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Report on the Seminar (subject code)

Submitted in partial fulfilment of the Requirements for the degree of




Meghana H K

Under the guidance of

Faculty name
Faculty Designation



Vamanjoor, Mangaluru- 575028, India
(Affiliated to Visveswaraya Technological University, Belagavi)


It is certified that the Seminar entitled “Automation Of Ration Shop” is delivered by

Meghana H K (4SO13EC063) is a bonafide student of VIII semester B. E., Department of
Electronics and Communication Engineering of St Joseph Engineering College, Vamanjoor,
Mangaluru – 575028. This report is submitted in partial fulfilment for the award of Bachelor
of Engineering in Electronics and Communication Engineering of the Visvesvaraya
Technological University, Belagavi during the academic year 2016-17.
It is certified that all corrections/suggestions indicated for Internal Assessment have been
incorporated in the report and deposited in the departmental library. The seminar report has
been approved as it satisfies the academic requirements in respect of seminar work
prescribed for the said degree.

(Name of the guide) Dr Savitha H M

Seminar Guide Head of the Department
Dept of E&C Engineering

Names with signatures of the Examiners

Name :
Designation: Signature with date


Designation: Signature with date

I, Meghana H K, 4SO13EC063, wish to express my sincere gratitude to my Guide Ms.

K Arya Shri for her valuable guidance and suggestions hence improving my
knowledge and the quality of this report.

I am grateful to Dr Savitha H M, Head of the Department of Electronics and

Communication Engineering and the Seminar Co-ordinators Ms Deepthi S R and Mr
Anoop C V for their support and encouragement.

I am indebted to our respected Principal, Dr Joseph Gonsalvis, beloved

Director Rev. Fr Joseph Lobo and the Management of St Joseph Engineering College,
Vamanjoor, Mangaluru for having provided all the facilities that helped me in timely
completion of this seminar report.

Finally, I would like to thank all the Teaching and Non-teaching staff of the
Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering for their valuable help
and support.
Meghana H K, 4SO13EC063, St Joseph Engineering College
VIII Semester B. E. Vamanjoor, Mangaluru- 575028
Dept of Electronics and Communication Engineering Seminar 10EC85, February 2017


(Replace the Above Line with Paper Name)



Introduction 1

Formatting your paper

Main title

Author name(s) and affiliation(s)

Type-style and fonts

Main text

First-order headings

Automation Of Ration Shop Page i

Meghana H K, 4SO13EC063, St Joseph Engineering College
VIII Semester B. E. Vamanjoor, Mangaluru- 575028
Dept of Electronics and Communication Engineering Seminar 10EC85, February 2017

7.1 Second-order headings



Automation Of Ration Shop Page ii

Meghana H K, 4SO13EC063, St Joseph Engineering College
VIII Semester B. E. Vamanjoor, Mangaluru- 575028
Dept of Electronics and Communication Engineering Seminar 10EC85, February 2017


Meghana H K, 4SO13EC063

The Automation of Ration Shop is an advanced system useful for the automatic and more efficient way of
ration distribution (like Rice, Wheat, Sugar, Kerosene etc.). The conventional ration shop system is used in
most of the ration shop. Some of the limitations of this type of system are due to the manual measurements,
the user cannot able to get the accurate quantity of material and also there is a chance for the illegal usage
of ration i.e., the materials are robbed by making wrong entries in the register without the knowledge of
ration card holder, so that the large amount of money given by government gets wasted. Processing speed
is low, as a result there is always crowd of people in the ration shop. These problems are overcome by the
Automation of Ration Shop based on GSM, RFID and Biometrics technology. To get the materials in ration
shops need to show the RFID tag into the RFID reader, then controller check the customer codes and details
of amounts in the card, then by using biometrics the customer authentication is performed. After
verification, these systems show the amount details. Then customer need to enter required materials by
using keyboard, the system made will automatically collect particular amount in a container. After receiving
materials controller send the information to government office and customer through GSM technology. In
this system provides the materials automatically without help of humans. This will reduce chance of illegal
usage and inaccuracy of ration materials in the ration shop.

