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02 / SMKKM / REMIDI_UAS / XII / 18

This text is for questions 1-3.

Lombok's most popular tourist destination, the Gili Islands (or just the Gilis) came to the
attention of the wider world as a backpacker mecca in the 1980s and 1990s. This is still true to
some extent. But times are changing, and there is now an array of glamour options on the
islands, especially so on Gili Trawangan. The islands are very relaxed and laid-back, with
countless little beachside cafes, restaurants and bars serving a variety of tastes in local and
international cuisine. Best of all, there are no cars or motorbikes to disturb the peace.
There are increasing numbers of westerners living on the Gilis, and operating businesses
ranging from dive companies to resorts. There is a strong environmental focus as the reefs were
damaged in the past. While previously most people came to dive, snorkel and party, now a wider
spectrum of visitors including families and couples are enjoying the islands. The focus remains
on the beach and in the sea. There are also many options to wine and dine, visit a spa or hang out
and meet new friends.

1. What is the purpose of the text?

A. To promote Lombok’s most popular tourist spot
B. To describe the Gili Islands
C. To announce an event
D. To tell a story

2. What is the best thing about Gili Trawangan?

A. There is now an array of glamour options on the islands.
B. There are no cars or motorbikes to disturb the peace.
C. People can dive, snorkel and party, or visit a spa.
D. There is a strong environmental focus.

3. What word has the same meaning as “array”?

A. Division
B. Group
C. Range
D. Visit

This text is for questions 4-7.

The llama is a domesticated South American camelid, widely used as a meat and pack
animal by Andean cultures since the Pre-Columbian era. They are very social animals and live
with other llamas as a herd. Llamas are intelligent and can learn simple tasks after a few
repetitions. When using a pack, they can carry about 25 to 30% of their body weight for 8 to 13
km (5–8 miles).
Llamas are ruminants. This means that they have a complex stomach with several
compartments that allows them to consume lower quality, high cellulose foods. The stomach
compartments allow for fermentation of tough food stuffs, followed by regurgitation and re-
chewing. Unlike other ruminants who have four compartments (cows, sheep, goats), llamas
have only three stomach compartments: the rumen, omasum, and abomasum.

In addition, the llama (and other camelids) have an extremely long and complex large
intestine (colon). The large intestine's role in digestion is to reabsorb water, vitamins and
electrolytes from food waste that is passing through it. The length of the llama's colon allows it
to survive on much less water than other animals. This is a major advantage in arid climates

4. What is the text about?

A. Llama’s digestion process
B. How to breed Llama
C. Ways to train Llama
D. Domesticated animals

Bahasa Inggris 1
5. What allows Llamas able to survive on much less water?
A. Three stomach compartments
B. The long and large intestine
C. Simple digestion
D. Re-chewing

6. What does them in “...with several compartments that allows them to consume...” refer to?
(paragraph 2)
A. Compartments
B. Ruminants
C. Llamas
D. Foods

This text is for questions number 7 - 9.

Dear Mr.Gilhooley,

I am writing to apply for the programmer position advertised in the Times Union. As
requested, I am enclosing a completed job application, my certificates, my resume, and
three references.

The opportunity presented in this listing is very interesting, and I believe that my strong
technical experience and education will make me a very competitive candidate for this
position. The key strengths that I possess for success in this position include:

 I have successfully designed, developed, and supported live use applications

 I strive for continued excellence service for all customers
 I provide exceptional contributions to customer

With a Bachelor degree in Computer Programming, I have a full understanding of the

full lifecycle of a software development project. I also have experience in learning and
excelling at new technologies as needed.

Please see my resume for additional information on my experience.

I can be reached anytime via email at or my cell

phone, 909-555-5555. I look forward to meeting and speaking in person with you about
this employment opportunity.


John Donaldson

7. Why did John Donaldson write this letter?

A. To present his strong technical experience
B. To design, develop and support live use application
C. To apply for the programmer position in the company
D. To speak about his experience as software development project

8. What might Mr. Gilhooley do after reading the letter?

A. Give John the job
B. Call John for an interview
C. Ask John to design an application
D. Ask John to provide service for customer
9. ‘I provide exceptional contributions to customer.’
The underlined word has similar meaning with ...
A. exuberant
B. discrete
C. extreme
D. excellent

This text is for questions number 10 - 12.

1. Pull the mask toward you.
2. Place it firmly over your nose and mouth.
3. Secure the elastic band behind your head.
4. Breathe normally. Although the bag doesn’t inflate, oxygen is flowing to the mask.
5. If you are travelling with a child or someone who requires assistance, secure your
mask on first.
6. Then assist the other person.
7. Keep your mask on until crew member advises you to remove it.

