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A. The Background of the Study

Reading is considered as the most important skill for language
learners. Brown (2003: 185) stated that reading is the most essential skill
for success in all education contexts, remain of skill of paramount
important as we create assessment of general language ability. Being able
to read in English is very important. We know that success in reading is
the most necessary because it is a basic tool of education. In school,
reading ability becomes even more important because students are more
active to gain written information that is why reading comprehension is an
asset to be success in school.
Reading is used every day. Such as reading newspaper, street
signs, announcement, or pamphlate found every corner. Furthermore,
reading is one of skills which are very essential for each students. By
reading, the readers can increase their understanding about the text or
what they have read, enrich their vocabularies and knowlage. Besides that
it can make the people easy to connect their ideas on reading toward what
they have already known.
Unfortunately, in learning reading, there are some problems’ that
might be faced by students, one of item is the students can not comprehend
the text well. It can be proven by the sudents exercise, they could not get
good score because they can not aswer the question well. There are many
possible reasons which might it happens.

Based on informal interview with the English teacher at Junior

High School Darul Ulum, many students have less interest and less ability
to read the text, and they also feel bored in learning english. It is the reason
why they could not comprehend the test because they cannot answer the
question well. One of the reasons could be the teacher teaches the students


used convetional method, such as students only read and translate

the text then answer the question according to some eighth grade. Teacher
does not use strategy and material in teaching reading to stimulate
students’ motivation in learning reading. Teacher teach the students with
technique bored and lost attention to learn. The infact are students will feel
bored to read the text, cannot comperehed the text well.

The teacher must be able to use an technique to solve the situation

and condition. As an effort to fixs this failure, the researcher seeks to effort
the method and appropriate learning strategy as solution by using story
pyramid strategy. There are three stages in the reading process : before
reading, while reading, and after reading. In general, the following reading
strategies are used by the learners in the reading process : finding a focus
for understanding, establishing a relationship between initial learning and
text meaning, thinking about the meaning for text, making the counclution
about the test, using prior knowlage for comprehension controlling reading
speed, making predictions about the meaning of unfamiliar word, and
making predictions about the meaning of unknow groups of words or
sentences in the text.

The story pyramid strategy has been found to be powerfull means

of improving reading comprehension and contect learning in both weak
and proficient readers. The researcher chooses story pyramid strategies
because this strategy have much of advantages, macom, et al (2013, p.2) in
teaching explained that: story pyramid help students pinpoint highlight of
a story and describe the important parts of using limited number of words.
The requitrement of brief responses stretches students thinking is fun.

Based on theory, it can be assumed that by using story pyramid the

description of important information from story, such us the main
character, the setting, and the major event in the plot can be
comprehended. The purpose of this strategy is to provide opportunities for

students to practice reading skill with the teacher. The strategy help
studens to comprehend the text. This strategy is used after reading activity.
According to tankersley (2003, P. 110), after reading a text we want
student to focus on clarifying their understandinngs and connecting the
new knowlage. We can help student verify predictions, organize
information, and summarize, classify, or otherwise process the information
at deeper levels of understanding. We want the students to complete any
organizer charts they started before or during reading, discuss their
insights with us and peers, and perhaps link their new knowledge to a
writng assignment.

The researcher chose class eighth at Islamic Boarding School as

the setting to do research, because it has a program about english teacher
for student basic skill and the college has its own curriculum about
teaching and learning English. The researcher has opinion that by using
Story Pyramid strategy. Based on preliminary research, many students at
have less interest and less ability to read the text, and they also feel bored
in learning. It is the reason why they could not get good scores because
they cannot answer the question well. That is the reason why the
researcher wants to show Story Pyramid stratey.

The researcher found some examples that may be able to support

this research; the research can be more qualified and can be accepted by all
circles, especially in education. To support and strengthen this study the
researcher finds some samples. Those are:

The first research done by Susvia Cahyaning Mumpuni 2014

alumnus of state University of Malang, entitle “Using Story Pyramid
Strategy to Improve Reading Comprehension of the 11 th grade students of
SMAN 1 Kesamben. This study was successful to improve students’
reading comprehension. From the result of the students’ test in cycle I,
there has 94% of the students who could achive the minimum learning

mastery. In cycle II, the students’score were improved, the score which
were above the minimum mastery learning in the percentage of 87,5% in
addition, from the questionaire, it was know that 97% of the students
taught by using Story Pyramid strategy was effective because story
pyramid helped them comprehended each element of the narrative text.
The second research which has carried out by Attika, Yulia with
tittle Improving reading comprehension of the x-9 students of SMA 1
Mejobo Kudus in Academic Year 2013/2014 taught by using Story
Pyramid Strategy. The result of this research reading comprehension of
narrative text is in pre cycle is 55, 92% as sufficient category, in cycle I is
72, 36 % as good category and the improvement score also happened in
cycle II is 85, 26 % as very good category. Based on result above the
writer conclude that Story Pyramid Strategy can improve reading
comprehension of narrative text.
Based on explanation and the problem above, the researcher tends
to choose the title in this research: The effect of using Story Pyramid
strategy on reading comprehension at Eighth grade Islamic junior
High School Darul ‘Ulum Kabupaten Batang Hari.

B. The Identification of the problem

Based on the background of the problem above, it is very clear that
most of the students junior hight school still get some problem in their
reading comprehension. To make it clearer, the researcher identifies the
problem as follows

1. The students are not able to understand what they have read
2. The student still has difficulties in identifying the main idea in the
3. The student unable to answer the particular things such as place, things
and person.

