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All Shareholders

Bangladesh Securities and Exchange Commission

Registrar of Joint Stock Companies and Firms
Dhaka Stock Exchange Ltd.
Chittagong Stock Exchange Ltd.


Dear Sir (s)


Annual Report for the year ended 30 June, 2015

We are pleased to enclose a copy of the Annual Report

2014-2015 of Jamuna Oil Company Limited, together with
the Audited Financial Statement including Statement of
Financial Position, Statement of Comprehensive Income,


Statement of Changes in Equity and Statement of Cash Flow

for the year ended 30 June, 2015 along with notes thereon for

your kind information and record.

Yours Sincerely


(Md. Nazmul Hoque)


Company Secretary
Block # B, Road # 1, House # 17 (8th Floor), Unit-A, Niketan Eastern Housing complex, Gulshan-1, Dhaka-1212
Phone : 8824926 Fax : 9887245. E-mail :

Ref: CM-BAPLC/2015-139 6th April, 2015


Certificate of Membership

This is to certify that JAMUNA OIL COMPANY LIMITED

is an Ordinary Member of Bangladesh Association of Publicly
Listed Companies (BAPLC).

This Certificate remains current until 31st December 2015.

K. M. Abdul Hai
evwl©K cÖwZ‡e`b
Annual Report

m~ wP
05-07 evYx
08 cwiPvjbv cl©`
Board of Directors
09-10 K‡c©v‡iU g¨v‡bR‡g›U
Corporate Management
11 40Zg evwl©K mvaviY mfvi weÁwß
12 Notice of the 40th AGM
13 †Kv¤úvbxi msw¶ß BwZnvm
Company’s Brief History
21-37 cwiPvjbv cl©‡`i cÖwZ‡e`b
38-56 Directors’ Report to the Shareholders
g~j¨ ms‡hvRb weeiYx
57 Value Added Statement
†kqvi‡nvìvi‡`i cÖwZ K‡c©v‡iU Mfv‡b©Ý msµvš—
kZ©vejx Abymi‡Yi wel‡q mvwU©wd‡KU
58 Certificate on compliance of conditions
of Corporate Governance guidelines to
the shareholders
59 AwWU KwgwUi wi‡cvU©
wbix¶K‡`i cÖwZ‡e`b
60-61 Auditors’ Report to the shareholders
Avw_©K Ae¯’vi weeiYx
62 Statement of Financial Position
mgwš^Z Avq weeiYx
63 Statement of Comprehensive Income
†kqvi gvwjK‡`i Znwej cwieZ©‡bi weeiYx
64 Statement of Changes in Equity
bM` cÖevn weeiYx
65 Statement of Cash Flow
Avw_©K weeiYx msµvš— UxKv
66-92 Notes to the Financial Statements
dZzj-v wPjgvix

cwi‡kvwaZ cÖavb ¯’vcbv, PÆMÖvg mvPbv evRvi


evNvevwo evjvmx

¯’vbxq M¨vm‡¶Î I d«vKk‡bkb

c-v›U n‡Z Ab¨vb¨ wcIGj cY¨
wm‡jU kªxg½j iscyi

ewikvj Puv`cyi
†`ŠjZcyi SvjKvwV ˆfie evRvi

bv‡Uvi ivRkvnx cve©Zxcyi

hgybv A‡qj †Kv¤úvbx wjwg‡UW Gi 40Zg evwl©K mvaviY mfv Dcj‡¶¨
†Kv¤úvwbi 2014-2015 A_© eQ‡ii evwl©K cÖwZ‡e`b cÖKv‡ki D‡`¨vM‡K
Avwg ¯^vMZ RvbvB|
evsjv‡`k †c‡Uªvwjqvg Ki‡cv‡ik‡bi A½ cÖwZôvb wn‡m‡e hgybv A‡qj
†Kv¤úvbx wjwg‡UW miKvi wba©vwiZ g~‡j¨ †`ke¨vcx †c‡Uªvwjqvg cY¨
mieivn wbwðZKi‡Y AMÖYx f~wgKv cvjb K‡i Avm‡Q| R¡vjvwb wbivcËv
wbwðZ Kivi j‡¶¨ miKv‡ii fwel¨Z cwiKíbvi Ask wn‡m‡e B‡Zvg‡a¨
hgybv A‡qj †Kv¤úvbx wjwg‡UW cÖavb ¯’vcbvmn wewfbœ wW‡cvi aviY¶gZv
1.33 j¶ †gwUªK Ub n‡Z e„w× K‡i 1.81 j¶ †gwUªK U‡b DbœxZ K‡i‡Q|
`¶ e¨e¯’vcbvi gva¨‡g h_vmg‡q myPvi“fv‡e R¡vjvwb †Zj mieivn I
wecYb wbwðZ Ki‡Z †Kv¤úvwbi mevB‡K wbijmfv‡e Av‡iv Avš—wiKZv I
wbôvi mv‡_ KvR K‡i †h‡Z n‡e Ges †Kv¤úvwbi R¡vjvwb †Zj cwiPvjb I
mieivn e¨e¯’v hy‡Mvc‡hvwM I AvaywbKvq‡bi D‡`¨vM wb‡Z n‡e| Avwg Avkv
Kwi hgybv A‡qj †Kv¤úvbx wjwg‡UW mviv‡`‡k R¡vjvwb †Zj mieivn
Kvh©µg mdjfv‡e m¤úbœ K‡i †`‡ki µ‡gvbœwZ I miKv‡ii fveg~wZ© D¾¡j
†_‡K D¾¡jZi Kivi cÖ‡Póv Ae¨vnZ ivL‡e| cÖwZgš¿x
hgybv A‡qj †Kv¤úvbx wjwg‡UW Gi 40Zg evwl©K mvaviY mfvi mdjZv we`y¨r, R¡vjvwb I LwbR m¤ú` gš¿Yvjq
MYcÖRvZš¿x evsjv‡`k miKvi
Kvgbv KiwQ|

(bmi“j nvwg`, Ggwc)


hgybv A‡qj †Kv¤úvbx wjwg‡UW-Gi 40Zg evwl©K mvaviY mfv Dcj‡¶¨
2014-2015 A_© eQ‡ii evwl©K cÖwZ‡e`b cÖKv‡ki D‡`¨vM‡K Avwg ¯^vMZ
hgybv A‡qj †Kv¤úvbx wjwg‡UW evsjv‡`k †c‡Uªvwjqvg Ki‡cv‡ik‡bi GKwU
Ab¨Zg R¡vjvwb †Zj wecYbKvix cÖwZôvb| K…wl, wkí, we`y¨r I †hvMv‡hvM
†m±‡i wbiew”Qbœfv‡e R¡vjvwb †Zj mieiv‡ni gva¨‡g †`‡ki A_©‰bwZK
mg„w× AR©bmn mvgwMÖK Dbœqb I AMÖMwZ‡Z G †Kv¤úvwb ¸i“Z¡c~Y© f~wgKv
cvjb K‡i P‡j‡Q| †`‡ki µgea©gvb R¡vjvwb †Z‡ji Pvwn`v †gUv‡Z
†`ke¨vcx mieivn I wecYb e¨e¯’vi m¤cÖmviY I AvaywbKvq‡b cÖwZôvbwU
wbôvi mv‡_ KvR K‡i hv‡”Q| †`‡ki R¡vjvwb wbivcËv AR©‡b wb‡ew`Z G
cÖwZôvbwU avivevwnKfv‡e wewfbœ Dbœqb cwiKíbv MÖnY I ev¯—evqb K‡i
P‡j‡QÑ hv cÖmskbxq|
hgybv A‡qj †Kv¤úvbx wjwg‡UW 2014-2015 A_© eQ‡i gybvdv AR©b Kivq
Ges †`‡ki A_©‰bwZK Kg©KvÛ‡K MwZkxj Ki‡Z BwZevPK Ae`vb ivLvq
Avwg †Kv¤úvwb KZ…©c¶‡K ab¨ev` Rvbvw”Q|
fvicÖvß mwPe Avwg `„pfv‡e wek¦vm Kwi, AvMvgx w`‡bI hgybv A‡qj †Kv¤úvbx
R¡vjvwb I LwbR m¤ú` wefvM wjwg‡UW-Gi Kg©KZ©v, Kg©Pvix I kªwgKe„›` `„p cÖZ¨q, wbôv I wbijm
we`y¨r, R¡vjvwb I LwbR m¤ú` gš¿Yvjq cwikª‡gi gva¨‡g cÖwZôv‡bi fveg~wZ© D¾¡j Ki‡Z m¶g n‡e|
MYcÖRvZš¿x evsjv‡`k miKvi Avwg hgybv A‡qj †Kv¤úvbx wjwg‡UW Gi mvwe©K mdjZv Kvgbv KiwQ|

(bvwRgDwÏb †PŠayix)


hgybv A‡qj †Kv¤úvbx wjwg‡UW evsjv‡`k †c‡Uªvwjqvg Ki‡cv‡ikb (wewcwm)-Gi
Ab¨Zg A½ cÖwZôvb| 1964 mv‡j G cÖwZôv‡bi hvÎv ïi“ nIqvi ci †_‡K
A`¨vewa G †Kv¤úvwb AZ¨š— mvd‡j¨i mv‡_ R¡vjvwb †Zj wecYb Kvh©µg
cwiPvjbv K‡i Avm‡Q| 40Zg evwl©K mvaviY mfv Dcj‡¶¨ †Kv¤úvwbi
2014-2015 A_© eQ‡ii Avq-e¨‡qi wnmvemn †Kv¤úvwbi mvwe©K Kg©KvÛ I
fwel¨Z Kg©cwiKíbvi Dci Av‡jvKcvZ K‡i evwl©K cÖwZ‡e`b cÖKv‡ki
D‡`¨vM‡K Avwg ¯^vMZ Rvbvw”Q|
†`‡ki fwel¨r R¡vjvwb wbivcËv wbwðZ Kiv miKv‡ii Ab¨Zg cÖavb j¶¨| G
†Kv¤úvwb miKv‡ii fwel¨r cwiKíbvi Ask wn‡m‡e †÷v‡iR U¨vsK wbgv©Y,
A‡Uv U¨vsK †MwRs, A‡Uv‡gkb wm‡óg Pvjy Ges ¯’vcbvi wbivcËvi Rb¨
wmwmwUwf K¨v‡giv ¯’vcb Kivmn wewfbœ Dbœqb Kg©cwiKíbv MÖnY I ev¯—evq‡bi
KvR Pvwj‡q hv‡”Q|
GB †Kv¤úvwb K…wl, †hvMv‡hvM, wkí I we`y¨r †m±imn mviv‡`‡k R¡vjvwb †Zj
mieiv‡ni gva¨‡g †`‡ki mvgwMÖK AMÖMwZ‡Z ¸i“Z¡c~Y© f~wgKv ivL‡Q| `¶
e¨e¯’vcbvi gva¨‡g h_vmg‡q RbM‡Yi †`vi‡Mvovq R¡vjvwb †Zj mieivn I
wecYb wbwðZKi‡Y †Kv¤úvwbi mevB‡K Avš—wiK ab¨ev` Rvbvw”Q|
Av‡jvP¨ A_© eQ‡i †Kv¤úvwb 299.92 †KvwU UvKv Kic~e© gybvdv AR©b I 78.65
†KvwU UvKv AvqKi, f¨vU I Ab¨vb¨ Lv‡Z miKvwi †KvlvMv‡i cwi‡kva Ki‡Z †Pqvig¨vb
cvivq †Kv¤úvbxi mKj ch©v‡qi Kg©KZ©v-Kg©Pvix, MÖvnK I ïfvbya¨vqx‡`i Rb¨ evsjv‡`k †c‡Uªvwjqvg Ki‡cv‡ikb
iBj Awfb›`b| Avkv Kwi AvMvgx‡ZI mvd‡j¨i G aviv Ae¨vnZ _vK‡e|
Avwg hgybv A‡qj †Kv¤úvbx wjwg‡UW Gi mg„w× I fwel¨r DbœwZ Kvgbv KiwQ|



cwiPvjbv cl©`

G. Gg. e`i“‡ÏvRv
†Pqvig¨vb, evsjv‡`k †c‡Uªvwjqvg Ki‡cv‡ikb
†Pqvig¨vb, †RIwmGj †evW©

†gvt AvjvDwÏb ggZvR-Avjv-kvKzi Avn‡g` †gvt Avãyj nvwKg

cwiPvjK cwiPvjK cwiPvjK
m`m¨, RvZxq ivR¯^ †evW©, XvKv AwZwi³ mwPe, A_© wefvM cÖv³b hyM¥-mwPe (cwiKíbv)
A_© gš¿Yvjq, XvKv R¡vjvwb I LwbR m¤ú` wefvM
we`y¨r, R¡vjvwb I LwbR m¤ú` gš¿Yvjq, XvKv

KvRx †Rey‡bœQv †eMg †gvRv‡¤§j nK f~uBqv mvBdzwÏb Avn‡g` f~uBqv

cwiPvjK cwiPvjK cwiPvjK
hyM¥-mwPe (cwiKíbv) hgybv A‡qj †Kv¤úvbx wjwg‡UW, PÆMÖvg hgybv A‡qj †Kv¤úvbx wjwg‡UW, PÆMÖvg
R¡vjvwb I LwbR m¤ú` wefvM
we`y¨r, R¡vjvwb I LwbR m¤ú` gš¿Yvjq, XvKv

†gvt gvmy`yi ingvb †gvt bvRgyj nK

cwiPvjK I e¨e¯’vcbv cwiPvjK †Kv¤úvwb mwPe
hgybv A‡qj †Kv¤úvbx wjwg‡UW, PÆMÖvg hgybv A‡qj †Kv¤úvbx wjwg‡UW, PÆMÖvg


K‡c©v‡iU g¨v‡bR‡g›U

†gvt gvmy`yi ingvb

e¨e¯’vcbv cwiPvjK

†gvt AvBqye †nv‡mb nvexeyj gywnZ KvRx †gvt gbRyi ingvb

Dc-gnve¨e¯’vcK (XvKv wjquv‡Rv Awdm) Dc-gnve¨e¯’vcK (wnDg¨vb wi‡mvm©) Dc-gnve¨e¯’vcK (Acv‡ikÝ)

†gvt Rwmg DwÏb Avn‡g` b~i †gvt kvgmyj Av‡iwdb †gvt bvRgyj nK
Dc-gnve¨e¯’vcK (c-¨vwbs GÛ B‡Kv‡bvwg·) Dc-gnve¨e¯’vcK (†mjm&) Dc-gnve¨e¯’vcK (†¯úkvj GmvBb‡g›U) Dc-gnve¨e¯’vcK (dvBb¨vÝ)

†gvt gvwn`yi ingvb †gvt gvmy` Kwig †gvt Lmi“ AvRv`

Dc-gnve¨e¯’vcK (BwÄwbqvwis GÛ †Wfjvc‡g›U) Dc-gnve¨e¯’vcK (GgAvBGm GÛ AvBwU) Dc-gnve¨e¯’vcK (AwWU)


K‡c©v‡iU g¨v‡bR‡g›U K‡c©v‡iU g¨v‡bR‡g›U K‡c©v‡iU g¨v‡bR‡g›U

K‡c©v‡iU g¨v‡bR‡g›U K‡c©v‡iU g¨v‡bR‡g›U K‡c©v‡iU g¨v‡bR‡g›U

K‡c©v‡iU g¨v‡bR‡g›U K‡c©v‡iU g¨v‡bR‡g›U K‡c©v‡iU g¨v‡bR‡g›U

K‡c©v‡iU g¨v‡bR‡g›U K‡c©v‡iU g¨v‡bR‡g›U K‡c©v‡iU g¨v‡bR‡g›U

v‡iU K‡c©v‡iU g¨v‡bR‡g›U

K‡c©v‡iU g¨v‡bR‡g›U K‡c©v‡iU g¨v‡bR‡g›U K‡c©v‡iU g¨v‡bR‡g›U
Rbve †gvt gvmy`yi ingvb - e¨e¯’vcbv cwiPvjK
Rbve †gvt AvBqye ‡nv‡mb - Dc-gnve¨e¯’vcK (XvKv wjquv‡Rv Awdm)
Rbve nvexeyj gywnZ - Dc-gnve¨e¯’vcK (wnDg¨vb wi‡mvm©)
Rbve KvRx †gvt gbRyi ingvb - Dc-gnve¨e¯’vcK (Acv‡ikÝ)
Rbve †gvt Rwmg DwÏb - Dc-gnve¨e¯’vcK (c-¨vwbs GÛ B‡Kv‡bvwg·)
Rbve Avn‡g` b~i - Dc-gnve¨e¯’vcK (†mjm&)
Rbve †gvt kvgmyj Av‡iwdb - Dc-gnve¨e¯’vcK (†¯úkvj GmvBb‡g›U)
Rbve †gvt bvRgyj nK - Dc-gnve¨e¯’vcK (dvBb¨vÝ)
Rbve †gvt gvwn`yi ingvb - Dc-gnve¨e¯’vcK (BwÄwbqvwis GÛ †Wfjvc‡g›U)
Rbve †gvt gvmy` Kwig - Dc-gnve¨e¯’vcK (GgAvBGm GÛ AvBwU)
Rbve †gvt Lmi“ AvRv` - Dc-gnve¨e¯’vcK (AwWU)
†Kv¤úvwb mwPe
Rbve †gvt bvRgyj nK
AvBb Dc‡`óv
†j· KvD‡Ýj (e¨vwi÷vm©, GW‡fv‡KU&m GÛ wjM¨vj KbmvjU¨v›Um)

e¨vwi÷vi mvBdzwÏb gvngy`


e¨vwi÷vi ZvbwRe-Dj-Avjg
e¨vwi÷vi Kvgvj-Dj-Avjg
GW‡fv‡KU cÖexi wb‡qvMx
†gmvm© Lvb Inve kwdK ingvb GÛ †Kvs
†gmvm© ‡nv`v fvmx †PŠayix GÛ †Kvs

mvaviY exgv K‡c©v‡ikb

Rxeb exgv K‡c©v‡ikb
K‡c©v‡iU g¨v‡bR‡g›U K‡c©v‡iU

†mvbvjx e¨vsK wjwg‡UW
AMÖYx e¨vsK wjwg‡UW
c~evjx e¨vsK wjwg‡UW
DËiv e¨vsK wjwg‡UW
iƒcvjx e¨vsK wjwg‡UW
e¨vsK Gwkqv wjwg‡UW
AvBGdAvBwm e¨vsK wjwg‡UW
Iqvb e¨vsK wjwg‡UW
WvP& evsjv e¨vsK wjwg‡UW
÷¨vÛvW© PvU©vW© e¨vsK
wmwU e¨vsK GbG
w` nsKs GÛ mvsnvB e¨vswKs K‡c©v‡ikb wjwg‡UW
B÷vY© e¨vsK wjwg‡UW
Gwe e¨vsK wjwg‡UW
eª¨vK e¨vsK wjwg‡UW
BDbvB‡UW Kgvwk©qvj e¨vsK wjwg‡UW
w` wmwU e¨vsK wjwg‡UW
mvD_B÷ e¨vsK wjwg‡UW
gv‡K©›UvBj e¨vsK wjwg‡UW|


hgybv A‡qj †Kv¤úvbx wjwg‡UW
(evsjv‡`k †c‡Uªvwjqvg Ki‡cv‡ikb Gi GKwU A½ cÖwZôvb)
hgybv feb, AvMÖvev` ev/G
†cvt e· bs : 694, PÆMÖvg|
†dvb : 88-031-720181-3, 2520134-9, 2520408