10. Who might need this information?

A. Someone who requires assistant.
B. The patient in the hospital.
C Aeroplane passenger.
D. Crew member.

11. According to the text, what should you do if a child requires your assistant during emergency?
A. Ask for the crew cabin to help.
B. Wait for a crew member to help.
C. Help him/her first and then help yourself.
D. Secure your mask on first then assist the child.

12. “Place it firmly over your nose and mouth.”

The underlined word has similar meaning with ....
A. tightly
B. strongly
C. thoroughly
D. meticulously

This text is for questions 13-15.

Oerip Soemohardjo - born on 22 February 1893 - was an Indonesian general and the
first chief of staff of the Indonesian National Armed Forces. He received several awards from the
Indonesian government, including the title National Hero of Indonesia in 1964.
Oerip Soemohardjo was born Moehammad Sidik in his family's home in Sindurjan. As
his parents wanted him to become a regent, after elementary school Oerip was sent to the School
for Native Government Employees in Magelang. He then left to undertake military training in
Meester Cornelis, Batavia. Upon graduating in 1914, he became a lieutenant in the Royal
Netherlands East Indies Army.
Oerip resigned from his position in about 1938 after a disagreement with the regent of
Purworejo, where he had been stationed. In 1940 Oerip was recalled to active duty. When the
Empire of Japan occupied the Indies less than two years later, Oerip was arrested and detained in
a prisoner-of-war camp for three and a half months. He spent the rest of the occupation at his
On 14 October 1945, several months after Indonesia proclaimed its independence, Oerip
was declared the chief of staff and interim leader of the newly formed army. Working to build a
united force from the fractured former military groups in the country, Oerip received little
oversight owing to irregularities in the chain of command. On 12 November 1945 General
Sudirman was selected as leader of the armed forces, while Oerip remained as chief of staff.
Oerip resigned in early 1948 because of the political leadership's lack of trust in the army. His
health deteriorated; he was already suffering from a weak heart, and he died of a heart attack a
few months later. He was posthumously promoted to full general.
13. What does the text tell us?
A. National Armed Forces
B. Oerip Soemohardjo’s military service
C. Military achievement of Oerip Soemohardjo
D. Life and military training of Oerip Soemohardjo

14. Why did Oerip resign in 1948?

A. Indonesia’s independence
B. The fractured former military groups
C. Little oversight owing to irregularities
D. The political leadership's lack of trust in the army

15. What is the synonym of undertake in “He then left to undertake military training in Meester
Cornelis, Batavia” ? (2nd paragraph)
A. Stop
B. Commit
C. Engage in
D. Look after

This text is for questions 16-18.

To All Staff:

Tom Palazzolo is joining the team in a channel sales job starting Tuesday, April 8.
Tom brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to his new job. He'll be sitting with the other
channel sales specialists in the sales wing. We've added Tom to the staff directory on the wiki. So,
don't be a stranger; stop by and welcome Tom to our team. I'll send you more information once
Tom arrives.

Pat LeBlanc
Manager, Channel Sales

16. What is the text aimed to?

A. To announce a new staff in the sales team
B. To inform about a stranger
C. To open a new division
D. To inform a vacant post

17. What does Pat LeBlanc expect from the sales team?
A. Join in
B. Start work on April 8
C. Send more information
D. Stop by and welcome Tom

18. What does our in “...welcome Tom to our team.” refer to?
A. The channel sales team
B. Pat and a stranger
C. Tom and Pat
D. Specialists
This text is for questions 19-21.
The Jakarta Post
Denpasar, Bali | Thu, February 22, 2018 | 03:32 pm
Customs and Excise Office personnel at Ngurah Rai International Airport have arrested
a German national over his alleged attempt to smuggle various drugs into Bali. Siegfried Karl
Achim Ruckel, 55, was arrested upon his arrival at I Gusti Ngurah Rai International Airport
from Doha, Qatar, via Qatar Airways flight QR-962 on Jan. 26.
Customs officers reportedly seized 7.91 grams of heroin, 2.57 grams of amphetamine
and 30 pills of diazepam from the suspect. Ruckel allegedly hid the drugs inside his belongings.
The officers allegedly found the amphetamine in his white bag, 1.21 grams of heroin in his
underwear and 30 diazepam pills and 23 pills containing heroin in a small brown bag.
“He told us that all of the drugs were brought for his personal use only. We cannot
simply believe what he told us. We should investigate whether he is part of an international
drug ring that is attempting to test security procedures at the Ngurah Rai airport for a bigger
smuggling attempt," said Bali Police narcotics unit investigator Comr. I Made Pakris. (ebf) (Ni
Komang Erviani)

19. What is the text about?

A. Drugs smuggling
B. Police achievement
C. Arrest of drug smuggler
D. Ngurah Rai International Airport

20. What is the main idea of paragraph 2?

A. Customs officers
B. Attempt of smuggling
C. Kinds of drugs Ruckel sell
D. Various drugs hidden in Ruckel’s belongings

21. What does the phrase “his personal use” mean?

A. Consume for himself
B. His belongings
C. His own stuff
D. Suspect

This text is for questions number 22 - 24.