C. The Scope and Limitation

From the identification of the problem, the researcher focused the
research above students’ reading comprehension in narrative text that
refers they are not understand what they have read, identiflyig mian idea,
and answering particular thing.

D. The Formulation of the Research

The problem of the study is of formulated in the following

1. Is there any significant effect of using Story Pyramid strategy on

reading comprehension of students’ at the Eighth grade Islamic junior
high school Darul ulum Kabupaten Batang Hari.
2. Is there any significant different between the students’ score who are
taught by using story pyramid strategy and who are not taught by using
story pyramid strategy at the Eighth grade Islamic junior high school
Darul ulum Kabupaten Batang Hari.

E. The Objective of the Research

The objectives of this research are :

1. To find out whether there is a significant effect of using Story

Pyramid strategy on reading comprehension of students’ at the Eighth
grade Islamic junior high school Darul ulum Kabupaten Batang Hari
2. To find out whether there is a significant different between the score
students’ who are tought by using story pyramid strategy and who are
not taught by using story pyramid strategy at the Eighth grade Islamic
junior high school Darul ulum Kabupaten Batang Hari.

F. The Significance of the Reseach

The finding out of the study is expected to be useful theoretically
and Practically, There were: Theoretically, These studies are expect to be
use full: As a source to give information about Story Pyramid Strategy


This study will be useful

1. As English teachers’ will be apply on their teaching and learning

using by story Pyramid strategy to improve their reading students’
reading skill.

2. for Student will be make easier in comprehending the reading texts

and more interested in doing reading.

3. To enchance the writers’ knowledge about teaching rading

comprehension by using story pyramid
A. Definition of Reading
There are many of definition of reading, reading is a one of the four
language skill. In reading activities reading is an one of activity which an
activity analyze and interpret conduted by the reader to get a massage to be
Delivered with writerer.The reading became very important in education,
student need to be exercside and trained in order to have a good reading
skill. According to Grabe andStoller (2002) states that Reading is an
interactive process in at least two ways. First, the various processes
involved in reading are carried out simultaneously. Reading is also
interactive in the sense that linguistic information from the text interacts
with information activated by the reader from long – term memory, as
background knowledge.

Reading is complex process made up of several interlocking skills and

processes. The sum of these pieces is a tapestry that good readers use on
day – to day basic to process text in their world (Tankersly, 2003, p. 02).
She wrote that the tapestry of effective reading is woven from six
foundation threads. Without each thread by present in the tapestry of an
individual “ reading abilities, there are holes and weave cannot hold tight
and cannot function for lifelong use.

According to (Grabe and Stoller 2002) states that Reading is

always purposeful not only in the sense that readers read in different ways
based on differing reading purposes, but also in the sense that any
motivation to read a given text is trigged by some individual purpose or
task, whether imposed internally. Reading is also a comprehending process
(Frank, 2004) “ Reading is the process to get, to understand, to each the
content of the reading and extrating information fromprint”. Stated that
reading is an active process thatdependent onboth an out door’s ability to
convey meaning using process wors’s and your ability to create meaning


from them (Meanwhile,Debora 2004:5).With reading someone is able to

find information and comprehend the meaning of the text. Reading not
only focusing on print word, but also reading has some meaning that
should be known by everyone especially the student.

a. Purpose of Reading
According to Grabe when we begin to read, we actually have a
number of initial decisions to make, and we usually make these decisions
very quickly, almost unconsciously in most cases (Grabe William and
Stoller.FredickaL. Op.cit. P.11). For example, when we pick up a newspaper, we
usually read the front page with some combination of search processing,
general reading comprehension and skimming . We read partly for
information, but we also read with a goal to finish the newspaper fairly
rapidly, since few people try to read every line of a newspaper.
In these circumstances, a more critical set of goals must be establish
for an effective synthesis: the reader needs to remember points of comparison
or opposite assess the relative importance of the information, and construct a
framework which the information will be organized.

1. Reading to search for simple information and reading to skim

Reading to search for simple information is a common reading ability,
though some researchers see it as a relatively independents cognitive
process. It is used so often in reading tasks that it is probably best seen as a
type of reading ability. Similarly, reading to skim is a common part of many
reading task and a useful skill in its own right. It involves, in essence, a
combination of strategies for guessing where important might be in text
until a general idea is formed.

2. Reading to learn from text

Reading to learn typically occurs in academic and professional contexts
in which a person need to learn aconsiderable amount of information of a

text. Reading to learn usually carried out a reading rate somewhat slower
than general reading comprehension (primarily due to reading and
reflection) strategies to help remember information.

3. Reading to integrate information, write and critique text

Reading to integrate information requires additional decisions about the
relative importance of complementary, mutually supporting or conflicting
information and the likely restructuring of a rhetorical frame to
accommodate information from multiple source both reading to write and
reading to critique text require abilities to compose, select in critique
information from a text.

