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Detection of Land Uses Changes in the Drought Prone Overdrafted Hard Rock
Terrain of Upper Thurinjalar Watershed of Ponnaiyar River Basin Tamil Nadu
using Geospatial Techniques
K. Santhanam1*, Marykutty Abraham2, German Amali Jacintha2, E.V. Nethaji Mariappan2 and Sardar
Research Scholar, 2Centre for Remote Sensing and Geoinformatics, 3Centre for Earth and Atmospheric Sciences,
Sathyabama University Chennai - 600119, Tamil Nadu, India.

Land use pattern of an area plays a major role in management,
planning and development activities. For detection of changes in land use
pattern advanced modern scientific methods, remote sensing and GIS
techniques were used. By applying NRSC supervised classification
methods in ERDASIMAGINE software. The land use/land cover
assessment in the study area of Upper Thurinjalar Watershed was made.
Corresponding Author: Changes of land use in 11 years 1998 to 2008 indicated that due to rapid
urbanization, frequent monsoon failure, groundwater overdraft and
K. Santhanam inadequate irrigation water supply there was an increase in waste land,
reduction in forest area, wet crop land increase and dry cropland increase
considerably. In the study area, from 1998 to 208, following land use
Submitted: 17/03/2017 changes were detected based on comparative study in 11 years settlements-
Accepted: 07/09/2017 Built up area increased by 0.06%, (0.17, Wet crop land expanded at
6.36% (20.57, Dry crop land enhanced as 3.27 % (13.57
Wasteland increased as 4.32% (13.32, Surface water bodies
decreased as a 0.24% (0.17 Forest land as 13.24% (

Keywords: Land use changes, Drought prone area, GIS Techniques.

1. Introduction extent of the settlements, cropland, forest land,

Water is essentially required to fulfill the wasteland and surface water bodies, can be known by
requirements of sectoral demands like domestic these maps. Land use maps prepared for different
agriculture, industrial, livestock and power sectors. periods when compared, provides information on
Due to increasing population, extension of irrigated increasing or decreasing changes in wet and dry crop
area, industrial growth and rapid urbanization the water lands, forest lands, surface water bodies and
requirement is becoming more and more. But settlements.
availability of water is limited. Hence there is over
exploitation of water, an increase in the wasteland and 2. Study Area
failure of monsoon rainfall. Water Resources planning The study area Upper Thurinjalar sub basin is
is the important task to solve the problem. Surface bounded by upper Cheyyar sub Basin in North West, in
water potential can be assessed by rainfall-runoff east of the Varaganadhi river basin in south by lower
simulation model using daily rainfall, hydrologic soil Thurinjalar sub basin and west by Aliyar watershed of
group and curve numbers obtained from the land use Ponnaiyar basin. The area lies in Thiruvanamalai, and
map. Water resources planning is characterized as an Chengam Taluks (Fig 1). The total geographical area of
iterative process that uses screening and helping to the Thurinjalar sub basin of Ponnaiyar basin is 323.25
define that challenges to be addressed and to Sq km. It lies with in the coordinates East longitude
appropriately define the boundaries of the planning 78° 57’23“E to 79° 09’ 23” E and North latitude, 12°
effort (Palmer and Linndburg, 2003). Land use map not 09’ 08” N to 12°21’17”N. The Archean crystalline
only gives curve numbers for NRCS Model but also rocks of the study area have Charnockites, Pyroxenites,
shows the land use pattern in different periods. The Pyroxene Granulites, Magnetite Quartzite, Hornblende-

International Journal of Earth and Atmospheric Science | July-September, 2017 | Volume 04 | Issue 03 | Pages 163-166
© 2017 Jakraya
Santhanam et al…Detection of Land Uses Changes in the Drought Prone Overdrafted Hard Rock Terrain of Upper
Thurinjalar Watershed of Ponnaiyar River Basin Tamil Nadu using Geospatial Techniques

Table 1: Changes in landuse pattern in the years 1998 and 2008

1998 DATA Area in sq km Percentage 2008_data Area in sq km percentage

Settlement 8.79 2.72 Settlement 8.99 2.78
Wet Crop 27.16 8.40 Wet crop 47.73 14.76
Waste land 136.87 42.34 Waste land 150.19 46.46
Forest land 84.18 26.04 Forest land 39.28 12.15
Dry Crop 48.48 15.00 Dry crop 59.05 18.27
Tank 17.8 5.51 Tank 18.04 5.58

Fig 1: Index map of upper thurinjalar watershed


Fig 3: Land use of upper thirunjalar watershed in 1998 (left) and 2008 (right) respectively.

