask his teacher confident that this student will
Skills (BICS) questions in learn English with time and
English and his practice. The more he practices
classmates that and interact with others in English,
speak Spanish. the more he will learn.
Academic Observations His academic I believe it will be difficult to
language : Cognitive language is present tier 2 and tier 3 vocabulary
Academic Language basic, when he words to this student because he is
Proficiency (CALP) reads its still working on mastering tier 1
simple words words. However, his dedication
such as “I like and participation will help him in
the cat”. He is his academic progress and English
at the lowest communication skills.
guided reading
group, but he
tries his best.
Study skills and Observing The student is able to participate in
general academic interactions with Student being class, most of the time he has
ability other students and able to support or receives
with teacher. participate in accommodations. He knows the
daily routine and pays attention and
classroom enjoys read alouds, participates in
activities. leveled groups, online programs,

Specific knowledge 1. Teacher Student being The student asks questions about
related to the lesson 2. Student able to words that he doesn’t understand
content participate in and the teacher or other students

daily tell him what the word means in
classroom Spanish. He often needs to be
activities. repetition of instructions with a
slower talking pace. He often lacks
background knowledge on a topic,
so he is given more background
knowledge for the concept/topic.
Physical, Social, and Observation of His ability to He has a great personality and
Emotional student interactions communicate character that is very friendly to
Development with peers. with social everyone. He looks excited to
ques, oral learn and happy to be at school. He
communicatio tries his best to communicate with
n, and non- his peers and teacher. He works
verbal well with others and follows
communicatio directions in class.
Interests /aspirations Teacher The student The teacher expressed that he is a
Student has a variety of math wizard he does not struggle
interest inside in math, he is ahead of many
and outside of students in mathematics. He loves
school. to play soccer and draw.
How is Dialogic Observation The master teacher let the students have
Teaching used? conversation during morning tub time, when they
Note: Dialogic Student were working with partners, in groups, and she uses
Teaching" means using think-pair-share at the carper and when students are
talk most effectively for at their desks. This way students also share their
carrying out teaching and thinking with their peers and are more confident to
learning. Dialogic
teaching involves
share with the teacher afterwards.
ongoing talk between
teacher and students, not
just teacher-presentation.

List 2 TPEs Observed Observation

TPE 2.6: Establish TPE 2.6 was implemented during my
and maintain clear observations in this classroom because I noticed
expectations for the teacher had clear rules and positive behavior
positive classroom reminders in the classroom posted and she
behaviors would give those reminders orally as well. The
and for student-to- teacher mentioned that she uses an appl on her
student and phone called parent square where she has
student-to-teacher communication with parents about reminders
interactions by and communicated with them about child’s
communication behavior as well.
classroom routines,
procedures, and
norms to students

TPE 1.1 Apply TPE 1.1 was applied by the teacher having
knowledge of background knowledge on the students family
students, including life at home. The student lives at home with his
their prior sisters and mother. They moved here from
experiences, Mexico last year. She understands that his
interests, and family is of a low socio economic background
social-emotional and the family needs translation into Spanish
learning needs, as when she meets with them. She also uses the
well as their funds translation option on parent square to
of knowledge and communicate with the parent.
cultural, language,
and socioeconomic
backgrounds, to
engage them in

Activity #2 Knowing your Students: Complete Charts below
concerning 2 selected Focus Students. Use these students for your
lesson differentiations.
Use this table to help you plan instruction for your focus students and
provide a rationale for your decisions. Complete Table once for each
Focus Student. Similar to TPA tasks.

Focus Student #2 Learning Disability Grade level: 1

What sources What What impact will this
were used to information information will have on
gather was instruction?
information? gathered?
Learning Modalities 1.Observation The student’s The student needs visual aide
and Learning Style 2.Teacher learning style and/or hands on learning for her
Preferences 3.Student is visual and to learn at her best potential. She
Visual, Kinesthetic/ hands 4. Student work kinesthetic. remembers concepts and
on learner samples vocabulary words better when
they are paired with an image.
Cultural 1. Observation. Student This impact her life and
Considerations: 2.Teacher moved from education because she is being
Ex. 3.Student Mexico Fall immersed into a new culture as
 Cultural Group 2019, joined well as learning a new language,
 Proximity issues her class new customs, etc. The teacher is
 Eye contact before the mindful and respectful about this
 Home Language semester situation and makes her feel
ended. welcome.
Conversational Observing student The student The student mostly talks to other
Language – Describe interact with tries her best students who are fluent in the
student level peers and teacher to ask Spanish language, she is shy to
questions communicate in English but still