4. Reading for general comprehension

Reading for general for comprehension is the most basic purpose for
reading, underlying and supporting most other purposes for reading. General
reading comprehension is actually more complex than commonly assumed.
Reading for general comprehension requires very rapid automatic
processing of words, strong skills in forming a general meaning
representation of main ideas and efficient coordination of many processes
under very limited time constrains. Reading is one type of receptive written
language skills. Because by reading a person will be able to obtain
information, knowledge and new experiences. Everything gained through
reading will enable the person to expand his/her thinking, sharpen his
vision, and broaden his horizons. Thus reading is an activity that is needed
by anyone who wants to go forward and improve themselves. Meanwhile,
Tri Wiratno classified the purposes of reading into two kinds they are:
a. Reading for general ideas
Readers with this purpose only identify the topic of discussion. They
can pay special attention to the first or the last sentence of the

b. Reading to locate specific information

Readers with this purposemust read sentence by sentence quickly to

get more detail (Tri Wiratno. P.163. 2003). The purpose of reading is to
understand the idea, the ability grasp meaning in whole reading,
whether in the form narration, free text, or poetry that can be
concluded in a written work.

b. Basic of Reading
According Mc Neil (1992:10) defines the basic skill of reading as follow:

1. Pronunciation
Pronunciation is utterance of any symbol or word. It’s important in
recognizing a word because the correct pronunciation of a word would the
reader the real the meaning of it.

2. Structural System
Structural system is the part of a word that form unit of the meaning or
sound. The unit may be pasts of an inflection ending, compound word, a
prefix, suffix, and syllable.

3. Vocabulary
Vocabulary is a list of word in which a reader can find word to express
the meaning. In other word recognition vocabulary is much large than
production vocabulary as result, in part, of the computerized analysis of
language data.

4. Comprehension
According David ( 2005 ) defines the basic skills of comprehension as
follow :

a. Recalling word meaning ( vocabulary knowledge )

b. Drawing inferences from content
c. Following the structure of a passage
d. Recognizing a writer’s purpose, attitude, tone, mood
e. Finding answer to question answered explicitly or in paraphrase.

c. Reading Ability
According to (Lipson 2003) that ability to read is the speed of reading
and understanding all the content. Reading ability can be improve by
mastering the techniques to read effectively and efficiently. The ability to
read must be balanced by understanding of these readings. Effective reader
and critical to be able to find important part of the reading material

d. Genres of Reading
The word genre in today’s world has been used broader to refer the
range of ways in which things get done in particular society of culture.
According to (Knapp and Watkins. 2005) Genre is place occasion,
function, behavior, and interaction structures. Genre theorist assumes that
the organizations of a text genre are classified. They move through to
attain their purposes According to Brown H.D, (2003) in a foreign
language learning, reading is likewise a skill that teachers simply expect
learners to acquire.

e. Type of Reading
According Dr. M.R. Patel and M. Jain (2008): Divide reading into
four type. They are intensive, extensive reading, aloud reading, and silent
reading they are:
1. Intensive Reading
According to Ali (2010) states thatIntensive reading involves learner
reading in detail with specific learning aims and tasks. It can be

compared with extensive reading, which involves learner reading text for
enjoyment and develop general reading skill. The purpose of intensive
reading is to teach new words and new patterns. In the classroom,
intensive reading activities include skimming a text for specific
information to answer true or false statements or filling gaps in a
summary, scanning a text to match headings to paragraphs, and scanning
25 jumbled paragraphs and then reading them carefully to put them into
the correct order. So intensive reading is a process of learning instead of
acquisition. According to (Kailani and Muqattash 2008) suggest that
intensive reading is a classroom task carried on under the teacher's
guidance. It is mainly concerned with texts and includes concentrating on
new words, structures, expressions, functions, pronunciation and on
cultural insights. It is carefully guided so that thorough understanding of
the content may be achieved. Intensive reading has two key advantages.

2. Extensive Reading
According to Haboush (2010) Extensive reading means to read at
length, for pleasure and in slow and relaxed way, intensive reading is
likely to be more focused, less relaxed and dedicated to achieve study
objectives. Material for extensive reading will be selected at a lower level
of difficulty than that for intensive reading. According to Bamford and
Day (2004) Extensive reading is an approach to language teaching in
which learners read a lot of easy material in the new language. They
choose their own reading material and read it independently of the
teacher. They read for general, overall meaning, and they read for
information and enjoyment. The purpose of extensive reading will be to
train the student to read directly and fluently in the object language for
enjoyment, without the aid of the teacher.

3. Aloud Reading

Reading aloud is one of most important things parents and teacher

can do with children.. Reading aloud build many important foundation
skill, introduces vocabulary, provides a model of fluent, extensive
reading and helps children recognize what reading for pleasure is all
about. According to Kailani and Muqattash (2008) Reading aloud is
another type of reading skill that can be used for certain purposes such as
checking pupils' pronunciation, word stress, pauses, intonation and
understanding. The passage to be read aloud should be short, complete
and topical. Moreover, the content and the language of the text should be
familiar and clear enough to be understood According to Primamore
(1994) states that reading aloud also has positive effects on the
development of vocabulary reading comprehension. Reading aloud to
children can be used proactively to avoid problems in reading such as
poor vocabulary and lack of comprehension and motivation towards
reading in general and would guarantee reading success.

4. Silent Reading
Reading silently improves student’s understanding because it help
them concentrate on what they are reading, rather than the pronunciation
of individual word. Readingsilent also help develop theskill of reading
for a purpose as the focus is on understanding the content without the
additional burden of having to pay attention to pronunciation. Silent
reading activity is meant to train the student toread without voice in order
that the student can concentrate their attention or through to comprehend
the text.