40Zg evwl©K mvaviY mfvi weÁwß

GZØviv hgybv A‡qj †Kv¤úvbx wjwg‡UW Gi m¤§vwbZ †kqvi‡nvìvie„‡›`i AeMwZi Rb¨ Rvbv‡bv hv‡”Q †h, AvMvgx 27 †deª“qvwi,
2016 wLªt (15 dvêyb, 1422 e½vã), kwbevi †ejv 11-00 Uvq †nv‡Uj AvMÖvev`, AvMÖvev` evwYwR¨K GjvKv, PÆMÖvg G
wbgœwjwLZ welqvw` Av‡jvPbvK‡í †Kv¤úvwbi 40Zg evwl©K mvaviY mfv AbywôZ n‡e :

Av‡jvP¨m~wP :
1. 07 †deª“qvwi 2015 wLªt, 25 gvN 1421 e½vã Zvwi‡L AbywôZ 39Zg evwl©K mvaviY mfvi Kvh©weeiYx I wm×vš—
2. 2015 mv‡ji 30 Ryb mgvß eQ‡ii wbixw¶Z Avw_©K weeiYx Ges Dnvi Dci †Kv¤úvwbi cwiPvjKgÛjxi cÖwZ‡e`b MÖnY
Ges Aby‡gv`b;
3. 2015 mv‡ji 30 Ryb mgvß eQ‡ii Rb¨ jf¨vsk †NvlYv Aby‡gv`b;
4. evsjv‡`k †c‡Uªvwjqvg Ki‡cv‡ikb KZ©„K g‡bvbxZ cwiPvjK huviv †Kv¤úvwbi cwiPvjb wewa Abyhvqx Aemi MÖnY Ki‡Qb
Zuv‡`i wb‡qvM Aby‡gv`b Ges ¯^vaxb cwiPvjK wn‡m‡e wb‡qvM cÖvß Rbve †gvt Avãyj nvwKg Gi wb‡qvM Aby‡gv`b;
5. 2016 mv‡ji 30 Ryb mgvc¨ eQ‡ii Rb¨ hyM¥ wbix¶K wb‡qvM I Zv‡`i cvwikªwgK wba©viY;
6. mfvcwZ g‡nv`‡qi AbygwZµ‡g Ab¨ †h †Kvb welq Av‡jvPbv|
†ev‡W©i wb‡`©kµ‡g

07 gvN 1422 e½vã (†gvt bvRgyj nK)

20 Rvbyqvwi 2016 wLªóvã †Kv¤úvwb mwPe
AvMÖvev`, PÆMÖvg|
`ªóe¨ :
1. eyK †K¬vRvi Gi cwie‡Z© †iKW© †WU 28 wW‡m¤^i, 2015| †iKW© †WU G †Kv¤úvwbi m`m¨ eB‡Z wbewÜZ A_ev
wmwWweGj-G †iKW©f~³ †kqvi‡nvìviMY evwl©K mvaviY mfvq Dcw¯’Z _vKvi I Aby‡gvw`Z jf¨vsk cvIqvi †hvM¨ e‡j
we‡ewPZ n‡eb|
2. m`m¨e„›` G mvaviY mfvq Dcw¯’Z _vK‡Z Ges †fvU cÖ`vb Ki‡Z cvi‡eb wKsev Zuvi c‡¶ Dcw¯’Z _vK‡Z Ges †fvU `v‡bi
Rb¨ Ab¨ GKRb cÖw· wb‡qvM Ki‡Z cvi‡eb| mfv Abyôv‡bi Rb¨ wba©vwiZ mg‡qi 48 N›Uv c~‡e© cÖw· dig wbqgvbyhvqx
÷¨v¤ú mnKv‡i c~iY K‡i †Kv¤úvwbi †iwRóªvW© Awd‡m Aek¨B Rgv w`‡Z n‡e|
3. †KejgvÎ nvwRiv cÎ Dc¯’vcb mv‡c‡¶ mfvK‡¶ cÖ‡ek Kiv hv‡e|
4. †Kvb †kqvi‡nvìv‡ii wVKvbv cwieZ©b n‡j ZvÕ AvMvgx 04-02-2016 wLªt Zvwi‡Li g‡a¨ AvMÖvev`¯’ hgybv fe‡b Aew¯’Z
†Kv¤úvwbi †kqvi Awd‡m AewnZ Kivi Rb¨ Aby‡iva Kiv n‡jv|
5. evsjv‡`k wmwKDwiwUR GÛ G·‡PÄ Kwgkb Gi wb‡`©kbv Abyhvqx evwl©K mvaviY mfvq Dcw¯’wZi Rb¨ †Kvbiƒc wMd&U/bM`
myweav cÖ`v‡bi e¨e¯’v _vK‡e bv|


(A Subsidiary of Bangladesh Petroleum Corporation)
Tel : 88-031-720181-3, 2520134-9, 2520408


Notice is hereby given that the 40th Annual General Meeting of the shareholders of Jamuna Oil Company Limited will
be held on 27th February 2016, (15 Falgun 1422) at 11.00 A. M. at Hotel Agrabad, Agrabad Commercial Area,
Chittagong to transact the follwing business.
1. To confirm the proceedings and minutes of the 39th Annual General Meeting held on 07th February, 2015.
2. To receive, consider and adopt the audited Financial Statements of the Company for the year ended June 30,
2015 together with the Auditors’ Report and Directors’ Report thereon.
3. To approve dividend for the year ended on June 30, 2015.
4. To elect Directors of the Company in the vacancies caused by retirement of the Directors nominated by
Bangladesh Petroleum Corporation (BPC) and approval of appointment of Mr. Md. Abdul Hakim as
independent Director ;
5. To appoint joint auditors for the year ended on June 30, 2016 and to fix their remuneration.
6. Miscellaneous, if any, with the permission of the Chair.

07 Magh 1422, BS
20 January 2016, AD By order of the Board
Agrabad, Chittagong

(Md. Nazmul Hoque)

Company Secretary

Note :
1. The Record Date in lieu of Book Closure shall be on 28 December, 2015. The Shareholders whose names appear in
the Share Register of the Company or in the Depository Register on the Record Date will be entitled to attend the
AGM and receive the Dividend.
2. A Member entitled to attend and vote at the Annual General Meeting may appoint a proxy to attend and vote on
his/her behalf. In order to be effective, Proxy form duly signed and stamped must be received at the Company’s
Registered office, Jamuna Bhaban, Agrabad C/A, Chittagong-4100 of the Company not later than FORTY EIGHT
HOURS before the Meeting.
3. Admission to the Meeting room will be strictly on production of the attendance slip sent with the Notice.
4. Shareholders are requested to notify the changes of address, if any, to the company’s Share Office at Jamuna
Bhaban, Agrabad, Chittagong by 04th February 2016.
5. As per directive of Bangladesh Securities and Exchange Commission (BSEC) no gift or benefit in cash or in kind
shall be offered to the Shareholders in the Annual General Meeting.


hgybv A‡qj †Kv¤úvbx wjwg‡UW
†Kv¤úvbxi msw¶ß BwZnvm :
hgybv A‡qj †Kv¤úvbx wjwg‡UW (†RIwmGj) weMZ cuvP `kK a‡i R¡vjvwb †Zj wecY‡bi gva¨‡g RvwZ‡K †mev cÖ`vb K‡i
Avm‡Q| †`‡ki Av_©-mvgvwRK AMÖMwZ‡Z m‡e©vËg f~wgKv ivL‡Z G †Kv¤úvwb A½xKvie×|
1964 mv‡j 2 (`yB) †KvwU UvKv gyjab wb‡q ZrKvjxb cvwK¯—v‡bi cÖ_g RvZxq †Zj ‡Kv¤úvwb wn‡m‡e cvwK¯—vb b¨vkbvj A‡qj
wjwg‡UW (wcGbIGj) bvgK †Kv¤úvwbwU hvÎv ïi“ K‡i| 1971 mv‡j ¯^vaxbZv AR©‡bi ci evsjv‡`k A¨ve¨vbW¨vÛ †cÖvcvwU©
(Kb‡Uªvj, g¨v‡bR‡g›U GÛ wWm&‡cvRvj) Av‡`k 1972 (wcI bs 16, 1972) e‡j cvwK¯—vb b¨vkbvj A‡qj wjwg‡UW‡K cwiZ¨³
m¤úwË wn‡m‡e †NvlYv K‡i MYcÖRvZš¿x evsjv‡`k miKvi KZ©„K AwaMÖnY Kiv nq Ges Gi bvgKiY Kiv nq evsjv‡`k b¨vkbvj
A‡qj&m wjwg‡UW| AZtci 13 Rvbyqvwi, 1973 Zvwi‡Li GK miKvix Av‡`k e‡j Gi cybt bvgKiY Kiv nq hgybv A‡qj †Kv¤úvbx
wjwg‡UW (†RIwmGj)| cÖvK…wZK m¤ú` gš¿Yvj‡qi 21-04-73 Zvwi‡Li 21 Gg-4/76 (Gb Avi) weÁwß Abyhvqx G †Kv¤úvwb
†c‡Uªvevsjvi AvIZvax‡b GKwU GWnK KwgwU (A‡qj †Kv¤úvwbR GWfvBRix KwgwU) Øviv cwiPvwjZ n‡Zv| 1975 m‡bi 12 gvP©
†Kv¤úvwb AvBb 1913 (ms‡kvwaZ 1994) Gi Aax‡b m¤ú~Y© miKvix gvwjKvbvaxb GKwU cÖvB‡fU †Kv¤úvwb wn†m‡e hgybv A‡qj
†Kv¤úvbx wjwg‡UW †iwRóªvi Ae R‡q›U ÷K †Kv¤úvwbR GÛ dvg©m G wbewÜZ nq, hvi Aby‡gvw`Z g~jab 10 (`k) †KvwU UvKv
Ges cwi‡kvwaZ g~jab 5 (cuvP) †KvwU UvKv| cieZ©xKv‡j 1976 mv‡ji wewcwm Aa¨v‡`k bs LXXXVIII (hv 13 b‡f¤^i 1976
Zvwi‡L evsjv‡`k †M‡RU G·Uªv AwW©bvix‡Z cÖKvwkZ nq) Gi 31 (wm) avivq ewY©Z ZvwjKvq G †Kv¤úvwbi m¤úwË I `vq-†`bv
miKvi KZ…©K evsjv‡`k †c‡Uªvwjqvg Ki‡cv‡ikb (wewcwm) Gi wbKU n¯—vš—i Kiv nq| GQvov 1986 mv‡ji 1 Rvbyqvwi Zvwi‡L
B‡›`v-evg©v †c‡Uªvwjqvg †Kv¤úvwb wjwg‡UW (AvBwewcwmGj) Gi mg¯— welq m¤úwË I `vq-‡`bv G †Kv¤úvwb KZ©„K M„nxZ nq|
evsjv‡`k †c‡Uªvwjqvg Ki‡cv‡ikb MV‡bi ci †_‡K hgybv A‡qj †Kv¤úvbx wjwg‡UW evsjv‡`k †c‡Uªvwjqvg Ki‡cv‡ik‡bi GKwU
mvewmwWqvix wn‡m‡e KvR K‡i Avm‡Q|
2005-2006 A_© eQ‡ii gybvdv †_‡K 5.00 †KvwU UvKv †evbvm †kqvi Bmy¨ K‡i G †Kv¤úvwbi †gvU cwi‡kvwaZ g~jab
10.00 †KvwU UvKvq DbœxZ Kiv nq| MZ 25-06-2007 Zvwi‡L G †Kv¤úvwb‡K cÖvB‡fU wjwg‡UW †Kv¤úvwb †_‡K cvewjK
wjwg‡UW †Kv¤úvwb‡Z iƒcvš—wiZ Kiv nq Ges Gi Aby‡gvw`Z g~jab 300.00 †KvwU UvKvq DbœxZ Kiv nq| cieZ©x‡Z
10-08-2007 Zvwi‡L cybivq 35.00 †KvwU UvKvi †evbvm †kqvi Bmy¨ K‡i cwi‡kvwaZ g~jab 45.00 †KvwU UvKvq DbœxZ
Kiv nq| evsjv‡`k †c‡Uªvwjqvg Ki‡cv‡ikb Zv‡`i gvwjKvbvaxb †kqvi †_‡K cÖwZwU 10.00 UvKv g~‡j¨i 1,35,00,000wU
mvaviY †kqvi A_©vr; 13.50 †KvwU UvKvi †kqvi WvB‡i± wjw÷s c×wZi AvIZvq Ad-‡jvW Gi j‡¶¨ XvKv ÷K G·‡PÄ
wjwg‡UW Ges PÆMÖvg ÷K G·‡PÄ wjwg‡UW G 09-01-2008 Zvwi‡L ZvwjKvf~³ nq Ges h_vixwZ Dc‡iv³ †kqvi
cyuwRevRv‡i Ad-‡jvW Kiv nq| cieZ©x‡Z miKv‡ii wm×vš— Abyhvqx Aewkó †kqvi n‡Z Av‡iv 17 kZvsk †kqvi MZ
25-07-2011 Zvwi‡L Ad-‡jvW Kiv nq|
wewfbœ A_© eQ‡i †Kv¤úvwbi evwl©K mvaviY mfvq Aby‡gv`bµ‡g †evbvm †kqvi Bmy¨i gva¨‡g cwi‡kvwaZ g~jab 110.42
†KvwU UvKvq DbœxZ Kiv nq, hv cÖwZwU 10 UvKv g~‡j¨i 11,04,24,600wU †kqv‡i wef³| eZ©gv‡b evsjv‡`k †c‡Ævwjqvg
Ki‡cv‡ikb I mvaviY wewb‡qvMKvix‡`i gvwjKvbv h_vµ‡g 60.08% I 39.92%|
GQvovI †RIwmGj evsjv‡`‡k wek¦gv‡bi gwej eª¨v‡Ûi jyweª‡K›U Ges wMÖR evRviRvZ K‡i _v‡K| †Kv¤úvwbi cÖavb Kvh©vjq
PÆMÖv‡g Aew¯’Z| GQvov †`‡ki wewfbœ ¯’v‡b 4wU wefvMxq Awdm Ges 5wU AvÂwjK weµq Awdm i‡q‡Q|
†Kv¤úvwbi cÖavb ¯’vcbv PÆMÖv‡g Aew¯’Z Ges mviv †`‡k 16wU wW‡cv i‡q‡Q| †RIwmGj Gi we`¨gvb 630wU wWjvi, 1418wU
G‡R›U, 273wU c¨vKW c‡q›U, 784wU GjwcwR wWjvi Ges 12wU †gwib wWjvi Øviv kw³kvjx †bUIqvK© Gi gva¨‡g
wbiewPQbœfv‡e MÖvnK‡`i wbKU †c‡ÆvwjqvgRvZ cY¨ mieivn I †mev cÖ`vb K‡i _v‡K|
†Kv¤úvwb cwiPvjbvi Rb¨ eZ©gv‡b AvU m`‡m¨i GKwU cwiPvjbv cl©` i‡q‡Q| cwiPvjbv cl©‡`i 7 Rb cwiPvjK
wewcwm/miKvi KZ…©K g‡bvbxZ, 1 Rb ¯^vaxb cwiPvjK †evW© KZ©„K g‡bvbxZ hv evwl©K mvaviY mfvq Aby‡gvw`Z n‡Z nq Ges
1 Rb cwiPvjK mvaviY †kqvi †nvìvi‡`i †fv‡U wbev©wPZ| †Kv¤úvwbi mvwe©K Kg©KvÛ cwiPvjbv cl©‡`i Aby‡gv`bµ‡g
m¤úvw`Z nq| G †¶‡Î miKvi bxwZwba©viK wn‡m‡e KvR K‡i, hv wewcwm Gi gva¨‡g ev¯—evwqZ nq|
cÖavb Kvh©vjq : hgybv feb, †kL gywRe †ivW, AvMÖvev` evwYwR¨K GjvKv, PÆMÖvg, evsjv‡`k|
AvevwmK Kvh©vjq : hgybv feb, 2 KvIivb evRvi, XvKv-1215|
wefvMxq Kvh©vjq : PÆMÖvg, XvKv, Lyjbv I e¸ov|
cÖavb ¯’vcbv : ¸ßLvj, c‡Z½v, PÆMÖvg|
wW‡cv : mgMÖ †`‡k 16wU wW‡cv i‡q‡Q|
e¨emvi cÖK…wZ : †Kv¤úvwbi cÖavb Kvh©µg n‡jv †c‡UªvwjqvgRvZ cY¨, jyweª‡KwUs A‡qj I MÖxR, weUzwgb Ges Gjwc
M¨vm msMÖn, gRyZKiY, mieivn I wecYb|


39Zg evwl©K mvaviY mfvq Dcw¯’Z cwiPvjbv cl©‡`i m¤§vwbZ cwiPvjKe„›`|

39Zg evwl©K mvaviY mfvq Dcw¯’Z †kqvi‡nvìvie„‡›`i GKvsk|


39Zg evwl©K mvaviY mfvq Dcw¯’Z †kqvi‡nvìvie„‡›`i wbeÜb Kvh©µ‡gi GKvsk|

39Zg evwl©K mvaviY mfvq ¯’vwcZ †iwR‡óªkb ey‡_i GKvsk|


we`y¨r I R¡vjvwb mßvn 2015 Dcj‡¶¨ Av‡qvwRZ R¡vjvwb †gjvq we`y¨r, R¡vjvwb I LwbR m¤ú`
gš¿Yvj‡qi cÖwZgš¿x g‡nv`q KZ…©K hgybv A‡q‡ji ój cwi`k©b|

we`y¨r I R¡vjvwb mßvn 2015 Dcj‡¶¨ Av‡qvwRZ R¡vjvwb †gjvq we`y¨r, R¡vjvwb I LwbR m¤ú`
cÖwZgš¿x g‡nv`q KZ…©K hgybv A‡q‡ji ój cwi`k©b|


we`y¨r I R¡vjvwb mßvn 2015 Dcj‡¶¨ Av‡qvwRZ R¡vjvwb †gjvq we`y¨r, R¡vjvwb I LwbR m¤ú`
wefv‡Mi gvbbxq fvicÖvß mwPe KZ…©K hgybv A‡q‡ji ój cwi`k©b|

we`y¨r I R¡vjvwb mßvn 2015 Dcj‡¶¨ Av‡qvwRZ R¡vjvwb †gjvq cl©‡`i gvbbxq cwiPvjKe„›` KZ…©K
hgybv A‡q‡ji ój cwi`k©b|


R¡vjvwb I LwbR m¤ú` wefv‡Mi cÖv³b mwPe I †RIwmGj †ev‡W©i gvbbxq †Pqvig¨vb giûg AveyeKi wmwÏK‡K
†Kv¤úvwbi cÖv³b GgwW KZ…©K dz‡jj ï‡f”Qv|

