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Orientation Toward Technical Education and Curriculam

Assignment No-1

Name- Prof. Prasad N. Kulkarni

Institute Name- Nagesh Karajagi Orchid College Of Engg. & Tech., Solapur

Que-1 Consider an Engineering College / Institute. It may be the college /

Institute you havestudied or studying / worked or working.

Ans:- Currently I am working as an asistant professor in Mechanical Engineering

Department at Nagesh Karajagi Orchid College Of Engg. & Tech., Solapur which is
affiliated to Dr.Babasaheb Ambedkar Technical university Lonere and Solapur
university. I have completed my masters (M.Tech) in CAD/CAM from VIT
University, Vellore, TN which is a deemed university.

Que-2 Find out whether that Institute or department in the institute / programs
has been accredited. If so, write down the accreditation model
(NBA/NAAC/ABET/ or any other) and their performance rating for the
identified institute.

Ans:- My Working Institituion got the NAAC accreditation with B++ grade. And also
got the Platinum Institution Award for CII for best industry Linkage. Also We are
going for the NBA this year.

Que-3 Find out one of the best practices in that Institute that have contributed to
the quality of Institute. Write the best practices adopted in that College/ Institute
for NOT more than 250 words.


Teaching- Learning process

 Academic calendar is prepared & given to all the students & teachers.
 Load distribution process is completed before going to the vacation.
 Course files- Faculties are informed to complete the course file in the vacation which
mainly includes subject notes, university question papers, assignment questions,
multiple question banks etc.
 Orientation programs are conducted class wise on day one of each semester. This
includes presentations by HOD, TPO, Class coordinator, GATE coordinator, Project
coordinator. This gives the direction for the students to work in entire semester.
 Class coordinators are appointed & they are informed about the responsibilities.
 Continuous monitoring of Students Attendance for the theory & practical’s is
strictly observed. Students having less attendance are informed through letters, phone
calls & if necessary parents are called for counseling.
 Use of ICT - 10 to 15 % syllabus covered through ICT.
 Extra lectures - For mathematical subject one extra lecture from day 1 and soft skill,
Aptitude are parts of Time Table
 Archives - includes NPTEL Videos, Faculty notes, PPTs
 Continuous Assessment - Two tests & Prelim exam. are conducted per semester.
Progress reports are sent to the parents. Corrective measures are taken for the low
 Scholar & Slow learner students groups - are formed to provide proper guidance.
 Student Feedback System-
 Feedback taken by HOD
 Feedback is informed to concern teachers
 Feedback meeting is conducted & different corrective measures are discussed.
 For weak faculties feedback is taken twice by HOD & checked whether corrections
suggested in the feedback meeting are implemented or not.
 Written feedback is taken at the end of the semester.
 Student’s Associations for overall development
 Special coaching for competitive Exams
 Appreciation letters
Letters of appreciations are given to the students for their achievements, which
includes attendance, academic results, university results, best performance in co-
curricular & extracurricular activities.

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