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Why are complex numbers needed in quantum mechanics?

Some answers for the

introductory level
Ricardo Karam

Citation: American Journal of Physics 88, 39 (2020); doi: 10.1119/10.0000258

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Published by the American Association of Physics Teachers
Why are complex numbers needed in quantum mechanics?
Some answers for the introductory level
Ricardo Karama)
Department of Science Education, University of Copenhagen, Øster Voldgade 3, 1350 Copenhagen, Denmark
(Received 21 August 2019; accepted 28 October 2019)
Complex numbers are broadly used in physics, normally as a calculation tool that makes things easier
due to Euler’s formula. In the end, it is only the real component that has physical meaning or the two
parts (real and imaginary) are treated separately as real quantities. However, the situation seems to be
different in quantum mechanics, since the imaginary unit i appears explicitly in its fundamental
equations. From a learning perspective, this can create some challenges to newcomers. In this article,
four conceptually different justifications for the use/need of complex numbers in quantum mechanics are
presented and some pedagogical implications are discussed. VC 2020 American Association of Physics Teachers.

I. INTRODUCTION peculiar use of complex numbers in quantum mechanics.

However, it is not uncommon to find textbooks that postu-
Complex numbers were invented (or discovered?) in 16th- late, from the get-go, that wave functions and quantum state
century Italy as a calculation tool to solve cubic equations. vectors are complex valued, without providing any sort of
In the beginning, not much attention was paid to their mean- explanation for why this is the case. It is not only natural, but
ing, since the imaginary terms should cancel out during the even desirable, that students inquire about the reasons why
calculations and only (real) roots were considered. Around certain mathematical structures are useful to describe physi-
250 years later, complex numbers were given a geometrical cal properties. Thus, for newcomers to the field, one can say
interpretation and, since then, they became quite a useful that it is perfectly legitimate to ask: “Why do we need com-
tool to physics.1 One reason is that complex numbers repre- plex numbers in quantum mechanics?”.
sent direction algebraically (2D vectors) and many of their There is certainly no unique straightforward answer to this
operations have a direct geometrical meaning (e.g., the prod- question;5–8 constructing plausible arguments to address it is
uct rule: multiply the norms and add the angles). a matter of pedagogical creativity. The aim of this paper is to
It is particularly helpful to use complex numbers to model present synthetic (and slightly modified) versions of four dif-
periodic phenomena, especially for operations with phase ferent justifications found in the literature9 and discuss some
differences. Mathematically, one can treat a physical quan-
of their pedagogical implications. The first two justifications
tity as being complex, but ascribe physical meaning only to
(Secs. II A and II B) align best with a position first approach,
its real part. Another possibility is to treat the real and imagi-
whereas the last two (Secs. II C and II D) with a spin first
nary parts of a complex number as two related (real) physical
approach. The main selection criteria that guided this choice
quantities. In both cases, the structure of complex numbers is
were the plausibility of the arguments and their applicability
useful to make calculations more easily, but no physical
for the very first lessons of an introductory quantum mechan-
meaning is actually attached to complex variables.
Quantum mechanics seems to use complex numbers in a ics course.
more fundamental way. It suffices to look at some of the most
basic equations, both in the matrix (½^ p ; x^ ¼ ih) and wave II. WHY ARE COMPLEX NUMBERS NEEDED
hð@w=@tÞ ¼ Hw)
(i ^ formulations, to wonder about the pres-
ence of the imaginary unit. What is essentially different in
quantum mechanics is that it deals with complex quantities A. No information on position when momentum
(e.g., wave functions and quantum state vectors) of a special is known exactly
kind, which cannot be split up into pure real and imaginary
parts that can be treated independently. Furthermore, physical This argument is found in Shankar’s textbook10 for the
meaning is not attached directly to the complex quantities introductory level and goes as follows. Consider one particle
themselves, but to some other operation that produces real in one dimension and assume de Broglie’s matter waves rela-
numbers (e.g., the square modulus of the wave function or of tion (k ¼ 2ph=p), which has been previously justified by
the inner product between state vectors). empirical evidence from the double-slit experiment with elec-
This complex nature of quantum mechanical quantities trons. Since there appears to be a wave associated with the
puzzled some of the very founders of the theory. Schr€odinger, electron, it is reasonable to assume that there is a wave func-
for instance, was bothered by the fact that his wave function tion wðxÞ describing it (ignore time dependence). Postulate
was complex and tried for quite some time to find physical that the absolute square of this function (jwðxÞj2 ) gives the
interpretations for its (real) component.2,3 It was probably not probability density, i.e., the likelihood to find the particle
until Dirac formulated his bra-ket notation that it became between the positions x and x þ dx.
clearer that the complex quantities of quantum mechanics The last piece needed for the argument is inspired by
were of a different kind than the ones commonly used in clas- Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle. It is presented qualita-
sical physics.4 tively in Shankar’s textbook by thought experiments like the
It is therefore very reasonable to expect that introductory gamma-ray microscope. One way to state the principle is to
level students will face considerable difficulties with the say that “it is impossible to prepare a particle in a state in

