Final SBC & Iecc STD Appartments Thermel Analysis

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S.No. Contents

1. Introduction

2. Methods to evaluate the thermal performance of

building materials 4

3. Procedures for using the Total VA alternative method


4. Procedures for using the Performance approach

method 9

5. Analysis of the studies as per both codes


6. Solution for compliance to code requirements


7. Recommendation

8. Appendix – 1

9. Appendix – 2

10. Appendix – 3

1. Introduction:

The intension of the report is to verify and evaluate existing ‘U’ values of wall,
roof, and glass for the apartment building in comparison with requirements
prescribed in the IECC 2009 and SBC 2007. Also to come up with proper
recommendations in the existing constructions to satisfy the above mentioned
code requirements.

2. Methods to evaluate the thermal
performance of building materials:

a. Prescriptive package approach

b. Trade – off approach
c. Software approach

a. Prescriptive package approach

A prescriptive packages approach lists the minimum R – value or

maximum U – factor requirements for each building component such as
windows, wall and roofs. The prescriptive package approach requires
minimal calculations and is the simplest method for demonstrating
compliance with the insulation and window requirements for residential

b. Trade – off approach:

This approach allows for trade – off s between all buildings envelope
components, heating and cooling equipment efficiencies. When applying
the trade-off approach to multifamily buildings the buildings can be
considered as a whole or a separate work sheet can be completed for each
individual dwelling unit.

c. Software approach
An approved software program or calculation based methodology that
projects the hour -by-hour loads and annual energy use of a building.

d. Selected method in this analysis:

Out of the above three methods, Trade-Off approach is selected to perform
this analysis. Two different trade off approaches are utilized due to the
differences in the prescribed U values of the various building envelope
components between IECC2009 and SBC2007. Following are the methods
as per IECC 2009 and SBC-2007:

a. Total VA alternative method (Trade-off method as per IECC

b. Performance method (Trade-off method as per SBC 2007)

1. Procedures for using the Total VA

alternative method (as per IECC – 2009)
This ‘VA’ alternative method determines whether this building as a whole
meets the code requirements. The following steps are implemented to
perform the analysis as per IECC - 2009.

3.1 Finding the climate zone

Determination of the degree days of the climate zone in which the
building is located. As per the SBC standard (Appendix 3, Table 2.2.2)
the degree days for DHARHAN is 3500 DD (As value for Jubail is not
specifically mentioned, this value is used).

As per the IECC 2009 Table no: 301.3(2) Zone number 2 is selected.

Degree day, Cooling – Definition:

A unit, based on temperature difference and time, used in estimating

cooling energy consumption and specifying nominal cooling load of a
building in summer. For any one day, when the mean temperature is
more than 18°C, there are as many degree days as there are degrees
Celsius difference in temperature between the mean temperature for

the day and 18°C. Annual cooling degree days (CDD) are the sum of
the degree days over a calendar year.

3.2 Evaluation of the PROPOSED VA values as

per given details:
The combined thermal transmittance value (V) of the gross area of the
exterior wall shall be calculated as follows.

a) Wall with insulation ( Details see Appendix 1.1)

b) Wall without insulation( Details see Appendix 1.2)
c) Windows( Details see Appendix 1.3)
d) Window Aluminum frame ( Details see Appendix 1.3)
e) Doors ( Details see Appendix 1.4)

Definition of ‘V’ – Factor (Thermal

The coefficient of heat transmission (air to air) through a building
component or assembly, equal to the time rate of heat flow
per unit area and unit temperature difference between the
warm side and cold side air films. (W/m2.k)(as per IECC 2009 std, Chapter-
2, page no: 7, see appendix – 3)

VA for walls is calculated as follows:

V A = (V1 x A1) + (V2x A2) + (V3 x A3) + (V4 x A4) + (V5 x A5) (as per IECC –
2009 std page no : 28, chapter no : 402.1.4), (see appendix - 3)

V = The average thermal transmittance of the gross area of the


Walls. (W/m2-k)

A = The gross area of exterior walls. (m2)

V1= The combined thermal transmittance of the various paths of heat
transfer through the opaque exterior insulation wall area. (W/m2-k)

A1= Area of exterior insulation walls that are opaque. (m2)

V2= The combined thermal transmittance of the various paths of heat

transfer through the opaque exterior non - insulated wall area. (W/m2-k)

A2= Area of exterior non - insulated walls that are opaque. (m2)

V3 = The combined thermal transmittance of all glazing within the gross

area of exterior Walls.(windows) (W/m2-k)

A3 = The area of all glazing within the gross area of exterior walls.
(windows) (m2)

V4 = The combined thermal transmittance of all opaque aluminum frame

within the gross area of Exterior walls. (W/m2-k)

A4 = The area of all opaque aluminum frame within the gross area of
exterior walls. (m2)

V5 = The combined thermal transmittance of all opaque doors within the

gross area of Exterior walls. (W/m2-k)

A5 = The area of all opaque doors within the gross area of exterior walls.