R¡vjvwb I LwbR m¤ú` wefv‡Mi cÖv³b mwPe I †RIwmGj †ev‡W©i gvbbxq †Pqvig¨vb giûg AveyeKi wmwÏK‡K
†Kv¤úvwbi wmweGÕi mfvcwZ I mvaviY m¤úv`K KZ…©K dz‡jj ï‡f”Qv|


RvZxq R¡vjvwb wbivcËv w`e‡mi i¨vwj|

hgybv A‡qj †Kv¤úvbx wjwg‡UW KZ…©K Av‡qvwRZ gv‡K©wUs Kbdv‡iÝ-2015 Gi GKvsk|


Awdmvm© I‡qj‡dqvi G‡mvwm‡qkb KZ…©K Av‡qvwRZ BdZvi gvn&wdj-2015 Gi GKvsk|

†RIwmGj wiwµ‡qkb K¬ve KZ…©K Av‡qvwRZ evwl©K eb‡fvRb Gi cyi¯‹vi weZiY Abyôv‡bi GKvsk|


hgybv A‡qj †Kv¤úvbx wjwg‡UW
40Zg evwl©K mvaviY mfv
ÔÔ†kqvi‡nvìvi‡`i D‡Ï‡k¨ cwiPvjbv cl©‡`i cÖwZ‡e`bÓ
wem&wgj-vwni ivngvwbi ivnxg
m¤§vwbZ †kqvi‡nvìvie„›`,
Avm&mvjvgy AvjvBKzg IqvivngvZzj-v‡n IqvevivKvZzû,
hgybv A‡qj †Kv¤úvbx wjwg‡UW Gi 40Zg evwl©K mvaviY mfvq ‡Kv¤úvwbi cwiPvjbv cl©` I Avgvi c¶ †_‡K Avcbv‡`i mKj‡K
¯^vMZ Rvbvw”Q| A‡bK Kó ¯^xKvi K‡i G gnZx Abyôv‡b Dcw¯’Z nIqvq Avcbv‡`i cÖwZ iBj Avgvi Avš—wiK Awfb›`b|
Avwg AZ¨š— †e`bv I `ytL fvivµvš— ü`‡q Rvbvw”Q †h, R¡vjvwb I LwbR m¤ú` wefv‡Mi cÖv³b mwPe Ges hgybv A‡qj †Kv¤úvbx
wjwg‡UW Gi cwiPvjbv cl©‡`i mv‡eK †Pqvig¨vb Rbve †gvt AveyeKi wmwÏK MZ 30 b‡f¤^i, 2015 ZvwiL †mvgevi †fv‡i
B‡š—Kvj K‡ib (Bbœv wjj-vwn IqvBbœv BjvBwn ivwRDb)| Avgiv Zuvi g„Zz¨‡Z Mfxifv‡e †kvKvnZ| A`¨Kvi mfvq Avgiv giû‡gi
i“‡ni gvM‡divZ Kvgbv KiwQ Ges Zuvi †kvKmš—ß cwiev‡ii cÖwZ Mfxi mg‡e`bv Rvbvw”Q| wZwb AÎ †Kv¤úvwbi cwiPvjbv cl©‡`i
†Pqvig¨vb _vKvKvjxb Zuvi weP¶Y, eyw×`xß I MwZkxj †bZ…‡Z¡ †Kv¤úvwb DˇivËi mg„w× jvf K‡i|
hgybv A‡qj †Kv¤úvbx wjwg‡UW ¯^vaxbZvi ci †_‡K m¤ú~Y© miKvwi gvwjKvbvq cwiPvwjZ nIqvi ci miKvwi wm×v‡š—i Av‡jv‡K
25 Ryb, 2007 wLªt Zvwi‡L cvewjK wjwg‡UW †Kv¤úvwb‡Z iƒcvš—i Kiv nq Ges evsjv‡`k wmwKDwiwUR I G·‡PÄ Kwgk‡bi
bxwZgvjvi Aax‡b †Kv¤úvwbi 30 kZvsk †kqvi WvB‡i± wjw÷s c×wZi AvIZvq 9 Rvbyqvwi, 2008 wLªt ZvwiL †_‡K XvKv I PÆMÖvg
÷K G·‡PÄ Gi gva¨‡g cyuwRevRv‡i Ad‡jvW Kiv nq| cieZx©‡Z miKv‡ii wm×vš— Abyhvqx wewcwmÕi aviYK…Z †kqvi n‡Z AviI
53,55,000wU †kqvi AvBwmwe wmwKDwiwUR †UªwWs †Kv¤úvbx wjwg‡U‡Wi gva¨‡g MZ 27-07-2011 †_‡K 11-09-2011 ZvwiL
ch©š— mvaviY wewb‡qvMKvix‡`i g‡a¨ Ad‡jvW Kiv nq| eZ©gv‡b wewcwmÕi †kqvi‡nvwìs cwRkb 60.08% Ges mvaviY
wewb‡qvMKvix‡`i †kqvi‡nvwìs cwRkb 39.92%| AvR mvaviY †kqvi‡nvìviM‡Yi mg‡eZ Ask MÖn‡Y mg„× n‡q beg ev‡ii gZ
†Kv¤úvwbi evwl©K mvaviY mfv AbywôZ n‡”Q|
†Kv¤úvbx AvBb 1994 Gi 184 aviv, 1987 mv‡ji wmwKDwiwUR I G·‡PÄ i“j&m 12 Ges Bbw÷wUDU Ae PvU©vW© GKvD›U¨v›Um Ae
evsjv‡`k (AvBwmGwe) KZ©„K Avš—R©vwZK Avw_©K cÖwZ‡e`b gvb (AvBGdAviGm) Gi Av‡jv‡K M„nxZ evsjv‡`k GKvDw›Us ÷¨vÛvW©
(weGGm) Ges evsjv‡`k Avw_©K cÖwZ‡e`b gvb (weGdAviGm) Abymv‡i cÖ¯‘ZK…Z †Kv¤úvwbi 30 Ryb, 2015 wLªt Zvwi‡L mgvß A_©
eQ‡ii wbixw¶Z Avw_©K weeiYx I evwl©K cÖwZ‡e`b Avcbv‡`i m`q we‡ePbv I Aby‡gv`‡bi Rb¨ AvbyôvwbKfv‡e Dc¯’vcb KiwQ|
e¨emvwqK Kvh©µg :
Avcbviv wbðq AeMZ Av‡Qb †h, hgybv A‡qj †Kv¤úvbx wjwg‡UW evsjv‡`k †c‡Uªvwjqvg Ki‡cv‡ik‡bi GKwU A½ cÖwZôvb wn‡m‡e
weMZ cuvP `kK a‡i R¡vjvwb †Zj wecYb K‡i Avm‡Q| G cÖwZôvb miKvi wba©vwiZ g~‡j¨ †`‡ki cÖZ¨š— A‡j wbiew”Qbœfv‡e R¡vjvwb
†Zj mieiv‡ni gva¨‡g †`‡ki mvgwMÖK AMÖMwZ I Dbœq‡b ¸i“Z¡c~Y© Ae`vb †i‡L P‡j‡Q| hgybv A‡qj †Kv¤úvbx wjwg‡UW Gi mvwe©K
j¶¨ I D‡Ïk¨ n†jv myôz e¨e¯’vcbvi gva¨‡g h_vmg‡q RbM‡Yi †`vi‡Mvovq b¨vh¨g~‡j¨ R¡vjvwb †Zj mieivn wbwðZKiY Ges
myPvi“fv‡e wecYb Kvh©©µg m¤úv`b| 2014-2015 A_© eQ‡i †Kv¤úvwbi †c‡UªvwjqvgRvZ c‡Y¨i wewµi cwigvY 16.34 j¶ †gwUªK
Ub| 2013-2014 A_© eQ‡i Gi cwigvY wQj 16.40 j¶ †gwUªK Ub| A_©vr 2014-15 A_© eQ‡i ‡Kv¤úvwbi †c‡Uªvwjqvg c‡Y¨i
wewµ c~e©eZ©x eQ‡ii Zzjbvq 0.06 j¶ †gwUªK Ub ev 0.38% n«vm †c‡q‡Q| cY¨-wfwËK wewµi weeiY wb‡gœ †ck Kiv n‡jv :
weeiY 2014-2015 2013-2014 †ewk/(Kg) %
†gwUªK Ub †gwUªK Ub †gwUªK Ub
AK‡Ub 31,778 24,466 7,312 29.89
†c‡Uªvj 55,225 57,003 (1,778) (3.12)
†K‡ivwmb 104,112 1,05,407 (1,295) (1.23)
wW‡Rj 1,075,701 10,44,350 31,351 3.00
dv‡b©m A‡qj 340,802 3,80,670 (39,868) (10.47)
RyU e¨vwPs A‡qj 4,828 5,654 (826) (14.61)
†gvU R¡vjvwb †Zj 1,612,446 1,617,550 (5,104) (0.32)
jye I MÖxR 4,786 4,968 (182) (3.66)
weUzwgb 13,086 14,005 (919) (6.56)
GjwcwR 4,163 4,167 (4) (0.10)
me©‡gvU 1,634,481 1,640,690 (6,209) (0.38)


2014-15 A_© eQ‡ii cY¨-wfwËK weµq
jye I MÖxR
R¡vjvwb †Zj
GjwcwR jye I MÖxR
weUzwgb R¡vjvwb †Zj GjwcwR

Av‡jvP¨ A_© eQ‡i †Kv¤úvwbi R¡vjvwb †Z‡ji wewµi cwigvY weMZ eQ‡ii Zzjbvq 6,209 †gwUªK Ub (0.38%) n«vm †c‡q‡Q|
Av‡jvP¨ A_© eQ‡i †c‡Uªvj 1,778 †gwUªK Ub (3.12%), †K‡ivwmb 1,295 †gwUªK Ub (1.23%), dv‡b©m A‡qj 39,868 †gwUªK
Ub (10.47%), RyU e¨vwPs A‡qj 826 †gwUªK Ub (14.61%), jye I MÖxR 182 †gwUªK Ub (3.66%), weUzwgb 919 †gwUªK Ub
(6.56%) Ges GjwcwR 4 †gwUªK Ub (0.10%) wewµ n«vm †c‡q‡Q| c¶vš—‡i, Av‡jvP¨ A_© eQ‡i AK‡Ub 7,312 †gwUªK Ub
29.89% Ges wW‡R‡ji wewµ 31,351 †gwUªK Ub 3.00% e„w× †c‡q‡Q| µgea©gvb nv‡i hvbevnb wmGbwR‡Z iƒcvš—i Ges
Uz‡÷vK BwÄb wewkó Mvoxi e¨envi n«vm cvIqvq †c‡Uªv‡ji Pvwn`v n«vm †c‡q‡Q Ges djkÖ“wZ‡Z †c‡Uªvj weµq Kg n‡q‡Q| †`‡ki
we`y¨‡Zi Drcv`b e„w× Ges bZzb bZzb GjvKv we`y¨r myweavi AvIZvq Avmvq †K‡ivwm‡bi Pvwn`v I weµq n«vm †c‡q‡Q| e¨w³
gvwjKvbvaxb we`y¨r †K›`ª‡K wbR¯^ e¨e¯’vcbvq †Zj Avg`vwbi my‡hvM K‡i †`qvq dv‡b©m A‡qj weµq n«vm †c‡q‡Q| †ek K‡qKwU
RyU wg‡ji Drcv`b e¨vcKfv‡e n«vm cvIqvq RyU e¨vwPs A‡qj weµq n«vm †c‡q‡Q| GjwcwRi cwienb I mieivnRwbZ mgm¨vi
Rb¨ GjwcwR weµq n«vm †c‡q‡Q| e¨w³ gvwjKvbvaxb jye e¨emvi mv‡_ K‡Vvi cÖwZ‡hvMxZvi Kvi‡Y jye I MÖx‡Ri weµq n«vm
†c‡q‡Q| Dc‡iv³ †cÖvWv±mg~‡ni weµq n«v‡mi avivevwnKZv fwel¨‡ZI Ae¨vnZ _vK‡e e‡j avibv Kiv n‡”Q|
PjwZ A_© eQ‡i †c‡Uªvwjqvg cY¨ wewµ eve` †Kv¤úvwbi †gvU Avq n‡q‡Q 17,330 j¶ UvKv, hv c~e©eZ©x A_© eQ‡ii Zzjbvq 2,618
j¶ UvKv (17.79%) ‡ekx| PjwZ A_© eQ‡i †Kv¤úvwbi Ab¨vb¨ cwiPvjb Lv‡Z Avq n‡q‡Q 4,121 j¶ UvKv, hv MZ eQ‡ii †P‡q
966 j¶ UvKv (30.60%) †ekx| c¶vš—‡i PjwZ A_© eQ‡i Ab¨vb¨ Avq Lv‡Z c~e©eZ©x eQ‡ii †P‡q 1,305 j¶ UvKv Avq n«vm
‡c‡q‡Q| we‡eP¨ A_© eQ‡i †Kv¤úvwbi AvqKi c~e© bxU gybvdv n‡q‡Q 29,992 j¶ UvKv, hv weMZ 2013-2014 A_© eQ‡ii Zzjbvq
722 j¶ UvKv (2.35%) Kg|
Av‡jvP¨ 2014-2015 A_© eQ‡i Ki cieZ©x gybvdv AwR©Z n‡q‡Q 22,532 j¶ UvKv, hv weMZ 2013-2014 A_© eQ‡i wQj
23,168 j¶ UvKv| weMZ A_© eQ‡ii Zzjbvq 2014-2015 A_© eQ‡i Ki cieZ©x gybvdv n«vm †c‡q‡Q 636 j¶ UvKv (2.74%)|
bxU Avq n«v‡mi Ab¨Zg KviY n‡jv AcwiPvjb Lv‡Z Avq K‡g hvIqv Ges Av‡qi wecix‡Z hyw³msMZfv‡e cÖkvmwbK, weµq I
weZiY, Avw_©K I AePq RwbZ e¨q e„w×| 2014-2015 A_© eQ‡i cwiPvjb gybvdv weMZ 2013-14 A_© eQ‡ii 11,122 j¶ UvKv
n‡Z e„w× †c‡q 11,667 j¶ UvKv n‡q‡Q, e„w×i nvi 4.90%| Avw_©K weeiY wb‡gœ †ck Kiv n‡jv :
weeiY 2014-2015 2013-2014 (n«vm)/e„w× (UvKv) (n«vm)/ e„w× (%)
cwiPvjb gybvdv 116,66,82,473 111,21,82,111 5,45,00,362 4.90
bxU gybvdv 315,70,80,436 323,30,96,655 (7,60,16,219) (2.35)
AvqKi c~e© gybvdv 299,92,26,414 307,14,41,822 (7,22,15,408) (2.35)
AvqKi cieZ©x gybvdv 225,31,88,298 231,67,79,965 (6,35,91,667) (2.74)

†KvwU UvKvq

2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15
AvqKi c~e© bxU gybvdv 134.80 275.58 263.73 307.14 299.92
AvqKi cieZ©x gybvdv 101.45 207.91 199.01 231.68 225.32


wewb‡qvM ‡_‡K Avq :
MZ 26 RyjvB, 1998 Zvwi‡L hgybv A‡qj †Kv¤úvbx wjwg‡UW gwej mvD_ Gwkqv Bb‡fó‡g›Um wjwg‡UW Gi mv‡_ R‡q›U †fÂvi
†Kv¤úvwb Ògwej hgybv jyweª‡K›Um wjwg‡UW (Gg‡RGjGj)Ó I Ògwej hgybv dz‡qjm wjwg‡UW (Gg‡RGdGj)Ó MV‡bi wel‡q
Pzw³cÎ ¯^v¶i K‡i| G `ywU †hŠ_ D‡`¨vMx †Kv¤úvwb‡Z 25% †kqvi eve` hgybv A‡qj †Kv¤úvbx wjwg‡UW cÖwZwU †Kv¤úvwb‡Z
877.00 j¶ UvKv wn‡m‡e †gvU 1754.00 j¶ UvKv wewb‡qvM K‡i‡Q| D‡j-L¨, weMZ 08-05-2003 Zvwi‡L Gg‡RGjGj
evwYwR¨K Drcv`b ïi“ K‡i| gwej hgybv jyweª‡K›Um wjwg‡UW Gi bvg cwieZ©xZ n‡q Gg‡RGj (evsjv‡`k) wjwg‡UW n‡q‡Q|
Gg‡RGj evsjv‡`k wjwg‡UW 40.00 (Pwj-k) †KvwU UvKv g~j¨gv‡bi AvBwcI evRv‡i Qv‡o Ges †m‡Þ¤^i 2011 gv‡m XvKv I
PÆMÖvg ÷K G·‡P‡Äi ZvwjKvf~³ nq| AvBwcI Gi gva¨‡g 40.00 (Pwj-k) †KvwU UvKvi (cÖwZwU 10 UvKv g~‡j¨ 4,00,00,000
†kqvi) ‡kqvi Bmy¨ cieZ©x Gg‡RGj evsjv‡`k wjwg‡UW-G eZ©gv‡b AÎ †Kv¤úvwbi †kqvi †nvwìs cwRkb 19.45%| Gg‡RGj
evsjv‡`k wjwg‡UW cÖwZwU 10 UvKv g~‡j¨i †kqvi 115.00 UvKv `‡i evRv‡i †Q‡o‡Q| †Kv¤úvwbi g~j wewb‡qvM 877.00 j¶ UvKvi
wecix‡Z †d¬v‡UW g~‡j¨ †Kv¤úvwbi †kqv‡ii g~j¨gvb `uvovq 403.42 †KvwU UvKv| ïi“ ‡_‡K Ryb 2015 ch©š— Gg‡RGj evsjv‡`k
wjwg‡UW n‡Z bM` jf¨vsk wn‡m‡e 4813.01 j¶ UvKv Ges †evbvm ‡kqvi wn‡m‡e 4,45,82,295wU †kqvi AwR©Z n‡q‡Q|
eZ©gv‡b hgybvi gvwjKvbvq †evbvm †kqvimn me©‡gvU †kqvi msL¨v `uvwo‡q‡Q cÖwZwU 10 UvKv g~‡j¨i 5,33,52,295wU| 31 wW‡m¤^i
2014 mgvß eQ‡i Gg‡RGj evsjv‡`k wjwg‡UW 15% bM` jf¨vsk Ges 15% ÷K jf¨vsk Aby‡gv`b K‡i| †NvwlZ jf¨vsk
Abyhvqx AÎ †Kv¤úvwb Av‡jvP¨ eQ‡i bM` jf¨vsk wn‡m‡e 6,95,89,950.00 UvKv Ges óK jf¨vsk wnmv‡e 69,58,995 wU †kqvi
†c‡q‡Q| 30-06-2015 Zvwi‡L Gg‡RGj evsjv‡`k wjwg‡UW G AÎ ‡Kv¤úvwbi gvwjKvbvaxb †kqv‡ii cwigvY cÖwZwU 10.00
UvKv g~‡j¨i 5,33,52,295 wU hvi evRvi g~j¨ cÖwZwU 108.10 nv‡i (30-06-2015) †gvU 576,73,83,090.00 UvKv|
mv‡eK Gg‡RGdGj eZ©gv‡b I‡giv dz‡qjm wjwg‡UW G †Kv¤úvwbi 877.00 j¶ UvKv wewb‡qv‡Mi wecix‡Z 25% ‡kqv‡ii Rb¨
10.00 UvKv AwewnZ g~‡j¨i 87,70,000wU †kqv‡ii gvwjKvbv i‡q‡Q| B‡Zvg‡a¨ mg¯— †kqvi †Kv¤úvwbi bv‡g Bmy¨ Kiv n‡q‡Q|
I‡giv dz‡qj&m wjwg‡UW Gi wba©vwiZ Rwg‡Z cÖwZwU 5,000 †gwUªK Ub K¨vcvwmwUi †gvU 14wU †óv‡iR U¨vsK wbg©vY K‡i Avš—R©vwZK
gv‡bi 70,000 †gwUªK Ub gRy` aviY ¶gZvi U¨vsK Uvwg©bvj cÖwZôv Kiv n‡q‡Q Ges AvMó-2013 n‡Z e¨emvwqK Kvh©µg ïi“
n‡q‡Q| 2014 mv‡ji Rb¨ I‡giv dz‡qjm wjwg‡UW †Kvb wWwf‡WÛ †NvlYv K‡iwb| 31 wW‡m¤^i 2014 Zvwi‡Li wbixw¶Z Avw_©K
weeiYx Abyhvqx I‡giv dz‡qjm wjwg‡UW Gi cÖwZwU 10 UvKv g~‡j¨i †kqv‡ii †bU G¨v‡mU f¨vjy (GbGwf) 101.04 UvKv A_©vr 31
wW‡m¤^i 2014 Zvwi‡L I‡giv dz‡qjm wjwg‡U‡W 877.00 j¶ UvKv wewb‡qvM 31 wW‡m¤^i, 2014 Zvwi‡L 8861.21 j¶ UvKvq
DcbxZ n‡q‡Q| wbixw¶Z Avw_©K weeiYx Abyhvqx 31 wW‡m¤^i, 2014 Zvwi‡L mgvß A_© eQ‡i I‡giv dz‡qjm wjt Gi †kqvi cÖwZ
Avq n‡q‡Q 2.30 UvKv| fwel¨‡Z AÎ †Kv¤úvwb I‡giv dz‡qj&m wjwg‡UW †_‡K gybvdv AR©b Ki‡Z cvi‡e e‡j Avkv Kiv hvq|
†kqvi g~jab :
Aby‡gvw`Z g~jab : UvKv
30,00,00,000 mvaviY †kqvi cÖwZwU 10 UvKv g~‡j¨ 3,000,000,000.00
cwi‡kvwaZ gyjab :
11,04,24,600 wU mvaviY †kqvi cÖwZwU 10 UvKv g~‡j¨ Bmy¨K…Z 1,104,246,000.00
30 Ryb, 2015 Zvwi‡L †kqvi‡nvwìs wPÎ
†kqvi msL¨v %
†kqvi‡nvìv‡ii †kªYx wefvRb :
K) evsjv‡`k †c‡Uªvwjqvg Ki‡cv‡ikb 66,346,774 60.08
L) cÖvwZôvwbK (Avw_©K I Ab¨vb¨ cÖwZôvb) 27,569,298 24.97
¯’vbxq 26,063,671 23.60
ˆe‡`wkK 1,505,627 1.37
M) e¨w³ 16,508,528 14.95
¯’vbxq 16,310,811 14.77
Awbevmx evsjv‡`kx 160,834 0.15
we‡`kx 36,883 0.03
me©‡gvU t 110,424,600 100


