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Utilization of Cellulosic Waste From Tequila

Bagasse and Production of Polyhydroxyalkanoate
(PHA) Bioplastics by Saccharophagus degradans
Luis Esteban Alva Munoz, Mark R. Riley
Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering, The University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona;
telephone: 520-626-9120; fax: 520-621-3963; e-mail:
Received 1 August 2007; revision received 21 December 2007; accepted 11 February 2008
Published online 29 February 2008 in Wiley InterScience ( DOI 10.1002/bit.21854

a succulent plant with bluish green leaves that grows in the

ABSTRACT: Utilization of wastes from agriculture is western regions of Mexico. This is a substantial commodity
becoming increasingly important due to concerns of for Mexico but consumes large resources as agave plants
environmental impact. The goals of this work were to require from 7 to 10 years to reach commercial maturity.
evaluate the ability of an unusual organism, Saccharophagus The tequila production process typically comprises four
degradans (ATCC 43961), to degrade the major components steps: (1) cooking, to hydrolyze agavin into fructose and
of plant cell walls and to evaluate the ability of S. degradans
to produce polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHAs, also known as glucose; (2) milling, to extract the sugars; (3) fermentation,
bioplastics). S. degradans can readily attach to cellulosic with one or several strains of Saccharomyces cerevisiae to
fibers, degrade the cellulose, and utilize this as the primary convert sugars into ethanol and other sensorial compounds;
carbon source. The growth of S. degradans was assessed in and (4) two-step distillation process followed by a matura-
minimal media (MM) containing glucose, cellobiose, avicel, tion step. The milling step generates a lignocellulosic
and bagasse with all able to support growth. Cells were able
to attach to avicel and bagasse fibers; however, growth on byproduct called bagasse which is primarily the rind and
these insoluble fibers was much slower and led to a lower fibrovascular bundles dispersed throughout the interior
maximal biomass production than observed with simple of the agave stalk (Iñiguez-Covarrubias et al., 2001). The
sugars. Lignin in MM alone did not support growth, but did bagasse represents about 40% of the total weight of
support growth upon addition of glucose, although with an the milled agave on a wet weight basis and has a typical
increased adaptation phase. When culture conditions were
switched to a nitrogen depleted status, PHA production composition of cellulose, hemicellulose, and lignin com-
commences and extends for at least 48 h. At early stationary prising 85% by weight (Alva Muñoz, 2005).
phase, stained inclusion bodies were visible and two chrono- Based on data from the Tequila Regulatory Council
logically increasing infrared light absorbance peaks at (TRC), from 1995 to 2004 on average 3.3 L of tequila are
1,725 and 1,741 cm1 confirmed the presence of PHAs. produced from one kilogram of agave. Approximately
This work demonstrates for what we believe to be the
first time, that a single organism can degrade insoluble 22.6 thousands metric tons of bagasse was produced in 2004.
cellulose and under similar conditions can produce and Currently the bagasse is composted, processed by chemical
accumulate PHA. Additional work is necessary to more and mechanical pulping processes, mixed with clay to make
fully characterize these capabilities and to optimize the bricks, sun dried to make furniture and packing materials,
PHA production and purification. and as feed for animals. None of these uses has been
Biotechnol. Bioeng. 2008;100: 882–888. considered to be economically or environmentally produc-
ß 2008 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. tive and therefore, efforts are required in the search for
KEYWORDS: lignocellulosic conversion; bioplastics pro- improved uses of the bagasse (Cedeño, 1995).
duction; Saccharophagus degradans
This research investigated the use of Saccharophagus
degradans strain 2–40 (ATCC 43961) in the bioremediation
scheme of tequila manufacture’s lignocellulosic waste and its
potential for the production of bioplastics as a value added
product. The use of S. degradans for these purposes is
Introduction attractive mainly because of its non-pathogenesis, its highly
Tequila is a regional alcoholic beverage, obtained from specialized multienzymatic complexes acting in concert,
the distillation of fermented juice of Agave tequilana Weber, which allows it to depolymerize and metabolize a wide
variety of insoluble complex polysaccharides (ICPs), and
Correspondence to: M.R. Riley the genomic identification of three key enzymes for

