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Operations Management for Engineering Consulting Firms:

A Case Study
Linda L. Brennan1

Abstract: While acknowledging the difficulties of managing professionals, many theorists and practitioners are critical of applying
operations management practices as solutions. This study challenges these criticisms by developing a series of propositions for engineer-
ing consulting firms based on a flexible manufacturing paradigm, in particular to 共1兲 develop a generalized skill set among employees; 共2兲
balance the workload across the organization; 共3兲 cultivate project managers in a deliberate manner; and 共4兲 apply operational models to
predict the impact of resource allocation schemes. These propositions are examined in the context of a case study of engineers and
technicians in a consulting company. The exploratory data analysis supports the validity of the propositions and also indicates the need for
other operational improvements.
DOI: 10.1061/共ASCE兲0742-597X共2006兲22:3共98兲
CE Database subject headings: Consulting services; Resource management; Field investigations; Case reports; Business

Introduction Developing insights into the management of professionals is a

challenging and interesting problem. The lack of research in
This paper presents a case study used to develop propositions
this area makes it a perfect fit for this case methodology. In
about the use of operations management techniques in engineer-
particular, this study challenges conventional wisdom by pro-
ing consulting firms 共ECFs兲. The case organization investigated
was a small consulting company that had grown from one indi- posing the use of operations management principles associated
vidual to over one hundred employees in 30 years, with the most with flexible manufacturing to address the specific problem of
dramatic growth occurring in the last decade. The company’s resource allocation in the subject firm. The general utility of flex-
chief executive and founder was concerned with the firm’s recent ible manufacturing principles for engineering consulting firms is
operations. Despite marketing and hiring initiatives, the company also considered.
had been experiencing stagnant performance with slowing growth
and declining profits for the last three years. He was interested in
options for operational improvements and was particularly con- Flexible Manufacturing Paradigm
cerned with resource allocation methods due to the wide variation
of ways engineers and technicians were used throughout the firm. Often considered a special case of a job shop, flexible manufac-
By considering the firm in the context of a manufacturing para- turing systems 共FMSs兲 are collections of communicating groups
digm, specific options were identified and considered for how
of modular automated material-handling devices and numerically
ECFs might improve operations in general.
controlled machine tools that are integrated by a hierarchical net-
Previous research has long suggested that service activities
require the same sort of disciplines and strategies that make mod- work of computers 共Chaudhury and Ratham 1992兲. These systems
ern manufacturing so efficient 共Levitt 1976兲. Mass services have are characterized by individual machines that are quite versatile
routinely adopted such approaches, but many theorists and prac- and are capable of performing many types of operations, demon-
titioners are hesitant to apply operations management and manu- strating automatic tool interchange capabilities, and handling ma-
facturing practices as solutions to problems regarding managing terial between machines automatically 共Stecke and Solberg 1981兲.
professionals. For example, Shapero 共1985兲 suggests that the The basic objective of the flexible manufacturing concept is to
uniqueness of the activities performed by professionals prevents achieve the efficiency and utilization levels of mass production
the use of standardized processes. Maister 共1993, p. xv兲 states that 共i.e., flow lines兲 while retaining the flexibility of manually oper-
since ECFs must manage customized activities, management of ated job shops 共Stecke and Solberg 1981兲. Dimensions of flex-
information cannot be made routine. ibility are obtained from the machines, the material-handling
systems, the operational processes, and many other aspects of an
Mercer Univ., Stetson School of Business and Economics, 1400 FMS 共Vokurka and O’Leary-Kelly 2000兲.
Coleman Ave., Macon, GA 31207. E-mail: Two main themes exist throughout the literature on work allo-
Note. Discussion open until December 1, 2006. Separate discussions cation for FMSs:
must be submitted for individual papers. To extend the closing date by • Exploiting the flexibility of FMSs 共cf., Fine and Freund 1990;
one month, a written request must be filed with the ASCE Managing
Gerwin 1993兲, and
Editor. The manuscript for this paper was submitted for review and pos-
sible publication on May 12, 2005; approved on November 2, 2005. This • Loading and controlling FMSs according to different schemes.
paper is part of the Journal of Management in Engineering, Vol. 22, No. For the purposes of this study, the latter theme is of particular
3, July 1, 2006. ©ASCE, ISSN 0742-597X/2006/3-98–107/$25.00. relevance.


