GK 10

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1. The Dabhol Project is in

1. Orissa 2. Maharashtra 3. Gujarat 4.

Andhra Pradesh

2. The late Kaka Hathrasi was a famous

1. diplomat 2. astrologer 3. poet 4. film-star

3. This is touted as the Nobel equivalent for environmental movies. Can you name this prize?

1. Golden Oscar 2. Greepaece Prize 3. Golden Panda Award 4. Golden Bear


4. Microwave ovens cook dishes by means of

1. Ultraviolet rays 2. Infra-red rays 3. Convection 4. Conduction

5. Most of the phenomena related to weather take place in

1. stratosphere 2. ionosphere 3. mesosphere 4. troposphere

6. The current President of the World Bank is

1. Robert MaCnamara 2. James D. Wolfansen 3. Barbara Cartland 4. None of


7. Amartya Sen, the NRI Nobel laureate got the honour for his work on

1. Game theory 2. Securities analysis 3. Poverty and famines 4.Impact of


8. The Quit India resolution was passed at the

1. Bombay session of I.N.C. in 1940 2. Bombay session of I.N.C. in 1941

3. Bombay session of I.N.C. in 1942 4. Bombay session of I.N.C. in 1945.

9. Who among the following is not a ghazal singer?

1. Talat Aziz 2. Chandan Dass 3. Peenaz Masani 4.

Jagdev Singh

10. Art. 352 deals with the

1. imposition of President’s rule 2. imposition of emergency

3. imposition of censorship 4. imposition of financial emergency

11. Meteorites are the heavenly bodies

1. between the Mars and the Jupiter 2. between the Saturn and the Neptune

3. between the Mars and the Venus 4. that burn brightly on entering the
Earth’s atmosphere

12. P-5 is a group of

1. highly developed countries 2. Highly populous countries

3. Permanent members of the Security Council 4. Established nuclear powers

13. Arrange the following in chronological order:

a. Dandi March b. McDonald Award c. Hanging of Bhagat Singh d. Meerut

conspiracy case

1. a, b, c, d 2. b, a, c, d 3. d, c, a, b, 4. d, a, c, b

14. Which of the following is a land-locked state?

1. Gujarat 2. Andhra Pradesh 3. Madhya Pradesh 4. Tamil


15. Which of the following is not an official language as per the 8th schedule?
1. Konkani 2. Sindhi 3. Manipuri 4. English

16. Which of the following used in making computer chips ?

1. Carbon 2. Uranium 3. Silicon 4.


17. In order to see an undersea object while in a ship, you would make use of a

1. telescope 2. periscope 3. marinoscope 4. None of these

18. Kofi Annan, the UNO Secretary-General belong to

1. Saudi Arab 2. Egypt 3. Ghana 4. Brazil

19. The deepest ocean in the world is

1. The Indian ocean 2. The Atlantic ocean 3. The Pacific ocean 4. None of these

20. The oldest mutual fund in India is the

1. SBI Mutual Fund 2. BOB Mutual Fund 3. PNB Mutual Fund 4. Unit Trust of India

21. A candidate for elections to the Lok Sabha stands to lose his Deposit Money if he fails to get

1. 1/5 of the total valid votes 2. 1/8 of the valid votes 3. 1/6 of the valid votes polled 4. none
of these

22. The Varanasi–Kanyakumari National Highway is called

1. N.H. – 8 2. N. H. – 7 3. N.H. – 12 4. N.H. – 9

23. Which of the following areas of output is witnessing a new revolution?

1. oilseeds 2. fisheries 3. fruits 4. cereals

24. The W.T.O. came into being on

1. 1st April, 1995 2. 1st April, 1994 3. 1st Jan., 1995 4. 1st
Jan., 1996

25. Bangal was partitioned during the viceroyalty of

1. Lord Rippon 2. Lord Curzon 3. Lord Hardinge 4. Lord Minto

26. The term “Ashes” is related to

1. Cricket 2. Football 3. Hockey 4. Golf

27. “Rang Bhumi” is a celebrated work by

1. Amrit Lal Nagar 2. Prem Chand 3. Harivansh Bachchan 4. Jayshankar


28. In ancient India, if you were looking for silver in India, you would have gone towards

1. West Bengal 2. Kerala 3. Orissa 4.

Madhya Pradesh

29. NASA is a / an

1. T.V. Channel 2. international funding agency

3. U.S. agency 4. social welfare agency

30. The Nalsarover Sanctuary is famous for

1. migratory birds 2. deer 3. wild ass 4. white lions

31. “The City of Electronics” is the title given to

1. Bombay 2. Bangalore 3. Mohali 4. None of


32. Akbar’s regent was

1. Abul Fazal 2. his father 3. Bairam Khan 4. Abdul Rahim Khan-I-Khana


33. Kiwi is a

1. mammal 2. bird 3. amphibian 4. can’t be said

34. The capital of South Africa is

1. Pretoria 2. Kimberley 3. Transvaal 4. Natal

35. The National Chemical Laboratory is in

1. Calcutta 2. Pune 3. Jamshedphur 5. Bhav Nagar

36. The theory of natural selection was given by

1. Linneus 2. Darwin 3. Mendel 4. Leewenhock

37. Which Indian City has the maximum number of motorized vehicles on its roads?

1. Calcutta 2. Bombay 3. N. Delhi 4. Madras

38. Who among the following is NOT a painter?

1. Nand Lal Bose 2. Jamini Roy 3. Manjit Bawa 4. Rituparno


39. “The World AIDS Day” is observed on

1. 1 DEC 2. 10 DEC 3. 5 JUNE 4. 15 DEC

40. The court language during the Mughal times was

1. Turkish 2. Urdu 3. Persian 4. Hindi

41. “Bank Rate” is the

1. rate of interest charged by banks on loans 2. rate of interest given by the banks on
fixed deposits

3. rate at which bills are rediscounted by the RBI 4. None of the above

42. Copper is found in abundance in

1. Khetri 2. Udaipur 3. Jaisalmer 4. Bhilwara

43. Lakshya and Nishant are new

1. Rockets 2. Pilotless aircraft 3. Missiles 4. submarines

44. “The Fire Temple” is the place of worship of the

1. Jews 2. Parsis 3. Hebrews 4. None of


45. The driest place in India is

1. Mount Abu 2. Jodhpur 3. Jaisalmer 4. Bikaner

46. Bahadur Shah Zafar, the last Mughal emperor, was deported by the British to

1. Malaya 2. Rangoon 3. Singapore 4. the


47. “Nirmal Hridaya” is a

1. project for the welfare of orphans 2. de-addiction project of the G.O.I.

3. rehabilitation project for the widowed 4. None of these


1. 2 2. 3 3. 3 4. 2 5. 4 6. 2 7. 3 8. 3 9. 4 10. 2 11. 4 12. 1

13. 4 14. 3 15. 4 16. 3 17. 2 18. 3 19. 3 20. 4 21. 3 22. 2 23. 1 24. 3
25. 2 26. 1 27. 2 28. 1 29. 3 30. 1 31. 2 32. 3 33. 2 34. 1 35. 2 36. 2
37. 3 38. 4 39. 1 40. 3 41. 3 42. 1 43. 2 44. 1 45. 3 46. 2 47. 1

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