and tries her best.
with others.
Academic language : Observation How the Student uses basic English
How can you help this Teacher student language (tier 1 words). She
student acquire Student participates needs to master tier one words in
academic language and uses order to build her vocabulary
academic and academic language. She is
language. still learning basic words (K-
Study skills and Teacher How student The student is respectful and is
general academic Student completes excited to learn, however she
ability class work has become close friends to her
and partner that speaks fluent
activities. Spanish. They chatter frequently
and the teacher is thinking of
moving their seats if it
continues. Their socializing
might be getting in the way of
the students study skills and
academic progress.
Specific knowledge Observation Teacher The student does well when she
related to the lesson Teacher mentioned receives translation. She is doing
content that the really well in math and is
student is receiving support for reading.
really good Her reading intervention teacher
in Math, told her general ed teacher that
however she is a fast learner and
stuggles in participates during intervention.
literacy areas
because of
the language
Physical, Social, and Asked teacher Her family The teacher said she is adjusting
Emotional how she is recently well to school and making
Development socially and moved from friends. She stated that the girl is
emotionally in her Mexico so sweet and friendly, she gets
development. the teacher is along with everyone. She feels
mindful of welcomed at school and is
this drastic excited to learn more English
change to her
life and her
family’s life.
Interests /aspirations Student What the The students favorite subjects
Teacher student’s are math and writing. She does a
favorite great job in math and
subject and participates in class. Her
interests are penmanship is beautiful. She
inside and does a great job working with
outside of sentence frames and sentence

school. starters. She loves to draw,
sometimes she takes her crayons
and paper to recess to draw
Teacher The teacher involves her students a lot by asking
How is dialogic Teaching them to repeat what they just heard, think pair
used? observation
share, asks them questions for them to answer,
Dialogic Teaching" means and also checks for thumbs up and thumbs down
using talk most effectively when she asks if they understand and if students
for carrying have a thumbs down she asks them what they
out teaching and
learning. Dialogic
need clarification on. It’s not just her talking
teaching involves ongoing when she’s teaching, she involves her class a lot.
talk between teacher and
students, not just teacher-
List 2 TPEs Observed Explain how the TPE was met. What exactly did you see
that support the TPE selected?

1) TPE 1.2 TPE 1.2 was supported by the teacher keeping

Maintain ongoing communication with the parents after receiving
communication with the new student that is an English Language
students and families, learner. Even though Mrs. Hutter doesn’t speak
including the use of Spanish, she has communicated with parents on
technology to the parent square app using translation and has
communicate with and also involved other teachers on the first grade
support students and team to translate for Mrs. Hutter when she has
families, and to met the parent after school to update her on how
communicate her child is adjusting to school in America and
achievement her progress.
expectations and
student progress.

TPE 1.7 was supported in my observation by the

TPE 1.7 Provide teacher as she let the student draw during recess
students with with her desk materials and also lets her (and her
opportunities to access classmates) draw a picture about her writing.
the curriculum by
incorporating the
visual and performing
arts, as appropriate to
the content and context
of learning.

Activity #3: Language Arts/Social Studies Content and
Review the current Answer the questions in the spaces below.
textbooks/curriculum and
Teacher’s Manuals for a
specific grade level and find
out how the social studies
and language arts standards
and focus students’ needs
are being addressed in the
What social studies topics Social Studies Standards:
are covered during the 1.1 Students describe the rights and individual
school year?
responsibilities of citizenship.
1.2 Students compare and contrast the absolute and
relative locations of places and people and describe the
physical and/or human characteristics of places.
1.3 Students know and understand the symbols, icons, and
traditions of the United States that provide continuity
and a sense of community across time.
1.4 Students compare and contrast everyday life in
different times and places around the world and
recognize that some aspects of people, places, and
things change over time while others stay the same.
1.5 Students describe the human characteristics of familiar
places and the varied backgrounds of American citizens

and residents in those places.
1.6 Students understand basic economic concepts and the
role of individual choice in a free-market economy.
What are some examples of The teacher has several writing assignments that are integrated
writing assignments through social studies. For example, they learn about American
integrated throughout the
social studies curriculum?
symbols and then at the end of the unit they write about their
favorite American symbol. They also have a unit on presidents,
where they learn about several presidents and write about their
favorite president that they learned about. Every social studies
unit ends in a test that has a writing portion in it. They also
have writing in their social studies unit such as making posters,
describing what they see, poems, etc.
How are students assessed The first grade teachers design end of the unit tests for students
concerning the content of in which they have a matching portion, multiple choice, fill in
social studies?
the blank, and a short writing piece. Students with IEP’s may
have accommodations and support for these assessments.
Describe Feedback (see Social Studies: Students receive feedback in a variety of ways:
Hattie VLT Ch. 7) They receive formal and informal assessments. They receive
feedback by the teacher orally, during KWL chart activities, think
pair shares, passing back graded work, one on one conversation
about their progress.

