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Google doc

Google doc is a free online word processor, spreadsheet, form and data storage service provided by
Google. It is available on the internet. It enables users to create and edit documents online while
collaborating with other users in real time. According to Daire Ó Broin, and Damien Raftery (2011:3).
Google Docs is part of Google's larger range of Online Software. This provides an online word processor,
a spreadsheet and a presentation application and the very useful ability to create simple online forms that
can be saved in a Google spreadsheet automatically with the results. According to Bradley in Claire
Couillard (2011:2), Google Docs latest version allows users to share a paper with up to 200 people and 50
users can work on it simultaneously. Bradley says, "When two users edit the same paper simultaneously,
the current collaborators will be shown in the top of the screen"

Google Docs is a Google-based online word processor, spreadsheet and presentation editor,
which enables students and teachers to build, store, upload and collaborate online in real-time instantly
and securely. We can create new documents from scratch by using Google Doc, or upload existing
documents, spreadsheets, and presentations.

Daire Ó Broin and Damien Raftery (2011) Describe how Google Docs can be used in language teaching
as follows:

1. Introduces the students with Google Docs

2. Create a Gmail account

3. Create a document

4. Share the document.

5. Viewing history of the revision


1. The program is lightweight. No author's system configuration is required (beyond having a

browser application installed). It is necessary to register a login identity with Google but it is a
very simple step.
2. Concurrent online editing works fine; multiple editors are assisted, and update conflicts are
extremely rare in our experience. It actually took some effort, and very precise timing, from our
part to cause an upgrade conflict during our device evaluation.
3. Use Google Docs will support innovative approaches to real communication in schools, for
different interactive writing project types, as well as in a number of learning environments.
4. Use a simple WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) editor to format documents, check
spelling, and so on.
5. Data tragedy lost due to hard drive damage can be avoided
6. Works on a variety of operating systems. Google Docs works in the browser on PC, Mac and
Linux computers, and supports common formats such as .doc, .xls, .ppt, and .pdf.

1. Should online
2. Need connection to internet
Broin, Daire Ó., Raftery, Damien. (2011). Using Google Docs To Support Project-BasedLearning.
Retrieved from

Couillard, Claire .(March, 2011). Collaborative Computing to Improve Work Process: Document
Collaboration. Retreived from collaborative
computing to improve work process final.
Social media

The internet supports the writing process, as students learn to write in various genres. While the
internet is a motivational tool and many young students are familiar with the use of information
technologies, when it is used to learn languages, it is necessary for teachers to become active facilitators.
Since the Internet is multilingual, it is obvious how students can ensure that English is used in their online
work. Teachers who have never used blog or social media to learn the process of writing may lose feeling
about how they can interactively and inspire their activities. Boas (2011) states that the tools of the social
media offer excellent opportunities for the learning, writing, pre-examination and revision of written
measures Ware, Kern, & Warschauer, 2016 suggest that educational opportunities for social media would
allow students to exchange ideas and knowledge, build their academic identity as real writers, increase
awareness and authorship, enhance their confidence in and motivation to write and ultimately encourage
their writing skills and development of language. There are a lot of social media such as twitter,
Facebook, Instagram,, etc.

Stephanie vie (2015) states that the advantages of social media social media can categories:
 Relevance / familiarity: These instruments are popular and students like them
 Access / connectedness: these tools are readily accessible, allow students and teachers to interact.
 Rhetorical awareness: these instruments enable rhetorical meaning discussions
 Composition: these tools are suitable for writing and communicating with people in and around
the classroom.
Disadvantages of social media

1. Cyberbullying
2. Plagiarism
Boas, I. V. (2011). process Writing and the internet blog and Ning Networks in the
Classroom. English teaching forum, 49(2), 26-33

Vie stephanie. 2015. What’s going on : challenges and opportunities for social media use in the writing
classroom. Vol 29 no 2

Ware, P., Kern, R., & Warschauer, M. (2016). The development of digital literacies. In P. K. Matsuda &
R. K. Manchón (Eds.), Handbook of second and foreign language writing (pp. 307–28). Berlin: De
Gruyter Mouton

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