39 Am. J. Phys. 88 (1), January 2020 C 2020 American Association of Physics Teachers
V 39
which its momentum and position (along one axis) are
exactly known.”
Now, suppose the electron is in a state of definite momen-
tum. What would the wave function for this state look like?
According to de Broglie’s relation, there is a wavelength
associated with the electron. Therefore, it seems plausible to
assume a classical/real oscillating wave function of the form
2px px
wp ðxÞ ¼ A cos ¼ A cos ; (1)
k h
where wp ðxÞ denotes a state of definite momentum. This
function, wp ðxÞ, as well as jwp ðxÞj2 , are plotted in Fig. 1.
The graph of jwp ðxÞj2 (probability distribution) illustrates
an apparent contradiction.11 If you know the momentum of
the electron exactly, you should have no information about Fig. 2. Graphs of Re[wp ðxÞ] and jwp ðxÞj2 for wp ðxÞ ¼ Aeipx=h . Now the con-
its position. However, the graph of jwp ðxÞj2 is implying that tradiction is eliminated, since there is no information about the electron’s
there are regions where it is more likely to find the electron position for a state of definite momentum.
than others. If we should have no information about position,
Shankar argues, the probability distribution should be “flat,” B. Because i appears explicitly in the Schr€odinger
meaning that it is equally likely to find it anywhere. Thus, equation
one cannot accept the wave function as described in Eq. (1).
The second justification stems from the textbook “Quantum
Is there a function that has a wavelength and, yet, a constant
Theory” written by David Bohm12 and is based on a structural
absolute value? The complex exponential has this property.
difference between the classical wave equation and
Therefore, instead of Eq. (1), if the wave function looks like
Schr€odinger’s time-dependent equation. For simplicity reasons,
wp ðxÞ ¼ Aeipx=h ; (2) let us first consider the wave equation in one dimension

then its absolute square has a constant value jwp ðxÞj2 @2y @2y
¼ c2 2 : (3)
¼ Aeipx=h  Aeipx=h ¼ jAj2 (see Fig. 2). In sum, the wave @t 2 @x
function needs to be complex so that no information about
the position is obtained for a state of definite momentum. Can we allow the solutions to this equation to be complex
One advantage of this argument is that it has the structure valued? In other words, what are the consequences of writing
of a reductio ad absurdum proof, i.e., it starts by assuming a the solution as yðx; tÞ ¼ Aðx; tÞ þ iBðx; tÞ? By substituting
real wave function and reaches a contradiction, which can be this complex function in Eq. (3), and setting the real and
psychologically more appealing to students. It also nicely imaginary parts to be, respectively, equal, we get
stresses a formal difference between a cosine and a complex
exponential, both are periodic functions but the latter has a @2A 2
2@ A @2B 2
2@ B
¼ c and ¼ c ; (4)
constant absolute value, and is therefore more suitable to @t2 @x2 @t2 @x2
describe the intended physical properties. On the other hand,
the argument relies on providing plausible reasons for why which means that the functions A and B can be chosen freely,
one cannot have full information about position and momen- as long as they both satisfy the wave equation. Due to its
tum simultaneously, and it postulates the square modulus nice mathematical properties that make calculations easier,
of wðxÞ as probability density, which can leave students won- we often use the complex exponential eiðkxxtÞ to represent
dering where this comes from. oscillating travelling waves, but attach physical meaning
only to its real part. As we can see from Euler’s formula,
both Aðx; tÞ ¼ cos ðkx  xtÞ and Bðx; tÞ ¼ sin ðkx  xtÞ are
solutions to the wave equation, but given A(x, t), B(x, t)
could be another function that satisfies the same equation.
Now let us try to do the same with the Schr€odinger equa-
tion. Consider, for simplicity, the equation of a free particle
in one dimension13
@w h2 @ 2 w
ih ¼ : (5)
@t 2m @x2
Substituting wðx; tÞ ¼ Aðx; tÞ þ iBðx; tÞ in Eq. (5) and set-
ting the real and imaginary parts to be, respectively, equal,
we obtain the following conditions:

@A h @ 2 B @B h @ 2 A
¼ and ¼ : (6)
Fig. 1. Graphs of wp ðxÞ ¼ A cos ðpx= hÞ and jwp ðxÞj2 . The graph of jwp ðxÞj2 @t 2m @x2 @t 2m @x2
(probability distribution) is inconsistent with the assertion that once momen-
tum is exactly determined, one should have no information about the elec- Now we no longer have the freedom to choose the func-
tron’s position. tions A(x, t) and B(x, t) arbitrarily since they are coupled by

40 Am. J. Phys., Vol. 88, No. 1, January 2020 Ricardo Karam 40

the relations (6). This implies that we need two functions to demanding/distracting and not worth the trade-off from a peda-
describe the physical situation and cannot assign meaning to gogical point of view.
just one of them, as it was the case with classical waves.
This will generally happen when the imaginary unit appears C. Sx, Sy, and Sz in sequential Stern–Gerlach experiments
explicitly in the differential equation, as in Schr€odinger’s.
Another way to justify the need for two (real) functions is to This justification appears in some textbooks that adopt the
see how they both appear in the definition of probability den- so-called spin first approach (e.g., Refs. 18–20) and therefore
sity P ¼ w w ¼ A2 þ B2 . differs fundamentally from the two previous ones. Sequential
But then another question arises immediately: Why is there Stern–Gerlach (SG) experiments are presented to motivate the
an i in the time-dependent Schr€odinger equation? One answer need for a departure from classical mechanics and to build the
can be found in Schr€odinger’s original derivation of his time- new formalism of quantum states. The situation illustrated in
dependent equation, which consists in eliminating the energy Fig. 3 is used to highlight some peculiarities of quantum
parameter E from his time-independent equation14 mechanical systems, since it is rather counterintuitive that a
component of Sz in the negative (#) direction “reappears” after
@ 2 w 2m the beam emerges from the third apparatus. The reason is that
þ 2 ðE  VÞw ¼ 0: (7) one cannot determine Sz and Sx simultaneously. In other words,
they are incompatible observables and the selection of the com-
The derivation involves assuming the Planck-Einstein ponent of Sx in the positive (") direction by the second appara-
relation x ¼ E=h and using separation of variables to repre- tus destroys any previous information about Sz.18
sent wðx; tÞ ¼ WðxÞ  eiðE=hÞt . In order to eliminate the energy Within this context, the notion of a ket, a quantum state
parameter, we differentiate wðx; tÞ with respect to time vector, is introduced to express quantum states mathemati-
cally. By convention, the states with definite values of Sz
@w (which we call Sz states) are denoted by jþi and ji, and are
¼ iðE=
hÞw; (8) taken as basis vectors for other states with definite values of
other spin observables. Thus, for the situation presented in
and substitute in Eq. (7) to obtain Fig. 3, one can express the kets with definite values of Sx
(jþix and jix , according to the notation used in Ref. 19) as
@2w 2m @w 2m a linear combination of the Sz basis vectors, i.e., jþix
i  2 Vw ¼ 0; (9)
@x 2 
h @t h ¼ ajþi þ bji and jix ¼ cjþi þ dji.
The situation that leads to the need for complex numbers
which, for a free particle, is exactly Eq. (5). Thus, one can is described as follows. In Fig. 3, the beam is traveling in the
say that the imaginary unit i appeared explicitly in the equa- y-direction. But the situation is symmetric, so the exact same
tion because a time periodic function was represented by a result is to be expected if the beam travels in the x-direction
complex exponential. This allowed the energy parameter to and the SGX apparatus is replaced by a SGY. However, it is
be isolated after the first time derivative.16 important to distinguish between Sx and Sy states, e.g., jþiy
One nice thing about this justification is that it emphasizes cannot have the same coefficients a and b. So how is that
formal differences between the classical wave equation and possible?
Schr€odinger’s equation, and is therefore closer to Schr€odinger’s In his initial discussion of sequential SG experiments,
original reasoning. For some people this can actually be a draw- Sakurai makes use of a formal analogy with light polariza-
back, since it puts too much emphasis on the wave formalism, tion to find a solution to this problem. He compares the
which can hinder a more authentic understanding of modern decomposition of the Sx states with the mathematical expres-
quantum mechanics. Another interesting aspect is that it high- sion of linearly polarized light in the xy-plane and inclined
lights the relation between a complex function and two coupled 45 with the x-direction. In order to represent the Sy states in
real functions, implying that in quantum mechanics one needs a different way, Sakurai argues, one can refer to the mathe-
two real functions to describe the dynamics of a system. As in matical expression of circularly polarized light, which is
the previous case, here we are also led to wonder about the clearly a distinct physical situation. Because the perpendicu-
implications of certain formal differences between a cosine and lar components of circularly polarized light are out of phase
a complex exponential. One negative aspect of this justification by 90 , complex numbers appear to represent this phase dif-
is that if one truly wants to explore the consequences of a real ference. Although the analogy is meaningful from a formal
wave function that is the solution of a fourth order differential perspective, it seems confusing if one tries to make some
equation (see Ref. 16), then the explanation can become too kind of physical association between the two situations.