Language Arts: Students receive feedback from informal and

formal assessments. The teacher has one on one conference with her
students about their writing.
What specific pedagogy did Social Studies: The specific pedagogy that I observed were: Direct
you observe? instruction, students working with partners, scaffolding,
Refer to Frameworks to differentiated instruction, and modeling.
describe pedagogy.
Language Arts: The specific pedagogy that I observed were: Direct
Instruction, students working in partners, scaffolding, guided
instruction, and modeling
How is writing taught? What The teacher teaches the Common Core writing standards,
curriculum is used (ex. Step however she does not have a specific writing curriculum. Her
Up to Writing)?
and the other teachers implement writing strategies and tools
from online sources such as teachers pay teachers. They all
have a similar writing instruction system that they use. First
it’s a model, then guided writing as a class, and then students
try on their own. They have graphic organizers to use: T-chart,
rough draft, and a final draft page with a portion for a picture.
How is handwriting The first grade teachers do not have the students write in
(printing and cursive) cursive. They remind students how to print neatly when they
do guided writing practice. They are reminded to use finger
What method/curriculum is spaces, capital letters, correct punctuation at the end of a
used? sentence, etc.

List and explain several Social Studies: The assessment methodologies that I observed
assessment methodologies during social studies were checking for understanding and the

you have observed in each teacher asking students questions about what she had just read or
area. explained. The teacher mentioned to me that they have unit exams
for social studies.
Language Arts: The assessment methodologies that I observed
during language arts included checking for understanding by
questions and the students to repeat information back. The teacher
mentioned that they have running records, weekly spelling tests,
ELA unit assessments, and writing graded with rubrics.
List 2 TPEs Observed (copy Explain how the TPE was met. What exactly did you see that support the TPE
text here) selected?

1. 3.1 Demonstrate This TPE was demonstrated by the teacher explaining that she meets
knowledge of subject matter,
including the adopted with other teachers when lesson planning and they design their
California State Standards lesson plans based off of the state standards.
and curriculum frameworks.

2. 5.1 Apply knowledge of the

purposes, characteristics, and The teacher is applying TPE 5.1 by having a variety of assessments
appropriate uses of different for her students (informal and formal). She uses a variety of rubrics
types of assessments (e.g., and tests administered on paper and students also have assessments
diagnostic, informal, formal, online with programs such as iReady.
progress monitoring,
formative, summative, and
performance) to design and
administer classroom
assessments, including use of
scoring rubrics.

Activity #4: Pro-social

Behavior/Citizenship/Religion/Moral Development

Pro-social Behavior/Citizenship/Religion/Moral Development

Questions: Your Answers:
4. Web/Professional Journal Project on Morals and Religion in Public Schools (TPE 12 &
Explore the topic of teaching morals and religion in public schools on the Internet /professional
Do the following:
 Download 2-4 articles that provide information concerning the proper teaching of religion and
morals in the public school.
 Read the articles and color highlight key points. Submit articles in your folder.
 Record an annotated site directory of 5-7 beneficial web sites that pertain to this topic. Your
directory should guide another person to the best web sites for study of this topic. This means that
you look at more web sites than what you select so that you share the best of the best in terms of
beneficial sites.

Be able to discuss and answer the following questions:
 What does the law say about teaching these topics? (See CA Education Code on web or
 How do you teach morals and religious ideas that may come up in the curriculum or from
student inquiry?
 Notes are formal paper necessary.
 Answer the questions below based on your fieldwork experience.

What connections do you find in

the SS curriculum and pro-social The connection I found between the SS curriculum and
(moral development) behavior in moral development was that students are taught from an
early age (age 5-Kindergarten) the skills needed to be a
law abiding citizen. These skills involve respect towards
others such as asking, sharing, keeping hands to self, etc.
There are rules students have to follow from an early age
just how there are rules to follow as an adult in our day to
day lives as a citizen.

