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clubs and societies road trips, charity fundraisers, Quartet, exhibits at the Ward Get involved even before

Get involved even before classes

In addition to interesting classes and other social events. Chipman Art Gallery, and read- start. Orientation is the perfect way

and great professors, UNB Saint ings sponsored by the Lorenzo to meet other new students. And
Take advantage of free cul-
John also supports an amazing Society, where authors from don’t stop there. Stay involved! By
tural activities on-campus, like
number of clubs and societies. across Canada talk about their the Last Class Bash, you will have
performances by musicians-in-
Our students are involved in just latest books. made friendships that will last a
residence, Saint John String
about everything: food festivals, lifetime.

where will your interests take you?

Q Bangladeshi Students’ Q Chinese Students’ and Q Grad Class Q Multicultural Students’ Association
Association Scholars’ Association Q Hospitality and Tourism Society Q Muslim Students’ Association
Q The Baron (independent Q CFMH 92.5 FM (campus/ Q Indian Students’ Association Q Nursing Society
student newspaper) community radio) Q Intervarsity Christian Fellowship Q Political Science Society
Q Best Buddies Q Computer Science Society Q Keith’s Crew Q Psychology Society
Q Biology Society Q Education Society Q Lorenzo Society (fine arts and Q Spanish Society
Q Business Administration Society Q Engineering Undergraduate culture) Q Students’ Representative Council
Society Q Molson Club Q Women’s Resource Centre

sports Athletics Centre. Treat yourself River. It’s easy to make fitness The university subsidizes most

Be sure to balance your well and make sports and fit- part of your schedule. varsity team expenses, so our

academic studies and social ac- ness part of your daily routine athletes can focus on their
And remember to support our
tivities with a visit to UNB Saint right from the start! athletics and their academics.
Seawolves! Our varsity teams
John’s wellness centre. A newly If you wish to compete against
Don’t forget about the Canada play in the Atlantic Colleges
installed gym floor along with teams from outside UNB Saint
Games Stadium, where you can Athletic Association (ACAA), so
freshly upgraded fitness and John, but not at the varsity level,
walk, run, play touch football, come cheer on our athletes at
strength training rooms provide consider joining one of our club
ultimate Frisbee, and soccer. league games and tournaments.
you with the perfect workout sports teams.
Or the nearby walking trails Or become a Seawolf yourself.
setting at the G. Forbes Elliot
that overlook the Kennebecasis

varsity “seawolves” clubs “wolves” intramurals wellness

Q Women’s Soccer Q Women’s Hockey Q Soccer Q Aerobics & Related

Q Men’s Soccer Q Women’s Softball Q Badminton Q Stability Ball

Q Women’s Basketball Q Women’s Soccer Q Volleyball Q Lunch & Learn

Q Men’s Basketball Q Men’s Soccer Q Ball Hockey Q Special Offerings

Q Women’s Volleyball Q Football Q Flag Football Q Martial Arts

Q Men’s Volleyball Q Table Tennis Q Table Tennis

UNB saint john 3

Break away from the favourite things to do Saturday mornings are great
Q Eat your way around the world at
bustle for an afternoon for a run or rollerblade along
the Old City Market on Saturdays
of skating in Rockwood Harbour Passage before brunch
Q Enjoy coffee and pastries with
Park across the street at the market.
friends at ‘Nougatine and Chocolat’
from campus. Q Meet local artists by attending

a Gallery Hop

city of
saint john
s a i nt j o h n i s a g reat ci ty!
On the circuit for major concerts and shows, Saint John plays host to some big names like Hedley, Simple Plan,
The Blue Man Group, Feist and Carrie Underwood. The city is also home to the Saint John Theatre Company,
Opera New Brunswick, Symphony New Brunswick, and the NB Museum.

For sports fans, Saint John is home to the Quebec Major Junior Hockey League, the Saint John Sea Dogs, and the
city’s municipal parks provide places to golf, cross-country ski, cave, and hike. Saint John’s spectacular location
on the Bay of Fundy, and UNB’s location at the juncture of the Saint John and Kennebecasis rivers also mean
plenty of water sports, like scuba diving, sea kayaking, and sailing.