Fig. 3. Sequential SG experiments showing the counterintuitive result that particles with a negative Sz “reappear” after the beam emerges from the third appa-
ratus, although they were previously “blocked” by the first apparatus. Figure in Ref. 19, p. 9.

41 Am. J. Phys., Vol. 88, No. 1, January 2020 Ricardo Karam 41

McIntyre19 and Townsend20 do not refer to the analogy Since our goal is to
ffi to use only real
pffiffiffi numbers, we are free
with polarization, but directly introduce the formalism of to choose b ¼ 1= 2 and d ¼ 1= 2, which enables us to
quantum state vectors and the probabilistic interpretation of represent the Sx states (in matrix notation)22 as
the square modulus of the inner product between two state    
vectors. This enables them to treat more formally the issue : 1 1 : 1 1
j þ ix ¼ pffiffiffi and j  ix ¼ pffiffiffi ; (14)
of distinguishing the Sx from the Sy states and to motivate the 2 1 2 1
need for complex numbers. These states are first represented
in the Sz basis as follows: showing that we managed to represent the Sx states in the Sz
basis without using complex numbers. So far, so good. Now
jþix ¼ ajþi þ bji jþiy ¼ ejþi þ f ji let us try to do the same with Sy states. From Fig. 4(b),
and we arrive at similar relations as Eq. (12), i.e., jej2 ¼ jf j2
jix ¼ cjþi þ dji jiy ¼ gjþi þ hji: ¼ jgj2 ¼ jhj2 ¼ p1=2,
ffiffiffi and make the same initial assumption
(10) that e ¼ g ¼ 1= 2. Orthogonality of the Sy states gives us,
just as in Eq. (13), f  h ¼ 1=2. In order to avoid complex
In order to determine the coefficients, which are in princi- numbers and to distinguish p ffiffiffi Sy from thepSffiffiffix states, we are
ple assumed to be complex, the probabilities for the situa- tempted to choose f ¼ 1= 2 and h ¼ 1= 2.
tions described in Fig. 4 are used. From the first line of Fig. However, this would be in contradiction with the situation
4(a), we have represented in Fig. 4(c). Taking, for instance, the first line
1 1
jx hþjþij2 ¼ ; jy hþjþix j2 ¼ ;
2 2
1  1 
jða hþj þ b hjÞjþij2 ¼  pffiffiffi hþj þ f  hj p1ffiffiffi ðjþi þ jiÞ ¼ 1 ;
2  2 2  2
jaj2 ¼ : (11) 1 f  2
 þ pffiffiffi  ¼ 1 ;
2 2 (15)
2 2
Performing similar calculations for the other three lines of pffiffiffi
Fig. 4(a), we obtain the following relations between the coef- we can see thatpffiffiffi f ¼ 1= 2 cannot be a solution. Since f
ficients of the Sx states: cannot be 1= 2 either, in order to distinguish the Sy states
from the Sx, this already suffices to demonstrate that we
1 won’t be able to represent the Sy states only with real num-
jaj2 ¼ jbj2 ¼ jcj2 ¼ jdj2 ¼ : (12)
2 bers. In fact, by looking carefully at Eq. (15) we can already
predict that f needs to be purely imaginary. To show this
Thus, we know the absolute square of each coefficient, but
more formally, we write f as a general complex
pffiffiffi number with
their phase is indeterminate. Since the absolute phase is not
absolute square equal to 1=2, i.e., f ¼ eia = 2, and substitute
physically measurable, one coefficient of each vector of the
it in Eq. (15)
Sx states can be chosen to be real
ffi loss of generality,21
so that we can take a ¼ c ¼ 1= 2. 1 eia 1 eia 1
Both state vectors (jþix and jix ) are already normalized, þ þ ¼ ;
2 2 2 2 2
but not necessarily orthogonal. Imposing the latter condition
1 1 ia 1 1
we obtain þ ðe þ eia Þ þ ¼ ;
4 4 4 2
jx hjþix j ¼ 0; cos a ¼ 0;
1  1 p
pffiffiffi hþj þ d hj pffiffiffi jþi þ bji ¼ 0 a¼6 : (16)
2 2 2
pffiffiffi pffiffiffi
 1 With the choices a ¼ p=2; f ¼ i= 2, and h ¼ i= 2,
d b¼ : (13)
2 since f  h ¼ 1=2, these coefficients also verify all the