International Journal of Earth and Atmospheric Science | July-September, 2017 | Volume 04 | Issue 003 | Pages 163-166
© 2017 Jakraya
Santhanam et al…Detection of Land Uses Changes in the Drought Prone Overdrafted Hard Rock Terrain of Upper
Thurinjalar Watershed of Ponnaiyar River Basin Tamil Nadu using Geospatial Techniques

Biotite Gneiss and Granites. Major part of the 4. Results and Discussion
watershed is covered by Charnockites. Granite rocks Land use refers to man’s activities and varied
occur as patches. The highest altitude is 818m above uses which are carried over land and land cover refers
MSL located in the Thiruvannamalai reserve forest to natural vegetation, water bodies, rock/soil and others
area and lowest altitude is 145m above MSL. Hills and noticed on the land (NRSA 1989) Land use mapping is
forest land occupy 39, tanks occupy 85 Sq km. one of essential component where other parameters are
River (Thurinjalar) originates from Kavuttumalai hills integrated on the requirement basis to derive various
and forest in Chengam Taluk, in western part of sub- developmental indices for land and water resource.
basin. It flows in southern direction. Totally there are An attempt was made to study the changes in
115 tanks. Generally the semi arid climate prevails land use in upper Thurinjalar watershed over eleven
over the Upper Thurinjalar sub-basin area without any years (1998 to 2008). The study was done through
sharp variation. The climate of the area is characterized remote sensing interpretation using IRS 1D, LISS III
by four distinct seasons, namely Southwest monsoon and pan merged data of December 1998 and IRS P6
(Jun-Sep), Northeast monsoon (Oct-Dec), Winter LISS IV data of November 2008. The land use
season (Jan-Feb) and hot summer season (Mar-May). classification was performed based on satellite data.
Rainfall and temperature data were collected from GIS (ARC GIS 9.2 version) software was used to
Kilnat. Chipattu weather station Thiruvannamalai prepare thematic maps of land use. Land use is
maintained by State Ground and Surface Water classified into different categories as follows.
Resources Data Centre, PWD. Built-up land - settlement
Crop land:
3. Methodology a) Wet crop ( Paddy and sugarcane)
Watershed boundary was delineated through b) Dry crop (Groundnut, Flori culture, cholam)
Survey of India topo sheets. 1998 IRS ID Liss III and Forest land: Hills and forest
PAN merged satellite image and 2008 IRS P6 Liss IV Wasteland:
and PAN merged image were sourced was made. 5 cate a) Barren land, Land covered by scrubs
from NRSA, Hyderabad. The images of the study area b) Land covered by shrubs
were classified using ERDAS IMAGINE digital image c) Rocky Outcrop
processing software. The present maps were converted d) Stony waste
into digital formats through digitizing using Arc GIS e) Stony waste covered by scrubs
9.3 Version software database was created in GIS Water bodies - tank, rivers and streams
environment. The data sets acquired used in creating Application of remotely sensed data made
the database. A supervised maximum classification was possible to study the changes in land cover in less time
executed for 1998 and 2008 images and final at lower cost, and with better accuracy (Kachhwaha,
classification of products furnishes the overview of the 1985, Lamb et al., 2001) in association with GIS. The
major land use features of the study area. (Fig 2) Level change in land use is largely related either to the
II land use classification was made. 5 land use external forces and the pressure built up within the
categories were identified and they are 1. Surface water system (Bisht and Kothyari, 2001).
bodies-tanks 2. Forest land 3. Crop land 4. Wasteland Watershed boundary was delineated through
and 5. Settlements. As per rainfall records 1998 and SOI Toposheets. 1998 IRS 1D LISS III Pan merged
2008 years are flourishing years. image and 2008 IRS P6 LISS IV pan merged data,
sourced from NRSA Hyderabad. The images of the
study area were classified using ERDAS IMAGINE
software. The present analogue maps were converted
into digital format through digitizing using the ARC
GIS 9.3 software. A database was created by GIS
Software. The data sets acquired were used in creating
the database. A supervised maximum classification was
executed for 1998 and 2008 images and the final
classification products furnish an overview of the
major land use features of the study area. Level II, Five
categories of land use were identified. They are 1.
Surface water bodies 2. Forest land 3. Wet (paddy) and
dry crop land 4. Wasteland and built up area. Fig 3 and
4 illustrate land use/land cover maps of the watershed
Fig 2: Methodology to generate land use maps. for the years 1998 and 2008 monthly rainfall. For 11