882 Biotechnology and Bioengineering, Vol. 100, No. 5, August 1, 2008 ß 2008 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
polyhydroxyalkanoate (PHA) synthesis. S. degradans has strontium chloride, 0.022 boric acid, 0.004 g sodium silicate,
been proposed as a model for ICP (Weiner et al., 1998) and 0.0024 g sodium fluoride, 0.0016 g ammonium nitrate, and
indeed, this specie is the most versatile carbohydrate 0.008 g disodium phosphate (Marx, 1986).
degrader yet identified (Ekborg et al., 2005). In this first set of experiments, the batch growth
S. degradans is periphytic marine/estuarine gammapro- kinetics of S. degradans (ATCC 43961) was determined
teobacteria isolated in the middle of the 1980s growing when growing in D-glucose or D-cellobiose as a sole
on salt marsh grass located in the lower Chesapeake Bay, carbon source in minimal media (MM) comprised of sea
Virginia and deposited in the American Type Culture salts (23 g/L); EZMixTM yeast extract (1 g/L); ammonium
Collection (ATCC 43961). It is a gram-negative, hetero- chloride (0.5 g/L); Trizma1-HCl (1M, pH 7.6, 50 mL/L);
trophic, aerobic, oligotrophic, saprophyte, motile by a single carbon source (2 g/L). Stock solutions of D-glucose
polar flagellum, which forms pleomorphic rods (Marx, (10%, w/v) and D-cellobiose (5%, w/v) were filter sterilized
1986). When growing in media containing ICPs, cells can in 20 mM pH 6.8 Pipes buffer and added to cooled media to
be pleomorphic and produce surface protuberances produce a final concentration of 11.10 mM. At each time
and vesicles (Howard et al., 2004). It has an absolute point optical density was determined two culture samples
requirement for sodium ions, does not grow below 10 g L1 were centrifuged to determine microbial protein accumula-
sea salt, and grows optimally in 23 g L1 sea salt, although it tion and cell dry weight. Protein was measured by a
grows at 100 g L1. It grows at temperatures within 4–378C, modification of the Bradford dye method (Bradford, 1976).
with an optimal temperature of 308C and pH of 7.5, Proteins are the major component of prokaryotic cells
although 4.5–10.0 are feasible (González and Weiner, contributing 40–60% (w/w) of the normal gross cell
2000; Howard et al., 2004). Sequence analysis has revealed composition (Kneipp et al., 2000). Supernatant, recovered
more than 130 putative proteins involved in polysaccharide by centrifugation for dry weight determinations, was diluted
depolymerization, a large number of proteases, sugar and analyzed using the 3,5-dinitrosalicylic acid reducing
transporters, carbohydrate binding proteins, and some sugar assay (DNSA) in order to determine consumption
genetic duplication in several of the complex polysaccharide rates for the tested carbon sources. The phenol-hypochlorite
degrading systems (Howard et al., 2004). S. degradans has reaction was used to quantify ammonia in the culture broth,
been shown to degrade cellulose and lignin (Ekborg et al., which served as the chief nitrogen source.
2005; González and Weiner, 2000; Howard et al., 2004; Lignin alkali low sulfonate content (SIGMA 471003) was