Ask the teacher/view school web The school has drills such as fire drill, earthquake drill,
site and find out what steps the and lockdown drill. During a fire drill, students line up
school is taking to provide safety
for students and staff (e.g.,
with the teachers and go outside to the field where they
earthquakes, hate crimes, fire, are counted and checked off. When the principle
etc.) announces that its clear to head back to class they go back
inside their classrooms. There is also a blue emergency
backpacks that the teachers carry out to the field. During
an earthquake drill, students duck and cover under their
desks. During a lockdown drill, the teacher turns off
lights, lock the door, and students hide in the back corner
of the room.
How is religion appropriately Students in first grade are taught about different holidays
taught throughout the content of around Christmas time depending on the religion, they are
social studies? Provide examples
you find appropriate based on the
taught about different religions. They are also taught about
curriculum you have reviewed. different cultures and during Thanksgiving they learn
about the Native American heritage and Pilgrims and what
they believed.
How/When is moral development Students are taught social rules, mannerism, respect,
addressed though content and kindness, and integrity in this classroom. There are posters
learning activities?
as reminders for students as well as learning activities,
social emotional learning strategies that the teacher does,
and they have a school wide assembly twice a month in
which students have the opportunity to win prizes for
being kind. The school participates in giving kindness
tickets to students who are showing kindness to their
campus, peers, or staff.
List several CA State Academic 1.1 Students describe the rights and individual
Standards that apply to teaching responsibilities of citizenship.
religion and moral development
across the grade levels of social
1.2. Understand the elements of fair play and good
studies content. sportsmanship, respect for the rights and opinions of

others, and respect for rules by which we live, including
the meaning of the “Golden Rule.”
3.4 Students understand the role of rules and laws in our
daily lives and the basic structure of the U.S. government.
1. Determine the reasons for rules, laws, and the U.S.
Constitution; the role of citizenship in the promotion of
rules and laws; and the consequences for people who
violate rules and laws.
6.2.3 Students understand the relationship between
religion and the social and political order in Mesopotamia
and Egypt.
List 2 TPEs Observed (copy text Explain how the TPE was met. What exactly did you see that support the TPE
here) selected?

2.1 Promote students' social- TPE 2.1 is supported by the teacher because she has many reminders
emotional growth, development, and and social emotional strategies that she implements in her classroom.
individual responsibility using
positive interventions and supports,
She has posters around the classroom, reward tickets, and positive
restorative justice, and conflict reinforcement from the teacher such as telling students “thank you for
resolution practices to foster a caring being a great team player, that was kind of you, etc.” The teachers
community where each student is also have kindness tickets to give out to students who show respect
treated fairly and respectfully by and kindness. They can take it to the office to be a part of the school
adults and peers. wide assembly.

2.1: Promote students’ social-

During my observations in the first-grade classroom, students had
emotional growth, development,
morning tub time with their table. This is a time for students to work
and individual responsibility using
with blocks, puzzles, etc. This gives an opportunity for them to
positive interventions and
problem solve and work as a team as well as collaborating with others
supports, restorative justice, and
and practice showing respect for one another. Many times, students
conflict resolution practices to
need to use conflict resolution by communicating, asking nicely, and
foster a caring community where
sharing with other team members.
each student is treated fairly and
respectfully by adults and peers.

Activity #5 Teaching: Small Group Work /Social

Studies Vocabulary Development and Assessment

Work with one/two student(s). Describe student in terms of gender, ethnicity, and
general academic performance. Select a chapter from the social studies text that the
students have previously studied. Describe how the students interact with the text.
Answers the questions below in complete and accurate descriptive terms. Keep in mind
that although this is a table it expands for your content.
Questions: Your Answers- Explain in detail that fully describes your

Who were your students? Students – Brief Description
Two male English language learners in first grade (Mexican).
Did the students understand the
vocabulary/key terms? I told the teacher that I spoke Spanish fluently so she told me I
could help these two students with translation and support if
needed. The students knew the vocabulary words because the
teacher had already taught them before. We just practices using
them more in sentences and saying the word correctly.

Were they able to read the passage

fluently? If not, what kind of The students were not able to read the book fluently, they needed
modifications did they need in order the extra support. I would read the text and they would repeat the
to understand? sentence I had read. They need accommodations and support
because they are still learning English. After I read the book and
they repeated it back to me, I let them take turns reading a page
each. They would try their best to sound out the words and they
identified simple words but needed the support for larger words.

What were the students’ attitudes The students had a good attitude, they were respectful and happy.
toward the reading activity and the They were on task at the beginning of the reading but I could see
social studies content? Were they that one of the students would get distracted or frustrated so I
interested in the topic? provided positive reinforcement and I also summarized what they
were reading in Spanish and tried to sound as excited as I could
for them to keep their attention on the activity we were doing.
Did the students seem familiar with
the ideas and information in the text? The students were familiar with the topic that they were reading
What evidence do you have for your about. The teacher had already taught them vocabulary/key words
answer? for them to know. Students had prior knowledge about this. The
teacher would mention previous class activities and the previous
days in which she started teaching this unit. The teacher would
make connections with prior knowledge. The students showed
evidence of familiarity with non-verbal and verbal
Given this experience with these With the knowledge I have gained from both the course and the
students, what have you learned that observations, I have a good idea of how I want to implement
will change the way you write your strategies into my lesson plans along with support,
Social Studies and Language Arts accommodations, and engaging students. I really want to have a
Unit? universal design for my lessons for students to have an equal
opportunity to reach their full potential. It is important to have
plans for additional support because students such as EL learners
will need more guidance and supplemental strategies in order for
them to learn new content in English.

