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Louis Leterrier

A. Setting

1. Time
The reign of King Cepheus and Queen Cassiopeia.

2. Place
Argos, Greece

B. Characters

A demigod who is a son of Zeus and a mortal queen.

King of the Gods who rules the Olympus.

God of the Underworld. Brother of Zeus and Poseidon. Seeking
for vengeance using the weakness of the mankind.

Cursed with agelessness for refusing god’s romantic advances.

Daughter of King Cepheus and Queen Cassiopeia.

A monster whose gaze can turn anyone into stone.

The Graeae Witches (Deino, Enyo and Pemphredo)

The witches who shared one eye and the only one who knows
how to defeat the Kraken.

The Argos soldiers (Ixas, Eusabois, Solon, Draco)

Brave soldiers of Argos who accompanied and helped Perseus in
his quest.
Desert Sorcerers who also helped Perseus in his quest.

Former King of Argos who killed his own wife, Danae and tried to
kill Perseus.

Fisherman who found Perseus, raise and loved him like a his true

Wife of Spyros. A mother to Perseus.

C. Plot

1. Expository

Perseus is a demigod. He is a son of Zeus, the King of the Gods

and the God of Thunder, and Danae, the wife of King Acrisius.
Zeus disguised himself and impregnate Danae with Perseus. King
Acrisius was angry and tried to kill Danae and Perseus by locking
them in a box and throwing it in the sea. Perseus survived as
because he was a demigod but his mother died. That’s when
Spyros founded Perseus while fishing with his dead mother,
Danae, and decided to raise him like his own son. Perseus lived
as a fisherman for 10 years and he doesn’t know his true

2. Rising Action

The mankind became ungrateful and started to defy the gods.

The Argon soldiers destroyed the statue of Zeus as a declaration
of a war. A war between the mankind and the gods. Zeus was
feeling angry because the mankind that he created for the sake
of the god’s existence are slowly defying them and that is when
Hades talked to Zeus about his plan to bring back the faith of the
humans. After losing his family, Perseus was brought by the
soldiers to Argos, where they’re celebrating for abolishing Zeus’
statue and he witnessed King Cepheus saying that the era of the
gods has ended and the era of mankind has begun. He also
witnessed Queen Cassiopeia saying that mankind doesn’t need a
god anymore and that Aphrodite is nothing compared to her
daughter’s beauty. Hades came to Argos and threatened the
mankind that he will release the Kraken as a punishment for
defying the gods not unless if they will sacrifice Princess
Andromeda. Hades also discovered Perseus, a demigod and think
that he might be a hindrance to his plans. So, he went to Acrisius
and ordered him to kill Perseus in exchange of bringing Zeus

3. Climax

Perseus wanted to seek revenge at Hades for killing his family

and decided that he will kill the Kraken to weaken Hades and
bring him back to the underworld. In his quest, together with the
soldiers of Argos and IO, they fought Acrisius, whose blood is
turning into a giant scorpion. They survived and arrived at the
lair of the witches who knows the only way to defeat the Kraken.
The witches said that the only way to defeat the Kraken is by
using Medusa. A Titan versus a Titan. So, Perseus and the others
decided to go to the underworld to behead Medusa. Trying to kill
Medusa is not an easy thing to do. Ixas, Eusebios, Solon and
Draco risked their lives in order to help Perseus kill Medusa.
Perseus accomplished beheading Medusa but he lost his great
friends. On their way back to the Argos, IO was killed by Acrisius
and Perseus finally used the sword that his father, Zeus, gave
him to kill Acrisius. But it’s too late since he already lost IO, his
love. The Kraken was released as per the deadline set by Hades.

4. Falling Action

The Kraken was released and Zeus was feeling weak as he

realized that releasing the Kraken won’t bring back the faith of
the mankind. It will only strengthen Hades. Perseus hurried back
to the Argos with the help of Pegasus. He used Medusa’s head to
defeat the Kraken and to save Princess Andromeda and the
whole Argos. He fought with Hades since Hades thought that he
was already dead and that there is no one to hinder his plans.
Perseus won against Hades and he brought Hades back to the
underworld himself.

5. Denouement
Perseus still refused Zeus’ offer to live as a God in the Olympus.
He wanted to live as a normal man in the land where he grew up.
Zeus let Perseus do what he wanted to and brings back IO to life
since he doesn’t want Perseus to live his life without a company.

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