Fig. 4. Different configurations of sequential SG experiments are treated formally in order to motivate the need for complex numbers for the description of
quantum state vectors. jx hþjþij2 ¼ 1=2 represents the probability that the output state is jþix when the input state is jþi. Figures adapted from Ref. 19.

42 Am. J. Phys., Vol. 88, No. 1, January 2020 Ricardo Karam 42

relations of Fig. 4(c). Thus, we can represent the Sy states in stochastic matrices represent the probabilities for the system
the Sz basis as to either remain (main diagonal) or swap states (antidiagonal).
    Note that after the transition the probabilities still add up to 1.
: 1 1 : 1 1 When one thinks about time evolution, a physically desir-
j þ iy ¼ pffiffiffi and j  iy ¼ pffiffiffi : (17)
2 i 2 i able requirement is that these transitions are continuous. In
other words, it should be possible to view any transition as a
After arriving at this result, Townsend (Ref. 20, p. 17) sequence of independent transitions over shorter periods of
concludes: time. Among other things, this means that one should be able
to extract square or cubic roots (in fact any nth root) of any
The appearance of i’s [in Eq. (17)] is one of the key
transition and the result should be another stochastic matrix.
ingredients of a description of nature by quantum
Let us take, for instance, one square root of T1
mechanics. Whereas in classical physics we often
use complex numbers as an aid to do calculations, 0 1
2 1
there they are not essential. The straightforward 1þ p ffiffi
ffi i 1 p ffiffi
ffi iC
B 5 5 C
Stern–Gerlach experiments we have outlined […] ðT1 Þ1=2 ¼ B C;
demand complex numbers for their explanation. 3@ 2 1 A
2  pffiffiffi i 2 þ pffiffiffi i
5 5
This example shows that although it is possible to write
the Sx states in the Sz basis without complex numbers, they
which enables us to write T1 as
are inevitable to describe the Sy states in the same basis. A
more general way to put it is to say that complex numbers 0 1
2 1
are indispensable to describe (two-state) systems with more 1 þ p ffiffi
ffi i 1  p ffiffi
ffi i
than two incompatible observables. 1BB 5 5 C C
T1 ¼ B C
This type of reason is analogous to other more mathemati- 3@ 2 1 A
cal arguments where complex numbers appear due to a 2  pffiffiffi i 2 þ pffiffiffi i
5 5
necessity of some kind of generalization/expansion of our 0 1
2 1
notion of number, e.g., in connection with the fundamental 1 þ pffiffiffi i 1  pffiffiffi i C
theorem of algebra. It is somehow also related to the first 1B
B 5 5 C
 B C: (20)
geometrical interpretation of complex numbers, where they 3@ 2 1 A
2  pffiffiffi i 2 þ pffiffiffi i
appear as a necessity to fully represent direction in the 5 5
plane.23 One aspect that can be criticized in this approach is
the fact that the coefficients of quantum state vectors are One can easily see that our initial goal was not achieved,
assumed to be complex numbers from the beginning, and no i.e., it was not possible to write the stochastic matrix T1 as
justification for that is usually offered. the product of two (equal) stochastic matrices. The elements
of ðT1 Þ1=2 are complex numbers with non-zero imaginary
D. To enable continuous transitions parts.26
This example is enough to show that if one requires conti-
The fourth justification presented here is based on the last
nuity of transitions, real numbers are not sufficient. The
of Lucien Hardy’s “five reasonable axioms” from which
attempt to describe quantum mechanical systems with classi-
quantum theory can be deduced24 and has been presented in
cal probability failed and complex numbers appeared inevi-
an insightful paper written by Artur Eckert.25 It starts with
tably. As in the first justification, this one has also the
the possibility of building quantum mechanics entirely from
reductio ad absurdum structure. Another advantage is that
classical probability in order to see where this leads. The ini-
one counterexample is sufficient to show the need for a more
tial assumption is that a quantum state is described by a col-
general set of numbers. This justification can also lead to
umn vector in which each term represents the probability of
arguments related to the need for a unitary time evolution. A
the system to be measured in a given configuration. For
possible drawback is that this explanation can be too mathe-
instance, in a two-state system like the spin 1/2 discussed in
matical and wouldn’t make much sense for newcomers who
Sec. II C, such a vector could look like
aren’t used to a probabilistic description of the physical
0:3 world. Another critical remark can be that although it shows
p~0 ¼ ; (18) that real numbers are not sufficient, it does not fully prove
0:7 that complex numbers are enough for a complete quantum
mechanical formalism.
meaning that it has 30% probability to be measured with its
spin up and 70% down.
In such a formalism, transitions are represented by sto-
chastic matrices, whose elements are positive real numbers Complex numbers seem to be fundamental for the descrip-
and whose values in each column add up to 1. One random tion of the world proposed by quantum mechanics. In princi-
example of a transition (T1) applied to p~0 is ple, this can be a source of puzzlement: Why do we need
! ! ! such abstract entities to describe real things?
0:2 0:4 0:3 0:34 One way to refute this bewilderment is to stress that what
T1 p~0 ¼ ¼ ; (19)
0:8 0:6 0:7 0:66 we can measure is essentially real, so complex numbers are
not directly related to observable quantities. A more philo-
meaning that after this transition there is 34% probability for sophical argument is to say that real numbers are no less
spin up and 66% for spin down. The elements of the abstract than complex ones; the actual question is why