VA for roof is calculated as follows:

a) Roof ( details see appendix 1.5)

V A = (VR X AR) (as per IECC – 2009 std page no: 28, chapter no:

(See appendix – 3)

V = The average thermal transmittance of the gross roof/ceiling

area,( W/m2-k)

A = The gross area of the roof /ceiling assembly, m2.

VR = The combined thermal transmittance of the various paths of heat
transfer through The opaque roof /ceiling area. (W/m2-k)

AR = Opaque roof / ceiling assembly area. (m2)

3.3: Evaluation of the REQUIRED VA values as per IECC -

The requirement of the wall and roof ‘V’ factors for various component can
be found From appendix – 2, 3 as will be multiplied with
corresponding areas. V values as follows.

‘V’ factor roof/ ceiling = 0.18 (W/m2-k) (see appendix – 2.4, 3, IECC
2009 Table no 402.1.3)

‘V’ factor for exterior wall = 0.655 (W/m2-k) (see appendix – 2.1, 3,
IECC 2009 Table no 402.1.3)

‘ V’ factor for exterior Fenestration = 3.69(W/m2-k) (see appendix –

2.2, 3, IECC 2009 Table no 402.1.3)

3.4: ‘VA’ method worksheet envelope calculation as

per IECC - 2009:

Building Name : Residential Building (Apartments)

As per the building constructions As per the IECC - 2009
Required 'V'
insulation VFactor Area Area (A)
Description VA Factor VA
R- value W/m2-k (A) m
2 m
W/m -k
Roof R30 0.172 575 98.9 0.18 575 103.5
see details
Roof total area 575 98.9 appendix -2,3
see details appendix - 1
walls,windows and doors
Required 'V'
insulation V Factor Area Area (A)
Description VA Factor VA
R- value W/m2-k (A) m2 m

Insulated wall R13 0.39 1084.5 422.96

0.655 1084.5 710.3475
un - insulated wall 3.19 413.5 1319.1 0.655 413.5 270.8425
Windows(glass) 3.8 326 1238.8 3.69 326 1202.94
Aluminum frame 4.62 81 374.22 3.69 81 298.89
Doors (glass) 3.8 4.8 18.24 3.69 4.8 17.712
Aluminum frame 4.62 1.2 5.544 3.69 1.2 4.428
Metal door 2.5 9 22.5 3.69 9 33.21
Wall total area 1920 3373.3 1920 2538.37
see details
see details appendix - 1 appendix - 2,3
Total proposed VA= 3472.2 Total required VA= 2642

The Total PROPOSED VA must be less than or equal to the total REQUIRED VA for
compliance with IECC -2009.

In this case the existing building construction Does Not Comply with the code VA

1. Procedures for using the performance
approach method as per SBC – 2007

This method determines whether this building as a whole meets the

code requirements. The following steps are implemented to perform the
analysis as per SBC-2007.

4. 1: Finding the climate zone & CDD

As per the SBC standard (Table 2.2.2) the degree days for DHARHAN is
3500 DD. (See APPENDIX -3)

4.2: Evaluation of the PROPOSED UoAo values as

per SBC -2007 std:
The combined thermal transmittance value (UO) of the gross area of the
exterior wall shall be calculated as follows.

a) Wall with insulation ( Details see Appendix 1.1)

b) Wall without insulation( Details see Appendix 1.2)
c) Windows( Details see Appendix 1.3)
d) Window Aluminum frame ( Details see Appendix 1.3)
e) Doors ( Details see Appendix 1.4)

UoAo for walls is calculated as follows:

Uo Ao = (U1 x A1) + (U2x A2) + (U3 x A3) + (U4 x A4) + (U5 x A5) (SBC std
equation no 4-1), (see appendix - 3)

U0 = The average thermal transmittance of the gross area of the

exterior Walls. (W/m2-k)

Ao = The gross area of exterior walls. (m2)

U1= The combined thermal transmittance of the various paths of heat

transfer through the opaque exterior insulation wall area. (W/m2-k)

A1= Area of exterior insulation walls that are opaque. (m2)

U2= The combined thermal transmittance of the various paths of heat
transfer through the opaque exterior non - insulated wall area. (W/m2-k)