We’ll even give you some ideas on where you might shop to make your new place feel like home. In fact, Saint John is
New Brunswick’s number one shopping destination!

One of Saint John’s best kept favourite things to do

secrets is the below average Q Hike the Irving Nature Park

Q Open Mic night at O’Leary’s

cost of living. Saint John’s
Q Snowboard at Poley Mountain
uptown is lined with beautiful
Victorian architecture, the most
in the world outside the UK.
UNB saint john 5
s p eci a l s ch ola r s h i p s
Four scholarships have specific deadlines, and you must submit additional ap-
plications in order to be considered for them:
Q Blake-Kirkpatrick Scholarships – March 1 –
Q Blake Kirkpatrick Scholarships for Engineering – March 1 –
Q Harrison McCain Bursary – March 1 –
Q Primrose Scholarship – March 15 –

resou rc e s & UNB education. Whether it’s Q Students with averages they have completed 24 credit
schola r sh ip s part-time paid research, work between 90% or higher hours (approximately 8 courses)
Managing the cost should not placements, or student loans, receive a minimum of $1,500 of UNB courses.
be the most difficult part of your you have options that can help
To be considered for these s ch ola r s h i p average
university experience. finance your studies. Find out
scholarships, you must submit The scholarship average is
what’s available to you.
UNB Saint John offers financial an online application or an ap- based on the admissions
planning support, in addition s c h o la r s h i p s fo r h i g h plication package by March 1 of average (the average of the six
to scholarships, bursaries, s c h oo l s tu d e nts each year. courses required for admission)
emergency loans, and an em- Every student entering UNB plus bonus points for enriched
s ch ola r s h i p s for
ployment office to help you find Saint John directly from high courses. For the list of courses
tra ns fer s tud ents
part-time work. Remember: the school with an average of 80% that UNB uses in calculating
Transfer students who apply
cost of a university education or higher will receive one of the your scholarship average,
before the admissions deadline
involves more than just tuition. following: please refer to the chart on p.
of March 31 will be considered
It also includes your books, ac- Q Students with averages 28. Averages are calculated to
for scholarship support on the
commodation, travel, and living between 80% and 84.9 one decimal point, and are not
basis of their previous academic
expenses. receive a minimum of $500 rounded.
performance. No scholarship
Q Students with averages
Think about meeting with our application is necessary. Trans- For more information about these
between 85% and 89.9 scholarships, please contact your school
Financial Aid Advisor now, fer students will be considered counsellor or UNB Saint John.
receive a minimum of $1,000
while you’re still planning your for scholarship support once

UNB saint john 11

“One of the best things about the psychology pro-
gram here is the faculty – the professors are all so
great, and because the campus is small, it’s easier
for the professors to get to know their students.”
Heather Sleath, Bachelor of Arts in Psychology, 2009, Hampton, NB

ba areas of study bac h e lor o f a rt s (ba )
Q Biology
The BA is a four-year interdisciplinary program that covers a broad range of subject areas concerned with
Q Business
the study of human beings, their languages and cultures, and the evolution and nature of global societies,
Q Cognitive Neuroscience
Q Criminal Justice ideas, and institutions. In addition to introducing you to new ideas, the BA will help you develop research
Q Economics and analytical skills, creative and critical thinking abilities, and computer and information literacy.
Q English
Q French In your first two years of the BA program, you will select a variety of courses in the humanities, languages,
Q Gender Studies social studies, science, and business. This provides you with a broad foundation for advanced study in
Q Health Sciences
your chosen subject area during your final two years. As a BA graduate, you’ll be well-qualified for gradu-
Q History
Q Information and ate school, professional schools, or careers in the creative arts, the civil service, administration, business,
Communication Studies or journalism.
Q International Development
Q Linguistics unb saint john also offers certificates in
Q Mathematics Q Economics
Q Philosophy Q Financial Markets
Q Politics Q Gender Studies
Q Psychology Q General Studies
Q Psychosocial Dimensions Q Mathematics for Teachers
of Sport Q Teaching English as a
Q Sociology Second Language
Q Sport and Exercise Psychology
Q Statistics

