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Appendix B:

Project Steering Committee Terms of Reference

Appendix B
Appendix B:
Project Steering Committee Terms of Reference
The Steering Committee will consist of no more than 21 members from across Northern Ontario
representing a range of expertise and points of view from the following sectors:
 community mental health services;
 addiction services;
 medical practitioners;
 long-term care facilities;
 community care access centres;
 public health units;
 independent health facilities;
 pharmacies;
 community support services
 children’s treatment centres;
 Ontario Northern eHealth (ONeHealth) Steering Committee members; and
 North East and North West LHINs.

Ex-officio members will include:

 MOHLTC representatives (i.e. 1 program consultant, 1 information system analyst, 1
representative from the Ontario e-Health Office);
 representative from the Ministry of Northern Development and Mines; and,
 representative from Industry Canada – FedNor.

Additional representatives will be invited to join the Steering Committee or attend specific
meetings as an expert resource, as required (e.g. Smart Systems for Health). The Steering
Committee will establish other sub-groups as necessary.


A Ontario Northern eHealth Steering Committee member will chair this project’s Steering
Committee. The Steering Committee will be accountable to, and report to, the Ontario Northern
eHealth Steering Committee, and Northeastern and Northwestern Ontario LHINS.

The Steering Committee will keep their respective sectors informed with updates and will take an
active role to move the project forward by encouraging their sectors to complete the survey,
attend focus groups, etc and will bring sector issues and concerns forward to the Project
Manager/Steering Committee.

Appendix B 1
Consistent with Phase 1, the purpose of expanding the project is to align the mental health,
addiction, long-term care, primary/specialist medical care, public health, children’s rehabilitation,
private laboratory/diagnostic sectors, pharmacies/ODB, community support services and patient
self-management with Ontario’s broader e-health vision and strategy. The outcome of Phase 2
will be a regional ICT blueprint for sectors not yet analyzed, with specific steps, requirements and
priorities for action.

The Phase 2 project goals are:

 To investigate and assess the status of current individual agency patient record, clinical
departmental and business information systems (e.g. functionality of platforms, extent of
information system integration within other providers within the same sector, system linkages
along the continuum).
 To assess the current state of agency ICT infrastructure.
 To identify existing integration activities in the North related to provincial E-health strategies.
 To develop a shared vision and strategic direction for ICT in Northern Ontario that is
consistent with Ontario’s and the health industry’s E-health directions.
 To identify specific barriers to, and opportunities for, partnerships, linkages, and a Northern
Ontario approach to health-related ICT.
 To identify key ICT decision-making considerations and criteria for use by agencies in
Northern Ontario that will support the region’s vision.
 To determine, from a system perspective, priorities for Northern Ontario ICT development
and investment.
 To identify: timelines, costs, benefits and strategies to implement the identified Northern
Ontario priorities, with associated funding sources (i.e. the plan must contain specific,
practical and realistic implementation strategies).
 To identify the main elements of, and options and a recommendation for, ongoing ICT
coordination (including governance models) in Northern Ontario.

The project will apply a consultative approach that will identify the common challenges that
Northern health care providers face, including the difficulties in providing services to a widely
dispensed population with high morbidity rates and differing referral patterns. Common
recruitment and retention challenges will also be discussed as they relate to, or can be addressed
by, the implementation of a common regional approach to ICT. The development of an aligned,
strategic business plan that respects the individual autonomy of the individual organizations while
enhancing their ability to communicate and integrate with each other will be tremendous benefit
to all Northern Ontario communities.

Meetings will be held monthly or at the call of the chair. A combination of face-to-face and
teleconference meetings will be used.

Appendix B 2
Staff support for the Steering Committee will be provided by a project manager, and LHIN
planning staff and E-health leads, as appropriate.


It is expected that the Steering Committee’s discussions will support the development of a report
that will complement the Northern ICT Blueprint Phase 1 report.


It is expected that the Steering Committee will fulfill its mandate within nine months of project

Appendix B 3

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