30 Ryb, 2015 Zvwi‡L †Kv¤úvwbi †kqvi‡nvwìs Ae¯’vb
cÖwZôvb (ˆe‡`wkK) e¨w³MZ (¯’vbxq)
1.37% 14.77% e¨w³MZ (ˆe‡`wkK)
cÖwZôvb (¯’vbxq) 0.03%


wewcwm cÖwZôvb (¯’vbxq) cÖwZôvb (ˆe‡`wkK) e¨w³MZ (¯’vbxq) e¨w³MZ (ˆe‡`wkK)

Avw_©K djvdj I e›Ub :

cwiPvjbv cl©` Avb‡›`i m‡½ 2014-2015 A_© eQ‡ii Avw_©K djvdj I gybvdv e›U‡bi Rb¨ wbgœiƒc mycvwik K‡i‡Qb :
K) Avw_©K djvdj :
AvqKi c~e© bxU gybvdv 299,92,26,414
AvqKi eve` eivÏ (74,60,38,116)
AvqKi ev` bxU gybvdv 225,31,88,298
c~e©eZ©x erm‡ii Aew›UZ jv‡fi †Ri 24,98,37,965
e›Ub‡hvM¨ gybvdv 250,30,26,263

L) e›U‡bi mycvwik :
1. 100% bM` jf¨vsk 110,42,46,000 UvKv cwi‡kvwaZ 110,42,46,000
g~ja‡bi wecix‡Z
2. cieZ©x eQ‡i Aew›UZ gybvdv Lv‡Z ¯’vbvš—i 139,87,80,263
me©‡gvU = 250,30,26,263

jf¨vsk :
m¤§vwbZ †kqvi‡nvìviM‡Yi ¯^v_©, PjwZ eQ‡ii Kvh©µg, fwel¨r cwiKíbv Ges g~jabx e¨q ch©v‡jvPbv c~e©K cwiPvjbv cl©`
2014-2015 A_© eQ‡ii Rb¨ 100 kZvsk nv‡i bM` jf¨vsk A_©vr; ‡kqvi cÖwZ 10.00 UvKv cÖ`v‡bi mycvwik K‡i‡Q| D‡j-L¨,
eZ©gv‡b R¡vjvwb ‡Zj wewµi ‡¶‡Î miKvi Aby‡gvw`Z ‡Kv¤úvwbi gvwR©b AcÖZzj weavq G Lv‡Z Av‡qi cwigvY Avkvbyiƒc bq|
wewcwm B‡Zvg‡a¨ †cÖvWv± gvwR©b e„w×i Rb¨ e¨e¯’v MÖnY K‡i‡Q Ges †cÖvWv± n¨vÛwjs Kwgkb e„w× K‡i‡Q| Aciw`‡K Ab¨vb¨
Acv‡iwUs Lv‡Z eZ©gv‡b †Kv¤úvwbi Av‡qi cwigvY †gvUvgywU m‡š—vlRbK n‡jI D³ Avq e„w× cv‡e GgbUv Avkv Kiv hvq bv|
GQvov Ab¨vb¨ bb-Acv‡iwUs Lv‡Z Avq c~‡e©i Zzjbvq n«vm †c‡q‡Q| GgZve¯’vq, †Kv¤úvwbi g~j e¨emv A_©vr; cwi‡kvwaZ R¡vjvwb
†Zj, jye A‡qj I GjwcwR wewµ e„w× Ges fvov Lv‡Z Avq e„w×i j‡¶¨ †Kv¤úvwbi wm‡jU wW‡cvi m¤úªmviY, mvP&bv evRvi I
SvjKvwV wW‡cv ¯’vc‡bi Rb¨ Rwg µq, cÖavb ¯’vcbvq Aviwmwm †RwU ¯’vcb, wewfbœ wW‡cv‡Z †óv‡iR U¨vsK wbg©vY, A‡Uv U¨vsK
†MwRs wm‡÷g ¯’vcb, wewcwmÕi ZË¡veav‡b gsjvq GjwcwR eUwjs c-̈v›U I A‡qj B݇U‡jkb ¯’vcb cÖK‡í wewb‡qvM,
Kw¤úDUvivBRW GKvDw›Us wm‡÷g cÖPjb, PÆMÖvg¯’ cÖavb ¯’vcbvq 4Zjv Awdm feb wbg©vY Ges XvKvi KvIivb evRv‡i Aew¯’Z
hgybv fe‡bi 2q c‡e© 18 Zjv m¤cÖmviY Kiv n‡”Q| Dc‡iv³ Dbœqb e¨q we‡ePbvq Av‡jvP¨ A_© eQ‡i cwiPvjbv cl©` Dc‡iv³
jf¨vsk †NvlYv K‡i‡Q|


RvZxq †KvlvMv‡i Rgv :
2014-2015 A_© eQ‡i ‡Kv¤úvwb g~mK, AvqKi I Ab¨vb¨ Lv‡Z miKvwi †KvlvMv‡i me©‡gvU 7,865.09 j¶ UvKv Rgv w`‡q‡Q|
weMZ 2013-2014 A_© eQ‡i Gi cwigvY wQj 7,772.55 j¶ UvKv A_©vr; Av‡jvP¨ A_© eQ‡i RvZxq †KvlvMv‡i 92.54 j¶ UvKv
†ekx Rgv †`qv n‡q‡Q| LvZIqvix weeiY wbgœiƒc :
j¶ UvKv
weeiY 2014-2015 2013-2014
g~mK 749.15 802.40
AvqKi 7030.24 6863.64
Ab¨vb¨ 85.70 106.51
‡gvU 7865.09 7772.55

K‡c©v‡iU Mf‡b©Ý :
hgybv A‡qj †Kv¤úvbx wjwg‡UW cÖPwjZ AvBb I wewa weavb Abymi‡Yi gva¨‡g mye¨e¯’vcbvi cÖ‡qvRbxq c`‡¶c MÖn‡Y e×cwiKi|
G †Kv¤úvwb ¯^íZg mg‡qi g‡a¨ K‡c©v‡iU e¨e¯’vcbvi gvb Dbœq‡bi cÖ‡qvRbxq e¨e¯’v MÖn‡Y m‡Pó Av‡Q| G †Kv¤úvwb XvKv ÷K
G·‡PÄ I PÆMÖvg ÷K G·‡PÄ G ZvwjKvf~³ n‡q‡Q weavq evsjv‡`k wmwKDwiwUR I G·‡PÄ Kwgk‡bi wewa-weavb Abyhvqx
Avw_©K weeiYx I †kqvi gvwjKvbvi wel‡q cÖwZ‡e`b h_vmg‡q KZ…©c‡¶i wbKU `vwLj K‡i _v‡Kb| Avcbv‡`i AeMwZi Rb¨
evsjv‡`k wmwKDwiwUR I G·‡PÄ Kwgk‡bi †bvwUwd‡Kkb bv¤^vi SEC/CMRRD/2006-158/134/ADMIN/44 ZvwiL
07-08-2012 I SEC/CMRRD/2006-158/147/ADMIN/48 ZvwiL 21-07-2013 Abyhvqx Kgc-¨v‡qÝ cÖwZ‡e`b Ges
¸i“Z¡c~Y© cwiPvjb I Avw_©K Z_¨vw` GZ`&m‡½ mshy³ Kiv n‡q‡Q (mshyw³ 1-5)|


mvgvwRK `vqe×Zv :
2014-2015 A_© erm‡i mvgvwRK `vqe×Zv Kvh©µ‡gi AvIZvq XvKv †gwW‡Kj K‡j‡Ri evY© BDwbU, wewfbœ wk¶v cÖwZôvb, `vZe¨
cÖwZôvb, gv`ªvmv I gmwR`mn Ab¨vb¨ Dcvmbvj‡q †gvU 26.00 j¶ UvKv cÖ`vb Kiv n‡q‡Q| fwel¨‡ZI Abyiƒc mvgvwRK
`vqe×Zv msµvš— Kvh©µg Ae¨vnZ _vK‡e|
evwl©K Kg©m¤úv`b Pzw³ :
Kg©m¤úv`b e¨e¯’v ¸bMZ I cwigvYMZ g~j¨vq‡bi j‡¶¨ miKvwi Kg©m¤úv`b e¨e¯’vcbv c×wZ cÖeZ©b Kiv n‡q‡Q| Gi AvIZvq
wbqgvbyhvqx R¡vjvwb I LwbR m¤ú` wefv‡Mi mv‡_ evsjv‡`k †c‡Uªvwjqvg Ki‡cv‡ik‡bi Ges evsjv‡`k †c‡Uªvwjqvg Ki‡cv‡ik‡bi
mv‡_ AÎ †Kv¤úvwbi evwl©K Kg©m¤úv`b Pzw³cÎ 2015-2016 m¤úv`b Kiv n‡q‡Q| m¤úvw`Z Pzw³i welqe¯‘ `¶ I djcÖmyfv‡e
ev¯—evqb Kiv hv‡e e‡j Avkv Kiv hvq|
RvZxq ï×vPvi †KŠkj :
miKv‡ii wb‡`©kbv Abymv‡i †Kv¤úvwb chv©‡q RvZxq ï×vPvi †KŠkj ev¯—evq‡bi wbwg‡Ë mgqve× Kg© cwiKíbv cÖYqb Kiv n‡q‡Q|
RvZxq ï×vPvi †KŠkj ev¯—evq‡bi j‡¶ †Kv¤úvwb‡Z GKwU ˆbwZKZv KwgwU MVb Kiv n‡q‡Q| †Kv¤úvwb mgqve× Kg©cwiKíbv
m‡gZ ‰bwZKZv KwgwUi mfvi Kvh©weeiYx evsjv‡`k †c‡Uªvwjqvg Ki‡cv‡ik‡b †cÖiY Kiv nq| RvZxq ï×vPvi †KŠkj ev¯—evq‡bi
j‡¶¨ GKRb Kg©KZv©‡K †dvKvj c‡q›U wn‡m‡e wb‡qvM Kiv n‡q‡Q|
Kg©KZ©v-Kg©Pvix m¤úK© :
Av‡jvP¨ A_© eQ‡i †Kv¤úvwbi kªg m¤ú‡K©i †¶‡Î Avš—wiK Ges kvwš—c~Y© cwi‡ek eRvq wQj| evsjv‡`k kªg AvBb Abyhvqx
2 eQi Aš—i wØcvw¶K Pzw³bvgvi gva¨‡g kªwgK Kg©Pvix‡`i `vexbvgv wb®úwË Kiv n‡q _v‡K| †Kv¤úvwbi Rbe‡ji Af¨š—ixY
`¶Zv e„w×, Zv‡`i Kg©m¤úv`b cÖwµqv, Kg©cwiPvjbv Ges Kg©cwi‡e‡ki Dbœq‡bi Rb¨ wewea e¨e¯’v MÖnY Ki‡Z me©`v m‡Pó
gvbe m¤ú` Dbœqb :
R¡vjvwb †Z‡ji n¨vÛwjs, gRyZKiY, †md&wU I wmwKDwiwU wbwðZKiYmn †`‡ki me©Î e›Ub I wecYb msµvš— e¨vcK Kvh©µg
m¤úv`‡bi Rb¨ G †Kv¤úvwb‡Z GK`j `¶ gvbe m¤ú` i‡q‡Q| G gvbe m¤ú‡`i gvb AviI Dbœq‡bi Rb¨ †`‡k I we‡`‡k
cÖwk¶Y, Kg©kvjvq Ask MÖnYmn Ab¨vb¨ cÖ‡qvRbxq c`‡¶c MÖnY Kiv n‡q‡Q|
cwi‡ek msi¶Y I Kj¨vY Kvh©µg :
G †Kv¤úvwb †¶Î we‡k‡l cwi‡ek `~lYKvix wn‡m‡e we‡ewPZ R¡vjvwb †Z‡ji e¨emv K‡i weavq †Kvb Ae¯’vq hv‡Z
†Kv¤úvwbi cwiPvjb Kvh©µ‡gi d‡j b`x `~lY ev Ab¨ †Kvb cÖKvi cwi‡ek `~lY bv n‡Z cv‡i †m wel‡q me©`v mRvM `„wó
iv‡L Ges GZwØl‡q AeKvVv‡gvMZ myweavw` wbwðZ K‡i‡Q| cwi‡ek msi¶‡Yi Rb¨ G †Kv¤úvwbi cÖavb ¯’vcbv I
wW‡cvmg~‡n e„¶ †ivcY Kiv n‡q‡Q| Av‡jvP¨ eQ‡i we‡bv`bg~jK wewfbœ Abyôvb †hgb eb‡fvRb, †Ljvayjv, mvs¯‹…wZK
Abyôvb BZ¨vw` Av‡qvRb Kiv n‡q‡Q| G †Kv¤úvwb wewfbœ RvZxq w`emmg~n ¸i“Z¡mnKv‡i cvjb K‡i _v‡K| GQvov
Kg©KZ©v, Kg©Pvix I kªwgK‡`i †cvl¨M‡Yi wk¶v‡¶‡Î K…wZ‡Z¡i Rb¨ e„wË cÖ`vb Kiv n‡q‡Q hv‡Z Zviv fwel¨‡Z AviI fvj
Kivi Drmvn cvq|


AwWU wi‡cvU© msµvš— e¨vL¨v :
30 Ryb, 2015 Zvwi‡L mgvß A_©-erm‡ii AwWU wi‡cv‡U© hyM¥-wbix¶K KZ©„K AwWU wi‡cv‡U© 2wU wel‡q ch©‡e¶Y cÖ`vb Kiv
n‡q‡Q| m¤§vwbZ †kqvi‡nvìvie„‡›`i m`q AeMwZi Rb¨ G wel‡q cwiPvjbv cl©‡`i e³e¨ I e¨vL¨v Dc¯’vcb Kiv n‡jv :
hyM¥-wbix¶K Gi ch©‡e¶Y cwiPvjbv cl©‡`i e³e¨ I e¨vL¨v
i) No balance confirmation certificate was †bv‡U ewY©ZcÖwZôvb mg~‡ni g‡a¨ meB miKvwi I ¯^vqZ¡kvwmZ cÖwZôvb|
produced to us to verify the balance D³ cÖwZôvbmg~‡ni mv‡_ †Kv¤úvwbi e¨emvwqK †jb‡`b i‡q‡Q| d‡j
outstanding with respective debtors (note-7). e¨v‡jÝ mx‡U D‡j-wLZ †`bv/cvIbvi e¨v‡jÝ wbwðZKi‡Yi Rb¨ wbix¶v
cÖwZôvb؇qi c¶ n‡Z cÎ †jLv n‡q‡Q Ges †Kv¤úvwbi c¶ †_‡KI
mswk-ó cÖwZôvbmg~‡ni mv‡_ G wel‡q †hvMv‡hvM Ae¨vnZ Av‡Q| wKš‘
wbix¶v PjvKvjxb mg‡q cÖwZôvbmg~n wbix¶K‡`i cÎ Øviv e¨v‡jÝ
wbwðZ bv Kivi Kvi‡Y wbix¶KØq ch©‡e¶‡Y gZvgZ w`‡q‡Q|
ii) While Chittagong Dry Dock Ltd. was in the †Kv¤úvwbi 2.10 GKi fywg wPUvMvs WªvB WK wjwg‡UW KZ©„K c~e©n‡Z
possession of 2.10 acres land owned by the `Lj I e¨eüZ n‡q AvmwQj| cieZ©x‡Z †Kv¤úvwbi c¶ n‡Z
Company the Chittagong Development wPUvMvsWªvB WK wjwg‡U‡W e¨eüZ f~wg ev¯—e cwigvc K‡i Zv‡`i `L‡j
Authority constructed Airport road on 0.3859 1.7116 GKi (74558 eM©dzU) fywg cvIqv hvq|D³ f~wg e¨env‡ii
acres land without paying any compensation to
Rb¨ WªvB WK 2000 mvj ch©š—mg‡qi m¤ú~Y© fvov cwi‡kva K‡i‡QGes
the Company. For the balance 1.7116 (74,558
2001 mvj †_‡K 2014mvj ch©š—mg‡qi AvswkK fvov cwi‡kva
sft.) acres land Company received Tk. 279,592
on account of rent of the land for the period
K‡i‡Q| wPUvMvs WªvB WK wjwg‡UW‡K e‡Kqv fvov cwi‡kva Ges jxR
from 01.07.2012 to 31.12.2014 on 08.06.2015. GwMÖ‡g›U m¤úv`b Kivi Rb¨ GKvwaKevi cÎ †cÖiY Kiv n‡q‡Q Ab¨_vq
The Company is communicating either to Rwg †diZ PvIqv n‡q‡Q| welqwU ¯^íZg mg‡qi g‡a¨ myivnv n‡e
return the land or to sign a rental agreement for e‡jAvkv Kiv hvq| Aewkó 0.3859 GKi RvqMv wmwWG KZ©„K wbwg©Z
this land. The fate of 0.51 acres land occupied I m¤cÖmvwiZ Gqvi †cvU© †iv‡W e¨eüZ n‡q‡Q| wmwWG KZ©„K e¨eüZ
by three filling stations is uncertain as the 0.3859 GKi Rwgi Rb¨ ¶wZc~iY `vex Kiv n‡e| Aciw`‡K 0.51
Company Officials cannot locate these lands GKi f~wgi Dci cvwK¯—vb Avgj †_‡K †gmvm© cvnvoZjx wdwjs †ókb,
(note-3.2). nvUnvRvix wdwjs †ókb IKvjyiNvU wdwjs †ókb ¯’vwcZ Av‡Q| G me
wdwjs †ók‡bi wel‡q AvBbMZ e¨e¯’v MÖn‡Yi gva¨‡g welqwU myivnvKiY
cÖwµqvaxb Av‡Q|



