Applied Mathematics and Computation: Memudu Olaposi Olatinwo, Mihai Postolache

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Applied Mathematics and Computation 218 (2012) 6727–6732

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Stability results for Jungck-type iterative processes in convex metric spaces

Memudu Olaposi Olatinwo a, Mihai Postolache b,⇑
Department of Mathematics, Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife, Nigeria
University ‘‘Politehnica’’ of Bucharest, Faculty of Applies Sciences, 313 Splaiul Independentßei, Romania

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Keywords: In this paper, we obtain some stability results in complete convex metric spaces for non-
Nonselfmapping selfmappings satisfying certain general contractivity condition. We prove our results for
Jungck–Mann and Jungck–Ishikawa Jungck–Mann and Jungck–Ishikawa iterations. Our results extend several stability results
iterations in the literature.
Convex metric space
Ó 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction

Stability results established in metric space, normed linear space and Banach space settings are available in the literature.
Several authors whose contributions are of colossal value in the study of stability of the fixed point iterative procedures are
Berinde [5,6], Bosede and Rhoades [8], Harder and Hicks [12], Jachymski [15], Osilike [20], Osilike and Udomene [21],
Ostrowski [22], Rhoades [24,25] and Singh et al. [29]. See also the results of the first author [13,19].
For stability results concerning nonselfmappings, we underline the framework due to Singh et al. [29]. They considered
mappings S, T: Y ? E, T(Y) # S(Y) and z a coincidence point of S and T, that is, Sz = Tz = p (say). For any x0 2 Y, they supposed
the sequence fSxn g1 n¼0 , generated by the iteration procedure

Sxnþ1 ¼ f ðT; xn Þ; n ¼ 0; 1; . . . ; ð1:1Þ

be convergent to p. Let fSyn g1
n¼0 be an arbitrary sequence in E, and set

n ¼ dðSynþ1 ; f ðT; yn ÞÞ; n ¼ 0; 1; . . . :

Then, the iteration procedure (1.1) is called (S, T)-stable if and only if the following implication holds:

lim n ¼ 0 ) lim Syn ¼ p:

n!1 n!1

This framework reduces to that of the stability of iterative procedures due to Harder and Hicks [12], when Y = E and S is the
identity operator.
There are several iterative processes in the literature for which the fixed points of operators have been approximated over
the years by various authors. For the background of our exposition, we now mention some of them.
In [29], Singh et al. defined their general iterative process to prove some stability results. They considered S, T: Y ? E with
T(Y) # S(Y). Then, for any x0 2 Y, defined fSxn g1 n¼0  E iteratively by

Sxnþ1 ¼ f ðT; xn Þ; n ¼ 0; 1; 2; . . . : ð1:2Þ

As it is shown in [29], a special case of (1.2) is the Jungck-type iteration: given x0 2 Y and T(Y) # S(Y),

⇑ Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (M. Postolache).

0096-3003/$ - see front matter Ó 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
6728 M.O. Olatinwo, M. Postolache / Applied Mathematics and Computation 218 (2012) 6727–6732

Sxnþ1 ¼ f ðT; xn Þ ¼ Txn ; n ¼ 0; 1; 2; . . . ð1:3Þ

and also the following Jungck–Mann type iteration:

Sxnþ1 ¼ f ðT; xn Þ ¼ ð1  an ÞSxn þ an Txn ; an 2 ½0; 1; n ¼ 0; 1; 2; . . . ð1:4Þ

for any x0 2 Y and T(Y) # S(Y).
Furthermore, if Y = E and S is the identity operator, then (1.4) reduces to the Mann iterative process, see [18],

xnþ1 ¼ ð1  an Þxn þ an Txn ; n ¼ 0; 1; 2; . . . ; an 2 ½0; 1; ð1:5Þ

If Y = E and f(T, xn) = Txn, n = 0, 1, 2, . . . , then (1.2) reduces to the Jungck iteration [16]. In [16], Jungck established that map-
pings S and T, satisfying

dðTx; TyÞ 6 adðSx; SyÞ; 8x; y 2 E; a 2 ½0; 1Þ;

