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Chinnery, Edison <esc4053@njit.

edu> Apr 28, 2020, 4:13 PM (4 days ago)

to Gianpietro, Matteo, Matteo

Hello Matteo,

This is an absolutely remarkable advancement in research. This research still has a long way to go, but it
provides that glimmer of hope for those who may need internal organ repair or replacement. Along the
path of this research, would also be many less serious, nonlife threatening applications. This huge
endorsement, and additional leap forward in stem cell research, and bioprinting technology. The research
is a testament to continuous improvement. This also may be a deterrent for illegal human organ
smuggling. Global Financial Integrity published an article that in 2017, the illegal smuggling of organs
profited up to $1.7B globally. This research is very useful, and would benefit millions of people globally. I
enjoyed this article. Thanks for sharing.

Bye for now,--

Edison Chinnery

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