Whitehead, 1997). Recently, Kalia et al. (2003) published the utilized as a lignin model compound to determine the
sequence analysis of 123 bacterial genomes including capability of S. degradans to tolerate and/or degrade lignin
13 presumed, but not necessarily confirmed PHA producers under optimal culture conditions. For this set of experi-
which included S. degradans. ments, lignin as a sole carbon source and two lignin
PHAs are biodegradable polymer materials synthesized concentration levels supplemented with 0.2% (w/v) glucose
and stored in the cell cytoplasm as water insoluble inclusions were utilized.
(typically 0.2–0.5 mm in diameter), of at least 75 different In order to evaluate S. degradans lignocellulosic degrading
genera of gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria. These capabilities, its batch growth kinetics on A. tequilana
macromolecules are accumulated as granules to levels as bagasse and Avicel (microcrystalline cellulose) as sole
high as 90% of the cell dry weight (Lee, 2006). A wide range carbon sources was monitored. This presents a challenge
of bacteria synthesize them when a carbon source is in determining cell concentration as cells adhere strongly to
provided in excess and one essential growth nutrient is fibers and so absorbance or dry weight measurements are
limited (Wu et al., 2003). PHA acts as a bacterial carbon and not feasible. Total solution protein content (as quantified
energy reserve (Madden et al., 1999) due to its low solubility after hydrolysis of fiber samples) was taken as a measure
and high molecular weight, which exerts negligible osmotic of bacterial protein content. In non-fiber tests, a strong
pressure to the bacterial cell (Sudesh et al., 2002). correlation was obtained between Bradford protein
The goals of the present study were to assess the capability measurement and optical density (not shown).
of S. degradans to metabolize the main components of plant A sample (30 mL) was centrifuged (8,000g for 15 min
cell walls and to synthesize PHAs. at 48C) and washed twice with 2.3% (w/v) NaCl. The pellet
was resuspended in 2 mL of 0.2 N NaOH, and this
suspension was placed in a boiling water bath for 10 min.
After cooling, the hydrolyzed sample was centrifuged as
Materials and Methods described above and the supernatant was diluted in 2 mL of
The lyophilized strain (ATCC 43961) was maintained in 0.2 N NaOH as well as crystalline bovine serum albumin
sterile Difco 2216 marine broth (MB) at 308C. MB consists (BSA), which was used as the protein standard.
of 37.4 g L1 of a mixture of 5.0 g Bacto peptone, 1.0 g Bacto The microorganism was grown in MM containing
yeast extract, 0.1 g ferric citrate, 19.4 g sodium chloride, 5.9 g 1% (w/v) of Avicel1 PH-101 (particle size 50 mm) or
magnesium chloride, 3.24 g sodium sulfate, 1.8 g calcium A. tequilana bagasse (sun-dried, grounded to pass a 425 mm
chloride, 0.55 g potassium chloride, 0.16 g sodium sieve and be retained on a 250 mm sieve). Supernatant and
bicarbonate, 0.08 g potassium bromide, 0.034 g sodium cell pellet were separated and stored at 208C until their