have a unique common fixed point in complete metric space E, provided that S and T commute, T(Y) # S(Y) and S is
Recently [19], Olatinwo proved some stability and strong convergence results in a Banach space setting, for nonselfmap-
pings, using the Jungck–Ishikawa iterative process. More accurately, let (E, kk) be a Banach space and Y an arbitrary set. Sup-
pose that S, T: Y ? E are nonselfmappings, such that T(Y) # S(Y), S(Y) is a complete subspace of E and S is injective mapping.
Then, for x0 2 Y, define the sequence fSxn g1
n¼0  E iteratively by

Sxnþ1 ¼ ð1  an ÞSxn þ an Tbn
; n ¼ 0; 1; 2; . . . ; ð1:6Þ
Sbn ¼ ð1  bn ÞSxn þ bn Txn
where fan g1 1
n¼0 and fbn gn¼0 are sequences in [0, 1].
From (1.6), if Y = E and S is the identity operator, then we obtain Ishikawa iterative process [14].
In [19], it has been shown that the iterative processes defined in (1.3)–(1.5) as well as those of Jungck [16] and some oth-
ers in the literature are special cases of the iterative process defined in (1.6).
However, the definitions of stability due to Harder and Hicks [12], and Singh et al. [29] are only applicable in metric space
and normed space settings. That is why, to develop our original result in the present paper, we need another definition of
stability in convex metric space setting [30].
Let (X, d) be a metric space. According to [30], a convex structure on X is a mapping W: X  X  [0, 1] ? X, which satisfies
the condition

dðu; Wðx; y; kÞÞ 6 kdðu; xÞ þ ð1  kÞdðu; yÞ;

for each u 2 X and (x, y, k) 2 X  X  [0, 1].

A metric space X, endowed with a convex structure is called convex metric space.
Let (X, d, W) be a convex metric space. A nonempty subset E of (X, d, W) is said to be convex if W(x, y, k) 2 E whenever
(x, y, k) 2 E  E  [0, 1].
In his work [30], Takahashi has shown that

Bðx; rÞ ¼ fx 2 Xjdðx; yÞ < rg; Bðx; rÞ ¼ fx 2 Xjdðx; yÞ 6 rg;

the open ball and the closed ball, respectively, are convex; see also [1,4]. Takahashi established that all normed spaces and
their convex subsets are convex metric spaces. Moreover, he gave several examples of convex metric spaces which are not
imbedded in any normed space or Banach space.
Meanwhile, several papers have been devoted to the study of convex metric spaces in the literature (see [1,3,10,11,28]).
We end this part by emphasizing the contractivity condition of Berinde, who established several generalizations of Ba-
nach’s fixed point theorem in [7]. More accurately, he employed a contractive condition for mappings T: E ? E, for which
there exists a 2 [0, 1) and some L P 0 such that

dðTx; TyÞ 6 aMðx; yÞ þ Lmðx; yÞ; 8x; y 2 E; ð1:7Þ

Mðx; yÞ ¼ max dðx; yÞ; dðx; TxÞ; dðy; TyÞ; ½dðx; TyÞ þ dðy; TxÞ ;
mðx; yÞ ¼ min fdðx; TxÞ; dðy; TyÞ; dðx; TyÞ; dðy; TxÞg:

The convex structure of Takahashi and the Berinde contractive condition are starting ingredients in the development of our
original results in this paper.
M.O. Olatinwo, M. Postolache / Applied Mathematics and Computation 218 (2012) 6727–6732 6729

2. Our framework

Let (E, d, W) be a complete convex metric space and Y a nonempty closed convex subset of E. Motivated by condition (1.7),
we introduce our contractive condition which will be used in proving our main results.
Given two nonselfmappings S, T: Y ? E with T(Y) # S(Y), where S(Y) is a complete subspace of E, suppose there exist
d 2 [0, 1) and some L P 0 such that for all x, y 2 Y, the following condition holds
dðTx; TyÞ 6 ddðSx; SyÞ þ Luðx; yÞ; ð2:1Þ
1 1
uðx; yÞ ¼ min dðSx; TxÞ; dðSy; TyÞ; dðSx; TyÞ; dðSy; TxÞ; ½dðSx; TxÞ þ dðSy; TyÞ; ½dðSx; TyÞ þ dðSy; TxÞ :
2 2
The following statements are remarkable.