How were English language learners The students in the class during this portion of the day were
and native English language speakers English language learners because they learn social studies during
alike? How were they different? ELD group rotations and this teacher had the lowest ELD groups
which were all EL students. However, there were students in the
class that spoke and read English more fluently than the students
that I was helping.
What links apply to this activity In this activity, all students had access to the text and there are also
concerning Universal Access? chrome books available for students to use. Students had small
(Universal Access: Review the LA group activities for writing or reading as well as reading practice
Frameworks and the UA section for and hands on activities in each of their units.
the grade level of your observation.)

What Dialogic methods were The teacher had communication with her students and would
observed? (See Hattie: Literacy in VL involve peer communication as well. She used teacher led
Classroom – Ch. 4) instruction and student led dialogic learning.
Review all assessment tools with the
Hattie Resources in the Compendium of I was not able to assess any students. However the teacher did let
Assessments at me know that students are tested in their class for letter
identification and sight words. Additionally they have unit tests for
Select three assessments and try them
their ELD class at the end of the unit. It involves multiple choice,
with a student(s) and report findings. matching, fill in the blank, and some writing.
Due Week 8

List 2 TPEs Observed Explain how the TPE was met. What exactly did you see that
support the TPE selected?
TPE 1.8 Monitor student learning and TPE 1.8 was supported in this segment because the teacher always
adjust instruction while teaching so that
students continue to be actively engaged
made sure to accommodate for her students needs. She didn’t
in learning. finish the lesson that was planned for that day and modified, she
was going to finish the lesson the following day and adjust her
following lesson accordingly. She keeps the students engaged,
there is a lot of repetition and positive tone from the teacher that
helps students stay engaged.
TPE 2.3: Establish, maintain, and
monitor inclusive learning The classroom that I observed was a great inclusive learning
environments that are physically, environment for different physical and educational needs. The
mentally, intellectually, and teacher had a welcoming environment and had posters on her wall
emotionally healthy and safe to about kindness and respect. These were great visual reminders for
enable all students to learn, and students to treat their peers and staff with respect.
recognize and appropriately address
instances of intolerance and
harassment among students, such as
bullying, racism, and sexism.

Activity #6: Additional Teacher Aiding /Fieldwork Activities

Please use the chart below and list and provide a brief explanation/description of any
additional Teacher Aiding types of activities that you may have engaged in during
your fieldwork experience for this course.
Activities that provide support for the Field Supervisor Teacher as well as those
activities dealing directly with students should be included.
 Teach all/part of a lesson prepared/supervised by Field Supervisor
 Prepare materials for a lesson taught by Field Supervisor
 Grade student work
 Monitor seatwork and provide assistance when needed
 Review the Field Supervisor’s lesson plan book

Activity #6: Additional Teacher Aiding /Fieldwork Activities Recording Sheet

Teacher Aiding Grade level Description of Activity
Activity Type Teacher/School
Grade spelling tests First grade Helped the teacher grade spelling tests, I had a key and I would write
Mrs. Hutter the score at the corner of the test and leave it in a graded stack for her.

First grade
Mrs. Hutter Helped the teacher at the guided reading group table when half of the
Guided reading groups Nuview students were in PE. The students rotated from the U-table to chrome
Elementary books at their desks. Students took turns reading a sentence at the U-table

during guided reading. I would ask them questions about the text, help
them pronounce and identify words correctly, monitor, etc.
List 2 TPEs Observed

TPE 1.3 Connect subject When I helped during the guided reading, I asked students relevant
matter to real-life questions and also asked them how they would feel or think if they
contexts and provide were the main character in the text. They used background
active learning
knowledge to read the text because it contained sight words aligned
experiences to engage
student interest, support with their lessons as well as the unit content they are learning.
student motivation, and
allow students to extend
their learning.

It is clear to me that this teacher uses resources and materials to

TPE 3.6 Use and adapt teach standard aligned instruction. Technology was used for
resources, standards- rotations (chrome books). Students use iready and Dreambox online
aligned instructional programs. iReady is used for both reading and math (leveled) and
materials, and a dreambox is for math practice.
range of technology,
including assistive
technology, to facilitate
equitable access to the


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