Alva Munoz and Riley: Utilization of Cellulosic Waste 883

Biotechnology and Bioengineering
analysis. Scanning electron micrographs of late stationary to 255 mg/mL of BSA, the maximum amount of biomass
phase cells grown on avicel and A. tequilana bagasse as the produced from the initial 11.1 mM glucose MM.
sole carbon source were obtained using standard methods. Growth on alternate carbon sources display consistent,
Two PHA induction strategies were developed: but slower growth than on glucose (Fig. 2, Table I). Growth
profiles on cellobiose are similar to that with glucose.
1. Natural depletion of nitrogen. For this group of A higher maximal biomass is achieved with cellobiose (by
experiments, bacterial suspensions in MB were trans- 7%), but doubling times are longer (2.6 h with cellobiose
ferred to flasks containing 62.5 mL of MM supplemented compared to 1.9 h with glucose). Metabolism of cellobiose is
with D-glucose. A stock solution of D-glucose (20%, w/v) less efficient with lower yields of biomass from carbon
was filter sterilized and added to cooled media to produce source or nitrogen source compared to growth on glucose.
a final concentration of 4% (w/v). Growth of S. degradans on the crystalline avicel was
2. Cell transfer into low nitrogen media. Bacterial cells were significantly slower than that on glucose with doubling
harvested by centrifugation on late logarithmic/early times sevenfold longer. After 56 h of growth, a plateau had
stationary phase and transferred to the homologous not definitively been reached, but growth had slowed
culture media lacking a nitrogen source. considerably. As avicel was the only carbon source available
to the bacteria it was consumed although at a slow rate.
FT-IR analysis was performed on microbial cultures S. degradans was able to attach to avicel crystals (Fig. 3a–c)
collected and centrifuged. The growth medium was removed and slow degradation of the avicel was observed.
by washing-resuspension in filter-sterilized nanopure water. S. degradans was also able to attach to A. tequilana bagasse
The final washed pellet, raw bacteria suspension, and first fibers (Fig. 3) and degrade the bagasse for utilization as
supernatant solution were deposited onto polyethylene (PE) a carbon source. Bacterial growth required a lag phase of at
IR-cards from Thermo Fisher Scientific, Inc. (Waltham, least 12 h and then was much slower than on other carbon
MA). Card deposits were dried for 24 h before spectra were sources evaluated. The maximum biomass produced was
acquired. PE served as background. less than 40% that achieved with glucose as the carbon
Spectra were collected using a Nicolet model Magna-IR source. Despite the slow growth on bagasse, the ability to
560 FT-IR spectrometer with a liquid N2-cooled InSb DTGS utilize this material as a carbon source is encouraging.
detector. Absorbance spectra were collected at wavenumber The A. tequilana bagasse fibers consist of cellulose,
values between 4,000 and 650 cm1 with spectral resolution hemicellulose, and lignin. Lignin has previously been shown
of 4 cm1 with 32 co-added scans. All spectra were water to inhibit or prevent the growth of a number of organisms.
corrected. To test whether lignin was responsible for the slow growth
on bagasse, lignin was added to cultures in a glucose MM.
Figure 4a shows the growth curves for no lignin and two
Results levels (low ¼ 0.076%, w/v, and high ¼ 0.155%, w/v). The
The goal of these studies was to evaluate the ability of presence of lignin increases the time of the lag phase, slowing
S. degradans to grow on multiple carbon sources and to be the onset of exponential growth. Once the cultures reach
able to produce PHA. A summary of growth parameters on the exponential phase, growth in lignin containing media
carbon sources glucose, cellobiose, avicel, and bagasse are is nearly as rapid as without lignin. Effectively the same
shown in Table I. maximum biomass level is reached regardless of lignin
Growth of S. degradans with glucose as a sole carbon concentration. Most likely lignin is not being utilized as a
source (Fig. 1) displays the prototypical exponential growth carbon source since the profiles of glucose consumption are
and plateau reached upon exhaustion of glucose between quite similar except for the 10-h delay in onset of growth
12 and 14 h. At that time, consumption of the nitrogen (Fig. 4b). Most importantly, the presence of lignin does not
source ammonium ceased (Fig. 1). Growth of microorgan- significantly limit the growth or metabolic activity.
isms was quantified both through optical density measure- Next the ability of S. degradans to produce PHA was
ments (O.D. at 600 nm) and with microbial protein evaluated with two methods to initiate onset of production.
accumulation (BSA equivalents). These methods showed The strategy named natural depletion resulted in easier and
identical profiles with an O.D. value of 0.87 being equivalent more reproducible results than did the cell transfer strategy.

Table I. Summary of batch growth parameters.