(i) Condition (2.1) is independent of (1.7).

(ii) If in (2.1), E is a complete metric space with E = Y, S is the identity operator, and u(x, y) = d(x, Tx), then we obtain the
contractive condition of Theorem 2.3, from Berinde [7].
(iii) Condition (2.1) is reducible to those of Banach [2], Chatterjea [9], Jungck [16], Kannan [17], Popescu [23] and some
others in the literature.

In the following, it is our aim to express the iterative processes (1.4) and (1.6) in terms of the convex structure.
Let (E, d, W) be a complete convex metric space and Y a nonempty closed convex subset of E. Let S, T: Y ? E be two non-
selfmappings such that T(Y) # S(Y), where S(Y) is a complete subspace of E, and S is injective mapping.
Then, for x0 2 Y, define the sequence fSxn g1n¼0  E iteratively by

Sxnþ1 ¼ WðSxn ; Txn ; an Þ; an 2 ½0; 1: ð2:2Þ

Also, for x0 2 Y, define the sequence fSxn g1
n¼0  E iteratively by
Sxnþ1 ¼ WðSxn ; Tbn ; an Þ; Sbn ¼ WðSxn ; Txn ; bn Þ; an ; bn 2 ½0; 1: ð2:3Þ

Remark 2.1. The iterative process (2.2) is the form of (1.4) (that is, Jungck–Mann iterative process) in convex metric space
setting while (2.3) is a similar form of (1.6) (that is, Jungck–Ishikawa iterative process) in convex metric space setting.

Definition 2.1 ([26,27]). Let X and Y be two nonempty sets and S, T: Y ? X two mappings. Then, an element x⁄ 2 Y is a coin-
cidence point of S and T if and only if Sx⁄ = Tx⁄.
Denote the set of the coincidence points of S and T by C(S, T).
Similar to the notion of Singh et al. [29], in this section, we introduce a definition of (S, T)-stability in convex metric space
setting as follows:

Definition 2.2. Let (X, d, W) be a convex metric space and S, T: Y ? X nonselfmappings, with T(Y) # S(Y). Suppose that
z 2 C(S, T) is a coincidence point of S and T. For x0 2 Y, let fSxn g1
n¼0  X be the sequence generated by an iterative procedure
involving S and T defined by

Sxnþ1 ¼ fT;xnan ; an 2 ½0; 1; n ¼ 0; 1; 2; . . . ; ð2:4Þ

where fT;xnan is some designated convex structure. Suppose that fSxn g1 1

n¼0 converges to p. Let fSyn gn¼0 be an arbitrary sequence
from X, and set n ¼ d Synþ1 ; fT;an ; n ¼ 0; 1; 2; . . . Then, the iterative procedure (2.4) is said to be (S, T)-stable if and only if
limn?1n = 0 implies limn?1Syn = p.
In terms of convex structure, we have the following statements:

(i) If in (2.4), we set fT;xnan ¼ WðSxn ; Txn ; an Þ; an 2 ½0; 1, then we obtain Mann iteration (2.2);
(ii) From (2.4) again, if fT;xnan ¼ WðSxn ; Tbn ; an Þ, Sbn = W(Sxn, Txn, bn), with an, bn 2 [0, 1], we obtain Ishikawa iterative process
defined in (2.3).

Lemma 2.1 ([5,6]). If d is a real number such that 0 6 d < 1, and fn g1
n¼0 is a sequence of positive numbers such that limn?1n = 0,
then for any sequence of positive numbers fun g1n¼0 satisfying

unþ1 6 dun þ n ; n ¼ 0; 1; . . . ;
we have limn?1un = 0.
6730 M.O. Olatinwo, M. Postolache / Applied Mathematics and Computation 218 (2012) 6727–6732

3. Main results

Throughout this section, let (X, d) be a complete convex metric space and Y an arbitrary set. Suppose that S, T: Y ? X are
nonselfmappings such that T(Y) # S(Y), S(Y) a complete subspace of X, and S is an injective operator. Let z be a coincidence
point of S and T, that is Sz = Tz = p.
Suppose that mappings S and T satisfy condition (2.1).

