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Solidarity, humanity and honour

Boris Goranov, Denis Milanov, Kristian Todorov, 11 v

In time of war sense of community shines most brightly. The rescuers in the
Holocaust are an example, Bulgaria in particular. Dimitar Peshev helped rescuing
almost 50 thousand Jews from the territory of Bulgaria. Despite the great risk taken,
Christian spirit and the sense of justice clearly show the God s particle still exist in
human. Another example is Desmond Doss, American soldier during WW2, who saved
over a hundred men in the battle of Hacksaw Ridge, part of them Japanese, without a
weapon during the whole combat, reason for receiving an honourable mention by the
president of United States.
The Second World War is such a disastrous event that it arouses innate human
qualities like solidarity, which are causative factors for many noble deeds. The act of
Oscar Schindler, who saved the lives of thousands of people during the period of
Hitler s genocide of European Jews, known also as the Holocaust, clearly exemplifies
such self sacrifice. He was a member of the Nazi party and a German industrialist,
who, in order to save the lives of hundreds of Jewish families from the concentration
camps, enlisted them as essential workers for his newly moved factory in Br nnlitz,
Germany. As far as his deed is concerned, it is truly noble, since Schindler uses his
power for saving others lives and by doing that, not only does he risk his reputation,
but he also puts his life in danger. Such humanitarian actions demonstrate how,
although people do make mistakes and despite our natural egoism, in critical
situations, we can indeed sacrifice ourselves for the sake of humanity, and this should
never be forgotten.
However, hard times are not always related to wars. The job that doctors do
every day is not also to be neglected. We have to admire what they do, especially
when the world is due to cope with some pandemics, like the coronavirus one. It is
significant for all people to look for the good in everything around them and to follow
the heroes of the day.


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