Valentine's Day or Dragobete? Although Dragobetele Is An Authentic Romanian

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Valentine's Day or Dragobete? Although Dragobetele is an authentic Romanian
holiday, deeply rooted in ancient traditions, nowadays there is a tendency for more
Romanians to celebrate Valentine's Day, which has become the international holiday of
The history of the two holidays
Dragobetele is celebrated on February 24, the date that overlaps from the point of
view of the Orthodox calendar with the celebration of the Blessing of the Head of Saint
John the Baptist. In the past, however, Dragobetele was celebrating on March 1, because
he is considered to be the son of Babei Dochia, a young and seductive girl, the starter of a
new season - spring.
Dragobetele, Navalnic or Engagement Bird, as it is also called, is a character taken
from the ancient Dacians and considered the god of love, youth and joy, later transformed
into the protector of youth and their love.
Valentine's Day is celebrated around the world on February 14th, being a US
holiday that has gained momentum lately, due to profound media coverage.
Valentine's Day originates from an old Romanian holiday, Lupercalia, which later
changed its name to Valentine's Day. Valentin was a priest in Rome, and Claudius II, the
emperor of that time, ordered the soldiers not to marry or to marry, because he considered
that in this case there was a risk of no longer going to war. Priest Valentin violated the
king's order and officiated a few secret marriages, which is why he was arrested and
sentenced to death. The priest was beheaded on February 14, on the eve of the Lupercalia
holiday and was declared holy, Rome moving the feast on the 15th, as it was initially, on
February 14th. Later, February 14 became Valentine's Day, as it is known to this day.
Loving customs and superstitions:
- Dragobet is a holiday that everyone should take part in. On this day, young people
dress in the most beautiful clothes, meet in the village and, if the weather permits, go to the
forest to pick the first spring flowers, with which they decorate the icons or use them for
charms. If the weather was wet, it was raining or snowing, the young people would gather
at one of their homes, where the party and various games began.
- At noon, the girls fled to the village, and the boys tried to catch them. If one of the
girls loved the boy who was following her, they kissed, symbol of a future engagement,
and the engagement night was announced to the entire community. All the people who
took part in the celebration of the event were in luck all year long and were safe from
diseases and troubles.
- As in the case of Bobotezei, it is said that the girls put their basil under the pillow
to dream their choice.
- Dragobete, deep friendships are linked, oaths are made and it is said that in order
to have a love affair, girls and boys had to reach a person of the opposite sex from another

- Another custom of the girls was to gather the untouched and untouched man or
the rainwater, which they then used to clean their face and hair, considering that they
would become more beautiful and more beautiful.
- The elders of the village paid special attention to the birds and animals, on this
day their slaughter was forbidden.
- By Dragobete, men were not allowed to quarrel or upset women, because they
will have bad luck all year.
- On this day, in which the Celebration of the Head of Saint John the Baptist is
celebrated, the people interrupted all their activities, but cleaning in the house was allowed,
bringing more and more freshness.
- Dragobete is not good to cry, because the tears of this day are the cause of troubles and

Valentine's Day Habits and Superstitions:

- It is said that, initially, the holiday that celebrates love was the holiday of singles.
On this day, the girls hid in the dark alleys of the village, hoping that they would be found
by the men alone. If this happens, the next step was marriage.
- On Valentine's Day, the girls ate weird foods, which would help them dream of
their choice.
- In the Middle Ages, girls and boys drew a name from a bowl, which they had to
keep on their sleeves all week.
- The first name you hear about Valentine's Day is the future spouse. Also, if you
find a glove on this day, surely the one who lost it will be your husband.
- It is considered that if a spell flies over you, you will marry a poor man, but you
will be very happy. If you see a bottle, you will marry a very rich man.
- In the morning of February 14, the water is put into the water, and the faithful
choose to eat only once this day.
-Every year, since Valentine's Day, over 220,000 people choose to get married.

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