Final Paper For OD, 2nd Quarter

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Angeles City


Carbon Monoxide Detector

I. Introduction

Four-hundred thirty (430) people die every day due to accidental carbon monoxide poision,

while 50,000 people per year are rushed to the emergency room due to the underlying health

issues contributed by carbon monoxide. When high concentrations of such gases are inhaled,

human bodily systems are negatively affected, which include the nervous, cardiovascular, and

respiratory systems, which, at the worst point of effects, could cause death.

This research aims to detect carbon monoxide at differing levels in order to determine how

to prevent these differing levels from affecting humans negatively, through an Arduino-based

carbon monoxide detector. The mechanisms and operation of this detector system aim to test and

identify differentiating carbon monoxide levels at several places to identify the factors that affect

humans due to carbon monoxide in a particular area. With this, the researchers would determine

the answers to the following:

• Wh

at are the key factors that affect the intensity of carbon monoxide?

• Do

es time affect the intensity of carbon monoxide levels?

Carbon monoxide cannot be detected by the human senses, as it does not have any

particular odor, taste, nor visible properties. High levels of carbon monoxide affect both healthy

and unhealthy people, in which the gas is poisonous to humans. People with cardiovascular or

heart problems and children are especially at risk due to their either weak or developing bodies.

Carbon monoxide is a colorless and odorless pollutant which is produced through the

incomplete combustion of carbon-containing fuels. Inhaling high concentrations of carbon

monoxide could lead to reduced oxygen transported by hemoglobin and may include negative

health effects which include headache, increased risk of heart attack, and impaired reaction


When there carbon monoxide levels in the air are outnumbered from regular levels, the

human body replaces oxygen with carbon monoxide instead of carbon dioxide that could lead to

serious tissue damage, or even death. Packaged carbon monoxide is used in a variety of

industries for a wide range of applications including metal fabrication, chemicals, and steel

metals. Carbon monoxide is produced by burning gasoline, wood, propane, and charcoal.

Carbon monoxide reacts with water vapor at high temperatures, forming carbon dioxide

and hydrogen. This process has been used as a source of hydrogen for combination with nitrogen

in synthesis of ammonia. With caustic alkalis, carbon monoxide forms alkali formates which can

be converted into either formic acid or alkali oxates for production of oxalic acid.
II. Methodology
The researchers would require three (3) LED bulbs, jump wires, an Arduino Uno

microcontroller, a breadboard, a buzzer and a purchased carbon monoxide detector. Other

necessities that would aid in the project but are secondary in importance are wiring tools, extra

wire. The rest of the procedures would be via assembly and coding on the Arduino IDE. The

necessities that should be purchased would total to 1982 PhP.

. The researchers would follow the basic necessary steps when coding an Arduino project

(declaration, coding, validation, USB port select, and checking of integrity). When the final

codes and assembly are ready, the researchers will begin to test their surroundings using the


Data Analysis
The ungrouped data that the researchers will collect is the intensity of the carbon monoxide

levels in different places so that they would know which factors would affect the process of

carbon monoxide overconsumption in humans. Other data that the researchers would need to

focus on is if the time of exposure will affect the detected level’s intensity so that the researchers

would know if the atmosphere at differentiating times is either constant or dynamic.

Materials Prices
Three (3) LED Bulbs PHP 20

Jump Wires PHP 20

Arduino Uno PHP 1500

Breadboard PHP 70
Carbon Monoxide Detector PHP 100
Buzzer PHP 92
Breakdown of Expenses

III. References
• Iqb

al S., Clower J., Hernandez S., Damon S., (September, 2017) A review of disaster related

carbon monoxide poisoning: Surveillance, epidemiology, and opportunities for

prevention. Retrieved from

• Del

os Reyes S., (July, 2016) Carbon - monoxide. Retrieved from

• Cla

rke S., Keshishian C., Murrray V.,et al. (February, 2012) Indoor carbon monoxide.

Retrieved from

• Els

evier B., (2019) A modern literature review of carbon monoxide poisoning theories,

therapies, and potential targets for therapy advancement. Retieved from

• Car

rer P., Fanetti A., Schlitt C., (August 2015) In focus: Health effects of carbon monoxide

intoxication. Retrieved from


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