Research Log 4

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Research Log #4 - Solutionary Project 2020 

Date:   Feburary 28, 2020
Name:   Taeshia Natividad
Essential Question:   Why are females more prone to ACL tears compared to males?
Three Points to Prove: #1:  The build of a female body is different than male
   #2:  The mechanics of a female body opperates different than males.
      #3: The cycles that a female body goes through hurts the knees more.
Point that this Source Proves: #2 The mechanics of a female body opperates different than
Excerpts (These should provide insight into the Point to Prove): 

Dr. Elizabeth G. Matkins acknowledges early in the video that “ We can reconstruct their ACL,
we can take care of them, we can get them back on to the competitive playing field, but one of
the big problems is, 20 to 30 years from now they are going to have a tenfold higher increase of
potential arthritis in their knees” 

Dr. Matkins goes on to say “And when we look at our male versus our female athletes, males
tend to have better core control and better control of their proximal muscles. so when they jump
or they land they land with their knees bent and their body in a very good position. when our
females tend to do the same type of thing, they tend to land very upright or with their knees in a
valgus position which puts them more at risk for injuring their ACL. “ 

This video goes on to prove that “it takes about 3 months for a girls ACL to heal into the bone.
PT (physical therapy) is started 2-3 weeks after surgery the first 3-6 months is focused on
maximizing strength”

Analysis (How does this source support the Point to Prove?): 

This website has provided sufficient information regarding the difference between
females and males and the way their bodies work. In this video Dr. Elizabeth Matkins
acknowledges that regardless of the actions that take place to cure an ACL injury, there will
always be long terms affects. She makes a statement regarding to female athletes saying they can
reconstruct their ACL, they can take care of them, they can get them back on to the competitive
playing field, but one of the big problems is, 20 to 30 years from now they are going to have a
tenfold higher increase of potential arthritis in their knees. This proves that not only are females
at risk of tearing their ACL way more than males are. However, they are also way more prone to
severe arthritis in their knees many years down the road.
Dr. Matkins also goes on to talk about how the body of a female is not as controlled as a
males body. when they look at the male versus the female athletes, males tend to have better core
control and better control of their proximal muscles. Therefore, when they jump or they land
they land with their knees bent and their body in a very good position. when our females tend to
do the same type of thing, they tend to land very upright or with their knees in a valgus position
which puts them more at risk for injuring their ACL. This proves that if females seek the
mechanisms that males are fortunate enough to have, that means they would need to endure a lot
of training. Research has shown that certain types of traning that work on strengthening our
femures and other muscles, this increases the strength of ACLʻs by 40%. Females are naturally
born with failing landing mechanisms.
This video also proves how the recovery process for females can be doubled compared to
males. It takes about 3 months for a girls ACL to heal into the bone. PT (physical therapy) is
started 2-3 weeks after surgery the first 3-6 months is focused on maximizing strength. Females
are already held back by 3 months just due to the fact that ACL reconstructions take a longer
duration to heal into their bodies. For males, depending on their health and weight, they usually
take as quick as a month for their ACL to heal into their bones. Within the first 6 months alone,
females have to work extremely harder just to gain back strength as well as maximize it. Males
usually tend to regain their strength as well as gain extra strength at a faster rate than females. If
females work too fast to try and maximize their strength, this also puts them at a higher risk of
retearing or injuring their other knee.

Work Cited (correct MLA format): 

Matkinz, Elizabeth K, director. Anterior Cruciate Ligament Injuries in Female Athletes Video –
Brigham and Women’s Hospital. Youtube , Brigham Womens Hospital , 21 Aug. 2014,

This is a reputable and reliable article because it is published by well known Orthopedic
officials who specify on the hormonal aspect of injuries for ligaments in our legs.

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