New Bioprinting3

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Guatelli, Gianpietro Apr 28, 2020, 9:18 AM (4 days ago)

to Matteo, Matteo, me
Hi Matteo,

the article is very interesting and deals with a very important topic for the present days: the enormous and
very fast scientifica development and the ascension of Homo Sapiens from an animal to a "god". If we
closely think about it. For 4 billion years, life on Earth has been regulated by Darwinism and theories of
evolution. But the creating action has always been a monopoly of Nature.

In recent years, this theory is losing its validity as Humans are every day more capable of creating life:
just think about Genetic Engineering and other bio-innovations that spread in the world in the last decade.
The invention and innovative action you brought up into discussion is another time sign of the
development Humans are showing to be able to. It is for sure the fruit of a hard and long-lasting team
working and coordination. I think best inventions and innovations are only possible in a Quality context as
it is very difficult to accept the idea of innovating things if the setting would not be focused on Quality and
continual improvement.

Have a good day,

Gianpietro Guatelli

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