Loading concerned with which job to release to a machine or pool of
machines. Therefore, specific models and techniques described in
Resource management for an FMS involves deciding which tools the scheduling literature are not directly useful for the current
to assign to machines and how the machines should be pooled for problem, where the concern is with what machines 共i.e., profes-
work queues. This “loading” process can be compared to ECF sionals兲 to assign to a job 共i.e., project兲. Nonetheless, this exercise
operations of deciding which skills to require of employees and has produced some theoretical results, presented as propositions
how the staff should be assigned to projects. Loading may possess in the following sections.
several desirable yet conflicting objectives:
• The workloads assigned to each machine should be balanced Proposition One: Generalized Skill Set
to avoid unnecessary bottlenecks.
Loading and pooling strategies for FMSs suggest that an ECF
• When feasible, consecutive operations should be performed on
should consider a general set of skills and knowledge bases as a
the same machine to minimize the number of required part
minimum requirement for professionals on the staff. Specifically,
this criterion may apply to the required expertise of workers in
• Tool space permitting, operations should be assigned to more
terms of tooling. This concept is consistent with Garud and
than one machine to increase flexibility for routing the parts in
Kotha’s 共1994兲 suggestion that flexibility in production systems is
real time 共Stecke and Solberg 1981兲.
facilitated by overlapping sets of generalized capabilities in addi-
These guidelines have intuitive appeal for ECFs as well. Key
tion to specializations for specific tasks. Such an approach would
performers become bottlenecks by being too busy to be effective
enable an ECF to pool the workers for much of the work under-
or too busy for others to get the resources they need. Unnecessary
taken and achieve greater flexibility and higher efficiencies.
time is spent coordinating activities or achieving transitions on a
project. Finally, flexibility and responsiveness improve as the
Proposition Two: Workload Balancing
number of people who can do a task increases.
Balancing the workload among professionals should eliminate
bottlenecks. Bottlenecks occur when work is delayed because of
Tooling the high utilization of certain resources. Balancing would increase
the use of underutilized professionals, thereby leading to greater
In a later study using a closed queuing network model of an FMS, experience and productive capacity. More balanced workloads
Stecke and Solberg 共1985, p. 882兲 explore the consequences of should also lead to shorter elapsed “processing” times for project
varying workloads among multiserver queues of varying size. completions.
Their findings suggest that the best possible solution is to pool,
and therefore identically tool, all of the machines into one group: Proposition Three: Project Leadership
It is well known among queuing theorists that, under sto- To improve throughput, performing consecutive operations on the
chastic conditions, a pooled group of servers will perform same machine minimizes movement 共Stecke and Solberg 1981兲.
more efficiently 共i.e., complete more jobs per unit time, or For an ECF, this movement may imply distributing the work to
increase production rate兲 than the same number of servers more project leaders with smaller project teams. Such a distribu-
working separately. tion may increase throughput by minimizing the handoffs among
the professionals.
However, this type of tooling is rarely possible since the tools
cannot usually fit into each machine’s limited tool capacity.
Proposition Four: Operational Models
Similarly, for an ECF, one might consider requiring that all of
the professionals be capable of performing all jobs, but limited Operational models can be used to aid a company in considering
cognitive abilities of individuals would make this approach in- the impact that different resource allocation schemes may have on
feasible. The extensive training 共i.e., “tooling”兲 required would the organization. Even though operational models are not likely to
also make this approach expensive. For a more feasible alterna- capture all of the complexities inherent in an ECF, they can be
tive to a single pool of all machines, Stecke and Solberg 共1985, useful diagnostic tools 共cf., Brennan and Orwig 2000兲.
p. 905兲 recommend unbalanced solutions using large groups:
A larger group of pooled machines can be loaded more Case Study Organization
heavily simply because pooled servers are more efficient
than single servers. In addition, a larger group automati-
This section presents the propositions discussed above in the con-
cally increases flexibility by increasing the number of job
text of the case study organization.
routes. Production of more than one part type, each with
alternative routes, increases system variability. Pooling
machines helps a system automatically adapt to conges- Company Background
tion 共in part caused by increased system variability兲 and
system breakdowns. The company examined in this case study was founded over 30
years ago by a Ph.D. metallurgical engineer to provide engineer-
ing consulting services to small industrial companies. The com-
Presentation of ECF Propositions pany grew to 100 employees and expanded its multidisciplinary
practice to include litigation support and applied research and
The FMS paradigm has great intuitive appeal as a framework for development. While the company services a broad range of
considering an ECF. Machines with different toolings and prod- industries, as well as the public sector, much of its work is per-
ucts with different routing requirements over a set of common formed for insurance companies and law firms. In a valuation
tasks can represent the dynamic complexity of the case study report prepared for the company by an independent agency, the
organization. Much of the research on FMS work allocation is firm is described as:


. . . a nationally known independent consulting firm de- metallurgical practice also supervises the technicians; he works
voted primarily to the investigation, analysis and preven- part time, being semiretired from a career at the local electric
tion of failures of virtually any type of structure. The power utility. Both the head of the mechanical engineering prac-
Company analyzes and often reconstructs accidents and tice and the vice president in charge of building systems joined
disasters as well as failures in products, structures and the firm after working for several years in industrial research and
human actions. 关The firm兴 has two specific areas of spe- development.
cialization: The first area concentrates on product failures
which drive the resulting investigation, solutions and im- Staff Members
provements; the second area of concentration is on clients The remainder of the company includes staff engineers who are
seeking better ways to enhance or improve products or full-time employees, associate consultants who are affiliated with
services. . . The Company’s revenues are primarily derived the company but are not employees, technicians, photographers,
from services in connection with the analysis and inves- graphic artisans, and administrative support staff. Staff engineers
tigation of failures and accidents. represent a wide variety of engineering and scientific disciplines:
The mission of the firm is further described by its Chairman • Materials/metallurgical engineering,
and Chief Executive Officer: “We provide our clients with the • Chemistry/chemical engineering,
highest quality engineering and scientific solutions to meet their • Electrical engineering,
technical needs.” In a memorandum to the firm’s employees, he • Mechanical engineering,
described the organization as “a highly qualified, experienced and • Manufacturing engineering,
dedicated team, having multidisciplinary professional, technical • Structural/civil engineering,
and field service capabilities, using state-of-the-art laboratories • Human factors/industrial engineering,
and facilities.” • Process plant engineering,
• Biomedical engineering,
• Agricultural engineering, and
Organizational Structure • Automotive/aviation/marine engineering.
The firm’s organizational structure plays a significant role in the Furthermore, the Director of Program Development is respon-
operations of the company. sible for marketing activities and business planning for new
ventures. As such, he handles general inquiries and cold calls,
Chairman of the Board/ Chief Executive Officer directing callers to the appropriate technical resource.
The management of the firm is primarily comprised of engineer-
ing practitioners. The 70-year-old founder of the company still
actively participates in its operations and is the Chairman of the Paradigmatic View of the Case Study
Board and Chief Executive Officer 共CEO兲. He is concerned with
the transition of ownership and leadership in the company. The Case Study Application: Proposition One
CEO established an employee stock ownership program several
years ago, selling some of his interest in the firm. At present, he Proposition one from the flexible manufacturing paradigm cites
retains 42% ownership as the largest single shareholder. the need for a generalized skill set among employees. In the case
study organization, approximately one-third of the engineers have
Chief Operating Officer Ph.D. degrees, and approximately 42% are registered Professional
The Chief Operating Officer 共COO兲 is a mechanical engineer Engineers 共PEs兲. In addition to different levels of engineering
and a long-time employee of the company. He is the leading expertise, skills in project management, laboratory testing, site
“rainmaker,” consistently the highest billing engineer in the com- investigation, computer modeling, results presentation, and client
pany. In contrast to the Chairman’s paternalistic style, the COO communications vary widely. No generalized skill set is defined
expresses little interest in management practices and prefers to among the professionals.
lead by example. He is rarely in the office as he is busy with
billable work. Case Study Application: Proposition Two
Vice Presidents Proposition two from the flexible manufacturing paradigm calls
Five executives hold the title of vice president. These executives, for a deliberate or systematic effort to balance the workload
however, can be further classified by the office to which they across the organization. In the case study organization, projects
report. A 20-year veteran, the Vice President of Administration range in size from a few hundred dollars to several hundred thou-
also serves as the Administrative Assistant to the Chairman. She sand dollars, and in duration from hours to years. While projects
is responsible for personnel and benefits administration, account- originate primarily from repeat customers and referrals, they may
ing and financial management, information systems, and is the be initiated in a variety of ways. If the client has a previous
Secretary of the Board. relationship with an engineer, the client will typically refer to that
The other vice presidents nominally report to the COO, person again for assistance. Depending on the client’s current
although often they may seem to report to the CEO. They serve needs, the engineer may refer the work to another person in the
as functional area heads within engineering disciplines, primarily firm or, as is often the case, retain responsibility for the work
for accounting purposes and personnel administration. These himself. If the client is new to the company, the client is usually
four vice presidents have been with the company less than 5 referred to the Director of Program Development who discusses
years. The head of the chemical and electrical practice is also a the project and explains the firm’s capabilities. The director then
top biller and operates primarily out of his home, 800 miles away refers the client to one of the technical staff with the appropriate
the company. The vice president who is responsible for the subject matter expertise.


Table 1. Individual-Level Data Protocol
Field Data Type Description Source
# Nominal Numbers assigned to individuals for reporting purposes Computer
educ Ordinal Highest education attained: 0⫽HS; 1⫽AS; 2⫽BS; 3⫽MS; 4⫽Ph.D. Resumes
PE Nominal Professional engineer certification: 0⫽no; 1⫽yes Resumes
CoYrs Ratio Year started with company Personnel coordinator
Exprnce Ordinal Number of years of work experience: 1 ⬍ = 5; 2 = 5 − 15; 3 ⬎ = 15 Observation
General Nominal General area of practice Resumes
Unique1 Nominal Unique area of specialization Resumes
Unique2 Nominal Unique area of specialization Resumes
VP Nominal Hierarchical reporting relationship Operating plans
Loc’n Nominal 1 = 1south; 2 = 1north; 3 = 2south; 4 = 2west; 5 = 2north; 0 = other Observation
BillRate Ratio Hourly rate billed to clients Billing rate report 共May兲
CoClass Ordinal Company classification system Billing rate report 共May兲
ProdRate Ratio Percent billability Individual capacity report 共May兲