International Journal of Earth and Atmospheric Science | July-September, 2017 | Volume 04 | Issue 03 | Pages 163-166
© 2017 Jakraya
Santhanam et al…Detection of Land Uses Changes in the Drought Prone Overdrafted Hard Rock Terrain of Upper
Thurinjalar Watershed of Ponnaiyar River Basin Tamil Nadu using Geospatial Techniques

years were collected from Kilnachipattu, use data, Wasteland extent was drastically increased
Thiruvannamalai rain gauge station and analysis. from 136.87 Sq. km to 150.19 Sq. km.
While analyzing the 3 years, moving average
annual rainfall data for the period of 1995 to 2011, 5. Conclusion
seven years were drought prone years 1998 was The application of Remote Sensing and GIS in
identified as flourishing year. Annual rainfall was 1014 Land use management through the classification,
mm. As 96, 97 and 98 were flourishing years, it reflects estimation and interpretation of different land use
on land use pattern. Cropland is 75.64 sq km Forest classes has been demonstrated. Only due to rapid
land is 84.18 sq km. Wasteland occupied 136.87 Sq. deforestation, forest lands were converted as wet and
km (47.34 %). Land use map for 1998 was prepared dry crop lands and wastelands. This is a dangerous
based on remote sensing data. 2005, 06, 07, 08 are practice. Deforestation should be strictly prevented. By
flourishing years. identification of favorable Geomorphological features,
While reviewing 2008 land use data the extent lineaments and lineament intersections lie on the
of irrigated cropland increased as 106.78 Sq Km wastelands, suitable abstraction structures may be
(33.03%). In 1998 crop land extent was 75.64 Sq. km established and irrigation water supply may be
(23.40%). There was an increase of 9.63%. Forest land provided to the wastelands and they may be converted
extent was reduced from 84.18% to 39.28%. as productive lands.
Drastically forest land was reduced and converted as
crop land and waste land. While comparing 1998 land

Bisht BS and Kothyari BP (2001). Land covers analysis of Lampin EF et al. (2001). The causes of land use and land
Garur Ganga watershed using GIS and RS Techniques. cover changes: moving beyond myths. Global
Journal of Indian Society of Remote Sensing, 29: 137- Environment Change, 11: 261-269.
141. Palmer RN and Lindburg KV (2013). Integrated Water
Gibson Power (2000). Introducing Remote Sensing digital Resources Planning 4th Characteristics of Water
interpretation and application. Routledge, London, UK, Resources Planning, 9-12.
2000-29. Satellite image IRS 1 D, Liss III PAN merged data 1998 -
Kachwaha TS (1985). Temporal monitoring of forest land for NRSA Hyderabad.
change detection and forest cover Mapping through Satellite image IRS P 6 Liss IV PAN merged data 2008 -
satellite. Remote Sensing-Proceeding of the Asian NRSA Hyderabad.
Conference on Remote Sensing, Hyderabad. Survey of India Toposheets 57 P3, P4 and P7 (1:50000

International Journal of Earth and Atmospheric Science | July-September, 2017 | Volume 04 | Issue 03 | Pages 163-166
© 2017 Jakraya

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