Maximum biomass
Carbon source m (h1) TD (h) YBSA/C.S. YBSA=NH4 Cl produced (BSA mg mL1)
D-glucose 0.368 1.88 0.130 0.725 254.93
D-cellobiose 0.266 2.60 0.074 0.547 272.43
Avicel 0.051 13.56 0.043 0.563 218.26
A. tequilana bagasse 0.041 16.78 n/d 0.275 88.60

884 Biotechnology and Bioengineering, Vol. 100, No. 5, August 1, 2008

carbon source surplus was ensured and likely the scarcity of
at least one essential growth nutrient was achieved as is
shown with positive PHA accumulating S. degradans cells
stained with Nile red (Fig. 5). Within the cell cytoplasm,
separated inclusion bodies can be seen as cells presented
from one to five inclusions.
Once potential PHA induction conditions based on Nile
red staining were identified, the more quantitative approach
of FT-IR analysis was used to identify PHA accumulation
within S. degradans cells. At each time point raw cells,
expended media (supernatant) and washed cells were used.
The inverse second derivative of raw samples (data not
shown) using the spent media as background showed a
chronological increment in the area suggested primarily for
PHB (wavenumber value 1,735 cm1). The average peak
was located at 1,742 cm1, giving strong evidence of the
Figure 1. Biomass production reaches plateau due to depletion of glucose and presence of PHA-like substances within the cells.
not due to depletion of nitrogen. The following IR spectra were obtained from the same
experiment. Figure 6 depicts S. degradans spectra of cells
under PHA accumulating conditions at different time
points. In this case, the PHA average peak was located at
1,732 cm1, and the characteristic amide I (cellular protein)
Although on some occasions PHA production was identified peak on average was located at 1,656 cm1. The amide I peak
following the cell transfer strategy, the appropriate harvest- was used as means to normalize the data based on biomass
ing time could not be accurately defined. Improper since protein content is relatively constant.
transference resulted in stressed cells that tended to reduce In order to minimize the presence of spectral artifacts,
in size and not accumulate PHA. The following results show the inverse second derivative analysis was developed to the
positive PHA accumulating cells of S. degradans in MM group of spectra shown in Figure 6. The PHA feature
supplemented with D-glucose 4% (w/v). The logic followed (1,720–1,750 cm1) appears to be the combination of two
in this strategy is based on a nutrient depletion profile in peaks at 1,724 and 1,743 cm1, referred to as PHA 1 and
which the exhaustion of the carbon source (D-glucose 0.2%, PHA 2, respectively. Fourier self-deconvolution (FSD
w/v) seemed to impact cell growth while ammonium performed on the Omnic software) was used to establish
chloride was still detected in the culture media. As the relationship between the area under the PHA and
mentioned above, PHA induction usually occurs when a amide I peaks. This relationship served to identify the
carbon source is provided in excess and one essential growth behavior of the PHA peak compared with the biomass
nutrient is limited. With the natural depletion strategy, intrinsic growth.
The maximum PHA accumulation per biomass (amide I)
occurred from 24 to 30 h (Fig. 7). The maximum PHA
accumulation rate occurred at early stationary phase,
determined by microbial protein accumulation, expressed
as microgram BSA equivalents per milliliter.
FSD analysis identified four stages during PHA accumu-
lation in S. degradans. During the first stage, less than 18 h,
there was no significant peak around the PHA suggested
spectral location. In the second stage, at 18 h, the PHA
2 feature appeared. At this time, the relationship between
PHA 2 and Amide I area was less than one, suggesting that
the concentration of PHA within the cells is less than the
accumulated microbial protein. The third stage, at 24 h, the
PHA 1 peak started to emerge. At this stage, the relationship
between PHA peaks and Amide I still was less than one. On
the fourth stage, from 30 to 60 h, the area under both
PHA peaks exceed the area under the curve of amide 1 peak
suggesting that intracellular PHA accumulation was
Figure 2. S. degradans growth kinetics in four carbon sources. In an attempt to relate PHA induction to nitrogen
scarcity, Figure 7 also shows ammonium chloride depletion

Alva Munoz and Riley: Utilization of Cellulosic Waste 885

Biotechnology and Bioengineering
Figure 3. a: Live cell stain and optical micrograph of S. degradans in avicel minimal media. One large rectangular avicel fiber is shown near the top of this image and displays
significant bacterial attachment. b: Photomicrograph of S. degradans degrading avicel. c: Scanning electron micrograph of S. degradans on avicel crystalline cellulose. d: Scanning
electron micrograph of attachment of S. degradans to a bagasse fiber.