14 UNB saint john

New Brunswick’s only
CAFCE accredited
business co-op

bba areas of study bac h e lor o f bu s ines s a d mi ni s trati on (bba )
Q Accounting
UNB Saint John’s BBA graduates have become leaders in entrepreneurship, sales, accounting, manage-
Q Economics
ment, government, and law. The first two years of the BBA program focus on core knowledge in all areas of
Q Electronic Commerce
Q Finance study. During the final two years, you choose courses that allow you to specialize in your area of interest.
Q French Communication & Culture As a BBA graduate, you will be well-qualified to pursue a successful career in any area of business. You
Q Human Resource Management
can also let your qualifications take you to graduate school, law or professional schools, or to other pro-
Q Marketing
fessional fields such as accounting or human resource management.
Q Tourism Management

m a ke i t a co- op d eg ree
unb saint john also offers
certificates in Study the world of business on-the-job by participating in UNB Saint John’s accredited BBA Co-op pro-
Q Business Administration I gram. Graduate with both your BBA and the equivalent of one year’s paid work experience to boost your
Q Business Administration II
chances of employment when you graduate. Co-op work terms begin in the second year of study and
Q Accounting
Q Electronic Commerce alternate with academic terms. In a total of four calendar years, you’ll gain both a BBA and one year’s work
Q Human Resource Management experience. Work terms can be throughout Saint John, across the country and even in international loca-
tions according to your interests and career goals.
study toward accreditation
Q Canadian Operations c e rt i f i c at e s p rog ra ms
Research Diploma
Certificate programs in business administration I and business administration II, accounting, electronic
Q Certified General Accountant
Q Certified Management commerce and human resource management can be completed in two years or according to your sched-
Accountant ule. Credits can be transferable to the BBA, or a certificate can be taken to build a business specialization
Q Chartered Accountant on top of your previous experience and education.

16 UNB saint john

for the college graduate
for college graduates bachelor of applied management (bam) bachelor of applied management in
ready to: accounting (bamac)
If you have a diploma in Engineering Technology,
Q Continue learning
Medical Laboratory Technology, Graphic Design, If you wish to distinguish yourself in an increasing-
Q Move into management
Q Improve career prospects Computer Technology or ANY other two-year di- ly-competitive job market, and pursue a rewarding
Q Be recognized ploma, and you want to complement your diploma career in accounting or finance, our Bachelor of
Q Gain a university degree Applied Management Accounting program is for
with general business studies, then the Bachelor
of applied management program is for you! you. The technical experience obtained in your
two-year approved college diploma combined with
Add to your previous college education and pro-
an additional two years of university education
fessional experience with an additional two years
will increase your understanding of key business
(or four semesters) of university education that
issues and practices such as corporate governance
will give you a broader understanding of how the
and ethics, reporting standards, public account-
key areas of business, such as human resource
ability, and risk management. This degree will also
management, finance and financial reporting, mar-
qualify you to pursue professional accounting
keting, e-commerce and communications function
as an integrated whole.

