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Venus Marie D.

Eras October 16, 2018

XII-Larry Page

A Wrinkle in Time

“A Wrinkle in Time” is a 2018 American science fantasy adventure film that I just
watched a while ago. It was directed by Ava DuVernay. Just like most movies, “A
Wrinkle in Time” was also based on a novel. The said novel was published on 1962 and
it has the same name. The film stars Oprah Winfrey, Reese Witherspoon, Storm Reid
and Levi Miller amongst many others. The movie was produced by Walt Disney

The movie revolves around Meg Murry, her brother Charles Wallace, and Meg’s
schoolmate Calvin O’Keefe. The three of them are trying to locate a missing physicist
(Meg’s father) and stop evil from overwhelming the universe with the help of three
magical beings. I honestly liked the movie at the beginning. The setting of the movie
was magical and I honestly fell in love with Calvin at first sight. Meg was an awesome
character. She was annoying at times but I firmly believe that her emotions were pretty
realistic considering the fact that her age in the movie was 12 which is the perfect age
for puberty. What I love the most about her was that her character was portrayed as
immature and insecure at first (just like any other children her age) but it gradually
matured. Charles Wallace was also an interesting character that made me laugh out
loud. Due to Calvin and Meg, the movie gripped my attention immediately and it only
intensified when the characters Mrs. Who, Mrs. Whatsit, and Mrs. Which were
introduced. However, once they travelled to other worlds, the movie disappointed me.
Don’t get me wrong, the scenery was amazing and the special effects that the movie
used was topnotch but I don’t think the movie showed it’s full potential. For example, the
build up for the battle at Camazotz was pretty intense. Mrs. Who and the others
constantly reminded Meg of the dangers lurking within it but once they arrived in there it
suddenly seemed like a place that one can traverse into easily. With the exception of
the first test, everything else seemed like a walk in the park. I mean seriously, what’s so
scary about a stepford wife trying to invite you inside her house and avoiding eating
foods from stranger? I honestly expected a little bloodbath or at least a couple of
intense fights but no! The movie decided to glaze over those facts instead. The final
battle with the IT was also annoying. Sure, it’s sweet that the power of love saved
Charles and Meg from danger but I think it would be more realistic if Meg sported at
least a couple of bruises. It’s just so unbelievable that a giant monster labeled as the
‘most evil mind’ can’t even harm a little child.

Personally, I’d give it a 7/10 rating. It was after all based from a novel created for
children so it doesn’t really fit my movie preferences. However, for those people who
just want to watch something light, family oriented and filled with handsome guys
(Calvin) then this movie is for you.

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