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C.T. “Petru Poni” Roman 23.09.

Limba engleza clasa a XI-a E
–Test Initial–

1. Read the text below and complete the following tasks.

If the very idea of a fitness routine leaves you feeling exhausted and you shiver at the thought of jogging round the
park in the winter wind; (1). This new gentle form of oriental gymnastics is composed of meditative exercises which
involve standing in a series of postures for up to half an hour a day, or combining simple movements with breathing
exercises. (2) it is quickly growing in popularity as it is considered to be a good way of reducing stress, stimulating
the circulation and strengthening the body’s immune system.(3). But although conventional medicine cannot explain
it, governments keen to cut rising healthcare costs are endorsing it. In Germany, for example, Qigong is available on
the national healthcare system and many doctors are prescribing it for aches, swellings and allergies. (4)

1. a. Four sentences have been removed from the text. Select the appropriate sentence for each gap in the text.
30 points
A. Chinese practitioners have found it difficult to persuade the western mind of the powers of Qigong.
B. then Qigong might be just the form of exercise you are looking for.
C. Many patients who have suffered from allergies for years have found that, since starting Qigong, they haven’t been
ill at all, or only suffer from very slight allergic reactions.
D. Although this type of exercise does not build muscles,

I 1.b Match the words in bold in the text to their definition given below. 30 points

A. 1. not severe, rough, or violent; mild

B. 2. to increase abnormally in size, as by inflation, distention, accumulation of fluids
C. 3. to shake or tremble with cold, fear, excitement
D. 4. the continuous movement of blood through the heart and blood vessels
E. 5. of, pertaining to, or characteristic of the Orient, or East; Eastern

2. Read the text below. In one paragraph write your own ending of the story. (8- 10 lines) 30 points

Recently, Qigong has been used in the treatment of serious. A French air stewardess was told that she had cancer, but
Qigong made her feel better. Later, doctors could find no traces of cancer.
C.T. “Petru Poni” Roman 23.09.2015

10 p oficiu

2* Answer the following questions:

1. What is Qigong?
2. What are its benefits?

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