Avw_©K weeiYxi Dci cÖwZ‡e`b :
Avw_©K weeiYxmg~n †Kv¤úvwbi Avw_©K Ae¯’v, cwiPvjb djvdj, bM` cÖevn I †kqvi‡nvìvi‡`i Znwej cwieZ©b Gi mwVK I
wbLyuZ wPÎ Dc¯’vcb K‡i‡Q|
AvBbvbyhvqx h_vh_ wnmv‡ei eB msi¶Y Kiv n‡q‡Q|
Avw_©K weeiYx cÖYq‡b h_vh_ wnmve bxwZgvjv AbymiY Kiv n‡q‡Q Ges wnmv‡ei cÖv°jb wgZe¨wq I b¨vqmsMZ wQj|
evsjv‡`‡k cÖ‡hvR¨ Avš—R©vwZK wnmve gvbmg~n (weGGm) AbymiY K‡i Avw_©K weeiYxmg~n cÖ¯‘Z Kiv n‡q‡Q|
Af¨š—ixY wbqš¿Y e¨e¯’v DËgiƒ‡c cÖYqb, Kvh©Kifv‡e cÖ‡qvM I Z`viKx Kiv n‡q‡Q|
†Kv¤úvwb Pjgvb cÖwZôvb wn‡m‡e we`¨gvb _vKvi wel‡q †Kvb †gŠwjK m‡›`n bvB|
weMZ erm‡ii Zzjbvq cwiPvjb djvd‡j †Kvb Zvrch©c~Y© wePz¨wZ bvB|
2014-2015 mv‡j AbywôZ †evW© mfvi msL¨v I cwiPvjKe„‡›`i Dcw¯’wZ wbgœiƒc :

cwiPvjKe„‡›`i bvg c`ex AbywôZ mfv Dcw¯’wZ

Rbve †gvnv¤§` Avey Zv‡ni †Pqvig¨vb 01 01
Rbve †gvt AveyeKi wmwÏK †Pqvig¨vb 10 10
Rbve †gvt BDbymyi ingvb cwiPvjK 04 03
Rbve G. Gg. e`i“‡ÏvRv cwiPvjK 07 07
Rbve †gvt AvjvDwÏb cwiPvjK 11 11
Rbve ggZvR-Avjv-kvKzi Avn‡g` cwiPvjK 11 10
Rbve †gvt Avãyj nvwKg cwiPvjK 11 10
Rbve †gvt Avey BDmyd wgqv cwiPvjK 02 02
Rbve Gg. iwdKzj Bmjvg cwiPvjK 07 07
KvRx †Rey‡bœQv †eMg cwiPvjK 02 01
Rbve L g nvmvb Kwei Avwid cwiPvjK 07 07
Rbve mvBdzwÏb Avn‡g` f~uBqv cwiPvjK 02 02
Rbve †gvRv‡¤§j nK f~uBqv cwiPvjK 11 08
e¨e¯’vcbv cwiPvjK I 07 07
Rbve Avjxg DwÏb Avng`
Rbve †gvt gvmy`yi ingvb e¨e¯’vcbv cwiPvjK I
04 04


1. 30 Ryb, 2015 Zvwi‡L †kqvi‡nvwìs Gi wPÎ :
µwgK bs †kqvi‡nvìvi †kqvi msL¨v kZvsk gš—e¨
(K) evsjv‡`k †c‡Uªvwjqvg Ki‡cv‡ikb 6,63,46,774 60.08 hgybv A‡qj †Kv¤úvbx wjwg‡UW
evsjv‡`k †c‡Uªvwjqvg Ki‡cv‡ik‡bi
(L) cÖwZôvb 2,75,69,298 24.97 GKwU A½ cÖwZôvb|

(M) e¨w³ 1,65,08,528 14.95

11,04,24,600 100.00
2. cwiPvjK, cÖavb wbe©vnx Kg©KZ©v, †Kv¤úvbx mwPe, cÖavb A_©
Kg©KZ©v (wmGdI), Avf¨š—ixY wbix¶v cÖavb Ges Zv‡`i †cvl¨MY|
Rbve G. Gg. e`i“‡ÏvRv - -
Rbve †gvt AvjvDwÏb - -
Rbve ggZvR-Avjv-kvKzi Avn‡g` - -
Rbve †gvt Avãyj nvwKg - -
Rbve KvRx †Rey‡bœQv †eMg - -
Rbve mvBdzwÏb Avn‡g` f~uBqv - -
Rbve †gvRv‡¤§j nK f~uBqv 31,460 0.03%
Rbve †gvt gvmy`yi ingvb - -
cÖavb wbe©vnx Kg©KZ©v, Zuvi †cvl¨ I AcÖvß eq¯‹ mš—vb :
Rbve †gvt gvmy`yi ingvb - -
†Kv¤úvbx mwPe Zuvi †cvl¨ I AcÖvß eq¯‹ mš—vb :
Rbve †gvt bvRgyj nK - -
wmGdI Zuvi †cvl¨ I AcÖvß eq¯‹ mš—vb
Rbve †gvt bvRgyj nK - -
Avf¨š—ixY wbix¶v cÖavb, Zuvi †cvl¨ I AcÖvß eq¯‹ mš—vb :
Rbve †gvnv¤§` Lmi“ AvRv` - -
3. wbe©vnxMY (cÖavb wbe©vnx Kg©KZ©v, cÖavb A_© Kg©KZ©v (wmGdI), †Kv¤úvbx mwPe,
Avf¨š—ixY wbix¶v cÖavb e¨ZxZ m‡e©v”P cuvP Rb †eZb‡fvMx Kg©KZ©v) :
1. Rbve †gvt AvBqye †nv‡mb - Dc-gnve¨e¯’vcK (wW.Gj.I.) XvKv - -
2. Rbve nvexeyj gywnZ - Dc-gnve¨e¯’vcK (GBP. Avi.) - -
3. Rbve KvRx gbRyi ingvb - Dc-gnve¨e¯’vcK (cwiPvjb) - -
4. Rbve †gvt kvgmyj Av‡iwdb - Dc-gnve¨e¯’vcK (†¯úkvj GmvBb‡g›U) - -
5. Rbve †gvt Rwmg DwÏb - Dc-gnve¨e¯’vcK (c-vwbs GÛ B‡Kv‡bvwg·) - -
4. †kqvi‡nvìvi hvi 10% ev Z‡ZvwaK †fvUvwaKvi i‡q‡Q :
evsjv‡`k †c‡Uªvwjqvg Ki‡cv‡ikb
6,63,46,774 60.08%


Compliance Status of BSEC Guidelines for Corporate Governance
Status of compliance by Jamuna Oil Company Limited (JOCL) with the Corporate Governance (CG)
Guidelines issued by BSEC through Notification No. SEC/ CMRRCD/2006-158/134/Admin/44
dated 07 August, 2012 and Notification No.SEC /CMRRCD /2006-158/147/Admin/48 dated 21st
July, 2013
(Report under Condition No7.00)
Compliance status
(Put in the
Condition Remarks (if
Title appropriate column)
No. any)
1 2 3 4 5
1 Board of Directors:
Board’s Size: The number of the board members of the company shall not be less The JOCL
than 5 (five) and more than 20 (twenty): Board is
1.1  comprised of 09
(Nine) Directors.
Independent Directors:
All companies shall encourage effective representation of independent directors on their Board of Directors so that the
Board, as a group, includes core competencies considered relevant in the context of each company. For this purpose, the
companies shall comply with the following:-
There are 01 (One)
At least one fifth (1/5) of the total number of directors in the company’s board Independent
shall be independent directors.
 Director in the
JOCL Board.
1.2(ii) For the purpose of this clause “independent director” means a director -
Who either does not hold any share in the company or holds less than one
percent (1%) shares of the total paid-up shares of the company; 
Who is not a sponsor of the company and is not connected with the company’s
any sponsor or director or shareholder who holds one percent (1%) or more
shares of the total paid-up shares of the company on the basis of family
1.2(ii)b) relationship. His/her family members also should not hold above mentioned 
shares in the company:
Provided that spouse, son, daughter, father, mother, brother, sister, son-in-law
and daughter-in-law shall be considered as family members;
Who does not have any other relationship, whether pecuniary or otherwise, with
the company or its subsidiary/associated companies; 
1.2(ii)d) Who is not a member, director or officer of any stock exchange; 
Who is not a shareholder, director or officer of any member of stock exchange or
an intermediary of the capital market;

Who is not a partner or an executive or was not a partner or an executive during
the preceding 3 (three) years of the concerned company’s statutory audit firm; 
1.2(ii)g) Who shall not be an independent director in more than 3 (three) listed companies; 
Who has not been convicted by a court of competent jurisdiction as a defaulter in
payment of any loan to a bank or a Non-Bank Financial Institution (NBFI); 
1.2(ii)i) Who has not been convicted for a criminal offence involving moral turpitude. 
Board Of
appointed 01
The independent director(s) shall be appointed by the board of directors and Independent
approved by the shareholders in the Annual General Meeting (AGM).  Director & will
be duly
approved in
AGM to be held
on 27.02.2016
The post of independent director(s) cannot remain vacant for more than 90 No vacancy
(ninety) days.  occurred.
The Board shall lay down a code of conduct of all Board members and annual
1.2(v) 
compliance of the code to be recorded.
The tenure of office of an independent director shall be for a period of 3 (three)
years, which may be extended for 1 (one) term only. 


Compliance status
(Put in the
Condition Remarks (if
Title appropriate column)
No. any)
1 2 3 4 5
1.3 Qualification of Independent Director (ID)
Independent Director shall be a knowledgeable individual with integrity who is
1.3(i) able to ensure compliance with financial, regulatory and corporate laws and can 
make meaningful contribution to business.
The person should be a Business Leader/Corporate
Leader/Bureaucrat/University Teacher with Economics or Business Studies or
1.3(ii) Law background/Professionals like Chartered Accountants, Cost & Management 
Accountants, Chartered Secretaries. The independent director must have at
least 12 (twelve) years of corporate management/professional experiences.
In special cases the above qualifications may be relaxed subject to prior
approval of the Commission.
Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer
The positions of the Chairman of the Board and the Chief Executive Officer of
the companies shall be filled by different individuals. The Chairman of the
company shall be elected from among the directors of the company. The Board 
of Directors shall clearly define respective roles and responsibilities of the
Chairman and the Chief Executive Officer.
Directors’ Report to Shareholders:
1.5 The directors of the companies shall include the following additional statements in the Directors' Report prepared under
section 184 of the Companies Act, 1994 (Act No. XVIII of 1994):-
1.5(i) Industry outlook and possible future developments in the industry. 
1.5(ii) Segment-wise or product-wise performance. 
1.5(iii) Risks and concerns. 
1.5(iv) A discussion on Cost of Goods sold, Gross Profit Margin and Net Profit Margin. 
1.5(v) Discussion on continuity of any Extra-Ordinary gain or loss. 
Basis for related party transactions- a statement of all related party transactions
1.5(vi) should be disclosed in the annual report. 
Utilization of proceeds from public issues, rights issues and/or through any others Not
instruments. Applicable
An explanation if the financial results deteriorate after the company goes for Initial
1.5(viii) Public Offering (IPO), Repeat Public Offering (RPO), Rights Offer, Direct Listing, etc. Do
No Significant
If significant variance occurs between Quarterly Financial performance and Annual variance
1.5(ix) Financial Statements the management shall explain about the variance on their occurred
Annual Report. during the
1.5(x) Remuneration to directors including independent directors. 
The financial statements prepared by the management of the issuer company
present fairly its state of affairs, the result of its operations, cash flows and
changes in equity. 
1.5(xii) Proper books of account of the issuer company have been maintained. 
Appropriate accounting policies have been consistently applied in preparation of
the financial statements and that the accounting estimates are based on
reasonable and prudent judgment. 
International Accounting Standards (IAS)/Bangladesh Accounting Standards
(BAS)/International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS)/Bangladesh Financial
1.5(xiv) Reporting Standards (BFRS), as applicable in Bangladesh, have been followed in 
preparation of the financial statements and any departure there-from has been
adequately disclosed.
The system of internal control is sound in design and has been effectively
implemented and monitored. 


Compliance status
(Put in the
Condition Remarks (if
Title appropriate column)
No. any)
1 2 3 4 5
There are no significant doubts upon the issuer company’s ability to continue as No
a going concern. If the issuer company is not considered to be a going concern, Significant
the fact along with reasons thereof should be disclosed. doubt has
Significant deviations from the last year’s operating results of the issuer deviations
company shall be highlighted and the reasons thereof should be explained. was not
Key operating and financial data of at least preceding 5 (five) years shall be
summarized. 
If the issuer company has not declared dividend (cash or stock) for the year, the Not
reasons thereof shall be given. Applicable
The number of Board meetings held during the year and attendance by each
director shall be disclosed. 
The pattern of shareholding shall be reported to disclose the aggregate number of shares (along with name wise
details where stated below) held by:-
Parent/Subsidiary/Associated Companies and other related parties (name wise
details); 
Directors, Chief Executive Officer, Company Secretary, Chief Financial Officer,
Head of Internal Audit and their spouses and minor children (name wise details); 
Explanation: For the purpose of this clause, the expression “executive” means
1.5(xxi)(c) top 5 (five) salaried employees of the company, other than the Directors, Chief 
Executive Officer, Company Secretary, Chief Financial Officer and Head of
Internal Audit.
Shareholders holding ten percent (10%) or more votes interest in the company
1.5(xxi)(d) (name wise details). 
In case of the appointment/re-appointment of a director the company shall disclose the following information
1.5(xxii) to the shareholders:-
1.5(xxii)(a) a brief resume of the director; 
1.5(xxii)(b) nature of his/her expertise in specific functional areas; 
names of companies in which the person also holds the directorship and the
membership of committees of the board. 

2.1 Appointment:
The company shall appoint a Chief Financial Officer (CFO), a Head of Internal Audit
(Internal Control and Compliance) and a Company Secretary (CS). The Board of 
Directors should clearly define respective roles, responsibilities and duties of the
CFO, the Head of Internal Audit and the CS.
Requirement to Attend the Board Meetings:
The CFO and the Company Secretary of the companies shall attend the meetings of
2.2 the Board of Directors, provided that the CFO and/or the Company Secretary shall 
not attend such part of a meeting of the Board of Directors whichinvolves
consideration of an agenda item relating to their personal matters.
The company shall have an Audit Committee as a sub-committee of the Board of
Directors. 
The Audit Committee shall assist the Board of Directors in ensuring that the
3(ii) financial statements reflect true and fair view of the state of affairs of the company
and in ensuring a good monitoring system within the business.

The Audit Committee shall be responsible to the Board of Directors. The duties of the
Audit Committee shall be clearly set forth in writing. 


Compliance status
(Put in the
Condition Remarks (if
Title appropriate column)
No. any)
1 2 3 4 5
3.1 Constitution of the Audit Committee:
3.1(i) The Audit Committee shall be composed of at least 3 (three) members. 
The Board of Directors shall appoint members of the Audit Committee who
3.1(ii) shall be directors of the company and shall include at least 1 (one) 
independent director.
All members of the audit committee should be “financially literate” and at
least 1(one) member shall have accounting or related financial management
Explanation: The term “financially literate” means the ability to read and
3.1(iii) understand the financial statements like Balance Sheet, Income Statement 
and Cash Flow Statement and a person will be considered to have
accounting or related financial management expertise if (s)he possesses
professional qualification or Accounting/Finance graduate with at least 12
(twelve) years of corporate management/professional experiences.
When the term of service of the Committee members expires or there is any
circumstance causing any Committee member to be unable to hold office
until expiration of the term of service, thus making the number of the
Committee members to be lower than the prescribed number of 3 (three)
persons, the Board of Directors shall appoint the new Committee member(s) 
to fill up the vacancy(ies) immediately or not later than 1 (one) month from
the date of vacancy(ies) in the Committee to ensure continuity of the
performance of work of the Audit Committee.
3.1(v) The company secretary shall act as the secretary of the Committee. 
The quorum of the Audit Committee meeting shall not constitute without at
least 1 (one) independent director. 
3.2 Chairman of the Audit Committee:
The Board of Directors shall select 1 (one) member of the Audit Committee to
be Chairman of the Audit Committee, who shall be an independent director. 
Chairman of the audit committee shall remain present in the Annual
General Meeting (AGM).

Role of the Audit Committee:
Role of audit committee shall include the following:-
3.3(i) Oversee the financial reporting process. 
3.3(ii) Monitor choice of accounting policies and principles. 
3.3(iii) Monitor Internal Control Risk management process. 
3.3(iv) Oversee hiring and performance of external auditors. 
Review along with the management, the annual financial statements before
submission to the board for approval. 
Review along with the management, the quarterly and half yearly financial
statements before submission to the board for approval.