Outside associates are also occasionally a source of projects Case Study Application: Proposition Four
when the company finds that it needs the broader capabilities of
Finally, Proposition four, explores the use of operational models
the firm to do the work. According to the CEO, associates are
to predict the impact of resource allocation schemes. These op-
used as a “flywheel” for business development. When the firm
erational models have been examined in detail by Brennan and
gets enough “energy” in an area of expertise, that expertise is
Orwig 共2000兲. Within this case study, the company’s top perform-
integrated into the business.
ers retained much of the project work and protected their own
For both existing and new clients, secretaries play an integral
role in the project assignment process. Very often, a secretary productivity rates. These employees can be classified as produc-
fields the initial calls on a project in an engineer’s absence. The tion bottlenecks. A possible allocation scheme the firm could
secretary may then turn the information over to another engineer implement is to leverage these individuals more by extending
for followup. their impact and influence with the substitution of junior staff,
Therefore, projects originate in a variety of ways with no de- overall throughput could increase in two ways. First, as senior
liberate or systematic effort to balance the workload across the more experienced people, the top performers could effectively
organization as Proposition two recommends. Not only does this attract more business for the firm, by spending time marketing
have an effect on the firm’s throughput, it also affects the firm’s and increasing their visibility to prospective clients 共e.g., publish-
development of productive capacity. Former Harvard Business ing articles and speaking at conferences兲. Second, by delegating
School professor and “consultants’ consultant” David Maister more work, the top performers would increase the productivity of
共1993, p. 175兲 asserts: the junior staff, enabling the company to do more work faster.
To gauge the impact of implementing the propositions and to
The scheduling of work assignments is the single most examine whether other variables might be contributing to differ-
important managerial activity in a professional services ences in productivity, data were collected about the individuals
firm. . . By allocating the right resources to different as- and the projects performed in a year.
signments, there is the opportunity to influence the cost of
the work, its quality, and the timeliness of its delivery. . .
Over time, the pattern of assignments given to individuals Individual Level Data
will profoundly influence their professional development, The data concerning individuals were collected for three
their worth to the firm and to clients, their satisfaction purposes:
with the firm, and, as a result, their motivation and pro- 1. To characterize engineers and technicians as production re-
ductivity. Viewed as a connected set of decisions, assign- sources,
ments will also play a larger role in the dissemination of 2. To examine whether professional characteristics could be
expertise throughout the firm. . . linked to productivity levels, and
3. To assess the impact of changing individuals’ project
Case Study Application: Proposition Three To characterize the individuals as production resources, data
Proposition three from the flexible manufacturing paradigm about their credentials, experience, and expertise were collected.
calls for a deliberate cultivation of project managers. Similar to The individuals’ organizationally based characteristics, such as
the assignment of projects to employees, the company’s process company classification and billing rate, were also collected for the
for assigning project leaders is highly dynamic and is based on impact assessment. The impact assessment included the analysis
opportunity, staff availability, individual preferences, and staff of the effect of different work allocation schemes on firm rev-
experience. Furthermore, this process results in certain employees enues, throughput, and capacity. The individual-level data proto-
performing routinized projects, which limits them to narrow col is summarized in Table 1.
bands of skills with which to apply their technical expertise. As the protocol indicates, these data were collected primarily
Limiting employees prevents them from serving as effective from archival sources, such as official company resumes and rou-
project managers. tine accounting reports. The Personnel Coordinator supplied the


Fig. 3. Experience level

Fig. 1. Educational level

information. Based on the project title and descriptive information
in the project-opening request, an effort was made to characterize
information about individuals’ hire dates 共i.e., CoYrs兲 from per- the subject, size, and urgency of the work. These assessments
sonnel records. The Director of Program Development reviewed were compared against the actual events recorded in the account-
and refined classifications of general areas of practice and unique ing reports. Billings, end dates, and actual assignments were
areas of specialization. This role was appropriate since the direc- noted, and size and urgency were adjusted accordingly. Instances
tor often used such judgments to refer prospective clients to the where the project activity indicated the use of unique expertise
technical staff. were recorded as expert. For reporting purposes, the projects were
The distribution of nominal characteristics of the individuals is assigned codes and the individuals’ initials were replaced by their
summarized in Figs. 1–4. Fig. 1 displays the highest form of code numbers.
education that employees have received, ranging from a high
school education to a Ph.D. Fig. 2 depicts the percentage of
employees that are certified PEs 共32%兲. Fig. 3 divides the em- Exploratory Data Analysis
ployees’ experience into three groups: Less than 5 years, 5–15
years, and greater than 15 years. Finally, Fig. 4 separates employ- Data Analysis: Proposition One
ees by their positions within the firm. These classifications com-
bine education and experience into categories used for billing Productivity as a Revenue Indicator
range and salary ranges. Productivity, one of the key operational measures of the firm, can
be defined as the billability of the technical staff. Billability refers
Project Level Data to each employee’s billable time for a given period and was cal-
culated by dividing the number of billed hours by the 40 hours in
The project-level data were used to characterize the project work a week. Therefore, productivity can represent the main revenue
in terms of the flexible manufacturing paradigm, i.e., as products stream of the company. Higher productivity levels 共billable hours兲
needing time on machines with specific tools, which are the staff are directly associated with higher revenues. Higher revenues are
with special skills. As such, the data were captured in two ways. directly associated with higher profits since most of the firm’s
One way reflected the information that is available at the time a expenses are either fixed, such as salaries and building costs, or
project is opened, and the other reflected the activities required are directly chargeable to the clients, such as project-specific soft-
for the project and the resulting revenues. The intent was to use ware costs and travel expenses.
posthoc information to provide insights into the a priori data. Changes in workload allocation, as suggested by the flexible
Two months were randomly selected. The billing information manufacturing paradigm, could increase the productivity rates of
for projects opened during these months was extracted from the the technical staff. This is not to suggest that other factors are not
accounting files to capture the total amount billed, and the timing associated with increased productivity. In fact, the data collected
and duration of project team members’ activities. To reduce the at the individual level were examined to identify other potential
data to a more useable form, the projects from one month were productivity levers. Specifically, a series of nonparametric statis-
coded. Of the 79 projects opened, only 65 were considered in this tical analyses were performed, using the Wilcoxon Rank Sum
analysis. Five were opened for an auxiliary location 共using differ- Test 共McClave and Dietrich 1991兲 to compare characteristics of
ent resources兲. Four had no dollar billings, and five had missing individuals and productivity rates. Note that regression techniques
files or incomplete billing information. were not used because of the number of qualitative variables and
After coding, the project openings were reviewed, noting the
project number, start date, taken-by information, and assigned-to