1. Introduction

India’s Public Distribution System (PDS) also known as the Fair Price Shop (FPS) is a part of India's
public distribution system established by Government of India which distributes rations at a
subsidized price to the poor. This scheme was launched in India on June 1997. Locally these are
known as "ration shops" and chiefly sell wheat, rice, kerosene and sugar at a price lower than the
market price called Issue Price. Other essential commodities may also be sold. To buy items one
must have a ration card that issued under an order or authority of the State Government for the
purchase of essential consumer materials. State Government issues distinctive ration cards like
yellow ration card, saffron ration card, and white ration card depending on family annual income.
The consumer material is supplied to ration card holders in the first week of every month by ration

Public Distribution System is one of the widely controversial issues that involve malpractice. The
manual intervention in weighing of the materials leads to inaccurate measurements and it may
happen, the ration shop owner illegally uses consumer materials without prior knowledge of ration
card holders.

Automation Of Ration Shop Page 1

Meghana H K, 4SO13EC063, St Joseph Engineering College
VIII Semester B. E. Vamanjoor, Mangaluru- 575028
Dept of Electronics and Communication Engineering Seminar 10EC85, February 2017

The Automation of Ration Shop aids to control malpractices which are present in ration shop by
replacing manual work with automatic system based on RFID and GSM. Every consumer i.e. family
head provided RFID card which acts as ration card. The RFID card has unique identification number.
The consumer scans the card on RFID reader which is interfaced with microcontroller kept at ration
shop. Once consumer is entered by password, the system asks the consumer to select appropriate
material and quantity of material through keypad. Based on material chosen by consumer,
appropriate circuitry will be activated and consumer gets material. GSM interfaced with
microcontroller sends information in the form of SMS to related people. The RFID based automatic
ration shop system would bring transparency in public distribution system and become helpful to
prevent malpractices.

The biometrics will be used in this system and this is optional. It works for an identification of user
and display the provided grocery to the customer. Biometric is used in security and access control
applications to mean measurable physical characteristics of a person that can be examined on an
automated basis. Biometric system refers to the various single components like various sensors,
matching algorithms, and result. Biometric system that differentiates a submitted fingerprint record
to a database to determine the identity of an individual. Fingerprints remain sustained throughout
life. In over 150 years of fingerprint differentiation over worldwide no two fingerprints have ever
been found to be similar, not even those of identical twins.

The following figures shows the conventional ration distribution system.

Fig.1- A women taking the ration and

ration shop owner writing the receipt of
her ration.

Automation Of Ration Shop Page 2

Meghana H K, 4SO13EC063, St Joseph Engineering College
VIII Semester B. E. Vamanjoor, Mangaluru- 575028
Dept of Electronics and Communication Engineering Seminar 10EC85, February 2017

Fig.2- People in line waiting outside the ration shop to take the ration.

2. Block Diagram

Automation Of Ration Shop Page 3

Meghana H K, 4SO13EC063, St Joseph Engineering College
VIII Semester B. E. Vamanjoor, Mangaluru- 575028
Dept of Electronics and Communication Engineering Seminar 10EC85, February 2017

Fig.3 System Block Diagram

Fig.3 shows the system block diagram based on RFID technology. System consists of microcontroller-
LPC2148, RFID, GSM, motor driver, solenoid valve circuitry, LCD and keypad. The system represents
the distribution of solid as well as liquid consumer materials that is grains (wheat/rice/sugar) and
kerosene. RFID reader, ultrasonic sensor, load cell and keypad acts as inputs to system and LCD is
used for displaying ration stock and related activities. The microcontroller outputs are used to drive
motor and solenoid valve.

3. Algorithm

Algorithm of proposed system is:

1. Every consumer is provided with a RFID card which is registered by the Government authority.

2. At the time of ration distribution at ration shop, first password of consumer is verified.

3. User ID verified with the database provided by the Government authority which is stored in the

4. Once verification is successful, consumer is asked for a select type of material and quantity
required through push buttons and keypad respectively.