Theorem 3.1. For x0 2 Y, let fSxn g1 n¼0 be the Jungck–Mann iterative process defined by (2.2) converging to p, where {an} is a
sequence in [0, 1] such that 0 < a 6 an. Then, the Jungck–Mann iterative process is (S, T)-stable.

Proof. We first establish that z is a unique coincidence point of S and T. h

Let C(S, T) be the set of the coincidence points of S and T. We employ condition (2.1) to establish that S and T have a unique
coincidence point z (that is Sz = Tz = p (say)).
In this respect, injectivity of S is sufficient. Suppose that there exist z1 and z2 in C(S, T) such that Sz1 = Tz1 = p1 and
Sz2 = Tz2 = p2.
If p1 = p2, then Sz1 = Sz2 and since S is injective, it follows that z1 = z2.
If p1 – p2, then we have by the contractivity condition (2.1) for S and T that
0 < kp1  p2 k ¼ kTz1  Tz2 k 6 ddðSz1 ; Sz2 Þ
1 1
þ L min dðSz1 ; Tz1 Þ; dðSz2 ; Tz2 Þ; dðSz1 ; Tz2 Þ; dðSz2 ; Tz1 Þ; ½dðSz1 ; Tz1 Þ þ dðSz2 ; Tz2 Þ; ½dðSz1 ; Tz2 Þ þ dðSz2 ; Tz1 Þ
2 2
¼ ddðp1 ; p2 Þ þ minf0; dðp1 ; p2 Þg ¼ ddðp1 ; p2 Þ;
from which it follows 1  d > 0, since d 2 [0, 1). But d(p1, p2) 6 0, which is a contradiction, since metric is nonnegative. There-
fore, we have d(p1, p2) = 0, that is, p1 = p2 = p.
Since p1 = p2, then p1 = Sz1 = Tz1 = Sz2 = Tz2 = p2. But mapping S is injective, so Sz1 = Sz2 implies z1 = z2 = z. Hence,
C(S, T) = {z}, that is, z is unique coincidence point of S and T.
Now, we prove that the Jungck–Mann iterative procedure is (S, T)-stable.
Let fyn g1
n¼0 be an arbitrary sequence in X. Define n = d(Syn+1, W(Syn, Tyn, an)). Suppose that limn?1n = 0. Then, we estab-
lish that limn?1yn = p by using condition (2.1).
We have
dðSynþ1 ; pÞ 6 dðSynþ1 ; WðSyn ; Tyn ; an ÞÞ þ dðWðSyn ; Tyn ; an Þ; pÞ 6 ð1  an ÞdðSyn ; pÞ þ an dðTyn ; pÞ þ n
¼ ð1  an ÞdðSyn ; pÞ þ an dðTyn ; TzÞ þ n 6 ½1  ð1  dÞan dðSyn ; pÞ þ n 6 ½1  ð1  dÞadðSyn ; pÞ þ n : ð3:1Þ
Since 0 6 1  (1  d)a < 1, using Lemma 2.1 in (3.1) yields limn?1d(Syn, p) = 0. In other words, limn?1Syn = p.
Conversely, let limn?1Syn = p. Then, we have

n 6 dðSynþ1 ; pÞ þ dðp; WðSyn ; Tyn ; an ÞÞ 6 dðSynþ1 ; pÞ þ ½1  ð1  dÞadðSyn ; pÞ ! 0

as n ? 1.

Theorem 3.2. For x0 2 Y, let fSxn g1n¼0 be the Jungck–Ishikawa iterative process defined by (2.3) converging to p, where {an}, {bn}
are sequences in [0, 1] such that 0 < a 6 an and 0 < b 6 bn. Then, the Jungck–Ishikawa iterative process is (S, T)-stable.

