GK 9

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1. The Panchayati Raj system is a

1. four-tier institution 2. two-tier institution 3. three-tier institution 4. None of these

2. Washing Soda is chemically called

1. Sodium Carbonate 2. Calcium Carbonate 3. Sodium Bicarbonate 4. Potassium Carbonate

3. If you a burn 10 gm. of Magnesium in the air, the weight of the resulting product would be

1. less than 10 gms. 2. more than 10 gms. 3. either 1 or 2. 4. can’t say

4. Unhappy India was authored by

1. Lala Lajpat Rai 2. G. K. Gokhale 3. M. K. Gandhi 4. Dadabhai


5. Bhagat Singh was sentenced to death in the

1. Meerut conspiracy case 3. Kakori conspiracy case 4. Karachi conspiracy case

4. None of these

6. Who among the following is not an author?

1. Gita Hariharan 2. Shobha De 3. Ismat Chughtai 4.

Gitanjli Aiyar

7. The Thomas Cup is related to

1. Badminton 2. Tennis 3. Squash 4. Golf

8. The height of Mt. Everest is

1. 8898 m. 2. 8848 m. 3. 8848 ft. 4. 8898 ft.

9. “Shahid Udham Singh Nagar” is a new district carved out in

1. Punjab 2. Haryana 3. U.P. 4. J&K

10. The first speaker of the Indian Loksabha was

1. Gurdial Singh 2. Baldev Singh 3. JL Nehru 4. GV Mavlankar

11. The STD facility was launched in India first of all in

1. Nasik 2. Kanpur 3. Bombay 4. New


12. Art. 143 deals with the

1. allocation of funds among states 2. concept of collective responsibility of

the Cabinet

3. advisory jurisdiction of the Supreme Court 4. none of these

13. “Garuda” is the emblem of the

1. Indonesian Airlines 2. Thai Airlines 3. Mauritius Airlines 4. Fiji Airlines

14. The High Altitude Research Laboratory is at

1. Leh 2. Ooty 3. Gulmarg 4. Darjeeling

15. The Olympics were re-started by

1. Pierre de Cubertin 2. Henri Dunant 3. Antonio Samaranch 4. None of


16. Ootacomund is a famous tourist-spot in

1. Gujarat 2. Kerala 3. Tamil Nadu 4.

Andhra Pradesh

17. The Ghadar party was based in

1. San Francisco 2. Berkeley 3. New York 4. Toronto

18. The rear-view mirror used in two-wheelers is

1. concave 2. convex 3. concavo-convex 4. cylinderical

19. Identify the incorrect pair :-

1. S. K. Mahopatra : Oriya 2. K. V. Putappa : Kannada 3. Qurtulain Haider : Urdu 4. Indu

Bali : English

20. The International Rich Research Institute (IRRI) is located in

1. Vienna 2. Manila 3. Beijing

4. Java

21. Clint Eastwood is a renowned

1. film personality 2. mediaman 3. art expert 4. scientist

22. Aspirin has been found to be useful for

1. kidney patients 2. heart patients 3. miscarriages 4.

dental patients

23. The fourth state of matter is referred to as

1. plasma 2. liquid-drop 3. Bose-Einstein condensate 4. None of these

24. Who among the following scientists of India is well-known for his work in plant physiology?

1. Birbal Sawhney 2. J. C. Bose 3. Meghnad Saha 4. Homi


25. The constitution derives its authority from

1. the people of India 2. the Parliament 3. the Supreme Court 4.the

Constituent Assembly
26. The Samajhauta Express runs between

1. Amritsar and Islamabad 2. Amritsar and Lahore 3. Amritsar and Karachi 4. Amritsar and

27. “Onam” is a harvest festival in

1. Tamil Nadu 2. Gujarat 3. Kerala 4.


28. The 3rd June Plan is also known as the

1. Mountbatten Plan 2. Attlee Plan 3. Churchill Plan 4. Nehru Plan

29. How many members can be nominated to the Rajya Sabha ?

1. 10 2. 12 3. 15 4. 8

30. “This Above All” is a well-known newspaper column written by

1. M. V. Kamath 2. Tavleen Singh 3. M. J. Akbar 4. Khushwant


31. The “Doctrine of Lapse” was applied by

1. Lord Dalhousie 2. Lord Cornawallis 3. Lord Curzon 4. Lord Dufferin

32. The chemical used as a fixer in photography is

1. Sodium Sulphate 2. Sodium Bromide 3. Sodium Thiosulphate4. Sodium


33. Which of the following comprises the Indian Parliament?

A. Loksabha B. Rajyasabha C. President

1. A and B 2. B and C 3. A, B and C 4. None of these

34. Which of the following is NOT a compound?

1. air 2. water 3. washing soda 4.
marsh gas

35. The first private-sector university in India is located at

1. Ghaziabad 2. Ahmedabad 3. Anand 4. Hyderabad

36. Which of the following is being touted as the linguistic medium of the future, connecting all people

1. English 2. Sanskrit 3. Esperanto 4. Mandarin

37. Bharatpur in Rajasthan is famous for its

1. tiger sanctuary 2. bird sanctuary 3. musk deer sanctuary 4. lion


38. After being captured, Napoleon Bonaparte was kept in

1. St. Helena 2. St. Kitts 3. St. Carribea 4. None of these

39. The Kaiga Atomic Power plant is in

1. Karnataka 2. Tamil Nadu 3. Andhra Pradesh 4. None of


40. Noam Chomsky is a world-famous American

1. politician 2. scientist 3. linguist 4. film-star

41. Identify the incorrect pair :-

1. D.R.D.L : Hyderabad 2. N.B.T : New Delhi 3. C.E.E.R.I : Jabalpur 4. C.L.R.I. : Madras

42. India’s latest space achievement is the launch of

1. Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle 2. Geo-synchronous Satellite Launch

3. Reusable space-shuttle 4. Manned space flight

43. “Mandarin” is the language of the

1. Chinese 2. Japanese 3. Burmese 4. None of these

44. The smallest independent country in the world is

1. Vatican 2. Nauru 3. Palau 4. Andorra

45. Who among the following is the recipient of the Gandhi Peace Prize?

1. Robert Mugabe 2. Nelson Mandela 3. Rajiv Gandhi 4.

Desmond Tutu

46. An “Archipelago” is a

1. group of stars 2. group of islands 3. group of galaxies 4.

group of coral reef islands

47. The Osho Commune International is in

1. Pune 2. Bombay 3. Goregaon 4. None of


48. “The Poet of the East” is a title given to

1. Firaq Gorakhpuri 2. Mirza Ghalib 3. Dr. Mohd. Iqbal 4.

Bahadur Shah Zafar

49. Which Buddhist book contains folk stories regarding the previous life of Guatam Buddha?

1. Mahavastu 2. Vinaya 3. Jataka 4.

1. 3 2. 1 3. 2 4. 1 5. 4 6. 4 7. 1 8. 2 9. 3 10. 4 11. 2 12. 3
13. 1 14. 3 15. 1 16. 3 17. 1 18. 2 19. 4 20. 2 21. 1 22. 2 23. 1 24. 2
25. 1 26. 2 27. 3 28. 1 29. 2 30.4 31. 1 32. 3 33. 3 34. 1 35. 4 36. 3
37. 2 38. 1 39. 1 40. 3 41. 3 42. 2 43. 1 44. 1 45. 2 46. 2 47. 1 48.3
49. 3

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