43 Am. J. Phys., Vol. 88, No. 1, January 2020 Ricardo Karam 43

mathematics is so effective for the description of the physical “Our bra and ket vectors are complex quantities, since they can be multi-
world.28 plied by complex numbers and are then of the same nature as before, but
they are complex quantities of a special kind which cannot be split up into
Regardless of philosophical discussions, a newcomer to
real and pure imaginary parts. The usual method of getting the real part of
quantum mechanics will encounter complex variables and it a complex quantity, by taking half the sum of the quantity itself and its
is legitimate for her/him to ask why do we need them. A conjugate, cannot be applied since a bra and a ket vector are of different
brief search on the internet also shows numerous forums dis- natures and cannot be added.”
cussing the topic. As mentioned in the introduction, some of It is worth mentioning that we are scratching the surface of a much deeper
the very founders of theory were puzzled by this issue. So question that has been addressed by many serious researchers on the math-
the question posed in the title is clearly perceived as relevant ematical foundations of quantum mechanics (e.g., Ref. 6). Among them,
and it is worthwhile to dedicate some didactic effort to come the work of Stueckelberg (Ref. 7) stands out as a plausible formulation of
quantum mechanics in real Hilbert space (see Ref. 8 for a pedagogical
up with plausible justifications. introduction). The interested reader will also find numerous discussions
When comparing the answers presented here, it is quite about the topic in internet forums, such as <https://physics.stackexchan-
interesting to see how they differ from one another. Four>.
apparently different physical principles/properties are used 6
Felix M. Lev, “Why is quantum physics based on complex numbers?,”
to justify the need for complex numbers, namely (Sec. II A): Finite Fields Appl. 12, 336–356 (2006).
the impossibility of having information on position when Ernst C. G. Stueckelberg, “Quantum theory in real Hilbert space,” Helv.
momentum is exactly known; (Sec. II B): the fact that i Phys. Acta 33, 727–752 (1960).
Jan Myrheim, “Quantum mechanics on a real Hilbert space,” e-print
appears explicitly in the Schr€odinger equation; (Sec. II C): arXiv:quant-ph/9905037.
the descriptions of Sx, Sy and Sz in sequential Stern–Gerlach 9
A broad literature review shows very few attempts to explain the need for
experiments; and (Sec. II D): the demand for continuous complex numbers in quantum mechanics, both in introductory level text-
transitions. For courses adopting a position first framework, books or physics education journals. An exception is the paper “Why i?”
A and B should be more appropriate, whereas C and D are [W. E. Baylis et al., Am. J. Phys. 60(9), 788–797 (1992)], which actually
more suitable for the ones that chose a spin first. This diver- deals with the question of why complex numbers are useful for physics in
sity of explanations reflects a historical (and actual) charac- general. This paper is based on the geometric algebra by David Hestenes,
who proposes a new mathematical formalism for physics [Am. J. Phys.
teristic trait of quantum mechanics, which is the possibility 71(2), 104 (2003)]. Because of its geometrical interpretation, the reasons
of multiple theoretical approaches. for “Why i?” in quantum mechanics enabled by this formalism are very
It is reasonable to assume that people with different back- convincing and it is definitely worthwhile pursuing this project. However,
grounds will have different preferences. But perhaps the here we are concerned with physics instructors who use more standard
question “Which is THE best justification?” is not the most approaches.
appropriate. One learns something from each justification Ramamurti Shankar, Fundamentals of Physics II: Electromagnetism,
and a deep understanding of the matter is probably related to Optics, and Quantum Mechanics(Yale U.P., New Haven, 2016).
If one takes the precise definition of uncertainty in quantum theory, the
the establishment of different connections. For a physics cosine function does not violate the uncertainty principle, since its uncer-