3.3(vii) Review the adequacy of internal audit function. 
Review statement of significant related party transactions submitted by the
management. 
Review Management Letters/ Letter of Internal Control weakness issued by
statutory auditors. 
When money is raised through Initial Public Offering (IPO)/Repeat Public
Offering (RPO)/Rights Issue the company shall disclose to the Audit
Committee about the uses/applications of funds by major category (capital
expenditure, sales and marketing expenses, working capital, etc), on a Not
quarterly basis, as a part of their quarterly declaration of financial results. Applicable
Further, on an annual basis, the company shall prepare a statement of
funds utilized for the purposes other than those stated in the offer


Compliance status
(Put in the
Condition Remarks (if
Title appropriate column)
No. any)
1 2 3 4 5
3.4 Reporting of the Audit Committee:
3.4.1 Reporting to the Board of Directors:
3.4.1(i) The Audit Committee shall report on its activities to the Board of Directors. 
3.4.1(ii) The Audit Committee shall immediately report to the Board of Directors on the following findings, if any:-
There was no
case of
3.4.1(ii)(a) report on conflicts of interests; conflict of
interest in
There was no
suspected or presumed fraud or irregularity or material defect in the
3.4.1(ii)(b) such case in
internal control system; the year.
suspected infringement of laws, including securities related laws, rules and Not
regulations; Applicable
any other matter which shall be disclosed to the Board of Directors Not
immediately. Applicable
Reporting to the Authorities:
If the Audit Committee has reported to the Board of Directors about anything
which has material impact on the financial condition and results of operation and
has discussed with the Board of Directors and the management that any No such
3.4.2 rectification is necessary and if the Audit Committee finds that such rectification matter to
has been unreasonably ignored, the Audit Committee shall report such finding to report on
the Commission, upon reporting of such matters to the Board of Directors for
three times or completion of a period of 6 (six) months from the date of first
reporting to the Board of Directors, whichever is earlier.
Reporting to the Shareholders and General Investors:
Report on activities carried out by the Audit Committee, including any
3.5 report made to the Board of Directors under condition 3.4.1 (ii) above 
during the year, shall be signed by the Chairman of the Audit Committee
and disclosed in the annual report of the issuer company.
4 The issuer company should not engage its external/statutory auditors to perform the following services of the company; namely

4(i) Appraisal or valuation services or fairness opinions. 

4(ii) Financial information systems design and implementation. 
Book-keeping or other services related to the accounting records or
financial statements. 
4(iv) Broker-dealer services. 
4(v) Actuarial services. 
4(vi) Internal audit services. 
4(vii) Any other service that the Audit Committee determines. 
No partner or employees of the external audit firms shall possess any share
4(viii) of the company they audit at least during the tenure of their audit 
assignment of that company.
Audit / certification services on compliance of corporate governance as
4(ix) required under clause (i) of condition No.7 
Provisions relating to the composition of the Board of Directors of the
5(i) holding company shall be made applicable to the composition of the Board Applicable
of Directors of the subsidiary company.
At least 1 (one) independent director on the Board of Directors of the holding Not
company shall be a director on the Board of Directors of the subsidiary company. Applicable
The minutes of the Board meeting of the subsidiary company shall be placed
5(iii) DO
for review at the following Board meeting of the holding company.


Compliance status
(Put in the
Condition Remarks (if
Title appropriate column)
No. any)
1 2 3 4 5
The minutes of the respective Board meeting of the holding company shall state
5(iv) N/A Not Applicable
that they have reviewed the affairs of the subsidiary company also.
The Audit Committee of the holding company shall also review the financial
5(v) N/A Not Applicable
statements, in particular the investments made by the subsidiary company.
shall certify to the Board that:
They have reviewed financial statements for the year and that to the best of their
knowledge and belief :-
these statements do not contain any materially untrue statement or omit any
material fact or contain statements that might be misleading;

these statements together present a true and fair view of the company’s affairs
6(i)(b) 
and are in compliance with existing accounting standards and applicable laws.
There are, to the best of knowledge and belief, no transactions entered into by the
6(ii) company during the year which are fraudulent, illegal or violation of the company’s 
code of conduct.


The company shall obtain a certificate from a practicing Professional
Accountant/Secretary (Chartered Accountant/Cost and Management
Accountant/Chartered Secretary) regarding compliance of conditions of Corporate
Governance Guidelines of the Commission and shall send the same to the
shareholders along with the Annual Report on a yearly basis.
Explanation: Chartered Accountant means Chartered Accountant as defined in 
the Bangladesh Chartered Accountants Order, 1973 (President‘s Order No.2
of 1973); Cost & Management Accountant means Cost & Management
Accountant as defined in the Cost & Management Accountants Ordinance, 1977
(Ordinance No. LIII of 1977); Chartered Secretary means Chartered Secretary as
defined in the Chartered Secretaries Act, 2010 (Act No.25 of 2010)
The directors of the company shall state, in accordance with the Annexure
7(ii) attached, in the directors' report whether the company has complied with these 


¸i“Z¡c~Y© cwiPvjb I Avw_©K Z_¨vejx
weeiY 2014-15 2013-14 2012-13 2011-12 2010-11

e¨emvwqK djvdj
16.34 16.41 15.51 16.85 14.82
c‡Y¨i n¨vÛwjs (j¶ †gt Ub)
†c‡UªvwjqvgRvZ c‡Y¨i bxU Avq (j¶ UvKvq) 17,329.92 14,712.13 14,035.74 18,152.06 9,636.51
Ab¨vb¨ cwiPvjb Avq Ó 4,120.59 3,155.06 2,446.31 2,597.86 1,757.72
Ifvi †nWm/Dcwi LiP Ó 9,783.69 6,745.37 6,699.24 5,468.06 5,338.05
cwiPvjb gybvdv/(¶wZ) Ó 11,666.82 11,121.82 9,782.81 15,281.86 6,056.18
wewea Avq Ó 19,903.98 21,209.15 17,977.96 13,726.44 8,133.58
bxU gybvdv/(¶wZ) Ó 31,570.80 32,330.97 27,760.77 29,008.30 14,189.76
kªwgK‡`i gybvdvq Askx`vwiZ¡ Znwej Ó 1,578.54 1,616.55 1,388.04 1,450.41 709.49
AvqKi c~e© gybvdv/(¶wZ) Ó 29,992.26 30,714.42 26,372.73 27,557.89 13,480.27
AvqKi eve` eivÏ Ó 7,460.38 7,546.62 6,472.16 6,766.84 3,335.53
AvqKi cieZx© gybvdv Ó 22,531.88 23,167.80 19,900.57 20,791.05 10,144.74

Avw_©K Z_¨vejx
cwi‡kvwaZ g~jab (j¶ UvKvq) 11,042.46 10,038.60 9,126.00 7,020.00 5,400.00
†kqvi msL¨v (j¶ †kqv‡i) 1,104.25 1,003.86 912.60 702.00 540.00
bxU cwim¤ú`/†kqvi‡nvìvi‡`i Znwej (j¶ UvKvq) 150,997.88 118,982.86 101,059.29 87,565.24 84,281.05
†kqvi cÖwZ bxU m¤ú` g~j¨ (UvKv) 136.74 118.53 110.73 124.74 156.07
†kqvi cÖwZ Avq (UvKv) 20.40 23.08 21.81 29.62 18.79
†kqvi cÖwZ jf¨vsk - bM` (UvKv) 10.00 9.00 9.00 4.50 3.00
- ÷K - 10:100 10:100 30:100 30:100
PjwZ cwim¤ú` (j¶ UvKv) 283,599.61 215,347.51 154,459.83 167,646.28 144,283.40
PjwZ `vq Ó 259,897.30 192,542.70 139,538.41 150,548.19 117,914.48
PjwZ AbycvZ 1.09 1.12 1.11 1.11 1.22
†kqvi‡nvìvi‡`i Znwe‡ji wecix‡Z cÖvwß (%) 18.94 22.92 22.73 24.67 48.21
†gvU Rbm¤ú` (msL¨v) 556 533 554 563 522
Kg©KZ©v 127 137 139 142 137
kÖwgK I Kg©Pvix 429 396 415 421 385



Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim

Esteemed Shareholders,
Assalamu Alaikum warahmatullahe wabarakatuhu.
On behalf of the Board of Directors and on my behalf, I welcome all of you to the 40th Annual
General Meeting of Jamuna Oil Company Limited. Our warm felicitation to you all for taking the
hardship of attending this august occasion.
I inform you with grief and deep shock that the honourable former Secretary, Energy and Mineral
Resources Division and Chairman of Board of Directors of Jamuna Oil Company Limited Md.
Abubakar Siddique died early morning on Monday the 30th November, 2015 (Inna lillahi Wa Inna
Ilaihi Rajiun). We are deeply mourned at his death. May the Almighty rest his soul in peace and we
convey our condolences and sympathy to his bereaved family members. Jamuna Oil Company
Limited had been developed day by day with his talented, dynamic and skilful leadership during his
tenure as Chairman of Board of Directors.
Jamuna Oil Company Limited has been converted into Public Limited Company by the decision of
the Government on June 25, 2007 after running as a fully state owned enterprise after liberation and
as per the rule of the Bangladesh Securities & Exchange Commission (BSEC) 30% of its share was
off-loaded in the capital market through Dhaka Stock Exchange and Chittagong Stock Exchange
under the direct listing procedure from January 9, 2008. Subsequently, as per Govt. decision BPC
off-loaded another 53,55,000 shares from its holding to the capital market through ICB Securities
Trading Company Ltd. from 27/07/2011 to 11/09/2011. At present BPC holds 60.08% shares and the
general investors hold the rest 39.92%. Today, this AGM enriched with joint participation of ordinary
shareholders is being held for the 9th time.
This report has been prepared in adherence to the provision of section 184 of the Companies Act
1994, Rule 12 of the Securities & Exchange Rules 1987 and International Financial Reporting
Standards (IFRS) as adopted as Bangladesh Accounting Standards (BAS) and Bangladesh Financial
Reporting Standards (BFRS) by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Bangladesh (ICAB). The
Audited Financial Statements and Annual Report for the year ended 30th June, 2015 are presented
formally for your kind consideration and approval.
Business Performance :
It is obviously known to you that Jamuna Oil Company Limited as a subsidiary of Bangladesh
Petroleum Corporation has been marketing petroleum products for five decades. This concern has
been contributing significantly to the overall progress and development of the country by carrying out
uninterrupted supply of petroleum products in every nock and corner of the country at government
regulated price. The main aim and objective of the company is to ensure supply of fuels to the door
steps of the consumer in time at fixed price through sound operational management and efficient
marketing activities. During the Financial Year (FY) 2014-15, company’s sale of petroleum products
was 16.34 Lakh M. Ton as against 16.40 Lakh M. Tons in 2013-2014 (FY). During the FY 2014-2015
company’s overall sale of petroleum products decreased by 0.06 Lakh M. Tons (0.38%) in
comparison to the previous year.


Details of product-wise sale are as under :
Particulars 2014-2015 2013-2014 Increase/(Decrease) Growth
M. Ton M. Ton M. Ton %
HOBC 31,778 24,466 7,312 29.89
MS 55,225 57,003 (1,778) (3.12)
SKO 104,112 1,05,407 (1,295) (1.23)
HSD 1,075,701 10,44,350 31,351 3.00
FO 340,802 3,80,670 (39,868) (10.47)
JBO 4,828 5,654 (826) (14.61)
Total Petroleum Oil 1,612,446 1,617,550 (5,104) (0.32)
Lube & Grease 4,786 4,968 (182) (3.66)
Bitumen 13,086 14,005 (919) (6.56)
LPG 4,163 4,167 (4) (0.10)
Total 1,634,481 1,640,690 (6,209) (0.38)


Lub & Grease


Bitumen Petroleum
Petroleum Products Lub & Grease Bitumen LPG

The sale of petroleum products of the company decreased by 6,209 M. Tons (0.38%) in the year
2014-15 compared to the previous year. During the year sale of MS, SKO, FO, JBO, Lub/Grease,
Bitumen and LPG decreased by 1,778 M.Tons (3.12%), 1295 M.Tons (1.23%), 39868 M.Tons
(10.47%), 826 M.Tons (14.61%), 182 M.Tons (3.66%), 919 M.Tons (6.56%) and 4 M.Tons (0.10%)
respectively. On the other hand, sale of HOBC and HSD increased by 7,312 M.Tons 29.89% and
31,351 M.Tons 3.00% respectively. Sale of MS decreased due to fall of demand of MS for conversion
of vehicles into CNG operated ones and reduction of vehicles with two stoke engine. Sale of SKO
decreased due to fall of demand of SKO as results of increase of production of electricity and
electrification of new areas of the country. Sale of FO decreased as the government allowed some
private power plants to import FO at their own arrangement. Drastic fall of production of some jute
mills caused fall of demand of JBO which resulted decrease of sale of JBO during the year. Sale of
LPG decreased as supply chain and transportation could not maintain properly. Sale of Lube and
Grease decreased due to hard competition with private sector. It is assumed that the trend of decrease
of sale of the above mentioned products will continue in future also.
In this financial year 2014-2015 gross income from sale of petroleum products of the company was
Tk. 17,330 lakh which is higher by Tk. 2,618 Lakh 17.79% compared to last year. During the
financial year under review other operating income was Tk. 4,121 Lakh which is higher by Tk. 966
Lakh 30.60% as against the last FY. Besides, income from other sources decreased by Tk. 1,305 lakh.
Net profit before income tax arrived at Tk. 29,992 lakh during the year under review which is lower
by Tk. 722 lakh (2.35%) compared to the year 2013-2014.


In the financial year 2014-2015 net profit after tax was Tk. 22,532 lakh as against Tk. 23,168 Lakh
in the year 2013-2014. In the year 2014-2015 net profit after tax decreased by Tk. 636 lakh (2.74%)
compared to previous year. The main reason of decrease of net income is fall of non operating income
as well as increase of cost against expenses of administrative, selling and distribution, financial and
depreciation cost. Operating profit in the year 2014-2015 achieved at Tk. 11,667 lakh as against last
years figure of Tk. 11,122 lakh i.e. rate of increase is 4.90% from previous year. Financial positions
of the company are given below:
Increase/(Decrease) Growth
Particulars 2014-2015 2013-2014
(Taka) %
Operating Profit 116,66,82,473 111,21,82,111 5,45,00,362 4.90
Total Profit 315,70,80,436 323,30,96,655 (7,60,16,219) (2.35)
Profit before Income Tax 299,92,26,414 307,14,41,822 (7,22,15,408) (2.35)
Profit after Income Tax 225,31,88,298 231,67,79,965 (6,35,91,667) (2.74)




Taka in Lac





2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15
Profit before Tax 134.80 275.58 263.73 307.14 299.92
Profit after Tax 101.45 207.91 199.01 231.68 225.32

Earnings from Investment :

Jamuna Oil Company Limited signed a JV Agreement with Mobil South Asia Investments Limited
with regard to formation of Mobil Jamuna Lubricants Limited (MJLL) and Mobil Jamuna Fuels
Limited (MJFL) on 26 July, 1998. Jamuna Oil Company Limited invested a total tune of Tk. 1754.00
lakh in two Joint Venture Companies @ Tk. 877.00 lakh against 25% shares in each company. MJLL
started commercial production on 08/05/2003 and subsequently the company has been renamed as
MJL Bangladesh Ltd.
MJL Bangladesh Ltd. issued IPO amounting to taka 40.00 Crore and enlisted with CSE and DSE on
September, 2011. After issuing 4.00 crore shares through IPO Jamuna Oil Company’s shareholding
position at present in MJL Bangladesh Ltd. becomes to 19.45%. MJL Bangladesh Ltd. issued IPO @
Tk. 115.00 with premium in the capital market whose face value is Tk. 10.00 each. Value of shares of
MJL (Bangladesh) limited stood at Tk. 403.42 crore at floated price. Since inception to 30 June, 2015
JOCL earned cash dividend of Tk. 4813.41 lakh and 4,45,82,295 nos. bonus shares of Tk. 10 each from
MJL Bangladesh Ltd. Company’s total shareholding in MJL Bangladesh Ltd. becomes 5,33,52,295 nos.
of Tk. 10.00 each. MJL Bangladesh Ltd declared and approved 15% Bonus Shares and 15% Cash
Dividend for the year ended 31st December, 2014. As a result, the company earned Cash Dividend of
Tk. 6,95,89,950.00 and 69,58,995 nos. Bonus shares of Tk. 10 each during the year under review. As
on 30th June 2015 JOCL won 5,33,52,295 shares of Tk. 10.00 each and market value of the shares is
Tk. 576.74 crore as on 30th June 2015 at Tk. 108.10 per share (as per market value of 30-06-2015).


The company (JOCL) has 25% ownership in Omera Fuels Limited (OFL), former Mobil Jamuna
Fuels Limited against investment of Tk. 877 lakh as 87,70,000 shares of Tk. 10.00 each. OFL issued
all receivable shares to JOCL by 30th June 2015. Omera Fuels Limited (OFL) established a tank
terminal of international standard on its own land having total storage capacity of 70000 M.Tons
constructing 14 nos. storage tanks of 5,000 M.Tons capacity each and installed required machineries
& other allied operational facilities. OFL commenced commercial operation in august 2013. OFL did
not recommend any dividend for the year ended 31st December, 2014. Net Asset Value (NAV) of
each share was Tk. 101.04 as per audited financial statement ended on 31st December 2014 and hence
NAV of JOCL’s total shares of OFL stands at Tk.8861.21 lakh as on 31st December 2014. As per
audited financial statements of OFL for the year 2014 earning per share was Tk.2.30. It is expected
that in future this company (JOCL) will earn dividend from OFL.

Share Capital :
Authorized Capital : Taka
30,00,00,000 ordinary shares of Tk. 10 each 3,00,00,00,000.00
Paid-up Capital :
11,04,24,600 Ordinary Shares of Tk. 10 each 110,42,46,000.00

Shareholding position as on 30 June 2015

Classification of Shareholders : No. of Share %
a) Bangladesh Petroleum Corporation 6,63,46,774 60.08
b) Institutions (Financial & Others) 2,75,69,298 24.97
Local 2,60,63,671 23.60
Foreign 15,05,627 6,930
c) Individuals 1,65,08,528 14.95
Local 1,63,10,811 14.77
Non-Resident Bangladeshies 1,60,834 0.15
Foreign 36,883 0.03
Total : 11,04,24,600 100.00


Institution (Foreign)
Individual (Local)
Individual (Foreign)
Institution (Local) 0.03%


BPC Institutions (Local) Institutions (Foreign)

Individuals (Local) Individuals (Foreign) NRB

Financial results and appropriation :

The Board of Directors is pleased to approve the financial results of FY 2014-2015 and
recommended the appropriation of profit as under:
a) Financial results : Taka
Net Profit before income Tax 299,92,26,414
Provision for income Tax (74,60,38,116)
Net Profit after income Tax 225,31,88,298
Balance of undistributed profit of the previous year 24,98,37,965
Profit available for distribution 250,30,26,263
b) Recommendation for appropriation :
1. 100% Cash dividend on share capital of 110,42,46,000 110,42,46,000
2. Undistributed balance carried forward 139,87,80,263
Profit available for distribution 250,30,26,263
Dividend :
Keeping in view the interest of respected shareholders, performance of current year, future
projections and capital outlays, The Board of Directors are pleased to recommend 100% cash
dividend i.e. @ Tk. 10.00 per share from the profit of 2014-2015 Financial Year. It should be
mentioned that profit from sale of products is not satisfactory as the Govt. approved company’s
margin on sale of petroleum products is not increased as required. However, BPC has taken steps to
increase the products margin and already increased other handling commissions. On the other hand,
although the income from other operating sources at present is satisfactory, it is forecasted that this
will not increase in future. Moreover, the income from non-operating sources has decreased in
comparison to the previous year. The company has been investing money for expansion of Sylhet &
Sachnabazar depots and land acquisition for installing Jhalakathi shore depot, construction of RCC
jetty at main installation in place of swing bridge/Pontoon type, construction storage tanks at different
depots, installation of auto tank gauging system, computerised accounting system, expansion of 18
floors of Jamuna Bhaban at Dhaka in 2nd phase, LPG Bottling Plant and Oil Installation at Mongla
project of BPC to increase its main business i.e. sale of petroleum products, Lube oil & LPG and
rental income as well. Considering the cost involvement in above development projects, the Board of
Directors has recommended dividend stated above.