A2= Area of exterior non - insulated walls that are opaque. (m2)

U3 = The combined thermal transmittance of all glazing within the gross

area of exterior Walls.(windows) (W/m2-k)

A3 = The area of all glazing within the gross area of exterior walls.
(windows) (m2)

U4 = The combined thermal transmittance of all opaque aluminum frame

within the gross area of Exterior walls. (W/m2-k)

A4 = The area of all opaque aluminum frame within the gross area of
exterior walls. (m2)

U5 = The combined thermal transmittance of all opaque doors within the

gross area of Exterior walls. (W/m2-k)

A5 = The area of all opaque doors within the gross area of exterior walls.

UoAo for roof is calculated as follows:

a. Roof (details see appendix 1.5)

UO AO = (UR X AR) (SBC std equation no 4-5), (see appendix - 3)

UO = The average thermal transmittance of the gross roof/ceiling

area,( W/m -k)

AO = The gross area of the roof /ceiling assembly, m2.

UR = The combined thermal transmittance of the various paths of heat

transfer through The opaque roof /ceiling area. (W/m2-k)

AR = Opaque roof / ceiling assembly area. (m2)

4.3: Evaluation of the REQUIRED UoAo values as per
SBC standard:
The requirement of the wall and roof ‘Uo’ factors can be found from
appendix – 3.

UO factor roof/ ceiling = 0.15 (W/m2-k) (see appendix – 3, SBC STD

figure NO:4.2.2(2))

UO factor for exterior wall = 1.2 (W/m2-k) (see appendix – 3, SBC

STD figure NO:4.2.2(1))

4.4: The performance method worksheet envelope
calculation as per SBC – 2007 std:

Building Name : Residential Building (Apartments)

As per the building constructions As per the SBC - 2007 std
Required 'U'
insulation U Factor Area Area (A)
Description UA Factor UA
R- value W/m2-k (A) m
2 m
W/m -k
Roof R30 0.172 575 98.9 0.147 575 84.525
see details
Roof total area 575 98.9 appendix - 3
see details appendix - 1
walls,windows and doors
Required 'U'
insulation U Factor Area Area (A)
Description UA Factor UA
R- value W/m2-k (A) m
2 m
W/m -k

Insulated wall R 13 0.39 1084.5 422.96 1.2 1920 2304

see details
un - insulated wall 3.19 413.5 1319.1
appendix - 3
Windows(glass) 3.8 326 1238.8
Aluminum frame 4.62 81 374.22
Doors (glass) 3.8 4.8 18.24
Aluminum frame 4.62 1.2 5.544
Metal door 2.5 9 22.5
Wall total area 1920 3373.3
see details appendix - 1
Total proposed U0A0 = 3472.2 Total required U0A0 = 2389

The Total PROPOSED UoAo must be less than or equal to the total REQUIRED UoA
ofor compliance with SBC -2007.

In this case the existing building construction Does Not Comply with the code UA

1. Analysis of the studies as per both codes:

A careful analysis of the above worksheets for the VA method as per IECC 2009
or UA method as per SBC-2007, the biggest contributor to the high VA or UA
values is the un-insulated portion of the precast walls. Even though the un-
insulated wall area is only 413 m2 the thermal-bridging effect of this portion is
quite significant and it is almost off-setting the benefits of insulation in the other
portions of the precast wall.

2. Solution for compliance to Code
Two possible solutions can be considered to enhance the existing construction to
meet the code requirements.

Solution 1:

Providing insulation to the un-insulated portions of the wall so as to have equivalent

performance matching with the insulated portions of the wall. Appropriate
insulation coverage shall be provided considering the thermal-bridging effect.

Solution 2:

Increase the insulation R values from R13 to R19 in the insulated portions of the
existing wall. Replace the existing glass with new glass having a ‘U’ value 2.27

Solution : 1(considering all exterior non insulated wall
into insulated wall)

Building Name : Residential Building (Apartments)

As per the building constructions
As per the SBC - 2007 std
Roof UoAo values =2389
insulation U Factor Area As per the IECC - 2009 std
Description UA
R- value W/m2-k (A) m2 VA values =2642
Roof R30 0.172 575 98.9
Roof total area 575 98.9
see details appendix - 1
walls,windows and doors

insulation U Factor Area

Description UA
R- value W/m2-k (A) m2

Insulated wall R13 0.39 1498 584.22

Windows(glass) 3.8 326 1238.8

Aluminum frame 4.62 81 374.22
Doors (glass) 3.8 4.8 18.24
Aluminum frame 4.62 1.2 5.544
Metal door 2.5 9 22.5
Wall total area 1920 2215.5
see details appendix - 1
Total proposed U0A0 = 2314.4

Based on the above worksheet, it is obvious that the building

construction can meet both the code requirements by implementing
solution 1.

