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1. CIS is the name of a / an
1. Secret agency 2. Group of countries 3. International treaty 4. None of
2. A group of islands is known as
1. Constellation 2. Archipelago 3. Isthmus 4. Galaxy
3. Jet aircraft work on the principle of
1. Newton’s Third Law 2. Newton’s First Law
3. Conservation of Momentum 4. Conservation of Energy
4. Digha Nikaya is a
1. Buddhist spot 2. Jain religious spot 3. Buddhist Book 4. Hindu
religious book
5. If a mad dog bites a person, that person will suffer from?
1. Rabies 2. Diphtheria 3. Hydrophobia 4. Whooping

6. “I am the scourge of God “. Which medieval invader in India uttered this line?
1. Changez Khan 2. Mahmud of Ghazni 3. Mohammed Ghauri 4. Halaku
7. Which of the these gadgets would be suitable for measuring the temperature of a very hot object?
1. Crescograph 2. Geiger-Muller Chamber 3. Pyrometer 4. Cryometer
8. Which of the following is the principal means of transmission of heat from the Sun to the Earth?
1. Conduction 2. Convection 3. Diffusion 4. Radiation
9. Which of the following elements does not show allotropic forms?
1. Phosphorous 2. Sulphur 3. Carbon 4. Sodium
10. Ventilators are always provided near the ceiling of a room because
1. It is a convention to do so 2. Hot air rises above and leaves through
3. They bring in fresh air 4. The ceiling of a room is the hottest
part of it.
11. Which of the following is not a chemical name for Vitamin B ?
1. Folic Acid 2. Thiamin 3. Niacin 4. Carotene
12. “The Coral Island “ is a well-known work by
1. RK Narayana 2. Rudyard Kipling 3. William Shakespeare 4. Mulk Raj
13. Spot the correct pair.
1. Vitamin A : Milk 2. Vitamin D : Citrus 3. Vitamin B : Green Vegetables 4.
Vitamin C : Eggs
14. Which of the following is a non-biodegradable waste?
1. Kitchen Refuse 2. Plastic 3. Dead plants 4. Dead
15. The name of the mission that took a man on the Moon for the first time, was
1. Pioneer-17 2. Apollo-18 3. Apollo-01 4. Colombia
16. The actual spot where the exchange of gases takes place in the lungs is the
1. Bronchi 2. Trachea 3. Alveoli 4. Diaphragm
17. Which of the following is known as green fuel?
1. Unleaded petrol 2. Compressed Natural Gas 3. Kerosene 4. 1 and
18. Gangu Bai Hangal is a renowned
1. Classical vocalis t 2. Mridang player 3. Ghazal singer 4.
Quawalli singer
19. Mishti Doi is a special dish of
1. Jammu and Kashmir 2. Rajasthan 3. Maharashtra 4. West Bengal
20. Quantas is the national carrier of
1. Germany 2. Australia 3. Japan 4. USA
21. Neonatology is the science concerned with studying
1. Old age 2. Grasses 3. Hair 4. Very young babies
22. The title Poet of the East ( Shair-I-Mashrik ) is given to
1. Mirza Ghalib 2. Rabindernath Tagore 3. Dr. Mohammed Iqbal 4. Firaq Gorakhpuri
23. Which of the following is part of a plateu?
1. The Aravallis 2. The Nilgiris 3. The Himalayas 4. The
24. Who among the following was well-known for his guerrilla tactics?
1. Guru Gobind Singh 2. Guru Teg Bahadur 3. Shivaji 4. Tipu Sultan
25. The ozone hole is found in the
1. Troposphere 2. Ionosphere 3. Mesosphere 4. Stratosphere
26. A charged particle always has
1. Kinetic energy 2. Potential energy 3. Both 1 and 2 4.
Mechanical energy
27. The Big Bang means
1. a massive explosion that took place when the earth was formed
2. The five big nuclear powers
3. the five permanent members of the Security Council
4. a project to investigate the formation of the Universe
28. Gujarat was created out of the then existing states of ___ in ____.
1. Bombay, 1956 2. Maharashtra, 1960 3. MP, 1960 4. Bombay,
29. The plants that love to grow in salty environments are called
1. halophytes 2. Mesophytes 3. Xerophytes 4. Aquaphytes
30. Which city is on the banks of the Hudson Bay ?
1. Detroit 2. Chicago 3. Moscow 4. None of these
31. Agar agar is a material used in
1. tissue culture 2. Autopsy 3. Foundries 4. Musical instruments
32. DWCRA is a term connected with
1. savings 2. Physics 3. Community project 4. None of these
33. Which of the following is not a part of the Indian Constitution?
1. Federal System 2. Directive Principles
3. Advisory role of the Supreme Court 4. Emergency provisions
34. Blizzards are a characteristic feature of the ______ region.
1. Antarctic 2. Equatorial 3. Temperate 4. Tropical
35. Which Indian ruler conquered Java and Sumatra?
1. Rajaraja Chola I 2. Rajendar Chola I 3. Samudargupta
4. Vikramaditya
36. Alberuni had accompanied
1. Mohamed Ghouri 2. Babur 3. Mahmud of Ghazni 4. Qutubuddin
37. Shahnama is a classic work written by
1. Ibn- Batuta 2. Firdausi 3. Alberuni 4. Chand Bardai
38.Which river of India is known as Tsangpo in some of its reaches?
1. Brahamputra 2. Ganga 3. Sutlej 4. Kosi
39. Windhoek is the capital of which of the following countries?
1. Albania 2. Zaire 3. Congo 4. Namibia
40. Great Garbo was a renowned
1. Scientist 2. Sportsperson 3. Hollywood actress 4. Painter
41. The Origin of Species was authored by
1. Charles Darwin 2. Charles Lamarck 3. Antony Lewenhock 4. Carl
Von Linneaus
42. The first man to make a round trip of the earth was
1. Ptolmey 2. Amundon 3. Robert Peary 4. Magellan
43. The maximum no. of cattle are found in
1. Norway 2. Denmark 3. the USA 4. India
44. Tienmann Square is a famous location in
1. London 2. Washington 3. Beijing 4. Bombay
45. The only Hindu kingdom in the world is
1. Indonesia 2. Mauritius 3. Nepal 4. Surinam
46. The maximum no. of Muslims are found in
1. Pakistan 2. India 3. Saudi Arabia 4. Indonesia
47. Kiwi is the national bird of
1. Australia 2. New Zealand 3. Sweden 4. South Africa
48. The Subroto Cup is associated with
1. Cricket 2. Hockey 3. Football 4. Badminton

1. 2 2. 2 3. 3 4. 3 5. 1 6. 1 7. 3 8. 4 9. 4 10. 2 11. 4 12. 2
13. 1 14. 2 15.2 16. 3 17. 4 18. 1 19. 4 20. 2 21. 4 22. 3 23. 2 24. 3
25. 4 26. 2 27. 1 28. 4 29. 1 30.4 31. 1 32. 3 33. 1 34. 1 35. 2 36. 3
37. 2 38. 3 39. 4 40. 3 41. 1 42. 4 43. 4 44. 3 45. 3 46. 4 47. 2 48. 3

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