Fiji is a collection of over a hundred inhabited islands in the South Pacific; most are the
image of what a perfect desert island should be. So it’s no surprise there are a lot of
upmarket hotels and beach cabanas available for rich tourists and honeymooners.

For budget tourists, you don’t have to be worried. Fijians have long experience to cater the
needs of different type of tourists. So they also provided affordable, youth hostel
accommodation for backpackers in places like Yasawa. Here charming and hospitable
locals will help you to feel part of their lives, inviting you to see their fishing villages and
coral gardens – even taking you fishing with them, if you want to.

However beautiful and relaxing these islands are, the feeling of being a tourist remains.
It’s not an uncomfortable sensation, but if you wish to see this country’s true way of life,
then you should visit the main island of VitiLevu. This is the cultural hub of Fiji, where
three quarters of its population live and where you can experience real Fijian culture.

22. Why does the writer write this text?

A. To invite people to see Fiji.
B. To give information about Fiji.
C. To give advices for backpackers.
D. To persuade people to visit VitiLevu.
23. The best way to know Fijians lifestyle is by ...
A. fishing with the locals
B. seeing the fishing village
C. staying in upmarket hotels
D. visiting their cultural hub.

24. “... charming and hospitable locals will help you …” (paragraph 2).
The underlined word has similar meaning with ....
A. friendly
B. helpful
C. courteous
D. thoughtful

Read the text and answer the questions.

Mary : Hi Kevin, have you ever been to Australia?
Kevin : No, I haven’t but I have been to New Zealand. What about you?
Mary : Yeah, I have visited Australia before. You have to visit Australia, Kevin.
I had a great time while staying there.
Kevin : Tell me about it.
Mary : Well… start from the English course. Since my English is not good, I want to
improve my speaking skill. So I went there using Student Visa.
Kevin : Wow that sounds interesting.
Mary : Now tell about New Zealand. Did you visit the famous place used for shooting
The Lord Of The Ring?
Kevin : Yes, I have visited that place. It’s located in Wellington. It was so terrific,
beautiful and amazing. This is the first time I have ever seen an awesome
Mary : Ooh, I am so envious of you.

25. What is the text about?

A. The experience of going abroad.
B. Watching the Lord Of The Ring.
C. Joining an English course.
D. Visiting beautiful places.

26. From the text we know that ...

A. Kevin stayed in Australia to work.
B. Mary has never been to Wellington.
C. Kevin has been staying in Australia.
D. Wellington was used for filming The Lord Of The Ring.

27. “It was so terrific, beautiful and amazing.’ What does the underlined word refer to?
A. New Zealand
B. The Lord of The Ring
C. The location of Wellington
D. The filming location

Read the following dialogue and answer the question.

Desi : What a beautiful dress, Ms. Elliot.

Ms. Elliot : Do you think so? It’s actually a cheap one.
Desi : But it looks good on you.
Ms. Elliot : Thank you.
Desi : By the way, your presentation was excellent.
Ms. Elliot : I don’t think I deserve the credit. The entire team worked so hard.
Desi : The marketing team is lucky to have such a great leader like you.
28. What does Desi compliment Ms. Elliot on?
A. Her look and belongings
B. Her appearance and work
C. Her achievement and support
D. Her kindness and amazing character

29. How does Ms. Elliot take the compliment on her presentation?
A. Shifting credit
B. Downgrading
C. Appraising
D. Returning compliment

30. From the text we can conclude that ....

A. Most members of the marketing team are young.
B. Ms. Elliot is the leader of the marketing team.
C. Ms. Elliot doesn’t have staff to work with.
D. Other teams failed the competition.

Choose the appropriate option to complete the dialogue.

31. Jenny : Have you made plans after you graduate?
Lily : I haven’t made up my mind. I prefer working abroad, but my Mom told me to
continue my study. What about you?
Jenny : I applied for a scholarship and it was accepted. I will fly to Netherlands next
month. ....
A. I have got a job.
B. I will work at a bank.
C. I will study at a university.
D. We will have a business trip.