Solution: 2(considering R19 insulation and change the
fenestration ‘U’ values in
the PROPOSED values)

Building Name : Residential Building (Apartments)

As per the building constructions
As per the SBC - 2007 std
Roof UoAo values =2389

insulation U Factor Area As per the IECC - 2009 std

Description UA
R- value W/m2-k (A) m2 VA values =2642

Roof R30 0.172 575 98.9

Roof total area 575 98.9

walls,windows and doors

insulation U Factor Area

Description UA
R- value W/m2-k (A) m2

Insulated wall
R19 0.277 1084.5 300.41
un - insulated wall 3.19 413.5 1319.1
Windows(glass) 2.27 326 740.02
Aluminum frame 2.96 81 239.76
Doors (glass) 2.27 4.8 10.896
Aluminum frame 2.96 1.2 3.552
Metal door 2.5 9 22.5
Wall total area 1920 2610.1

Total proposed U
0A0 = 2709

Implementation of solution 2 does not satisfy any of the code


3. Recommendation:

7.1 Existing Construction

1. Provide insulation to the un-insulated portions of the wall so as to have

equivalent performance matching with the insulated portions of the
2. Appropriate insulation coverage shall be provided considering the
thermal-bridging effect.
3. Proper details to provide appropriate insulation shall be developed by
the architect.
4. The SHGC of glass shall not exceed 0.3 as per IECC 2009.

7.2 Future Construction

1. Insulated pre-cast wall is not recommended. This walls do not have

complete insulation coverage throughout the entire area of the panels.
In each panel the edges of the panel are not insulated, which results in
heavy thermal bridging effect almost nullifying the effect of the
insulated portions of the wall.
2. It is recommended to utilize standard pre-cast wall panels and to
provide separate insulation to provide complete coverage to the entire
area of the wall to satisfy the insulation requirements as per the code
3. The Glass can be selected with a U factor of around 2.0 W/Sq.m-Deg.C.
4. The SHGC of glass shall not exceed 0.3 as per IECC 2009.


1.1 Proposed 50mm Thick Insulated wall:
Construction details:

‘U’ value calculation:

Thickness of R – value
layers Remarks
layers (mm) (m2-k/w)
Inside surface resistance see details appendix -3(as per ASHRAE
2009 chapter 26, table no :1)
Precast concrete see details appendix -3(as per ASHRAE
120 0.0845
2009 chapter 26, table no 4)

R13 Thermal insulation 2.29 see details drawings

Precast concrete see details appendix -3(as per ASHRAE

60 0.0422
2009 chapter 26, table no 4)
Outside surface resistance see details appendix -3(as per ASHRAE
2009 chapter 26, table no :1)
Total 2.5667
U value 0.390 W/m2-k

Total area of the insulated wall = 1084.5 m2

1.2 Proposed Un – insulated wall:
Construction details:

’U’ Value calculation:

layers Thickness of R – value

layers (mm) (m2-k/W)
Inside surface resistance see details appendix -3(as per
ASHRAE 2009 chapter 26, table no :1)
Precast concrete see details appendix -3(as per
230 0.163
ASHRAE 2009 chapter 26, table no 4)
Outside surface resistance see details appendix -3(as per
ASHRAE 2009 chapter 26, table no :1)
Total 0.313
U value 3.1949 W/m2-k

Total area of the un - insulated wall = 277 m2

1.3 Proposed Windows:

Construction details and types:


50 1200 2000 50 1200 2000 50 1200 2000 50 1200 50


Windows details and ‘U’ value:
U' value of aluminum frame
Area of the
Area of the U' value glass (W/m2-k)(as per ASHRAE
Tagno Qty 2
aluminum 2
glass (m ) 2 (W/m -k) 2009chapter 15,table no:4,
frame (m )
see details appendix - 3)
W1 32 169.6 41.6 3.8 4.62
SC1 8 112.4 31 3.8 4.62
SC2 4 24.6 6 3.8 4.62
SC3 1 19.4 2 3.8 4.62
Total areas 407

Total window areas = 407 m2

1.4 Proposed Doors:

Construction details and types:


F.F.L. F.F.L.

