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DAILY LESSON Paarala Balele Elementary Grade Grade 4-A

LOG/PLAN n School Level

Guro Roxas, Mae Ann Learning Filipino
Salisi, Mary Joyce L. Area

Taduran, Maria
Cristina Joy
Time/Day/Section 2:00-3:00 TUE
I. Objectives
A. Content Standard The learners demonstrate
understanding of people, animals,
plants, lakes, rivers, streams, hills,
mountains, and other landforms, and
their importance .
B. Performance Standard The l earners should be able to
express their concerns about their
surroundings through teacher-guided
and self –directed activities.
C. Learning Competencies/ Objectives Learning Competencies:
The learners should be able to
describe the things found in the

1.describe one’s environment as
being made up of life forms, land,
water and air;
2.make observations of the school’s
and community’s surroundings and ;
3. Give the importance of the things
in the surroundings.
II. Content Things in the Surroundings
III. Learning Resources
A. Reference
1. Teacheris Guide Pages Teacher’s Guide in Science 3, pg.
153-155, Curriculum Guide
2. Learner’s Material Pages Pp.150-152 Science 3 Learning
3. Textbook Pages
4. Additional Materials from
Learning Resource (LR)
B. Other Learning Resource. Slide deck presentation, television,
laptop, images and lyrics (for
IV. Procedures
A. Reviewing previous lesson or Ask the class the following
Presenting the new lesson
What do you see in this room ?
Name as many as you can.
What place in your surroundings do
you like most? Why?
What place in your surroundings
you don’t like? Why?

B. Establishing a purpose for the lesson. 1. Post the lyrics of the song “Bahay
Kubo” on the board. Ask the class to
2. Ask the pupils what things are
found in the bahay kubo. You can
also show a picture of a bahay kubo
and ask the pupils what are the
things they see in the picture.
C. Presenting examples/instances of Show different images of the
the new lesson surroundings.
D. Discussing new concepts and Activity 1: Different Things Around
practicing new skills #1 You

E. Discussing new concepts and Activity 2: Take a Tour Around You

practicing new skills #1
F. Developing Mastery Make a list of things you see at
home and in school. Opposite it
place a check mark if these things
are important to the people. Answer
the question; Why are these things
are important to people?
G. Finding practical Applications of Your friend Samantha lives in a
concepts and skills in daily living farm. Her father and brother take
good care of the pond near their
house. There are plants in the pond
that served as food of some “dalag”.
Why does her father and brother
need to take care of the pond?
H. Making generalization and What is environment?
abstraction about the lesson What are the things that you find in
your surroundings?
How will you keep your
surroundings clean and orderly?
I. Evaluating Learning
G. Additional Activities for application Draw a picture of the surroundings
or remediation of your house. Color it to show a
happier and livelier mood.
Activity 1.

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