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Research Log #3 - Solutionary Project 2020 

Date:   Feburary 22, 2020
Name:   Taeshia Natividad
Essential Question:   Why are females more prone to ACL tears compared to males?
Three Points to Prove: #1:  The build of a female body is different than male
   #2:  The mechanics of a female body opperates different than males.
      #3: The cycles that a female body goes through hurts the knees more.
Point that this Source Proves:   #3: The cycles that a female body goes through hurts the
knees more.
Excerpts (These should provide insight into the Point to Prove): 

Early in the article Dr. William Lambert reports “The 2 largest and highest quality studies on
hormonal contraceptives suggested that hormonal contraceptives may be protective against ACL

Dr. Lambert goes on to say “The literature on ACL injuries and the menstrual cycle has more
than doubled over the past decade, permitting quantitative analysis for the first time.”

Studies continue to provide evidence that shows the hormones of a female can impact their ACL,
“Women and girls are at particularly high risk for ACL injuries, with rates 3 to 6 times greater
than men, leading some to suggest a hormonal effect.Estradiol, progesterone, and relaxin are the
predominant hormones that have been studied in the menstrual cycle relating to ACL laxity.”

Analysis (How does this source support the Point to Prove?): 

This specific article provides strong evidence that shows how the hormonal cycles of a
female can increase the impact of the ligaments in their knees. Early in the article Dr. William
Lambert reports “The 2 largest and highest quality studies on hormonal contraceptives suggested
that hormonal contraceptives may be protective against ACL injury.” This quote exemplifies that
the contreceptives and factors of hormonal cycles can change the mechanics of a female body.
Certian hormones may be very defensive against certain ligaments inside of the body. There
were 2 very large studies completed by orthopedic officials. These articles included different
candidates such as females, males, children and females on their menstrual cycle. The results
showed the impact of these cycles on our bodies.
In the article, Dr. Lambert goes on to say “The literature on ACL injuries and the
menstrual cycle has more than doubled over the past decade, permitting quantitative analysis for
the first time.” This specific passage focuses on the timeline of the hormonal changes the female
body goes through. As humans, our bodies evolve and this is shown in this article. Our bodies
continue to grow and adapt, and each and every persons body is different in many ways. In the
past decade alone, the anatomy of a female has evolved in ways that can be negative. Females
tend to have wider hips due to hormones and the preperation of child birth. Due to the increased
width of their hips, this also increases the impact and force on the ligaments of their knee. As our
bodies have changed, the evolution also damaged our bodies at the same time.
Studies continue to provide evidence that shows the hormones of a female can impact
their ACL, “Women and girls are at particularly high risk for ACL injuries, with rates 3 to 6
times greater than men, leading some to suggest a hormonal effect.Estradiol, progesterone, and
relaxin are the predominant hormones that have been studied in the menstrual cycle relating to
ACL laxity.” This passage provides information that shows a real ratio of ACL related injuries
for females compared to males. Many orthopedic doctors have confirmed that this ratio is so high
because the biggest factor is the hormonal differences. This article also shows the main
hormones that are to blame for the big difference between both women and men. These
hormones include, Estradiol, progesterone and relaxin. These hormones are relatively only in
females which is why it hurts females more. Testastrone which is the leading hormone for men,
does not give off the same effects.

Work Cited (correct MLA format): 


 Herzberg, Simone D, et al. “The Effect of Menstrual Cycle and Contraceptives on ACL Injuries
and Laxity: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis.” Orthopedic Journal of Sports
Medicine, SAGE Publications, 21 July 2017,

This is a reputable and reliable article because it is published by well known Orthopedic
officials who specify on the hormonal aspect of injuries for ligaments in our legs.

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