B. Reading Comprehension
a. Definition of Reading Comprehension

Reading a text is usually as a way of developing reading comprehension

by looking at the text and trying to understand the message in the text. It

means that when reading a text, the readers try to understand the text by
focusing on specific items and general meaning. It involves the eyes as the
tool which receive message, then send them to our brain to be analyzed and
processed. In this contact, reading will not happen without comprehension.

According to (While, Klinger 2007) states that Reading comprehension is

the process of constructing meaning by coordinating a number of complex
processes that include word reading, word and word knowledge, and fluency.
In addition, According to (Wainwright 2007) states that Reading
comprehension is a complex process which comprises the successful or
unsuccessful use of many abilities. When we read, we should be able to recall
information afterwards.According to Espino (2012) Reading comprehension
is complex interaction among automatic and strategies cognitive process the
enable the reader to create a mental representation of the text.

According Clara Wong (1997) states that reading comprehension is a

process of making sense of a written text. The goal therefore, is to gain an
overall understanding of what is describe in the text rather than to obtain
meaning from isolated word or sentence. River (2002, p. 53) say that There
are Three phase in comprehension the reading text. Those are appropriate
ways or effective to know the reading text meaningful. The phase as follow :
1. Pre-reading
This First phase is important to be done that the student will be
motivated to know the content of the reading text exactly. Pre-reading
Activities should be salected according to experience and interest of student.
In this phase the teacher must be creative and can make the atmostfer of the
reading lesson atteractive. The teacher can use media to help them to their
reading lesson.

2. While-reading

As Second phase which accompany student in comprehending the

context of the text exactly by ordering student to answer the question based
on the reading text. In case actualy the teacher may know the measurement
of the student achivement in reading comprehension or how far they
understand the taxt. This activity can help student to know and understand
the partikular content of the text.

3. Post-reading
This phase is the last phase in comprehending of the text. Teacher can
be review the students’ knowlage from reading text of the student reading.
This phase recalls the information of the student interest and their opinion.
These technique are very evective way to know whether students understand
or no.

b. Level of Reading Comprehension

1. Literal Comprehension
The level of understanding, involves reading the lines, or reading and
understanding exactly what is on the page. In this case, the reader just only
read what is on the page, and the level of understanding is still low. Readers
only Give the answers directly about the facts and detail of the information
based on the text they read.

2. Interpretative Comprehension
Understanding of idea and information not explicitly state in the
passage. Ability. Reason with information presented to understand the
author’s Tone, purpose, andattitude. Infer factual information, main ideas,
comparisons, Cause- effect relationship not explicitlystated in the passage.
Interactive reading involves reading between the line or making inference.
They are must be able to create critically and analyzed carefully what they
have read. Reader need to be able to see relationship among idea.

3. Critical Comprehension
According to (Kustaryo,1998) stated that “Critical reading a higher
degree of skilldevelopment and perception. “ Critical Comprehension is
ananalyzing, evaluating and personally reacting to information presented
in a passage. Critical Comprehension to the ability to make analysis,
evaluation, judgment, and proposal reacting about the idea and
information writer offers in a passage.

4. Creative Comprehension
It is highest level to understanding. As with the critical level of
comprehesion, the studentmust be read beyond the lines. The students
must often make judgment about other Action to take. It can be defining
that in creative reading,, reader should think as they read. In making
judgment, the reader should use their imagination in order to think out of
the line.

Based on the explanation above, it can be concluded that all level of

reading comprehension are important and Seed to be fostered. By
knowing level of reading comprehesion, the reader should be able to
improve the quality of their reading. Thus, not only for students, but also
the teacher should be focuson reading comprehension level in order to
help students develop reading skills consistently. Meanwhile, in
determining an accurate assesment of students’ reading comprehension,
bacause the indikator has an important position in developing students’
reading comprehension. By knowing the indicators ofreading
comprehension, it is expected to be guide line for teachers in developing
reading comprehension assessment of students.

c. Aspect of reading comprehension

1. Main Idea
Main idea is called the topic sentence (Mc. Whother, 1986:36). It
tells the content of the paragraph. In other word, the main idea is the

important ideas that is developed by the writer throughout paragraph and

sometimes are available in key words and explicit or implicit message.

2. Specific Information
Specific information or supporting idea is developed from the main
idea by giving the specific definitions, examples, facts, comparison,
cause and effect that is related to the topic sentence.

3. Reference
According to Lattulipe in Marsiyah (2009, p. 780) reference is the
words or phrases that is used either before or after the reference in the
reading material. They are used to avoid unnecessary repetition of words
or phrases. It means that such words are used to be a signal to the reader
to find the meaning elsewhere in the text or sometimes is called pronoun.

4. Inference
When a reader adds information that he or she already knows to
what is stated, the reader is making an inference (Beech, p, 41. 2005). In
other words, the readers can make conclusion after reading the text.

5. Vocabulary
Barnhart (2008: 697) states that stock of words are used by person,
class of people, profession is called vocabulary. Concerning with the
statements indeed vocabulary is fundamental for everyone who wants to
speak or to produce utterance for reading.

C. Story Pyramid Strategy

Story Pyramid is one of strategy of graphic organizer that the writer
had used to teach reading comprehension. In this research story pyramid
has proved that student show their critical thinking. Story pyramid is an
adaption of story mapping that also used a visual framework for

understanding, identifying, and remembering element in the narrative text.

