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IV morphine administration by nurses & midwives (EC) - Part A (Requirements)

Name: _____________________________________________________________________

Key Points
 For nurses and midwives working in EC only.
 Supervisor – Health care professional deemed competent in administration
 Part A - initial requirements and record of competency
 Part B - assessment report. Completed for supervised practice. Filed in professional portfolio

Competency requirements Date Initia

 Read WNHS clinical guidelines:

Supervised practice
 Clinical practice administering the IV morphine medication supervised by
midwife/nurse deemed competent
Previous competency (or competency from other health service)
 Complete theory components
 Supervised clinical practice administering the IV morphine medication
supervised by midwife/nurse deemed competent
Ongoing competency
 Review at PD annual declaration

Recommendation (to be completed by Supervisor)

⃝ Competency achieved ⃝ Competency NOT achieved – Plan:

Supervisor Name: Date:

Supervisor Signature:

ALESCO skill code:00570

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