5. Based on type of material chosen, the motor (for rice, sugar, wheat) or solenoid valve (kerosene)
is activated.

6. The weight balancing machine or flow meter is checked for proper quantity.

7. After collecting proper quantity material motor or solenoid is disabled.

Automation Of Ration Shop Page 4

Meghana H K, 4SO13EC063, St Joseph Engineering College
VIII Semester B. E. Vamanjoor, Mangaluru- 575028
Dept of Electronics and Communication Engineering Seminar 10EC85, February 2017

8. GSM module will send the information in the form of SMS to the user as well as PDS authority.

9. Current stock in the ration shop is displayed using LCD.

4. Flowchart

Fig.4 System Flowchart

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Meghana H K, 4SO13EC063, St Joseph Engineering College
VIII Semester B. E. Vamanjoor, Mangaluru- 575028
Dept of Electronics and Communication Engineering Seminar 10EC85, February 2017

Fig. 4 shows the flowchart of the proposed public distribution system which clearly describes the
operation of each unit.

5. Discription

5.1 Microcontroller LPC2148

It is the heart of automatic ration shop. It is ARM7 based microcontroller.

The LPC2148 has following features,

1. One or two 10-bit ADCs provide a total of 6/14 analog inputs, with conversion times as low as 2.44
micro sec per channel.

2. Two 32-bit timers

3. Multiple serial interfaces including two UARTs

4. Power saving modes include idle and Power-down

5. USB 2.0 Full-speed compliant device controller

5.2 LCD and Keypad Interfacing

LCD is electronic visual display that uses the light modulating properties of liquid crystal. System uses
16x2 LCD modules which is easily programmable and economical. Interfacing of 16x2 LCD modules
with LPC2148 which operates on +3.3V is not same as interfacing with microcontrollers like AVR
which operates on +5V. LCD module is interfaced successfully with LPC2148 using CD4050 IC. System
uses4x3 matrix keypad. Both the terminals of the switches of 4x3 matrix keypad are connected to
the port pin i.e., four rows and three columns. Each row and column section pulled by high or low to
scan particular key press.

Automation Of Ration Shop Page 6

Meghana H K, 4SO13EC063, St Joseph Engineering College
VIII Semester B. E. Vamanjoor, Mangaluru- 575028
Dept of Electronics and Communication Engineering Seminar 10EC85, February 2017

5.3 Ultrasonic sensor

It is non-contact sensor having following characteristics:

1. Does not require physical contact

2. Requires less maintenance

3. Faster operation

4. Flexibility in application

5.4 RFID and GSM Modem

Each RFID Card consist different tag. This RFID cards are provided to each consumer. Different
password is provided to each smart card. On RFID reader magnetic fields are generated. When this
card is come in contact with RFID reader then signal is generated and this signal is given to
controller. GSM modem is used to send the message to each consumer after completion of each

5.5 Flow sensor-Liquid quantity measuring

subsystem (or Solenoid Valve)

Automation Of Ration Shop Page 7

Meghana H K, 4SO13EC063, St Joseph Engineering College
VIII Semester B. E. Vamanjoor, Mangaluru- 575028
Dept of Electronics and Communication Engineering Seminar 10EC85, February 2017

A solenoid valve is an electromechanically operated valve. The valve is controlled by an electric

current. The valve may be any number like in the case of a two-port valve the flow is switched on or
off and in the case of three-port valve, the outflow is switched between the two outlet ports.

 Fig.5a Flow Level Sensor

Fig.5b. Solenoid Valve and in Fig. 5c A-Input side, B-Diaphragm, C-Pressure Chamber,

D-Pressure Relief Passage, E-Electro Mechanical Solenoid, F-Output Side

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Meghana H K, 4SO13EC063, St Joseph Engineering College
VIII Semester B. E. Vamanjoor, Mangaluru- 575028
Dept of Electronics and Communication Engineering Seminar 10EC85, February 2017

The solenoid, which is an electric coil with a movable ferromagnetic core in its center. This core is
called the plunger. An electric current through the coil creates a magnetic field. The magnetic field
exerts a force on the plunger. So that, the plunger is pulled towards the center of the coil so that the
orifice opens. This is the basic principle used to open and close
solenoid valves. Flow meter is used to measure the volume of
fluid flow in solenoid valve. The solenoid valve is interfaced with
LPC2148 using relay circuitry. Solenoid valve is used in system
for controlling the flow of kerosene. As soon as consumer
selects kerosene and its quantity, solenoid valve switched on by
relay circuitry. The ON time of Solenoid valve depends on
selected quantity of kerosene. Solenoids offer fast and safe switching, high reliability, long service
life, good medium compatibility of the material used, low control power and compact design.