According to (Macon et al 1991) in teaching work explained “Story
pyramid can helps student pin point highlight of a story and describe the
important part using a limited number of word “. Based on theory, it can
be assumed that using story pyramid strategy that description of
information from a story, such as the main character, the setting, and the
major event in the plot can be comprehended. This strategy is use after
reading activity. According to Thus (2011) state that story pyramid is
strategy to ensure that student thorough comprehend a variety of the
different aspects of a story by closely analyzing the main character,
setting, problem event?
According to (Moreover 2010) say that story pyramid is a strategy to
summary writing. It means that the students will read the story and make a
summary of the text. According to Moreover Chaesstrategies (2013)
explain that story pyramid also helps students promote comprehension and
writing. It mean that Story Pyramid Strategy is a strategy to improve
student’s reading comprehension and writing skill by catching and
describing the important point of a text by using limited number of words.
Story Pyramid Strategy can give some benefits in its uses.
According to tankersley (2003, p. 112) after reading a text, we want
the students to focus on clariflying their understandings and connecting the
new knowlage to prior knowladge. We can help students verify
predictions, organize information, and summarize, classify, or otherwise
process the information at deeeper level of understandings. We want
stuudent to concplete any organizer charts they starter before or during
reading, discuss their insights with us and peres, and perhaps link their
new knowledge to writing assigment. Some strategies to focus student
attention after the reading has taken place include the following Activities.
Those are coming atteraction, summary jurnal, group discussion, writing
summuries brief point, time line, character traits, story pyramid, prequels,
and sequels, writing questions, reader’s notebooks.

From the theories and explanation above, the reseacrher can conclude
that story pyramid strategy is one of the graphic organizer that help
students to identify the elemen of story that the theme of the story. In this
Research, the researcher used this this strategy in teaching and learning
Meanwhile, according to McLaughlin (2009, p. 118) the prosedures
are as follows:
a. Teacher explains to the students summarizing as extracting the
important ideas from what we are reading.
b. Teacher describes how we can use the narrative pyramid to
summarize stories.
c. Teacher ask to the students to focus on story elemen (character,
setting, problem, attempts to resolve the problem, and Solutions.
d. Teacher ask to students to use the only the number of word indicated
in Beach line.
1. Procedure of Story Pyramid Strategy
There are many procedure of story pyramid strategy from the expert.
According to McLaughlin (2010) the procedure of story Pyramid
StrategyAs follows: The first after reading a story, show student the format
for writing Story pyramid. The format for writing story pyramid are:

8. Eight words describing the in problem

7. seven word describing the Third event

6. six word describing another event

5. five word describing one event

4. four words starting the problem

3. Three words describing the setting

2. Two words describing the character


1. Name of the main character

Picture 2.1 Story pyramid

D. The operational concept

The operational concept used to clarify the theorist used in this
Research in order to avoid misunderstanding and ministerpretation. It is
explaining briefly the variabel used the Research. As mentioned by syafi’i
that all related theoritical framworks can be operational concept. Three are
two variabel used in this research. They are Variable X that ferers to the
effect story pyramid strategi and variabel Y that the refers to student’s
reading comprehension. Therefore, variabel X is independent and Y is as
The procedure of story pyramid (variabel X) is as follow :
1. The teacher shows students story pyramid temple and discusses the
elements with them : Three are is template in the companion folder.
Discuss some specifice examples of setting descriptions, problem
statements, and even summaries from story familiar to the class
2. The teacher asks students to read the story pyramid. You can read the
story aloud to younger students.
3. The teacher guides students in their reading by having the stop to
predict story events or to describe key elements. For example, prompt
students to predict what the problem is and how they think the main
character will solven it.
4. The teacher discussed the story after reading. Encourege students to
from images in their minds of what occurred in the story.
5. The teacher and student completed the story pyramid, First as a
wholegroup activity. When students become familiar with the strategy,
have them complete it in small groups and then individually.
6. After the story pyramid is compled, student can write a summary of the
story, which can also serve as an assessment/evaluation of the strategy.

A summary sould be Essy to write, because students have already

selected and organized a Limited number of key elements of the story.

The indicators of student’s of ability in reading comprehension

(variable Y) are follows :
a. Students are able to find factual information
b. Students are able to indentity main idea
c. Students are able to locate the meaning of vocabulary in context
d. Students are able to find generic structure
e. Students are able to make inferences and reference from the reading

E. Previous Research
Required to observed some previous researches conducted by other
researchers which they are relevant to our research. We have to analyze
the relevant research and finding the point of the research. Talking about
reading, there are a lot of investigation that have been done by many
researchers. The following are some relevant researchers to this research
1. The first research done by Susvia Cahyaning Mumpuni 2014 alumnus
of state University of Malang entitle “using Story Pyramid Strategy to
Improve Reading Comprehension of the 11 th grade students of SMAN
1 Kesambet. It was in action research. The finding of the research
indicated that Story Pyramid Strategy was successful to improve
students’ reading comprehension. From the result of the students who
could active the minimum learning mastery. From the result of the
students’ test in cycle I, there was 94% of the students who could
achive the minimum learning mastery. In the cycle II, the
students’score were improved, the score which were above the
minimum mastery learning in the percentage of 87,5% in addition,
from the questionaire, it was know that 97% of the students taught by

using Story Pyramid strategy was effective because story pyramid

helped them comprehended each element of the narrative text.