Proof. Consider fSyn g1

n¼0 be an arbitrary sequence in X. Let n = d(Syn+1, W(Syn, Tbn, an)), with Sbn = W(Syn, Tyn, bn). Suppose
that limn?1n = 0. Then, we establish that limn?1yn = 0 by using condition (2.1). h

We have

dðSynþ1 ; pÞ 6 dðSynþ1 ; WðSyn ; Tbn ; an ÞÞ þ dðWðSyn ; Tbn ; an Þ; pÞ 6 ð1  an ÞdðSyn ; pÞ þ an dðTbn ; pÞ þ n

6 ð1  an ÞdðSyn ; pÞ þ dan dðSbn ; SzÞ þ n ¼ ð1  an ÞdðSyn ; pÞ þ dan dðWðSyn ; Tyn ; bn Þ; SzÞ þ n
6 ð1  an ÞdðSyn ; pÞ þ dan ð1  bn ÞdðSyn ; pÞ þ dan bn dðTyn ; TzÞ þ n
6 ð1  an ÞdðSyn ; pÞ þ dan ð1  bn ÞdðSyn ; pÞ þ d2 an bn dðSyn ; SzÞ þ n
¼ ½1  ð1  dÞan  ð1  dÞdan bn dðSyn ; pÞ þ n 6 ½1  ð1  dÞa  ð1  dÞdabdðSyn ; pÞ þ n : ð3:2Þ

Again, since 0 6 1  (1  d)a  (1  d)dab < 1, using Lemma 2.1 in (3.2) yields limn?1d(Syn, p) = 0, that is, limn?1Syn = p.
Conversely, let limn?1Syn = p. Then, we obtain
M.O. Olatinwo, M. Postolache / Applied Mathematics and Computation 218 (2012) 6727–6732 6731

n 6 dðSynþ1 ; pÞ þ dðp; WðSyn ; Tbn ; an ÞÞ 6 dðSynþ1 ; pÞ þ ½1  ð1  dÞan  ð1  dÞdan bn dðSyn ; pÞ

6 dðSynþ1 ; pÞ þ ½1  ð1  dÞa  ð1  dÞdabdðSyn ; pÞ ! 0
as n ? 1.

Example 3.1. Let us consider Y = [0, 1], as subset of R, endowed with the usual metric. If S; T : Y ! R; Tx ¼ x3 and Sx = 1  4x,

remark that S and T have a coincidence point in 0; 14 . Also, TY = [0, 1] and SY = [3, 1], therefore TY  SY.
We now verify that S and Tsatisfy our contractivity condition. Indeed, for x and y in Y, we have

dðTx; TyÞ ¼ jx3  y3 j ¼ jx  yjjx2 þ xy þ y2 j 6 3jx  yj

dðSx; SyÞ ¼ 4jx  yj:
It follows
3 3
dðTx; TyÞ 6 3jx  yj ¼  4jx  yj ¼ dðSx; SyÞ;
4 4
that is our contractivity condition in satisfied with d ¼ 34, for any L P 0.
Consequently, mappings S and T have a unique coincidence point, which could be found as limit of a stable Jungck–Mann

1  4xnþ1 ¼ ð1  an Þð1  4xn Þ þ an x3n ;

for any sequence {an} in [0, 1] such that 0 < a 6 an, provided that x0 is given at random in Y.

More accurately, with x0 2 0; 14 , for n P 0,
xnþ1 ¼ 1  an x3n  ð1  an Þð1  4xn Þ
provides a stable iteration process, for any sequence {an} in [0, 1] such that 0 < a 6 an.

4. Conclusion

In this work, we introduced original stability results for iterative procedures of Jungck-type. As main ingredients, we used
the framework of the convex structure of Takahashi [30] as well as our contractivity condition, inspired by those of Berinde
[7]. We accompanied our theoretical results by an applied example. Our results are extensions of several results as in rele-
vant items from the reference section of this paper, as well as in the literature in general. In particular, our results reduce to
those of Singh et al. [29,19].


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