Doors details and ‘U’ value:

U' value of aluminum U' value of aluminum
Area of Area of the Area of U' value of frame (W/m2-k)(as per frame (W/m2-k)(as per
Tag no Qty the glass aluminum the metal glass ASHRAE 2009 chapter ASHRAE 2009 chapter
2 2 2 2
(m ) frame (m ) (m ) (W/m -k) 15,table no:4, see details 15,table no:6, see
appendix - 3) details appendix - 3)
DO 1 1 4.8 1.2 - 3.8 4.62 -
DO6 2 - - 4.26 - - 2.5
DO7 2 - - 4.5 - - 2.5
Total areas 15

Total door areas = 15 m2

1.5 Proposed Roof:

Construction details:


Roof ‘U’ Value calculation:

Thickness of R – value
layers Remarks
layers (mm) (m2-k/W)
Inside surface resistance see details appendix -3(as per ASHRAE
2009 chapter 26, table no :1)
hollow core roof slab see details appendix -3(as per ASHRAE
250 0.266
2009 chapter 26, table no 4)
structural concrete topping see details appendix -3(as per ASHRAE
50 0.053
2009 chapter 26, table no 4)
Thermal insulation(extruded
150 5.28 see details drawings
Loose laid roof tiles see details appendix -3(as per ASHRAE
40 0.0088
2009 chapter 26, table no 4)
Outside surface resistance see details appendix -3(as per ASHRAE
2009 chapter 26, table no :1)
Total 5.7998
U value 0.1724 W/m2-k

Total roof areas = 575 m2


2.1 Required Insulated wall:
Construction details:

‘U’ value calculation:

Thickness of R – value
layers Remarks
layers (mm) (m2-k/w)
Inside surface resistance see details appendix -3(as per ASHRAE
2009 chapter 26, table no :1)
Precast concrete see details appendix -3(as per ASHRAE
120 0.0845
2009 chapter 26, table no 4)
R7 Thermal insulation see details appendix -3(as per IECC
2009 table no 402.1.3)
Precast concrete see details appendix -3(as per ASHRAE
60 0.0422
2009 chapter 26, table no 4)
Outside surface resistance see details appendix -3(as per ASHRAE
2009 chapter 26, table no :1
Total 1.5267
U value 0.6550 W/m2-k

Total area of the insulated wall = 1498 m2

2.2 Required Windows:
Construction details and types:


50 1200 2000 50 1200 2000 50 1200 2000 50 1200 50


Windows details and ‘U’ value:
U' value of aluminum U' value of aluminum
Areaof the frame (W/m2-k)(as per frame (W/m2-k)(as per
Areaof the
Tagno Qty 2
aluminum IECC2009std,table IECC2009std,table
glass (m ) 2
frame (m ) no:402.1.3,see details no:402.1.3,see details
appendix- 3) appendix- 3)
W1 32 169.6 41.6 3.69 3.69
SC1 8 112.4 31 3.69 3.69
SC2 4 24.6 6 3.69 3.69
SC3 1 19.4 2 3.69 3.69
Total areas 407

Total window areas = 407 m2

2.3 Required Doors:

Construction details and types:


F.F.L. F.F.L.

Doors details and ‘U’ value:

U' value of aluminum U' value of U' value of
Area of frame (W/m2-k)(as aluminum frame aluminum frame
Area of Area of the
the per IECC 2009 (W/m2-k)(as per (W/m2-k)(as per
Tag no Qty the glass aluminum
2 2
metal std,table IECC 2009 std,table IECC 2009 std,table
(m ) frame (m ) 2
(m ) no:402.1.3,see details no:402.1.3,see no:402.1.3,see
appendix - 3) details appendix - 3) details appendix - 3)
DO 1 1 4.8 1.2 - 3.69 3.69 -
DO6 2 - - 4.26 - - 3.69
DO7 2 - - 4.5 - - 3.69
Total areas 15

Total door areas = 15 m2

2.4 Required Roof:

Construction details:


350 1200
Roof ‘U’ Value calculation:

Thickness of R – value
layers Remarks
layers (mm) (m2-k/W)
Inside surface resistance see details appendix -3(as per
ASHRAE table no 4.3
hollow core roof slab see details appendix -3(as per
250 0.266
ASHRAE table no 4.1
structural concrete topping see details appendix -3(as per
50 0.053
ASHRAE table no 4.1
Thermal insulation(extruded
5.03 As per IECC - 2009 ,see appendix -3
Loose laid roof tiles see details appendix -3(as per
40 0.0088
ASHRAE table no 4.1
Outside surface resistance see details appendix -3(as per
ASHRAE table no 4.3
Total 5.5498
U value 0.1802 W/m2-k

Total roof areas = 575 m2



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