with PHA accumulation. In both cases, the accumula- Discussion

tion appears to be induced at levels around 2 mM
ammonium chloride. Under this condition there was This work demonstrates that S. degradans has capabilities to
surplus of carbon source (D-glucose quantification data hydrolyze crystalline cellulose, showed the effect of lignin in
not shown) and scarcity of at least one essential nutrient growth kinetics, and quantified S. degradans growth rate in
required for growth. plant matter monoculture. Lignin does have a substantial
The amount of PHA produced can be approximated from effect on growth kinetics which is demonstrated primarily as
the area under the curves for PHA and protein (amide I) a longer time to reach the onset of exponential growth, not
along with the protein analysis (Figure 7a) which shows a an inhibition on the total biomass produced. S. degradans
maximum of 375 mg/mL protein was produced. The area can accumulate PHA with a trigger of nitrogen depletion.
under the PHA 1 feature at 1,724 cm1 is 4 times that of the The PHA amount reaches approximately 1.5 mg/mL of total
amide I feature, indicating that the cell population contains biomass.
4 times the PHA as protein. Thus the concentration of PHA Results of these and other experiments suggest a complex
may reach as high as 1.5 mg/mL. relationship between nitrogen source switching methods,

886 Biotechnology and Bioengineering, Vol. 100, No. 5, August 1, 2008

Figure 4. a: Growth of S. degradans in the presence of lignin delays onset of
exponential growth, but does not alter the maximum biomass produced. b: Depletion of
glucose by S. degradans in the presence of lignin.
Figure 5. Nile read staining PHA producing cells after 24 h (a) and 36 h (b) from

glucose and nitrogen availability, and induction medium. can be induced to produce bioplastic PHA’s. This ability
Only experiments performed without pH control showed has the potential to reduce the economic hindrance to
PHA production. PHA production was increased by production of bioplastics on a large scale since inexpensive
minimal availability of glucose after the switch of medium. precursors could be utilized without the need for extensive
In a one-step fermentation, PHA production was increased hydrolysis or other fiber reducing procedures. PHA ac-
by inoculation of cells from MM rather than from marine cumulation can be stimulated by a natural depletion of
media; however the correlation between nitrogen source nitrogen source while in the presence of sufficient carbon.
prior to or after the switch and PHA production is not clear. Growth on cellulose or baggasse was slower than on soluble
In a two-stage fermentation, PHA production was greatest sugars, as anticipated due to the lower accessibility of sugars.
when an intermediate media were used to transition cells This is not a major hindrance since culture conditions can be
from the initial medium of yeast extract with added altered to increase accessibility and potentially to impact the
ammonium into the nitrogen free medium. An intermediary composition of the PHA produced. S. degradans has strong
medium of peptone and yeast extract prior to introduction capabilities for use in monoculture processing of waste
to nitrogen free medium most often was successful in agricultural cellulose to produce bioplastics.
stimulating PHA production. To best utilize the capabilities of S. degradans to degrade
Together these results indicate that Saccharophagus insoluble cellulose and produce bioplastics requires a more
species has a unique capability to degrade cellulose and in depth analysis of the nutritional requirements of this

Alva Munoz and Riley: Utilization of Cellulosic Waste 887

Biotechnology and Bioengineering
that S. degradans accumulates PHA. Work is still required to
optimize production of PHA and for purification.

This work was supported by The USAID sponsored project, ‘‘Devel-

opment of Human Resource Training Capabilities in Emerging Areas
of Agricultural Production and Processing in Mexico.’’ We gratefully
acknowledge the assistance of Dr. Delia Aideé Orozco Hernández,
Tequila Herradura, for providing tequila bagasse and Dr. Jesus
Nungaray, University of Guadalajara, for technical assistance and
discussion on bioplastics production.

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