Fig. 2. Professional engineering certification Fig. 4. Company classification


Table 2. High-Low Comparison Results H2: PE Certification and Productivity Level Are Not
Factor Test values Result Independent
The test statistic was calculated X2 = 3.20. At ␣ = 0.10 共rejection
Education level TH = 144, Fail to reject HO
region: X2 ⬎ X20.10 = 2.70554, p value= 0.08兲, this statistic loosely
z = 1.24 suggests that PE certification is associated with higher levels of
Number of years at the company TH = 102, Fail to reject HO productivity. Note that the correlation does not imply causation; it
z = 1.12 is not suggested that certification leads to higher productivity.
Billing rate TH = 139.5, Fail to reject HO While this may be true, motivation and/or technical abilities that
z = 1.21 enable an individual to obtain PE certification may also lead that
person to achieve higher productivity rates. The certification pro-
cess includes a qualification exam, proof of industrial experience,
and a licensing exam. The exams are designed to rigorously test
for an understanding of a broad spectrum of engineering prin-
their levels, limiting the degrees of freedom. Also note that ciples and applications.
ANOVA was not used because of its requirement for normally
distributed interval or ratio data.
For these analyses, the engineering staff was divided into Link between Productivity and Generalized Skill Set
groups according to their productivity rates. High productivity The correlation between PE certification and productivity is suf-
was classified as rates greater than or equal to 80%. Low produc- ficient without proving causation and should be considered in the
tivity was classified as rates less than or equal to 60%. Employees context of the flexible manufacturing paradigm. This correlation
with productivity rates between 60% and 80% were not used in can be used as a basis for relating productivity to the generalized
the comparative analysis. The high productivity group consisted skill set outlined in Proposition one. Encouraging the staff to
of ten engineers, while the low productivity group consisted of pursue PE certification is consistent with the strategy to tool the
thirteen engineers. machines broadly for greater flexibility and throughput. PEs have
an explicitly greater capacity to produce since their billing rates
Comparison of Individual Characteristics and Productivity are commensurately higher with this credential.
To gain a greater understanding of any factors that influence Also, capacity implicitly increases when an engineer becomes
productivity not outlined in the flexible manufacturing paradigm, a PE, since PEs may bring a broader perspective to problem
a comparative analysis was conducted using individual charac- solving. Substantial anecdotal evidence suggests that engineers in
the subject firm consistently miss greater revenue opportunities
teristics of members in the high and low productivity groups.
by narrowly defining the clients’ problems. For example, the
Education level, number of years at the company, billing rate, and
Chairman describes one project in which the client contacted an
experience level were all compared in single factor analyses. For
engineer for $5,000 worth of tests. However, during a planning
each factor, differences in the distribution between the high and meeting with that client, the Chairman probed the client for in-
low subsets were tested in terms of the following hypotheses. formation about the problem and was able to expand the engage-
ment to a $30,000 project to solve the problem directly and better
H1: The Two Sampled Populations Have Different serve the client. This type of interaction is common among PEs.
Distributions In contrast, an engineer who is called upon to solve a problem
Note that these tests assume that the two subsets are actually may be quick to identify the solution without questioning the
random samples of a population. While this is not strictly true, it problem definition. An engineer often sees the solution in terms of
should suffice to consider the firm as a randomly selected cluster his particular expertise. This type of thinking is analogous to the
from the population of knowledge-intensive firms. The results child who, when given a hammer as a gift, sees everything else as
show no significant difference exists between high and low a nail. The discipline and knowledge needed to become a PE may
productivity-rated staff for the following individual factors 共rejec- alleviate this problem, thereby implicitly increasing the firms’
tion region: z = ± 1.645, ␣ = 0.10兲: productive capacity without adding staff. Therefore, licensing re-
• Education level, quirements for PEs capture the essence of the generalized skill set
• Number of years at the company, and suggested by the flexible manufacturing paradigm.
• Billing rate.
These results are summarized in Table 2.
A single-factor analysis of experience level, however, could Data Analysis: Proposition Two
not be performed using this method. Because this factor was
Data on project openings indicate changes in workload allocation
coded as an ordinal data point with three values, too many ties in
may increase revenues. This indication, however, begs the ques-
the ranks existed to consider the distribution of values as continu-
tion of “changes from what?” The investigation revealed that the
ous, one of the requisite assumptions. An X2 test for multinomial
company was not using a specific systematic approach to allocate
probabilities could not be used either as the expected value for
work. The project opening data were examined to corroborate or
one of the cells was less than five 共McClave and Dietrich 1991兲. disconfirm this observation and to try to characterize the de facto
Comparison of PE Certification and Productivity The project openings for a 3-month period were examined. For
While the X2 test was not useful in comparing experience level to each of the 198 projects, the following information was noted:
productivity, this test was used successfully to compare the dis- • Who was credited with opening the project,
tribution of the binomial factor, PE certification, to the high and • Who was assigned to lead the project, and
low productivity groups. • Who was assigned to staff the project.


