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Chinnery, Edison <esc4053@njit.

edu> Mon, Apr 27, 11:32 AM (5 days ago)

to Gianpietro, Matteo, Matteo

Hello Matteo,

According to an article published by Javelin, identity fraud losses in the U.S., reached $16.9 billion (USD) in
2019. That amount of money is a lot of incentive for criminals to use many creative ways to steal the
identity of others for their own gain. In effect, they are using some aspects of quality, by continuous
improvement of their skills, and training in their methods. I can only imagine the success that those
criminals might have had if they had been using their talents for good. This article is a good reminder that
we should never let our guard down with regard to phishing attempts, and to be vigilant of those who may
trying to take advantage of others.

Have nice day,

Edison Chinnery
Edison Chinnery

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