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September 26, 2018

Mary Grace Sumagaysay

School Administrator

Dear Ms. /Mr.,

We, the i.Tech club are proposing to host an e-sport event for the upcoming event "Informatics
Week". As the said school event will span for a whole week (November 12-16, 2018), the i.Tech club
then prepared several programs that will be held each day. The events that we are proposing to host are
as follows:

Day 1

• i.Tech Seminar
In this seminar, students who are having problems on ICT as recommended by their respective
ICT teachers would have the chance to attend the said event. The speaker that would teach
students in the said event are Sir Kevin Renata and his colleague. This seminar would would
have 2 batches. The first batch will start at 10:00 am and will end at 12:00 pm while the second
batch would start at 1:00 pm and will end at 3:00 pm. The proposed venue for the said event
would be at the library.
• Film Showing
We also propose to hold a film showing event on the same day. We plan to show four different
movies at set intervals. Since the people who would facilitate the seminar event isn't a lot, the
remaining officers and a couple of members will be given the task of facilitating it. We also
propose to have a Php 5.00 entrance fee for the said event. The collected money that would
come from the event would be used to buy the necessary equipments and materials that our
club would need for the future events that we would facilitate.

Day 2
• Dota 2
For the second day, we are proposing to host a Dota 2 tournament. As there are a lot of
gamers in the student body, we know that this would be a popular event. The said event isn't
proposed purely for entertainment. We, the i.Tech club, believe that hosting e-tournaments like
this is another way to promote sportmanship and unity throughout the whole student body. The
proposed event will have a registration fee of Php 100.00 per person. The amount that we
would collect will be used to buy the awards that we would give to the winners (thropies,
certificate, cash prize, etc...). The proposed venue will be held in the morning and the proposed
venue would be at room 202. The minimum number of teams for the said event is 8 and the
maximum teams would be 12.

We, the I.Tech club is humbly asking permission from your kind office to allow us have a general
meeting and election of officers with 2 officers from each grade 11 sections. The said meeting will take
place during 11:30 a.m until 12:30 p.m in order to not get in the way of their classes on the morning. If
by any chance, this wish of ours will be approved, we are also requesting your good office to let us use
the library on the aforementioned time as venue to the said meeting.

We are looking forward to your positive response. Thank you and God bless.

Very Truly Yours,

Paul Adrian Belmonte

iTech President

Noted by:

Kevin Remata
iTech Adviser

Approved by:

Dunn Christopher Noble

Student Affairs Coordinator

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