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1. All payments instructions should be carefully checked by the remitter. As crediting the
proceeds of the remittance is based on the beneficiary's account number the name of the
other bank and its branch. The Jalandhar Central Co-op. Bank Ltd. shall not be responsible if
these particulars are not provided correctly by the rentitter.

2. Application/Message received after the business hours rvill be sent on the immediate next
r.vorking day.

J. The Jalandhar Central Co-op. Bank Ltd. shall not be responsibie for any delay in processing
of the payment due to RBI RTGS,0{EFT system not being available i failure of internal
communication s1'stem at the recipient bairk/branch due to incorrect infornlation provide by
the remitter.

+. (i) Remitting Branch shall not be liablc fbr any loss or damage arising our or resulting
from delay iir transurission delivcry or non-delivery of electronic message or any
mistake commission or error iu tri,ursrnission or delivery' thereof or in encrl pting/
decrypting the nressagr's for arr) .ause rvhatsoever or fi'om misinterpretatioir when
received or for the action oi'destrri.rtion bank or for any act beyond the control of-The
Jaiandhar Central Co-op, Bank l.rrl
(ii) lf the recipient branch is closed lirr .rnl reason of the account shaii be credited on the
iurmediate next u-orking da)'.
iiri; Bank is ttee to recover charges in rcspect of remittances retumed on account of
laculityt inacl cqr"rate inforrnatiorl .

5. I/\\'e have fully read the terms and conditions of the RTGSNEFT remittance and shall abide
by' the sar11e.

Signature of the Applicant

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