2. The second research which has carried out by Dwi Kartini Ningsih
with the title research “The Effectiveness of Using story Pyramid
Strategy in Teaching Narrative Text toward the Student’s Reading
Comprehension. The result of this research shows that significant
different between the mean of reading score when they are taught
without using the story pyramid strategy (73,90) and when they are
taught using story pyramid strategy ( 79,97 ). The result of statistical
computation using independents Sample T-test Showed that score of
tcount was (3,024) and table was (2,001). By comparing the “t
“wastcount>ttableknown that (3,024>2,001) the significant value is
0.004 < 0, 05.

3. The third research which has carried out by Attika, Yulia with tittle
Improving reading comprehension of the x-9 students of SMA 1
Mejobo Kudus in Academic Year 2013/2014 taught by using Story
Pyramid Strategy : Classroom action Research . The result of this
research reading comprehension of narrative text is in pre cycle is 55,
92% as sufficient category, in cycle I is 72, 36 % as good category and
the improvement score also happened in cycle II is 85, 26 % as very
good category. Base on result above the writer conclude that Story
Pyramid Strategy can improve reading comprehension of narrative text
of the X-9 students of SMA Negeri 1 Kudus in Academic year

This research is different from three reseach above in this research the
written use “using story pyramid to improve reading comprehension to
know its effect reading comprehension of the junior high school Muaro

Jambi and to find out whether the student who tought by using story
pyramid strategy get better score than using convetional “collaboration
reading comprehension “two research above used story pyramid strategy
used only to increase student redaing ability.

A. Location
The research will be conducted at Islamic Junior High School Darul
‘Ulum. The location of the school is at Jl. Lorong Sejahtera, RT. 18, Dusun.
Rasau, Kelurahan. Jembatan Mas, Kecamatan. Pemayung. Kabupaten
Batang Hari.

B. Research Design
In this research , the method uses quantitative method in the design
quasi experiment. According to Creswell (2012:46) “quantitative is a type of
education research in which the researcher decides what to study : ask
specific, narrow question, collect quantifiable data from participants :
analyze these numbers using statistics and objective manner”. Mujis (2004)
stated that quasi-experimental research is especially suited to looking at the
effects of an education intervention, such as a school improvement program,
project to improve specific element. Generally, this quasi-experimental
design collect numerical data must be analysed mathematically to explain
cause and effect.

In this case, the students are grouped into experimental and controlled
class. The experimental class is given the material in the learning process by
conducting two stay two strategy technique as the treatment, while the
controlled class is not given the treatment or in other word they taught as
usual by using convetional teaching that is lecture through printed material.
The method of the research design is illustrated as follows :

Table 3.1

Research desigh

Group Pre-test Treatment Post-test
Experimen O1 X O2


Control O3 - O4
Source : Sugiyono, 2010, p.46

Where :

O1 : pre-test for experiment group

O2 : post test for experiment group

O3 : pre-test for control group class

O4 : post-test for control group class

X : treatment

B. Population and sample research

1. Population
Population is a group of elements or cases, whether individuals,
object, or evens, that conform to specific criteria and which intend to
generalize the result of the research. This group also referred to as the
target population of universe. The target population is often different
from the list of elements from which the sample is actualy selected
(McMillan & Sally, 2010, p. 129). The population of this reseach was the
second year students class VIII of Junior High School will choose the
population in this research at eighth grade Islamic Boarding School Darul
Ulum Muaro Jambi. The researcher used two classes, VIII A was an an
experiment and VIII B was control class. Class VIII A consist of 23 and
class VIII B consist of 37 students. The total number of the second year
strudents of Islamic Junior High School was 60 students.

Table 3.2
Population of the Research

No Class Number of students

1 VIII A 23
2 VIII B 37
Total 60

2. Sample
According to creswell sample is a subgroup of the target population
that the researcher plans to study for the purpose of making generalization
about the target population (Creswell, 2012:142). The researcher took the
sample by using cl random sampling. Based o the design of the research,
the researcher took two classes as the sample of the research. Here, the
writer took class VIII A and VIII B as a sample. Both classes were
selected by cluster randown sampling. Class VIII A on experimental class
and VIII B on control class. The sample of this research can be see as
follow :
Table 3.2
Sample of the research
No Class Number of students
1 VIII A 23
2 VIII B 37
Total 60

C. The instrument of the Research

In this research the writer only used test to collect the data. The test
was distributed to meansure the students’ reading comprehension. The test
was divided into two test : pre-test will be given before the treatment, and
post-test will be give after doing the treatment. The type of the test was
multiple choice test which consisted of 30 items (Narrative text). Every test
item consisted of four answer options (a,b,c, and d). the proportion of every
item was 6. Therefore, the total score was 100 if the students could answer
all the items correctly.

The procedure of collecting the data for experimental group can be seen
as follows :

1. Pre-test
The pre – test carried out to determine the students’ comprehension
with their score. The item used for pre – test consist of 30 (narrative
text). The test was about reading comprehension.

2. Treatment
The treatment conducted for experimental group by using story
pyramid. The treatment will be conducted in taught meeting after pre-
test. It will be taken 60 minutes for each meeting. The materials in theses
treatments are based on the students’ textbook that is used in Islamic
Junior High school Darul Ulum. These treatments will be given to the
experiment class during six time meeting, and control class will be teach
by using common method the eight grade English teacher in the class.

3. Post test
After conducting the treatment, the post-test administered and
analysed as final data of this research. The post-test given was the same
test as the pre-test.