18 UNB saint john

requirements for d eg ree a lberta b rit ish co lum b ia
direct entry degree
programs bach elor of a rts (B A) English 30 (60%)
4 electives, group 1
English 12 (60%)
4 electives, group 1
1 elective, group 1, 2, or 3 1 elective, group 1, 2, or 3
Minimum admission average 65% Minimum admission average 65%
Grade 11 Math (or equivalent) will Grade 11 Math (or equivalent) will
be accepted as a Group 1 elective. be accepted as a Group 1 elective.
admission requirements
Applying for admission to UNB Saint John is quick and easy! bach elor of bus i nes s English 30 (60%) English 12(60%)
Pure Math 20 (60%) Math 11 (60%)
These pages outline what we look for according to the degree a d mi ni s trati on (B B A) Pure Math 30 (60%) Math 12(60%)
you’re applying to. Then simply apply (online or with a paper 2 electives, group 1 2 electives, group 1
bach elor of a p pli ed 1 elective, group 1, 2, or 3 1 elective, group 1, 2 or 3
application available from UNB Saint John or your school coun- Minimum admission average 75% Minimum admission average 75%
ma nag ement i n
sellor), with the application fee of $45.00, and have your official h os p i ta li ty a nd
transcripts sent to us. Full application instructions are included tour i s m (B AM HT ) ( 3+1 )
on the application. Normally, we’ll get back to you in two weeks!
bach elor of s ci ence i n English 30 (60%) English 12 (60%)
Admission to UNB Saint John is based on academic pre-requi- Pure Math 20 (65%) Math 11 (65%)
sites that have been identified by the faculties as the minimum computer s ci ence Pure Math 30 (65%) Math 12 (65%)
( bs c c s ) Physics 30 OR Chemistry 30 (65%) Physics 12 OR Chemistry 12 (65%)
background necessary to handle the curriculum. UNB Saint John
1 elective, group 1 (60%) 1 elective, group 1 (60%)
reserves the right to change admission requirements. The latest 1 elective, group 1 or 2 (60%) 1 elective, group 1 or 2 (60%)
bach elor of Minimum admission average 75% Minimum admission average 75%
updates will be posted online. i nfor mati on s ci ences
( bi s c )

notes bachelor of nursing

One intake annually in September.
(BN) English 30 (60%)
Math 20 (60%)
English 12 (60%)
Math 11 (60%)
all appli cants Chemistry 30 (60%) Chemistry 12 (60%)
Biology 30 (60%) Biology 12 (60%)
1. Level 1, French Immersion, and advanced courses are satisfac- 2 electives, group 1 2 electives, group 1
tory substitutes (where they exist). Courses taken at the Level 3 Minimum admission average 70% Minimum admission average 70%
will not be accepted for admission purposes.

2. Students whose first language is French may use French bachelor of science (BSc) English 30 English 12
instead of English in the required subjects and may choose Pure Math 20 Math 11
bachelor of science in Pure Math 30 Math 12
English as an elective. economics (BScEC) Chemistry 30 Chemistry 12
Physics 30 Physics 12
bachelor of science in 1 elective, group 1 or 2 1 elective, group 1 or 2
n e w b runswi ck appli ca nt s financial mathematics Minimum admission average 75% Minimum admission average 75%
Francophone system students will be evaluated based on (BScFM) The senior science average based The senior science average based
equivalent courses. Geometry and Applications in Mathematics Note: Prospective students with grade 12 on Pure Math 30 and the best two on Math 12 and the best two
111 or 112 and Functions and Relations 111 or 112 is equivalent English, grade 12 Math and any combination of grade 12 Biology, Chemistry, of grade 12 Biology, Chemistry,
of TWO grade 12 sciences (Biology, Chemistry, Geology or Physics must be at Geology or Physics must be at
to Math 30321 (Math 111). Trigonometry and 3-Space 121 or 122 Geology or Physics) will be considered for least 75%. least 75%.
and Advanced Mathematics with an Introduction to Calculus 120 admission at the discretion of the Faculty,
and are encouraged to apply.
is equivalent to Math 30411 (Math IV). Physics 122 is equivalent
to Physique 51311 (Physique 12), and Chemistry 122 is equiva-
lent to Chimie 52411 (Chimie 12). Equivalent elective courses in English 30 (70%) English 12 (70%)
bachelor of science in
the Francophone system will be used for admission purposes. engineering (BScE) Pure Math 20 (70%) Math 11 (70%)
Pure Math 30 (70%) Math 12 (70%)
Physics 30 (70%) Physics 12 (70%)
on tar io appli cants Chemistry 30 (70%) Chemistry 12 (70%)
Applicants presenting 3A and 4A courses from the old curricu- 1 elective, group 1, 2, or 4 (60%) 1 elective group 1, 2, or 4 (60%)
Minimum admission average 75% Minimum admission average 75%
lum should contact UNB Saint John for clarification regarding
specific program requirements.

24 UNB saint john

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