instructor, one can conjecture that “the more the better,” as it tainty is infinite (plane wave). Nevertheless, the general argument that this
seems plausible to assume that one important teaching skill function does provide information about position still holds. I am indebted
is to possess a broad repertoire of explanations. to two reviewers for pointing this out.
David Bohm, Quantum Theory (Prentice-Hall, New York, 1951).
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The main argument would remain valid in the general case.
From a pedagogical perspective, it would be important to show where this
The author would like to thank the many colleagues and equation comes from. Schr€ odinger derived it from Hamilton’s optical-
friends who made comments to previous versions of this mechanical analogy (see Ref. 15). For our purpose here, it is worth stressing
that one does not need to use the complex exponential in this derivation, i.e.,
paper and/or with whom the author had the privilege to the same expression is obtained if one assumes wðx; tÞ ¼ WðxÞ  cos ðE= htÞ.
discuss this intriguing topic. Among them are Elina 15
Erwin Schr€ odinger, Four Lectures on Wave Mechanics, delivered at the
Palmgren, Ismo Koponen, Tommi Kokkonen, Giacomo Royal institution, London, on 5th, 7th, 12th, and 14th March, 1928
Zuccarini, Magnus Bøe, Carlos Eduardo Aguiar, Nelson (Blackie & son limited, London, Glasgow, 1928).
Studart, Debora Coimbra, Helge Kragh, Christian Joas, If we had represented w as a purely real periodic function, e.g., wðx; tÞ
Thiago Hartz, Ramon Lopez, Paul van Kampen, Mossy ¼ WðxÞ  cos ðE= hÞt, then we would need to derive it twice with respect to
Kelly, Nuria Munoz Gargante, Robert Lambourne, John time to isolate the energy parameter (@ 2 w=@t2 ¼ ðE2 = h2 Þw). In order to
substitute this in Eq. (7), we would also need to square the whole equation
Stack, and R. Shankar. The author is also indebted to the and would end up with a rather complicated fourth order equation
reviewers for their valuable comments and suggestions. that looks like ðð@ 2 =@x2 Þ  ð2m= hÞVÞ2 w þ ð4m2 = h2 Þð@ 2 w=@t2 Þ ¼ 0.
Curiously, this fourth-order equation was the one Schr€ odinger initially
a) claimed to be “the uniform and general wave equation for the scalar field
Electronic mail:
Salomon Bochner, “The significance of some basic mathematical concep- w,” since apparently it would be possible to consider w as a real function.
tions for physics,” Isis 54(2), 179–205 (1963). One can hypothesize that Schr€ odinger did this in order to avoid an explicit
2 i in his fundamental equation. Dealing with this matter is beyond the scope
This struggle is well documented in Schr€ odinger’s letters and papers.
Here, we give two examples. In a letter to Lorentz on June 6, 1926, of this article, but the interested reader can find deeper discussions about
Schr€odinger wrote: “What is unpleasant here, and indeed directly to be the implications of a real wave function in the continuation of Bohm’s
objected to, is the use of complex numbers. w is surely fundamentally a argument (Ref. 12) and in Ref. 17.
real function.” The last paragraph of his fourth communication to the Robert L. W. Chen, “Derivation of the real form of Schr€ odinger’s equation
Annalen der Physik also illustrates this feeling of puzzlement and frustra- for a nonconservative system and the unique relation between Re(w) and
tion: “Meantime, there is no doubt a certain crudeness in the use of a com- Im(w),” J. Math. Phys. 30(1), 83–86 (1988).
plex wave function.” Jun John Sakurai, Advanced Quantum Mechanics (Addison-Wesley,
C. N. Yang, “Square root of minus one, complex phases and Erwin Boston, 1967).
Schr€odinger,” in Schr€odinger: Centenary Celebration of a Polymath, edited D. H. McIntyre, C. A. Manogue, and J. Tate, Quantum Mechanics: A
by C. W. Kilmister (Cambridge U. P., Cambridge, 1987), pp. 53–64. Paradigms Approach (Pearson Addison-Wesley, Boston, 2012).
4 20
In fact, Dirac is quite explicit about that in the fourth edition of his cele- John S. Townsend, A Modern Approach to Quantum Mechanics, 2nd ed.
brated book The Principles of Quantum Mechanics (p. 20, our emphasis): (University Science Books, Mill Valley, CA, 2013).