Table 3. Project Openings Involving Senior Staff involving the senior staff, including officers and vice presidents,
Opened Opened Opened during the 3-month observation period. Table 3 summarizes these
Staff ID by self, by self, by other, Productivity data. As shown in Table 3, the two senior staff members with the
number led by self led by other led by self rate lowest productivity rates 共13.26 and 60.95%兲 were the only ones
to officially delegate project leader responsibilities 共i.e., “Opened
45 0 3 2 13.26
by self, led by others.” The other four senior staff members re-
410 11 4 0 60.95
tained the project leadership designation.
492 7 0 1 76.06
Employees who opened projects tended to assign themselves
110 2 0 1 92.52
as either leaders or participants for those projects. In 49 of the
831 5 0 2 117.07 65 tabulated projects, these employees named themselves leaders
205 16 0 0 137.05 for the projects they opened. Additionally, they assigned them-
selves as participants for 11 of the remaining 16 projects.
Furthermore, this analysis showed that the nominal project as-
Tabulating the data showed that leadership responsibilities were signments rarely reflected actual project billings. Only five of the
assigned to someone other than the project originator 共or his sixty-five tabulated projects were billed by the same people as-
secretary兲 in only 14 of the 198 projects. This allocation method signed to them; most of the discrepancies arose because more
may be a manifestation of the administrative process in that a people worked on the projects than were originally assigned. The
project is opened by the leader once he has been identified. If so, billing discrepancies occurred for several reasons:
this administrative process may not be correctly capturing the • The project opening form limits assignments to three
information about project origination. Alternately, this allocation designees.
method may be attributed to engineers only being successful at • The firm explicitly assigns projects only to engineers, so the
opening projects for which they have the direct expertise needed project openings usually do not reflect the assignment of work
to lead the effort. Regardless of the explanation, the company to the technicians.
allocates work largely on the basis of “you find the project, • The multidisciplinary approach of the firm encourages the staff
you keep it.” This allocation method is inconsistent with the to consult with other engineers during the course of a project.
operational guidelines of workload balancing. The same inconsis- Consultations may occur because of unanticipated develop-
tencies apply to distributed project leadership. ments or the desire for a second opinion.
Other variations in project staffing may be due to changes in
individuals’ availabilities. Among the 65 projects, 14 experienced
Data Analysis: Proposition Three
straight substitutions in staffing assignments. Other projects
The inconsistencies involving distributed project leadership were lacked delegation of staff as 14 had fewer people bill for the
most evident when looking specifically at the project openings projects than were assigned. Finally, for 18 of the 65 projects,

Table 4. Chronological View of Project AB

When Who What How Cost Comment
7/1/92 842 Site inspection 6 480
7/2/92 842 Data analysis/interpretation: photos, artifacts 2 160
7/6/92 354 Project communication—start up with 842 1 120 No 842 time.
7/7/92 354 Buy new units of subject from Ace Hardware 2 240
7/7/92 354 Metallurgical investigation—macroexam 2 240
7/8/92 354 Metallurgical investigation—macro/diassemble 4 480
7/8/92 842 Metallurgical investigation—fractures 2.5 200
7/8/92 264 Metallurgical investigation—macro/disassemble 4 280
7/9/92 354 Metallurgical investigation—SEM exam 6 720 No mention of 842.
7/9/92 842 Metallurgical investigation—meet w/354 2 160
7/9/92 264 Metallurgical investigation—macrophotos 3.5 245
7/9/92 264 SEM investigation of fitting, deposit 4 280
7/10/92 354 Metallurgical investigation—macro/SEM exam 4 480
7/10/92 264 SEM fractography, discuss w/354 2.5 175
7/13/92 354 Meeting with client 2 240
7/13/92 354 Taking final photographs 2 240 Discussion w/264?
7/13/92 842 Engineering analysis—inspect w/client 2 160
7/13/92 264 Prep macrophotos, discuss w/354 2.5 175
7/14/92 354 File closing 1 120
7/14/92 842 Review photos of explosion 2 160
7/15/92 842 Inspect subject equipment by client 0.75 60
8/14/92 842 Review file—telephone conversation w/client 1 80
8/25/92 842 Project file organization 0.25 20
8/26/92 946 Telephone conversation w/client 0.5 150 Who briefed 946?


