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Business Communication

Assessment 2

Table of content
1. Introduction
2. Overview
3. Communication models
4. Conclusion
5. Recommendation
6. Reference lists
Communication is the process of sending and receiving information either verbal or in non
verbal form. In any organization or committee we must have effective communication process to
receive and send message and information. We can communicate with different modes like
internet, letter and symbol but the most effective method is internet as to communicate with
stakeholder firstly one most provide email of meeting date and conduct meeting to involve in
direct communication. In this report I am going to describe the strategies, each of the groups
need to implement in order to communicate with government, gyms owners and fitness
professionals and how can we provide the related information to stakeholders is going to be our
main point.

Committee need to develop the code of conduct to develop and implement the code of conduct
committee need to work and communicate with several governments appointed members and
consult with them directly by holding meeting. On the other hand there must be coordination
between members of the fitness association so the committee needs to consult with gym
owners; exercise professionals and personal trainers to get feedback in social media or they
even can communicate in group chats for related issue regarding government and can get the
solution and outcome of government regarding policies. There must be good and effective
communication to provide related outcome as consumers have right to get all the information
regarding the training service, government policy, services so that everyone can get the related
information. They can do it by using media or advertising, as well as can conduct seminar
regarding the rule regulation and their services even post the relative outcome in the page of
training. Communication process is to send the information it include senders and receiver, pre-
editing, barriers, feedback, channels and context. Pre-editing is the filtering the message where
as barrier of communication nis problem which create difficulty in getting the correct information
on the other hand feedback is the outcome of your message. Communication channels are the
one way, two-way or multidirectional and technologically mediated which can be use in the
association in a different way to provide all the information.

Communication models
Communication helps to get information from all around and we can know about what’s
happening. In case of singular and plural communication, plural helps to transfer the data where
as singular transfer the meaning. Communication is the mode of information there are different
communication theory frameworks according to mechanistic point of view it is simply
transferring the information from first party to second. Psychological says communication is a
thought and feeling that one tries to share with the receiver with the reaction. There are a lots of
mode of communication which can be used in the asscoation. On the other hand in social view it
results of interaction between two parties. In the three groups all the parties need to
communicate in different modes.

The first role of committee is to conduct the meeting with the government appointed members
and clear out the entire context which is needed in the process. They need to transfer own
views regarding and listen to others so that every parties can agree with the final decision. As
government is supporting for this association they must agree for each condition discuss with
the appointed members, they need to get informed about every single task held in the
association and most importantly the rules and regulation must be in the favor of each
members. It is just transferring information from first party to second.

Secondly, the parties involved in this, like gum owners, exercise professionals and personal
trainers must consult with each other’s and with the organization to get the feedback. The
association can make the group of all these members in the social networking site or and then
everyone can write and send their views regarding the context, feedback and identifying their
task, roles, if not they can even conduct small seminars or meeting regarding the government
policy and consumers need. They must make the correct decision in the favor of government
and the public. They even can use grapevine activities to transfer the message.

Lastly, after consulting with government appointed members and the parties involved in the
association it must be published to the public so that they can know about the services and
policies of association. In the modern world it can be done with the internet, through email,
blogs, apps, SMS, MMS, and popup. They can even advertise to promote their services.

All the parties involved in the association need to communicate with each other and consult the
ideas, important, rules, regulation and feedback so that they can conduct the s

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