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IV morphine administration by nurses & midwives (EC) - - Assessment report –

Part B

Name: __________________________________________________________________

Supervised practice: 1
Performance Criteria – Preparation A/NA Comments
 Confirms consent and provides education to the woman
 Prepares morphine correctly (10mg with N/saline to 10mL)
 Checks “6 rights” of medication administration
Performance Criteria – Procedure A/NA Comments
 Ensures safe to administer (conscious state/respiratory rate
 Assess pain score
 Confirms baseline observations within normal limits
 Titrates medication according to prescribed order and pain
 Safely stores prepared solution between incremental doses
 Safely discards residual solution if no longer required
 Monitors woman during administration
Performance Criteria – Post procedure A/NA Comments
 Correctly documents administration
 During incremental boluses assesses vital signs:
o oxygen saturations, respiratory rate, pain score and
conscious state (sedation) level every 5 minutes for
20 minutes
 Following final bolus assesses vital signs:
o two sets of observations of respiratory rate,
conscious state and pain score at 10 minutes and
20 minutes
 Monitors analgesic effect and notifies accordingly
Supervision outcomes A/NA Comments
Supervisor rating of the insertion:
Supervisors name:
Supervisors signature:
*A = achieved, NA = Not achieved


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