Table 5. Chronological View of Project CC
When Who What How Cost Comment
7/29/92 598 Examine gears in lab 0.5 55 No project planning?
7/30/92 598 Reference study; review literature 1 110
7/31/92 598 Project comm’n w/contacts for gear profiling 0.75 83
8/3/92 598 Project comm’n w/gear vendors for profiling 1 110
8/4/92 598 Metal investigation; examine fractures 1 110
8/5/92 598 Project comm’n w/492 and client 0.5 55 No 492 time.
8/6/92 598 Project comm’n w/492 0.75 83 No 492 time.
8/10/92 598 Metal investigation: micros w/917 1 110
8/10/92 917 Gen’l lab work 共Ccut hrd mt pl e兲 4 260
8/11/92 598 Metal investigation: review micros, hardness 0.5 55
8/11/92 917 Gen’l lab work 共Repol eh ph hrd兲 4 260
8/12/92 492 Project comm’n w/598 0.75 143 No 598 time.
8/13/92 598 Project comm’n w/client 0.75 83
8/14/92 598 Project comm’n to direct lab 0.25 28
8/18/92 598 Project comm’n to direct lab, review micros 0.75 83
8/18/92 727 Metal investigation: cut, photo, micro 2 130
8/20/92 727 Photo micros, micro hardness for case bond 1.5 98 No 598 time for results?
8/24/92 492 Project comm’n w/598 and client 1 190
8/24/92 598 Project comm’n w/492 to call client 1 110
8/25/92 598 Gen’l engrg: write letter and report summary 0.75 83
8/25/92 598 Project comm’n; review file w/492 and call client 0.5 55
8/26/92 598 Draft letter and report 2 220
8/27/92 598 Final report 4 440
9/21/92 492 Telephone conversation w/client 0.25 48
9/28/92 917 Gen’l lab work 共Skth sc mt po h兲 4 260 No 598 time to direct?
9/29/92 917 Gen’l lab work 共Phot lg mth cmp兲 0.75 49 No 598 time to direct?
10/23/92 598 Draft letter report 2nd TMS gear 2 220
10/27/92 598 Draft final report 1 110
10/28/92 492 Review/sign report 0.5 95

management duties, such as communicating with clients, were was an industrial consulting project involving metallurgical
performed by someone other than the assigned leader. For each testing. Finally, Project CD was a litigation matter regarding an
project, the project leaders are listed first in both the Assignment automobile accident.
and Actual columns of Table 3. To code these projects for further analysis, the following fields
This comparison demonstrates that the a priori data 共project of information on the billable activities of the technical staff were
openings兲 were not strong predictors of the posthoc results collected:
共project billings兲, suggesting that the administrative process • “When” the work was performed,
of project assignments does not fully reflect actual resource • “Who” billed the work,
allocation in the subject firm. Further, this comparison supports • “What” work was done,
the proposition that operational models could demonstrate the • “How” many hours the work took, and
impact of consistently using systematic approaches to allocate • How much the work “cost”.
workload. In the billing reports for each project, this information is sorted
according to the individuals on the project; to gain a chronologi-
cal view of the billable activities of the project, however, this
study sorted the data by the date when activities were performed.
Data Analysis: Proposition Four
These data originated on daily timesheets submitted by all staff to
The original purpose of the exploratory data analysis of the the accounting department for data entry into the billing system.
project billings was to characterize the project work in terms of The examination resulted in the detection of regular inconsis-
the flexible manufacturing paradigm, i.e., by its manufacturing tencies in the project billings. In this process, little time is explic-
requirements. Three of the sixty-five projects, named AB, CC, itly allocated to project planning and problem definition. One of
and CD, were selected for the initial analysis as operational the most common inconsistencies occurred when Engineer A re-
models. These models were selected because they displayed the corded time for discussions with Engineer B, but Engineer B did
following criteria: not bill for comparable time with Engineer A.
• Typified the firm’s work, Ordering the data chronologically further revealed another in-
• Involved multiple staff members, and consistency. Projects may undergo a series of handoffs without
• Were medium size in scope. any billing for project communication or coordination. This error
Project AB was an investigation of a gas explosion. Project CC may be a problem in project management or a lost opportunity for


Table 6. Chronological View of Project CD
When Who What How Cost Comment
8/24/92 762 Evaluate material: C report 0.5 60 No project planning?
2/25/93 762 Technical summary depositions G 2 240
3/2/93 762 Technical summary depositions G 1 120
3/13/93 762 Travel to Detroit 3 360 Only 3 hrs, no action?
3/16/93 205 Review witness statements 1 225
3/19/93 762 Test preparation sled testing 8 960 No technician time?
3/24/93 89 Subject photography of study overall and cleanup 2.25 157.5
3/24/93 205 Part analysis and discuss with client 2 450
3/25/93 89 Evaluate material organize/review w/205 0.75 52.5 No 205 time billed.
4/6/93 205 Telephone conversation with client, data analysis 2 450
4/6/93 410 Deposition analysis 3 480
4/7/93 410 Data analysis/interpretation, review depositions 1 160
4/13/93 205 Engineering analysis with client 1 225
4/16/93 205 Trip preparation 1 250 No briefing by 762,410.
4/19/93 205 Inspection and travel 14 3500
4/23/93 205 Telephone conversation with client 1 250
4/23/93 301 Photographs of exemplar, inspection 4 300
5/6/93 410 Review file for data for accident reconstruction 2 340
5/17/93 410 Review photos/reports for recon; speed calcns 2 340
5/17/93 224 Review witness depositions 3 315
5/18/93 224 Review K, D depositions 4 420
5/19/93 762 Organize file 1 130
5/21/93 205 Telephone conversation with B. C. 1 250
5/24/93 205 Draft report 2 500 No assistance?
5/25/93 205 Draft report and discuss with client 2 500 No assistance?
5/26/93 224 Review G deposition 3 315
5/27/93 205 Final report 8 250
5/27/93 224 Review G deposition 1 105
6/2/93 264 Discuss project w/205, prep meeting w/clients 0.75 60 No 205 time billed.
6/3/93 264 SEM photos, fractography 6.5 520
6/8/93 205 Engineering and data analysis 1 225
6/8/93 264 Prepare photos, data 1.5 120
6/9/93 205 Review work product w/264, engrg analysis 1.5 337.5 No 264 time billed.
6/9/93 205 Discuss w/client 0.5 112.5
6/9/93 264 Discuss results w/205 0.5 40
6/18/93 205 Review work product 2 450
6/22/93 205 Review work product with 762 1 225 No 762 time billed.

