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Research Log #6 - Solutionary Project 2020 

Date:   March 13, 2020
Name:   Taeshia Natividad
Essential Question:   Why are females more prone to ACL tears compared to males?
Three Points to Prove: #1:  The build of a female body is different than male
   #2:  The mechanics of a female body opperates different than males.
      #3: The cycles that a female body goes through hurts the knees more.
Point that this Source Proves: #3, The cycles that a female body goes through hurts the knees
Excerpts (These should provide insight into the Point to Prove): 

Dr. Kirk reports early in the article that “One prediction of this hypothesis is that ACL injury
would be more likely at a certain time or times during the menstrual cycle”

Dr. Kirk goes on to say “Although one group of investigators identified a trend toward an
increase in injuries in the ovulatory phase and a decrease during the follicular phase, they did not
conclusively identify a difference in injury rates as a function of the menstrual cycle. Other
researchers have implicated different cycle phases for increased incidence of ACL injury”

The article ends with an author note stating that “Dr. Kirk is absolutely correct that similarities in
hormone levels at different phases of the menstrual cycle make it difficult to define
unequivocally the phase of the cycle from measurements on a single sample. Fortunately, that
was not the major intent of our hormone measurements. “

Analysis (How does this source support the Point to Prove?): 

This website provides sufficient information that supports the fact that the cycles a
female goes through may impact the ACL ligaments. Many hypothesis have been made
regarding the increased statistics in female ACL tears. One prediction of this hypothesis is that
ACL injury would be more likely at a certain time or times during the menstrual cycle. The
menstrual cycle is connected in someways, which also widens our hips which is very dangerous
for females knees. Many doctors have provided evidence reporting that the menstrual cycle of a
female can have a very negative impact on the knee ligaments.
There has been many researches that have tried to get to the bottom of the causes.
Although one group of investigators identified a trend toward an increase in injuries in the
ovulatory phase and a decrease during the follicular phase, they did not conclusively identify a
difference in injury rates as a function of the menstrual cycle. Other researchers have implicated
different cycle phases for increased incidence of ACL injury. The ovulatory phase is ovulation
with the female body when the eggs of a female body is being fertilized. The body actually gets
weakened the more it is ovulating. Therefore it hurts the body more.
Dr. Kirk is absolutely correct that similarities in hormone levels at different phases of the
menstrual cycle make it difficult to define unequivocally the phase of the cycle from
measurements on a single sample. Fortunately, that was not the major intent of our hormone
measurements. There has been many phases and trials that show the different impacts of specific
hormones. The levels of hormones in males compared to females is very large. It is important to
take into consideration the actions that females may take in sport, because they are at a
disadvantage when their body is cycling.

Work Cited (correct MLA format): 

Slauterbeck, James R, et al. “The Menstrual Cycle, Sex Hormones, and Anterior Cruciate
Ligament Injury.” Journal of Athletic Training, National Athletic Trainers Association,
Sept. 2002,

This is a reputable and reliable article because it is published by well known Orthopedic
officials who specify on the hormonal aspect of injuries for ligaments in our legs.

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