100% 0%
10% 10%


60% 30%
30% 90% 90%

20% 45%

2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15
Financial Year
Cash Bonus

Payments to the National Exchequer :

During the year 2014-2015 an amount of Tk. 7865.09 lakh has been paid to the National Treasury as
VAT, Income Tax and others. It was Tk. 7772.55 lakh in 2013-2014 i.e. an amount of Tk. 92.54 lakh
more than that of the preceding year. Details are shown in the table below :
PARTICULARS 2014-2015 2013-2014
VAT 749.15 802.40
Income Tax 7030.24 6863.64
Others 85.70 106.51
Total 7865.09 7772.55


77.72 78.65
80 75.32

Taka in Lac

2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15
Financial Year
Others Custom Duty & Vat Income Tax Total

Corporate Governance :
Jamuna Oil Company is pledge bound to adopt necessary measures of good governance abiding by
all prevailing rules and regulations. The company has taken necessary steps to improve the standard
of corporate management within shortest possible time. As the Company is enlisted with Dhaka Stock
Exchange Ltd. and Chittagong Stock Exchange Ltd., financial statements and shareholding report,
have been submitted to the concerned authorities and other compliance report as per SEC notification
no. SEC/CMRRCD/2006-158/134/ADMIN/44 dated 07-08-2012 and important management and
financial information are attached here as per the rules, regulations & guidelines of Bangladesh
Securities & Exchange Commission and for your kind information (Annexure 1-5).


Corporate Social Responsibility :
A total amount of Tk. 26.00 lakh (Twenty six lakh) only was donated to burn unit of Dhaka Madical
College Hospital, different educational institutions, charitable organizations, madrasas, mosjids and
other supplication centres during the year 2014-2015. It is expected that such kind of activities
relating to discharging social responsibility will continue in the days to come.
Annual Performance Agreement (APA) :
Government introduced performance based management system for qualitative and quantitative
evaluation during the year. APA between Energy and Mineral Resources division & BPC and
between JOCL & BPC has been signed for the year 2015-2016 under this programme as per rule. It
is expected that the proposed activities mentioned in the agreement will be materialised effectively
and efficiently for overall progress and improvement of the company.
National Integrity Strategy :
As per government directives, time bound action plans have been adopted to implement national
integrity strategy at company level. An integrity committee has been formed to implement the
national integrity strategies. Proceedings of the meeting of integrity committee along with time bound
action plans have been sent to Bangladesh Petroleum Corporation (BPC). An officer from JOCL has
been appointed as focal point to materialise the national integrity strategy.
Officer- Employee Relation :
Cordial and peaceful environment prevails in respect of company's labour relation. Salary and other
facilities of the employees are being settled as per labour laws by two years interval bipartite
agreement with the Management and the Collective Bargaining Agent (CBA). The company is
always active in taking necessary measures for developing the inherent efficiency of its human
resources, their performance and improving the work culture as well as operating and maintenance
Human Resource Development :
This Company has engaged a group of efficient and skilled human resources to perform its
country-wide distribution and marketing functions as well as ensuring smooth handling, storing,
safety & security of lubricants and other valuable petroleum products. With a view to further
development of this human resource, necessary steps have been taken for new recruitment, arranged
for training at home and abroad, participation at workshop, etc.
Environment Protection and Welfare Activities :
As the company, in special case, deals in petroleum products which may, somehow, pollute
environment, it always keep vigilant eyes to check river water pollution or any sort of environmental
pollution by its operation and ensured infrastructural, logistic facilities in this regard. To maintain
ecological balance, huge plantation was done at main installation and other up-country depots.
Recreation events like annual picnic, sports & cultural programs were arranged during the year.
Different national days have been observed with proper importance. On the other hand, prizes were
distributed among the children of the employees for good academic results to encourage them to do
even better in future.




Compliances about Financial Statements :
The financial statements of the company present a true and fair view of the company’s state of
affairs, result of its operations, cash flows and changes in equity.
Proper books of accounts as required by law have been maintained.
Appropriate accounting policies have been followed in formulating the financial statements and
accounting estimates were reasonable and prudent.
The financial statements were prepared in accordance with International Accounting Standards
(IAS) as applicable in Bangladesh.
The Internal Control System is sound in design and effectively implemented and monitored.
There are no significant doubts upon the company’s ability to continue as a going concern.
There is no significant deviation from the operating result of last year.

The number of board meeting and the attendance of Directors during the year 2014-2015 were as
follows :
Name of Directors Position Meeting held Attended
Mr. Mohammed Abu Taher Chairman 01 01
Mr. Md. Abubakar Siddique Chairman 10 10
Mr. Md. Eunusur Rahman Director 04 03
Mr. A. M. Badrudduja Director 07 07
Mr. Md. Alauddin Director 11 11

Mr. Mamataz-Ala-Shakoor Ahmed Director 11 10

Mr. Md. Abdul Hakim Director 11 10
Mr. Md. Abu Yousuf Miah Director 02 02
Mr. M. Rafiqul Islam Director 07 07
Kazi Zebunnessa Begum Director 02 01
Mr. K M Hasan Kabir Arif Director 07 07
Mr. Saifuddin Ahmed Bhuiyan Director 02 02
Mr. Mozammel Haque Bhuiyan Director 11 08
Mr. Alim Uddin Ahmed Managing Director & 07 07
Mr. Md. Masudur Rahman Managing Director & 04 04



i) Pattern of shareholding as on 30 June, 2015
Sl. No. Shares held by No. of share % Remarks
A. Bangladesh Petroleum Corporation 6,63,46,774 60.08 Jamuna Oil Company Ltd.
is a subsidiary company
of Bangladesh
B. Institutions : 2,75,69,298 24.97 Petroleum Corporation.

C. Individuals : 1,65,08,528 14.95

11,04,24,600 100.00
ii) Directors, Chief Executive Officer, Company Secretary,
Chief Financial Officer (CFO), Head of Internal Audit
and their spouses :
Directors :
Mr. A. M. Badrudduja - -
Mr. Md. Alauddin - -
Mr. Mamataz-Ala-Shakoor Ahmed - -
Mr. Md. Abdul Hakim - -
Mr. Kazi Zebunnessa Begum - -
Mr. Saifuddin Ahmed Bhuiyan - -
Mr. Mozammel Haque Bhuiyan 31,460 0.03%
Mr. Md. Masudur Rahman - -
Chief Executive Officer and his spouses & minor children :
Mr. Md. Masudur Rahman - -
Company Secretary and his spouses & minor children :
Mr. Md. Nazmul Hoque - -
CFO and their spouses & minor children :
Mr. Md. Nazmul Hoque
Head of Internal Audit and his spouses & minor children :
Mr. Mohammed Khasru Azad - -
iii) Executive (Top five salaried person other then CEO,CFO,CS,HIA)
1. Mr. Md. Ayub Hossain DGM (D. L. O.), Dhaka - -
2. Mr. Habibul Muhit DGM (H. R.) - -
3. Mr. Q. M. Monzur Rahman DGM (Operations) - -
4. Mr. Md. Shamsul Arefin DGM (S.A.) - -
5. Mr. Md. Jashim Uddin DGM (P. & E.) - -
iv) Shareholder having ten percent (10%) or more voting
interest in the company
Bangladesh Petroleum Corporation 6,63,66,774 60.08%


Compliance Status of BSEC Guidelines for Corporate Governance
Status of compliance by Jamuna Oil Company Limited (JOCL) with the Corporate Governance (CG)
Guidelines issued by BSEC through Notification No. SEC/ CMRRCD/2006-158/134/Admin/44
dated 07 August, 2012 and Notification No.SEC /CMRRCD /2006-158/147/Admin/48 dated 21st
July, 2013,
(Report under Condition No7.00)
Compliance status
(Put in the
Condition Remarks (if
Title appropriate column)
No. any)
1 2 3 4 5
1 Board of Directors:
Board’s Size: The number of the board members of the company shall not be less The JOCL
than 5 (five) and more than 20 (twenty): Board is
1.1  comprised of 09
(Nine) Directors.
Independent Directors:
All companies shall encourage effective representation of independent directors on their Board of Directors so that the
Board, as a group, includes core competencies considered relevant in the context of each company. For this purpose, the
companies shall comply with the following:-
There are 01 (One)
At least one fifth (1/5) of the total number of directors in the company’s board Independent
shall be independent directors.
 Director in the
JOCL Board.
1.2(ii) For the purpose of this clause “independent director” means a director -
Who either does not hold any share in the company or holds less than one
percent (1%) shares of the total paid-up shares of the company; 
Who is not a sponsor of the company and is not connected with the company’s
any sponsor or director or shareholder who holds one percent (1%) or more
shares of the total paid-up shares of the company on the basis of family
1.2(ii)b) relationship. His/her family members also should not hold above mentioned 
shares in the company:
Provided that spouse, son, daughter, father, mother, brother, sister, son-in-law
and daughter-in-law shall be considered as family members;
Who does not have any other relationship, whether pecuniary or otherwise, with
the company or its subsidiary/associated companies; 
1.2(ii)d) Who is not a member, director or officer of any stock exchange; 
Who is not a shareholder, director or officer of any member of stock exchange or
an intermediary of the capital market;

Who is not a partner or an executive or was not a partner or an executive during
the preceding 3 (three) years of the concerned company’s statutory audit firm; 
1.2(ii)g) Who shall not be an independent director in more than 3 (three) listed companies; 
Who has not been convicted by a court of competent jurisdiction as a defaulter in
payment of any loan to a bank or a Non-Bank Financial Institution (NBFI); 
1.2(ii)i) Who has not been convicted for a criminal offence involving moral turpitude. 
Board Of
appointed 01
The independent director(s) shall be appointed by the board of directors and Independent
approved by the shareholders in the Annual General Meeting (AGM).  Director & will
be duly
approved in
AGM to be held
on 27.02.2016
The post of independent director(s) cannot remain vacant for more than 90 No vacancy
(ninety) days.  occurred.
The Board shall lay down a code of conduct of all Board members and annual
1.2(v) 
compliance of the code to be recorded.
The tenure of office of an independent director shall be for a period of 3 (three)
years, which may be extended for 1 (one) term only. 


Compliance status
(Put in the
Condition Remarks (if
Title appropriate column)
No. any)
1 2 3 4 5
1.3 Qualification of Independent Director (ID)
Independent Director shall be a knowledgeable individual with integrity who is
1.3(i) able to ensure compliance with financial, regulatory and corporate laws and can 
make meaningful contribution to business.
The person should be a Business Leader/Corporate
Leader/Bureaucrat/University Teacher with Economics or Business Studies or
1.3(ii) Law background/Professionals like Chartered Accountants, Cost & Management 
Accountants, Chartered Secretaries. The independent director must have at
least 12 (twelve) years of corporate management/professional experiences.
In special cases the above qualifications may be relaxed subject to prior
approval of the Commission.
Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer
The positions of the Chairman of the Board and the Chief Executive Officer of
the companies shall be filled by different individuals. The Chairman of the
company shall be elected from among the directors of the company. The Board 
of Directors shall clearly define respective roles and responsibilities of the
Chairman and the Chief Executive Officer.
Directors’ Report to Shareholders:
1.5 The directors of the companies shall include the following additional statements in the Directors' Report prepared under
section 184 of the Companies Act, 1994 (Act No. XVIII of 1994):-
1.5(i) Industry outlook and possible future developments in the industry. 
1.5(ii) Segment-wise or product-wise performance. 
1.5(iii) Risks and concerns. 
1.5(iv) A discussion on Cost of Goods sold, Gross Profit Margin and Net Profit Margin. 
1.5(v) Discussion on continuity of any Extra-Ordinary gain or loss. 
Basis for related party transactions- a statement of all related party transactions
1.5(vi) should be disclosed in the annual report. 
Utilization of proceeds from public issues, rights issues and/or through any others Not
instruments. Applicable
An explanation if the financial results deteriorate after the company goes for Initial
1.5(viii) Public Offering (IPO), Repeat Public Offering (RPO), Rights Offer, Direct Listing, etc. Do
No Significant
If significant variance occurs between Quarterly Financial performance and Annual variance
1.5(ix) Financial Statements the management shall explain about the variance on their occurred
Annual Report. during the
1.5(x) Remuneration to directors including independent directors. 
The financial statements prepared by the management of the issuer company
present fairly its state of affairs, the result of its operations, cash flows and
changes in equity. 
1.5(xii) Proper books of account of the issuer company have been maintained. 
Appropriate accounting policies have been consistently applied in preparation of
the financial statements and that the accounting estimates are based on
reasonable and prudent judgment. 
International Accounting Standards (IAS)/Bangladesh Accounting Standards
(BAS)/International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS)/Bangladesh Financial
1.5(xiv) Reporting Standards (BFRS), as applicable in Bangladesh, have been followed in 
preparation of the financial statements and any departure there-from has been
adequately disclosed.
The system of internal control is sound in design and has been effectively
implemented and monitored. 


Compliance status
(Put in the
Condition Remarks (if
Title appropriate column)
No. any)
1 2 3 4 5
There are no significant doubts upon the issuer company’s ability to continue as No
a going concern. If the issuer company is not considered to be a going concern, Significant
the fact along with reasons thereof should be disclosed. doubt has
Significant deviations from the last year’s operating results of the issuer deviations
company shall be highlighted and the reasons thereof should be explained. was not
Key operating and financial data of at least preceding 5 (five) years shall be
summarized. 
If the issuer company has not declared dividend (cash or stock) for the year, the Not
reasons thereof shall be given. Applicable
The number of Board meetings held during the year and attendance by each
director shall be disclosed. 
The pattern of shareholding shall be reported to disclose the aggregate number of shares (along with name wise
details where stated below) held by:-
Parent/Subsidiary/Associated Companies and other related parties (name wise
details); 
Directors, Chief Executive Officer, Company Secretary, Chief Financial Officer,
Head of Internal Audit and their spouses and minor children (name wise details); 
Explanation: For the purpose of this clause, the expression “executive” means
1.5(xxi)(c) top 5 (five) salaried employees of the company, other than the Directors, Chief 
Executive Officer, Company Secretary, Chief Financial Officer and Head of
Internal Audit.
Shareholders holding ten percent (10%) or more votes interest in the company
1.5(xxi)(d) (name wise details). 
In case of the appointment/re-appointment of a director the company shall disclose the following information
1.5(xxii) to the shareholders:-
1.5(xxii)(a) a brief resume of the director; 
1.5(xxii)(b) nature of his/her expertise in specific functional areas; 
names of companies in which the person also holds the directorship and the
membership of committees of the board. 

2.1 Appointment:
The company shall appoint a Chief Financial Officer (CFO), a Head of Internal Audit
(Internal Control and Compliance) and a Company Secretary (CS). The Board of 
Directors should clearly define respective roles, responsibilities and duties of the
CFO, the Head of Internal Audit and the CS.
Requirement to Attend the Board Meetings:
The CFO and the Company Secretary of the companies shall attend the meetings of
2.2 the Board of Directors, provided that the CFO and/or the Company Secretary shall 
not attend such part of a meeting of the Board of Directors whichinvolves
consideration of an agenda item relating to their personal matters.
The company shall have an Audit Committee as a sub-committee of the Board of
Directors. 
The Audit Committee shall assist the Board of Directors in ensuring that the
statements reflect true and fair view of the state of affairs of the company and in 
ensuring a good monitoring system within the business.
The Audit Committee shall be responsible to the Board of Directors. The duties of the
Audit Committee shall be clearly set forth in writing. 


Compliance status
(Put in the
Condition Remarks (if
Title appropriate column)
No. any)
1 2 3 4 5
3.1 Constitution of the Audit Committee:
3.1(i) The Audit Committee shall be composed of at least 3 (three) members. 
The Board of Directors shall appoint members of the Audit Committee who
3.1(ii) shall be directors of the company and shall include at least 1 (one) 
independent director.
All members of the audit committee should be “financially literate” and at
least 1(one) member shall have accounting or related financial management
Explanation: The term “financially literate” means the ability to read and
3.1(iii) understand the financial statements like Balance Sheet, Income Statement 
and Cash Flow Statement and a person will be considered to have
accounting or related financial management expertise if (s)he possesses
professional qualification or Accounting/Finance graduate with at least 12
(twelve) years of corporate management/professional experiences.
When the term of service of the Committee members expires or there is any
circumstance causing any Committee member to be unable to hold office
until expiration of the term of service, thus making the number of the
Committee members to be lower than the prescribed number of 3 (three)
persons, the Board of Directors shall appoint the new Committee member(s) 
to fill up the vacancy(ies) immediately or not later than 1 (one) month from
the date of vacancy(ies) in the Committee to ensure continuity of the
performance of work of the Audit Committee.
3.1(v) The company secretary shall act as the secretary of the Committee. 
The quorum of the Audit Committee meeting shall not constitute without at
least 1 (one) independent director. 
3.2 Chairman of the Audit Committee:
The Board of Directors shall select 1 (one) member of the Audit Committee to
be Chairman of the Audit Committee, who shall be an independent director. 
Chairman of the audit committee shall remain present in the Annual
General Meeting (AGM).

Role of the Audit Committee:
Role of audit committee shall include the following:-
3.3(i) Oversee the financial reporting process. 
3.3(ii) Monitor choice of accounting policies and principles. 
3.3(iii) Monitor Internal Control Risk management process. 
3.3(iv) Oversee hiring and performance of external auditors. 
Review along with the management, the annual financial statements before
submission to the board for approval. 
Review along with the management, the quarterly and half yearly financial
statements before submission to the board for approval.