5.6 Grain Quantity Measuring System

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Meghana H K, 4SO13EC063, St Joseph Engineering College
VIII Semester B. E. Vamanjoor, Mangaluru- 575028
Dept of Electronics and Communication Engineering Seminar 10EC85, February 2017

Fig.6 Load cell or weighing machine

Load cell is used to measure the weight of grains. Fig. 4 shows arrangement of load cell. It consist
two ends, one end is for mounting and another is for calculating. Output of load cell is in micro volts.
It is amplified and converted into digital form and displayed on seven segment display.

5.7 Biometrics

Fig. Old Biometric machine

Fig. Advanced Biometric machines

Automation Of Ration Shop Page 10

Meghana H K, 4SO13EC063, St Joseph Engineering College
VIII Semester B. E. Vamanjoor, Mangaluru- 575028
Dept of Electronics and Communication Engineering Seminar 10EC85, February 2017

Fingerprint recognition is the technology that verifies the identity of a person based on the fact that
everyone has unique fingerprints. Following are some advantages of Biometrics:

1. The cost of a fingerprint based biometric system is quite low in comparison to others like iris and
face readers.

2. Fingerprint based systems are quite strong and can be deployed across any kind of environment.
3. 3. This system is less intrusive than iris or retina scans.

4. Most people find it unacceptable to have their pictures taken by video cameras or to speak into a
microphone. Finger based systems are more user friendly. Besides, the ability to enrol multiple
fingers makes this a very flexible option. It is a proven technology and has been in use for a long time
as compared to other nascent

8. Conclusion

The conventional system has drawbacks like malpractices, low processing speed, long waiting time at
ration shop to get material and material theft in ration shop without any acknowledgement to
Government and consumer. To overcome above problems, automatic ration shop played important
role. The automatic ration shop involved RFID as well as GSM technology to distribute the kerosene
or grain material. Database system that will help while sending messages to the customers about
ration delivery. Ration card is replaced by RFID and information is sent to consumer using GSM
module. The automated ration shop system creates the transparency in public distribution system as
the work becomes automatic. With the help of this system, it is possible to make public distribution
system efficient and free from malpractices. The proposed system has advantages like it is helpful to
prevent malpractices at ration shop, maintain data properly, reduces paper work, time saving
approach and cost effective.

9. References
[1]. Jinali Goradia, Sarthak Doshi, Automated Ration Distribution Machine, Vol. 45,March 2015,

[2]. Prasanna Balaji.R1, Manikandan.T2, Automatic Public Distribution System, IJCSMC, Vol. 2, Issue.
7, July 2013, Pg.93 – 107.

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Meghana H K, 4SO13EC063, St Joseph Engineering College
VIII Semester B. E. Vamanjoor, Mangaluru- 575028
Dept of Electronics and Communication Engineering Seminar 10EC85, February 2017

Reference Paper 1:

Name of the paper : Automatic Ration Material Distributions Based on GSM and RFID

Author’s Name : S.Valarmathyl, R.Ramani, Fahim Akthar, S.Selvaraju, G.Ramachandran
Published in Journal, Month and year of publishing: International journal of “Intelligent
Systems and Applications”, October 2013, Issue-11,vol.47-54

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Meghana H K, 4SO13EC063, St Joseph Engineering College
VIII Semester B. E. Vamanjoor, Mangaluru- 575028
Dept of Electronics and Communication Engineering Seminar 10EC85, February 2017

2. Formatting your paper

All printed material, including text, illustrations, and charts, must be kept within a print area of 6.27”
wide by 9.69” high. Do not write or print anything outside the print area. All text must be in a single-
column format. Text must be fully justified.