32. Ota : Have you said to your father that you will go swimming with us?
Nita : Yes, I have.
Ota : What did he say?
Nita : He said ....
Ota : Why did he say so?
Nita : Because I can’t swim.
A. I cannot go.
B. I had to go shopping.
C. I have to stay at home.
D. I couldn’t go swimming

33. Rena : Do you think it’s a good idea that people can smoke in shops and buses?
Surya : I don’t think so. Children take buses too. ....
Rena : I couldn’t agree more.
A. I think smoking in public places must be prohibited.
B. Shops and buses must not welcome smokers.
C. We must smoke in the designated space.
D. People must obey the rule.

34. Student 1: How can I get scholarships?

Student 2: You must apply for one.
Student 1: Do you have some tips so that I can pass one?
Student 2: .... If you miss a deadline, you will go to the bottom pile.
A. You have to fill some papers.
B. You should ask for permission.
C. You must apply early and apply often.
D. You had better consult to your teacher.
35. Leny : What will happen if we breathe in polluted air?
Jony : If we breathe in polluted air, we can suffer from respiratory disease. If your mucus
production has lasted a month or longer, for example, .... It is a symptom of lung
Leny : That’s horrible. We must stop polluting the air.
A. you can join our club
B. you can make a campaign
C. you must not go to school
D. you should see your doctor

36. Interviewer : Your resume is impressive. It seems that you’ve had much experience. Now, I’d
like you to tell how you can edit poly mode and make edges smooth in
Interviewee : To smoothen edges, choose bevel. Then change mode from linear to convex,
then drag, ....
Interviewee : So, you need to change mode, then drag, and then you’ll have smooth rounded
A. the edges will be rounded
B. poly mode cannot be edited
C. we can chamfer using bevel
D. changing mode is highly suggested

37. Julia : I heard that you just came back from Peru.
Belia : Two days ago, to be precise.
Julia : Did you visit the fabulous Sacred Valley?
Belia : .... So, it was not in our list. This time we explored Cusco and Nazca Desert.
A. We have been there.
B. We had received it.
C. The travel agent didn’t tell us.
D. We had visited Travalgar Square.

38. Lisa : Mr. Alex will be in his office shortly. ...

Jerry : Yes, please. That would be nice.
Lisa : Would you like coffee or tea?
A. Would you like me to call his mobile phone?
B. Shall I get you something to drink?
C. Do you want to see someone?
D. May I offer you some help?

39. Julia : Is there anything wrong?

Jenny : I can’t get this fax out.
Julia : It might be the connection, or you can check the cord.
Jenny : I have. But it didn’t help.
Julia : ....
A. If I may suggest, call the technician.
B. Why don’t you check the document?
C. The phone system is out of service.
D. Let’s read the book

40. Risang : Please accept my deepest condolences for your father’s loss.
Prilly : Thank you. But it feels like I’m really broken now.
Risang: .... I will be with you whenever you need me. I promise.
Prilly : Thank you. You are really a best friend.
A. Relax and go get some fun.
B. I am sorry about that.
C. I’ll help you solve it.
D. I know how it feels

Read the dialogue and answer the questions.

Juan : Dr. Ivy, We are going to have a few people over for a dinner party to celebrate
finishing my dissertation. I was wondering if you and your husband can join us.
Would you be able to come the week end after next, on Saturday?
Dr. Ivy : I’m awfully sorry, we’ve had other plans. I must accompany my husband to a
conference. We have to attend it.
Juan : That would be fine, Dr. Ivy. We hope that you would be able to come to our
graduation party.
Dr. Ivy : Anyway, thank you for inviting us. I will save the date for the graduation.
Juan : Thank you for the time.

41. What is the purpose of the dialog?

42. How does Dr. Ivy decline the invitation?

Read the text and answer the questions.

It is a great pleasure to announce the upcoming grand opening of our new retail
establishment The Great Outdoor Store. In opening this new store, we are hoping to fill
the needs of outdoor enthusiasts like hunting, fishing, camping, and being close to
nature. It offers a full line of fishing gear including rods and reels, sinkers, lures and live
bait. You’ll find everything from tree stands to rifle cases, and can also pick up tents,
sleeping bags and camp stoves for your outdoor excursions. There’s rugged outdoor
apparel for men, women, and children to choose from including hiking boots, gloves,
rain gear and sunglasses as well.

The store will officially open on September 1, 2018, at 10 a.m., and is located at 445
Backwoods Avenue here in Little Town. To welcome you as a new customer, we invite
you to stop by during our first week in business to view our selection of top-quality
merchandise. Bring your membership card and receive an additional 25% off your total
purchase amount. We look forward to seeing you then.

43. Who would be interested to read this announcement?

44. What is the purpose of the text?

45. ‘It offers a full line of fishing gear including ...’ What does the underlined word refer to?


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