44 Am. J. Phys., Vol. 88, No. 1, January 2020 Ricardo Karam 44

21 25
We will assume that a and c are real because we want to see if we can get Artur Ekert, “Complex and unpredictable Cardano,” Int. J. Theor. Phys.
away without complex numbers. A more general treatment of the situation 47, 2101 (2008).
is presented in Ref. 20. There is a great deal of gymnastics to calculate the square root of a square
22 :
The symbol ¼ is used to indicate “is represented by.” One cannot set the matrix. For this particular case, the fact that the determinant of T1 is nega-
ket equal to the column vector, because the former is an abstract vector tive already guarantees that the components of its square roots are complex
and the latter is its representation in a given basis. pffiffiffiffiffiffiffi numbers with non-zero imaginary parts (see Ref. 27).
23 27
Paul J. Nahin, Imaginary Tale: The Story of 1 (Princeton U. P., Bernard W. Levinger, “The square root of a 2  2 matrix,” Math. Mag.
Princeton, 1998). 53(4), 222–224 (1980).
24 28
Lucien Hardy, “Quantum physics from five reasonable axioms,” e-print See, for instance, Wigner’s unreasonable effectiveness paper [Pure Appl.
arXiv:quant-ph/0101012v4. Math. 13, 1–14 (1960)] and the debates related to it.

45 Am. J. Phys., Vol. 88, No. 1, January 2020 Ricardo Karam 45

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