Table 3.4
Specification of the test

No Indicator in reading Number of Number of

comprehension questions item
1 Identifying main ideas 1,7,13,19,25 5
2 Factual information 2,8,14,20,26 5
3 Identifying inference and
3,9,15,21,27, 5
4 Vocabulary in context 4,10,16,22,28 5
5 Generic structure of
5,11,17,23,29 5
narrative text
6 Language features of
6,12,18,24,30 5
narrative text
Total 30

E. The test validity and reability


1. Validity
According Brown (2004:22), validity is the extent to which
inferences made from assessment result are approiate, meaningful, and
useful in terms of the purpose of the assessment. There are some various
types of validity, namely content validity, construct validity, criterion
related validity.
The validity that will use in this study is content validity. Referring
to Brown (2004:22), a test is said to have content validity if the contents
of the test are complied by items that present stdents’ competencial and
abilities. The researcher consults with the advisior to check the validity
of questionnaires. Then, to gain the content validity for the reading test
the reseachrer has designed the instrument, according to KD and KI in
syllabus of reading subject and consults with the advisors.
The app ropriateness of the test could be achieved by using
correlation point Biseral formula to calvulade the validity. The
formulation is in the following :
r pbi M p− M t p
S dt √ q

Rpbi : index number of correlation point biserial
Mp : mean (score average) score from the true answer
Mt : total mean score was got by all of testers
Sdt : deviation standard of total score
P : proportions of students that answer true
Q : proportions of students that answer false (Suharsimi Arikunto,

To juge the validity of each item could be seen from column

corrected item total correlation (r count ¿ compare with r table . If
r count > r table that item was valid or otherwise using a=0.05 .

2. Reliability
Reliability test conducted to determine the consistency of the
interval among the variables and instrument. The point about item tested
was matter which valid. Looking for reliability interval method used was
Cronbach Alpha method, which analyzed the realiability of this method
of meansuring instruments from on meansurement

k s2−∑ pq
rii= ( )(
k−1 s2 )
rii : reliability instrument
k : number all of questions
p: subject proportion the true answering (score I)
q : subject proportion the wrong answer (score 0)
∑ pq : the score product between p and q
s2 : standard deviation (variants source) from test

Table 3.5
Categories of reliability
Value Description
0,8 – 1.000 Very high
0,6 – 0,799 High
0,4 – 0,599 Adequate
0,2 – 0,399 Low

The researcher has donevalidity test, then performed reliability

testing on those instruments. Reability test used to determine the level
of consistency in answering ro the instrument. Based on table 3.
Showed the categories of reability in this researcher very high. From
the result above it can be concluded that the instrument can be truested
to be used as data collection tool

3. Difficulty index
The question is a good if isn’t very easy and difficult. In analyzing
every item, the researcher will utiize difficulty index, in each item
where the formula as follows (Suharsimi Arikanto), 2007, p.208
P : difficult index
B : number of the student that answer correctly
J : number all of students that followed test
Test with : p = 0,00 – 0,30 is difficult question
Test with p = 0,30 – 0,70 is medium question
Test with p = 0,70 – 0,00 is easy question.

F. Technique of Analysis the data

1. Descriptive Analysis
Descriptive analysis employs the result of the mean and the
standard deviation. Hatch and Farhady (1982, p.39) stated that
descriptive analysis is statistic used to summarize data. Mean and
standard deviation are descriptive analysis.

2. Statistical Analysis
a. Normality test
Normality test calculated to see whether the data were normality or
not. The normality test was employed by using lilieforts test because
the sample of this research ≤ 30. According to Sudjana (2005, p. 466-
467), the ways to look for normality tests as follows:
a. Sort the sample of data from the small to large data (X1,X2,X3,Xn)

b. Calculated the average of sample score by using single average

c. Calculated the standart deviation
X 1−x
d. Determine the Z value of each data by the formula : Z1 =
e. Determine the Z table based on the Z value
f. Determine the F (Zi) based on the Z table
If Zi negative (-), so 0,5 – Ztable
If Zi positive (+), so 0,5 + Ztable
cumulative frequency
g. Determine the S(Zi) by the formula : S ( Z 1 ) =
h. Calculate the Lcount by te formula : F(ZI) – F(Zi)
i. If L hitung ≤ Ltable, so the sample of the data is normally
b. Homogenity test
The purpose of hormpgenity test was to see whether the data or
sample in both classes were homogenous or heterogeneous. The test of
homogenity used homogeneity variance. According to ridwan (2013,
p.120), the formula used in hormogeneity test can be see as follows :
the highest varience
F count =
the lowest variance

Systematic calculation :
a. Conduct assesment of the student of the students’ test result
b. Determining of variance X (Sx2)
c. Determine for variance Y (Sy2)
d. Calculate the largest variance and smallest variance
e. Compare the F table with F hitung
dk numerator=n−1 and dk denominator=n−1

f. Criteria of test with the significance


If F count ≤ F table then the data homogeneus

If F count ≤ F table then the data not homogeneus

c. T-test
In this part, the writer calculated the data by using two sample
t-test. The are paired sample t-test and independent sample t-test,
paired sample t-test is used to see wheter or not there is significan
effect of student’s reading comprehension before and after treatment.
The independent sample t-test is used the compare the means of one
variable for two group of cases (Taniredja, 2014 p.38).
a. Paired sample t-test
According to sugiyono (2013, p.197), the formula of paired
sample T-test is express as follows:
t MD 2
o= πr