3. Main title
The main title at the top edge of the page, has to be centred, and in Calibri 14-point, boldface type.
Capitalize all the letters of the Main Title. Leave 24 point space before title and edge of the Header
Information. No space after the main title and Author Name and USN follows. Use “Paper Title” style
given in the docx file

4. Author name(s) and affiliation(s)

Author names and affiliations are to be centred beneath the title and printed in calibri11-point, non-
boldface type. Multiple authors may be shown in a two- or three-line format, with their USN and
centred below Main title. Author information should be followed by 24 point blank space.

6. Type-style and fonts

Use calibri as the font. Use this file as the report template.

7. Main text
Type your main text in 11-point calibri, line space 1.15 lines. Do not use double-spacing. All
paragraphs shall not be indented. Be sure your text is fully justified—that is, flush left and flush right.
Please do not place any additional blank lines between paragraphs.

Figure and table captions should be 11-point boldface calibri. Initially capitalize only the first word of
each figure caption and table title. Figures and tables must be numbered separately. For example:
“Figure 1. Database contexts”, “Table 1. Input data”. Figure captions are to be centred below the
figures. Table titles are to be centred above the tables.

8. First-order headings
For example, “1. Introduction”, should be calibri 12-point boldface, initially capitalized, flush left,
with 12 point blank space before, and No blank space after the Line. Use a period (“.”) after the
heading number, not a colon.

8.1. Second-order headings

As in this heading, they should be calibri 12-point bold Italic face, initially capitalized, flush left, with
12 point blank space before, and No blank space after the Line.

8.1.1. Third-order headings.

Third-order headings, as in this paragraph, are discouraged. However, if you must use them, use 12-
point calibri, italic face, initially capitalized, flush left, 12 point blank space before, and No blank
space after the Line.

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Meghana H K, 4SO13EC063, St Joseph Engineering College
VIII Semester B. E. Vamanjoor, Mangaluru- 575028
Dept of Electronics and Communication Engineering Seminar 10EC85, February 2017

9. Footnotes
Do Not Use footnotes. Instead include necessary peripheral observations in the text within
parentheses as shown below and Use calibri 8-point type, single-spaced. ( Avoid using footnotes altogether and
include necessary peripheral observations in the text within parentheses, as in this sentence ).

Do not put heading number for references. List and number all bibliographical references in 10-point
calibri, single-spaced, at the end of your paper. When referenced in the text, enclose the citation
number in square brackets, for example [1]. Wherever appropriate, include the name(s) of editors of
referenced books.

[1] A.B. Smith, C.D. Jones, and E.F. Roberts, “Article Title”, Journal, Vol. , No. ,pp. 1-10, Month & year.
[2] Jones, C.D., A.B. Smith, and E.F. Roberts, “Book Title”, edition, Publisher, City & country of Publisher, year

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Meghana H K, 4SO13EC063, St Joseph Engineering College
VIII Semester B. E. Vamanjoor, Mangaluru- 575028
Dept of Electronics and Communication Engineering Seminar 10EC85, February 2017


Automation Of Ration Shop Page 15

Meghana H K, 4SO13EC063, St Joseph Engineering College
VIII Semester B. E. Vamanjoor, Mangaluru- 575028
Dept of Electronics and Communication Engineering Seminar 10EC85, February 2017

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part of the page

2 : Use this for writing the title of your seminar

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4 : Apply this for Abstract written after


5 Abstract : This style is used for writing the abstract of

your seminar paper

6 : Style for Heading of First order

7 : Style for Heading of Second order
8 ThirdOrderHeading Style for Heading of Third order

9 Footnote Style for foot note information

10 ReferenceSeminar Use this to show references used in your


11 Normal Use this for all the running text of paragraphs

Paper Details

Paper Size” A4 8.27” x 11.69

Margins Top 1”, Bottom 1”, Left 1” and Right 1”

Columns 1

Orientation Portrait

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