additional billing if the project is being managed but not recorded. skill set, workload balancing, project leadership, and operational
The billings for the three projects are annotated in Tables 4–6. models.
Reviewing project billings in chronological order and placing For the firm in this case study, the propositions identified were
more emphasis on project management, therefore, will allow the considered valid options by the management team. As a result,
company to avoid such inconsistencies in the future. operational models were developed to demonstrate the impact of
different workload allocation schemes. These indicated that the
allocation approach should match the strategic intent of the orga-
Summary and Results nization. If the organization intends to be a diverse engineering
firm offering expertise and experience, a more leveraged ap-
This study examined whether operations management practices proach with workload balancing and diverse project leadership is
could be used to improve the performance of an ECF. A flexible preferred 共Brennan and Orwig 2000兲. Furthermore, in response to
manufacturing paradigm was considered to identify the underly- the need for a more consistent approach to project management, a
ing structure in an ECF, without undermining the ECFs’ informal project management methodology was defined and disseminated
and organic organization. The study argued that the dynamic throughout the organization.
complexity of an ECFs’ workload allocation can be represented The opportunity to collect posthoc data after these operational
by machines 共professionals兲 with different tooling 共experience changes were made was contaminated by significant changes in
and expertise兲 and products 共projects兲 with different routing company leadership shortly after the proposition-based changes
共staffing兲 requirements over a common set of tasks. This frame- were introduced. The COO suffered a massive heart attack and so,
work yielded four interesting propositions about a generalized of necessity, his work was reassigned throughout the organization.


The Chairman appointed a new CEO, and a vice president and Acknowledgments
several key directors left the organization. In the last fiscal year,
however, the firm did experience a significant performance im- The writer would like to thank Jennifer and Carla Paschke for
provement with increased revenues and record profitability. their editorial assistance, and Professor Frey and Dr. Packer for
The inability to measure the results of specific interventions is their support of this study.
unfortunate. Yet, the case meets the requisites for rigor described
by Meredith 共1998, p. 448兲:
• Controlled observations: The use of posthoc billings data cap-
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• Replicability: The presentation of archival data in the Garud, R., and Kotha, S. 共1994兲. “Using the brain as a metaphor to model
tables and figures provides justification for the study’s flexible production systems.” Acad. Manage. Rev., 19共4兲, 671–698.
replicability. Gerwin, D. 共1993兲. “Manufacturing flexibility: A strategic perspective.”
Manage. Sci., 39共4兲, 395–410.
• Generalizability: The nature of the propositions themselves
Levitt, T. 共1976兲. “Industrialization of service.” Harvard Bus. Rev., 54共5兲,
suggests theoretic generalizability 共Meredith 1998兲. The ex- 63–74.
ploratory data analysis enhances the generalizability by exam- Maister, D. 共1993兲. “Managing the engineering consulting firm.” The
ining a broad array of variables 共from multiple data sources兲 to Free Press, New York.
examine other effects. McClave, J., and Dietrich, F. 共1991兲. Statistics, Dellen, N.J.
Therefore, the insights generated from the flexible manufactur- Meredith, J. 共1998兲. “Building operations management theory through
case and field research.” J. Operations Manage., 16, 441–454.
ing paradigm and the illustration provided by the case study still
Shapero, A. 共1985兲. “Managing professional people.” The Free Press,
suggest that ECFs will benefit from more rigorous operations
New York.
management. Among these benefits are increased revenue and Stecke, K., and Solberg, J. 共1985兲. “The optimality of unbalancing both
increased profits for ECFs. Thus, managers should strongly con- workloads and machine group sizes in closed queuing networks of
sider implementing the four propositions presented in this case. multiserver queues.” Oper. Res., 33共4兲, 882–910.
Furthermore, the implementation of these propositions may lead Stecke, K., and Solberg, J. 共1981兲. “Loading and control policies
to other valuable business realizations that can enhance the effi- for a flexible manufacturing system.” Int. J. Prod. Res., 19共5兲,
ciency and effectiveness of an organization. As an exploratory Vokura, R. J., and O’Leary-Kelly, S. W. 共2000兲. “A review of the empiri-
study, the ethnography presented in this paper provides a strong cal research on manufacturing flexibility.” J. Operations Manage.,
foundation for further study and testing with other ECFs. 18, 485–501.


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