Which :

MD = mean of different arithmetic average scond of different or

the different between the score of variable 1 and II

SEMD = standart error of mean the different

With the calculation steps as bellow:

1. Looking D (different = different) between the score of variables I

and score variable II with the formula :
2. Find the mean of the differentce with the formula :
m ∑D

3. Looking the standard devination of the difference with the

∑ D2 − ∑ D
formula : SDD =
√ N ( )N

4. Looking the standard devination of the difference with the

formula : SEM D=
√ N−1
5. Looking t o with the formula : t o=

6. Looking interpretation
a. Looking df or db with formula : df atau db = N – 1
b. Based on the magnitude of the df or db, we search for criticism
“t” listed in the table “t” at the significance level of 5% and 1 %
as follow :
c. Conduct the comparing between t o and t table as bellow :
Criteria Hypothesis Decision
T o >T table Ho Rejected
Ha Accepted
T o <T table Ho Accepted
Ha Rejected

d. Independent sample T-test

According to Sudjiono (2000, p.297) in Diktat statistic pendidikan
(2016, p.55), the formula of independen tsample T-test is express as follow
t M 1− M 2
SE M 1− M 2

Where :
to : ‘t’ test
M1 :mean of experimental class
M2 : mean of control class
SEM1-M2 : standard error
The formula above is the main formula. Before using the formula, the
writer also used some calculation procedure such as below :

1. Determining mean of variable X, with the formula : M 1=


2. Determining mean of variable Y, with the formula : M 2=

3. Determining standard of deviation score of fariable X, with the

∑ FX 2
formula SD=
√ N
4. Determining standard of deviation score of fariable Y, with the

∑ FX 2
formula SD=
√ N
5. Determining standard error mean of variable X, with the formula

SD 1
SEM 1=
√ N 1−1
6. Determining standard error mean of variable Y, with the formula

SD 2
SEM 2 =
√ N 2−1
7. Determining standard error of different mean of variable X of variable

Y, with the formula SEM − M = √ SE

1 2 M1
+ SE M 22

M 1−M 2
8. Determining t o (t-test), with the formula : t o=
SE M 1−SE M 2
9. Give the interpretation to t-test (t o) to several process as follow :
a. Formulating the hypothesis of the research and statistic hypothesis
b. Test significance of t oby comparing the amount of t owith t table by
setting of degrees of freedom (df) or (db), by the formula of df/db
= N-1
c. Determining criticsm of ‘t’ in the table value of ‘t’ by adhering to
the df or db have been obtained, both of significance of 5%
d. Conduct the comparing between t oand t table as bellow :
Criteria Hypothesis Decision

T o >T table Ho Rejected

Ha Accepted
T o <T table Ho Accepted
Ha Rejected

G. Statistical Hypothesis
Hypothesis is the statetment in quantitative research in which the
investigator make a research. Hypothesis is a prediction of the possible
outcomes of the research. According to Sugiyono (2013, p.64). statistical
hypothesis exsit when a research works with samples, if the research does
not work by using sample, so there is not statistical hypothesis. According
to Sugiyono (2013), p. 69) the formula of hypothesis in this research can
be see as :

Where :

Ha1: There is significant effect on students’ reading comprehension

before and after being taught by using story pyramid strategy

Ho1: There is no significant effect on students’ reading

comprehension before and after being taught by using story
pyramid strategy

Ha2 : There is a significant different between the score of the student

who are taught by using story pyramid strategy and who are
not taught by using story pyramid strategy.

HO2 : There is no a significant different between the score of the

student who are taught by using story pyramid strategy and
who are not taught by using story pyramid strategy.
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TABLE OF CONTENTS....................................................................................II

CHAPTER I.................................................................................................................1
A. The Background of the Study....................................................................................1
B. The Identification of the problem..............................................................................4
C. The Scope and Limitation..........................................................................................5
D. The Formulation of the Research..............................................................................5
E. The Objective of the Research...................................................................................5
F. The Significance of the Reseach................................................................................5
CHAPTER II................................................................................................................7
REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE...................................................................7
A. Definition of Reading.............................................................................................7
a. Purpose of Reading............................................................................................8
b. Basic of Reading..............................................................................................10
c. Reading Ability................................................................................................11
d. Genres of Reading............................................................................................11
e. Type of Reading...............................................................................................11
B. Reading Comprehension......................................................................................13
a. Definition of Reading Comprehension.............................................................13
b. Level of Reading Comprehension....................................................................15
c. Aspect of reading comprehension.....................................................................16
C. Story Pyramid Strategy........................................................................................17
1. Procedure of Story Pyramid Strategy...............................................................19
D. The operational concept.......................................................................................19
E. Previous Research................................................................................................21
CHAPTER III............................................................................................................23
METHOD OF RESEARCH.......................................................................................23
A. Location..................................................................................................................23
B. Research Design......................................................................................................23
B. Population and sample research..............................................................................24

1. Population............................................................................................................24
2. Sample..................................................................................................................25
C. The instrument of the Research...............................................................................25
1. Pre-test.................................................................................................................26
2. Treatment.............................................................................................................26
3. Post test................................................................................................................26
E. The test validity and reability...................................................................................27
F. Technique of Analysis the data................................................................................29
1. Descriptive Analysis.........................................................................................29
2. Statistical Analysis...........................................................................................30
G. Statistical Hypothesis..............................................................................................34


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