3.3(vii) Review the adequacy of internal audit function. 
Review statement of significant related party transactions submitted by the
management. 
Review Management Letters/ Letter of Internal Control weakness issued by
statutory auditors. 
When money is raised through Initial Public Offering (IPO)/Repeat Public
Offering (RPO)/Rights Issue the company shall disclose to the Audit
Committee about the uses/applications of funds by major category (capital
expenditure, sales and marketing expenses, working capital, etc), on a Not
quarterly basis, as a part of their quarterly declaration of financial results. Applicable
Further, on an annual basis, the company shall prepare a statement of
funds utilized for the purposes other than those stated in the offer


Compliance status
(Put in the
Condition Remarks (if
Title appropriate column)
No. any)
1 2 3 4 5
3.4 Reporting of the Audit Committee:
3.4.1 Reporting to the Board of Directors:
3.4.1(i) The Audit Committee shall report on its activities to the Board of Directors. 
3.4.1(ii) The Audit Committee shall immediately report to the Board of Directors on the following findings, if any:-
There was no
case of
3.4.1(ii)(a) report on conflicts of interests; conflict of
interest in
There was no
suspected or presumed fraud or irregularity or material defect in the
3.4.1(ii)(b) such case in
internal control system; the year.
suspected infringement of laws, including securities related laws, rules and Not
regulations; Applicable
any other matter which shall be disclosed to the Board of Directors Not
immediately. Applicable
Reporting to the Authorities:
If the Audit Committee has reported to the Board of Directors about anything
which has material impact on the financial condition and results of operation and
has discussed with the Board of Directors and the management that any No such
3.4.2 rectification is necessary and if the Audit Committee finds that such rectification matter to
has been unreasonably ignored, the Audit Committee shall report such finding to report on
the Commission, upon reporting of such matters to the Board of Directors for
three times or completion of a period of 6 (six) months from the date of first
reporting to the Board of Directors, whichever is earlier.
Reporting to the Shareholders and General Investors:
Report on activities carried out by the Audit Committee, including any
3.5 report made to the Board of Directors under condition 3.4.1 (ii) above 
during the year, shall be signed by the Chairman of the Audit Committee
and disclosed in the annual report of the issuer company.
4 The issuer company should not engage its external/statutory auditors to perform the following services of the company; namely

4(i) Appraisal or valuation services or fairness opinions. 

4(ii) Financial information systems design and implementation. 
Book-keeping or other services related to the accounting records or
financial statements. 
4(iv) Broker-dealer services. 
4(v) Actuarial services. 
4(vi) Internal audit services. 
4(vii) Any other service that the Audit Committee determines. 
No partner or employees of the external audit firms shall possess any share
4(viii) of the company they audit at least during the tenure of their audit 
assignment of that company.
Audit / certification services on compliance of corporate governance as
4(ix) required under clause (i) of condition No.7 
Provisions relating to the composition of the Board of Directors of the
5(i) holding company shall be made applicable to the composition of the Board Applicable
of Directors of the subsidiary company.
At least 1 (one) independent director on the Board of Directors of the holding Not
company shall be a director on the Board of Directors of the subsidiary company. Applicable
The minutes of the Board meeting of the subsidiary company shall be placed
5(iii) DO
for review at the following Board meeting of the holding company.


Compliance status
(Put in the
Condition Remarks (if
Title appropriate column)
No. any)
1 2 3 4 5
The minutes of the respective Board meeting of the holding company shall state
5(iv) N/A Not Applicable
that they have reviewed the affairs of the subsidiary company also.
The Audit Committee of the holding company shall also review the financial
5(v) N/A Not Applicable
statements, in particular the investments made by the subsidiary company.
shall certify to the Board that:
They have reviewed financial statements for the year and that to the best of their
knowledge and belief :-
these statements do not contain any materially untrue statement or omit any
material fact or contain statements that might be misleading;

these statements together present a true and fair view of the company’s affairs
6(i)(b) 
and are in compliance with existing accounting standards and applicable laws.
There are, to the best of knowledge and belief, no transactions entered into by the
6(ii) company during the year which are fraudulent, illegal or violation of the company’s 
code of conduct.


The company shall obtain a certificate from a practicing Professional
Accountant/Secretary (Chartered Accountant/Cost and Management
Accountant/Chartered Secretary) regarding compliance of conditions of Corporate
Governance Guidelines of the Commission and shall send the same to the
shareholders along with the Annual Report on a yearly basis.
Explanation: Chartered Accountant means Chartered Accountant as defined in 
the Bangladesh Chartered Accountants Order, 1973 (President‘s Order No.2
of 1973); Cost & Management Accountant means Cost & Management
Accountant as defined in the Cost & Management Accountants Ordinance, 1977
(Ordinance No. LIII of 1977); Chartered Secretary means Chartered Secretary as
defined in the Chartered Secretaries Act, 2010 (Act No.25 of 2010)
The directors of the company shall state, in accordance with the Annexure
7(ii) attached, in the directors' report whether the company has complied with these 




Particulars 2014-15 2013-14 2012-13 2011-12 2010-11


Product Handling : Quantity (Lac M.Ton) 16.34 16.41 15.51 16.85 14.82
Net Earnings on Petroleum Products (Lac Tk.) 17,329.92 14,712.13 14,035.74 18,152.06 9,636.51
Other Operating Income ’’ 4,120.59 3,155.06 2,446.31 2,597.86 1,757.72
Overheads/Expenses ’’ 9,783 .69 6,745.37 6,699 .24 5,468.06 5,33 8.05
Operating Profit/(Loss) ’’ 11,666 .82 11,121.82 9,782.81 15,281 .86 6,056.18
Other Income ’’ 19,903.98 21,209.15 17,977.96 13,726.44 8,133.58
Net Profit /(Loss) before WPP & WF ’’ 31,570 .80 32,330.97 27,760.77 29,008.30 14,189.76
Contribution to WPP & WF ’’ 1,578 .54 1,616.55 1,388.04 1,450.41 709.49
Profit/(Loss) before Tax ’’ 29,992 .26 30,714.42 26,372.73 27,557.89 13,480.27
Provision for Income Tax ’’ 7,460.38 7,546.62 6,472.16 6,766.84 3,335.53
Net Profit after Tax ’’ 22,531.88 23,167.80 19,900.57 20,791.05 10,144.74


Paid-up Capital (Fig. in Lac Taka) 11,042.46 10,038.60 9,126.00 7,020.00 5,400.00
Number of Shares (Fig. in Lac Shares) 1,1 04.25 1,003.86 912.60 702.00 540.00
Net Assets/Shareholders Fund (Fig. in Lac Tk.) 150 ,997.88 118,982.86 101,059.29 87,565.24 84,281.05
Net Assets Per Share (Taka) 136.74 118.53 110.73 124.74 156.07
Earning Per Share (Taka) 20.40 23.08 21.81 29.62 18.79
Dividend Per Share – Cash (Taka) 10.00 9.00 9.00 4.50 3.00
– Stock - 10:100 10:100 30:100 30:100
Current Assets (Fig. in Lac Taka) 283,599.61 215,347 .51 154,459.83 167,646.28 144,283 .40
Current Liabilities (Fig. in Lac Taka) 259 ,897.30 192 ,542.70 139,538.41 150,548.19 117,914 .48
Current Ratio 1.09 1.12 1.11 1.11 1.22
Return on Shareholders’ Funds (%) 18.94 22.92 22.73 24.67 48.21

TOTAL HUMAN RESOURCES 556 533 554 563 522

Executive & Officers 127 137 139 142 137
Staff & Workers 429 396 415 421 385


Value Added Statement
For The Year Ended 30 June, 2015

Taka in Lakh

2014-2015 % 2013-2014 %

Value Added - Net Earning on Petroleum Products & Others 41,354.49 100.00 39,076.34 100.00
Government Revenue & Taxes 7,576.20 18.32 7,683.13 19.66
Salaries & Benefits to Employees 5,626.46 13.60 3,060.69 7.83
Administrative & Other Expenses 1,753.46 4.24 1,484.52 3.80
Financial Expenses 1,550.33 3.75 1,440.81 3.69
Workers Profit Participation & Welfare Fund 1,578.54 3.82 1,616.55 4.14
Dividend to Shareholders (Proposed) 11,042.46 26.70 10,038.60 25.69
Retained by The Company 12,227.04 29.57 13,752.04 35.19
41,354.49 100.00 39,076.34 100.00

Value Added for The Year 2014-2015

Retained by the Government

Company Revenue & Tax

Salaries & Benefits

to Employees

Administrative &
Other Expenses
Dividend to
Shareholders Financial Expenses
Workers Profit
Participation &
Welfare Fund

Value Added for The Year 2013-2014

Retained by the Government

Company Revenue & Tax

Salaries & Benefits

to Employees

Administrative &
Other Expenses
Dividend to
Financial Expenses
Workers Profit
Participation &
Welfare Fund


kwdK emvK GÛ †Kvs
National House (1st Floor) Shatabdi Centre (6th Floor)
109, Agrabad Commercial Area, Partners: 292, Inner Circular Road,
Chittagong - 4100, Bangladesh. Md. Shafiqul Islam, FCA Fakirapool, Motijheel, Dhaka.
Phone : 88-031-711561 Sampad Kumar Basak, FCA Phone : 88-02-7192098
: 88-031-723680 Md. Enayet Ullah, FCA Tel/Fax : 88-02-7194870
E-mail : Sarwar Mahmood, FCA E-mail :

Certificate on Compliance of Conditions of Corporate

Governance Guidelines to the Shareholders
Jamuna Oil Company Limited
We have checked the relevant documents, Information and explanation given to
us regarding the compliance of the provisions of Corporate Governance in
accordance with the Guidelines issued by the Bangladesh Securities & Exchange
Commission (BSEC) under Notification No. SEC/CMRRCD/2006-158/134/
Admin/44 dated 07 August, 2012 and Notification No. SEC/CMRRCD/2006-
158/147/Admin/48 dated 21st July, 2013 for the year ended 30th June, 2015.

Management is responsible to ensure the compliance of conditions of the

Corporate Governance Guidelines as stated in the aforesaid notifications and
reporting the status of compliances. Our responsibility was limited to checking
of relevant documents and verifying procedures and implementation thereof,
adopted by the Company for ensuring the compliances of the said conditions.

In our opinion, except the matters as reported on the attached compliance

status, the Company has complied with the condition of Corporate Governance
Guidelines of Bangladesh Securities & Exchange Commission.

Date : Chittagong SHAFIQ BASAK & CO

21.12.2015 Chartered Accountants

Extended Office :
Dhaka : Sharaqa Mac, Flat - 2C, 3/1 & 3/2 Bijoy Nagar, Dhaka. Phone : 02-9344662, 01913-468812, 01732-872641, E-mail :
House # 2, Road # 1, Block # A, Niketon, Gulshan-1, Dhaka-1212. E-mail :
Chittagong : Hussain Court, (2nd Floor), 75, Agrabad C/A, Chittagong. Phone : 031-2511858, 01711-152157, 01716-992372, E-mail :


AwWU KwgwU
evsjv‡`k wmwKDwiwUR GÛ G·‡PÄ Kwgk‡bi †bvwUwd‡Kkb bs- GmBwm/wmGgAviAviwmwW/2006-158/134/GWwgb/44
ZvwiLt 07-08-2012 Gi Aby‡”Q`-3 Abyhvqx hgybv A‡qj †Kv¤úvbx wjwg‡UW Gi cwiPvjbv cl©` KZ…©K wbgœwjwLZ
m`m¨e„‡›`i mgš^‡q GKwU AwWU KwgwU MVb Kiv nq :
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AwWU KwgwU MV‡bi D‡Ïk¨ n‡jv mwVKfv‡e †Kv¤úvwb cwiPvjbvi †¶‡Î Avf¨š—ixY wbqš¿Y e¨e¯’v †Rvi`vi Kiv I mwVK
Dbœqb wbwðZ Kiv| KwgwU‡K †Kv¤úvwbi Avw_©K Ges Ab¨vb¨ welq cix¶‡Yi c~Y© KZ…©Z¡ †`qv n‡q‡Q| AwWU KwgwU
evsjv‡`k wmwKDwiwUR GÛ G·‡PÄ Kwgk‡bi 07 AvM÷, 2012 Zvwi‡L cÖ`Ë †bvwUwd‡Kk‡bi 3.3 avivi mg¯— kZ©vejx
c~iY K‡i‡Q hvi g‡a¨ wb‡gœv³ welqvejx Aš—f©~³ :-
1. †Kv¤úvwbi Avw_©K cÖwZ‡e`b cÖYqb cÖwµqv ch©‡e¶Y Ges †Kv¤úvwbi Avw_©K weeiYx mwVK Ges h_v_© I MÖnY‡hvM¨
g‡g© wbwðZKiY|
2. †Kv¤úvwbi ˆÎgvwmK, Aa©-evwl©K, bq gvwmK Ges evwl©K wnmve weeiYx cl©` mfvq Dc¯’vc‡bi c~‡e© e¨e¯’vcbv
KZ…©c‡¶i mv‡_ ch©v‡jvPbv|
3. †Kv¤úvwbi Af¨š—ixY wbqš¿‡Yi ch©vßZv wb‡q e¨e¯’vcbv KZ…©c¶ Ges Af¨š—ixY I ewntwbix¶‡Ki mv‡_
4. Dwj-wLZ wel‡q †Kvb AmsMwZ cwijw¶Z n‡j †Kv¤úvwbi Af¨š—ixY wbix¶‡Ki mv‡_ ch©v‡jvPbv|
5. wbix¶v Kvh©µg ïi“i c~‡e© Ges c‡i wbix¶v Kvh©µ‡gi MwZ cÖK…wZ m¤ú‡K© ewntwbix¶‡Ki mv‡_ Av‡jvPbv|
6. †Kv¤úvwbi Avw_©K Ges SuywK e¨e¯’vcbv bxwZi ch©v‡jvPbv|
7. ewntwbix¶K Gi mv‡_ g¨v‡bR‡g›U wi‡cvU© ch©v‡jvPbv|
weGmBwmÕi weavb †gvZv‡eK GZ`msµvš— AwWU wi‡cvU©, AwWU KwgwU KZ…©K †Kv¤úvwbi cwiPvjbv cl©` mfvq Dc¯’vcbv
Kiv nq|

(†gvt Avãyj nvwKg)

AwWU KwgwU


Khan Wahab Shafique Rahman & Co. Hoda Vasi Chowdhury & Co.
Chartered Accountants Chartered Accountants


We have audited the accompanying Statement of Financial Position of the JAMUNA OIL
COMPANY LIMITED, as of 30 June 2015 and the related Statement of Comprehensive Income,
Statement of Cash Flows and the Statement of Changes in Equity for the year then ended together
with the notes numbering 1 to 34 annexed thereto.
Management’s Responsibility for the Financial Statements
Management is responsible for the preparation & fair presentation of these Financial Statements in
accordance with Bangladesh Financial Reporting Standards (BFRS) and for such internal control as
management determines is necessary to enable the preparation of financial statements that are free
from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error.
Auditors’ Responsibility
Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements based on our audit. We
conducted our audit in accordance with Bangladesh Standards on Auditing (BSA). Those standards
require that we comply with ethical requirement and plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable
assurance about whether the financial statements are free from material misstatement.
An audit involves performing procedures to obtain audit evidence about the amounts and disclosures
in the financial statements. The procedures selected depend on the auditor’s judgment, including the
assessment of the risks of material misstatement of the financial statements, whether due to fraud or
error. In making those risk assessments, the auditor considers internal control relevant to the entity’s
preparation and fair presentation of the financial statements in order to design audit procedures that
are appropriate in the circumstances, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the
effectiveness of the entity’s internal control. An audit also includes evaluating the appropriateness of
accounting policies used and the reasonableness of accounting estimates made by management, as
well as evaluating the overall presentation on the financial statements.
We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis
for our qualified audit opinion.
Basis for qualified opinion
i. No balance confirmation certificate was produced to us to verify the balance outstanding with
respective debtors (note – 7).
ii. While Chittagong Dry Dock Ltd. was in the possession of 2.10 acres land owned by the
Company the Chittagong Development Authority constructed Airport road on 0.3859 acres
land without paying any compensation to the Company. For the balance 1.7116 (74,558 sft.)
acres land Company received Tk. 279,592 on account of rent of the land for the period from
01.07.2012 to 31.12.2014 on 08.06.2015. The Company is communicating either to return the
land or to sign a rental agreement for this land. The fate of 0.51 acres land occupied by three
filling stations is uncertain as the Company Officials cannot locate these lands (note – 3.2).


Khan Wahab Shafique Rahman & Co. Hoda Vasi Chowdhury & Co.
Chartered Accountants Chartered Accountants

Qualified Opinion
In our opinion, except for the possible effect of the matters described in the Basis of Qualified
Opinion paragraph, the financial statements, prepared in accordance with Bangladesh Accounting
Standards (BAS) and Bangladesh Financial Reporting Standard (BFRS), give a true and fair view of
the state of the Company’s affairs as of 30 June 2015 and of the results of its operations and its cash
flow for the year then ended and comply with the Companies Act 1994, Securities and Exchange
Rules 1987 and other applicable laws and regulations.
We also report that :
(a) we have obtained all the information and explanations which to the best of our knowledge and
belief were necessary for the purposes of our audit and made due verification thereof;
(b) in our opinion, proper books of account as required by law have been kept by the Company so
far as it appeared from our examination of those books;
(c) the Company’s statement of financial position, statement of comprehensive income and it’s
statement of cash flows dealt with by the report are in agreement with the books of account; and
(d) the expenditure incurred was for the purpose of the Company’s business.

Khan Wahab Shafique Rahman & Co. Hoda Vasi Chowdhury & Co.
Chartered Accountants Chartered Accountants

15 November 2015


AS AT 30 JUNE 2015

Note(s) 30-Jun-15 30-Jun-14

Taka Taka
Property, Plant & Equipments 3 744,423,876 648,014,435
Capital Work-in-Progress 4 64,312,620 68,936,251
808,736,496 716,950,686
FINANCIAL ASSETS 5 12,283,416,963 9,106,933,836
Inventories 6 9,848,475,507 7,792,169,608
Accounts Receivables 7 881,673,923 1,220,474,315
Advances, Deposits & Pre-payments 8 2,402,367,739 2,317,417,495
Cash and Bank Balances 9 15,227,443,744 10,204,690,217
28,359,960,913 21,534,751,635
TOTAL ASSETS 41,452,114,372 31,358,636,157
Share Capital 16 1,104,246,000 1,003,860,000
Capital Reserve 17 152,833,103 152,833,103
General Reserve 18 5,660,000,000 5,660,000,000
Fair Value Gain On Investment 5.1 5,679,683,090 3,827,894,520
Retained Earnings 2,503,026,263 1,253,697,965
TOTAL EQUITY 15,099,788,456 11,898,285,588
Provision for Gratuity 13 429,230,847 234,117,423
Deferred Tax 14 (66,635,189) (28,037,301)
362,595,658 206,080,122
Creditors & Accruals 10 25,612,911,551 18,961,120,463
Creditors For Other Finance 11 161,263,615 167,676,381
Income Tax Payable 12 190,529,503 108,917,818
Unclaimed Dividend 15 25,025,589 16,555,785
25,989,730,258 19,254,270,447
TOTAL LIABILITIES 26,352,325,916 19,460,350,569
TOTAL EQUITY AND LIABILITIES 41,452,114,372 31,358,636,157
Contingent liabilities, assets and commitments - note 19
Net Assets Value Per Share 136.74 118.53
These financial statements should be read in conjunction with the annexed notes
and were approved by the Board of Directors on 15 November 2015
and were signed on its behalf by :

CFO & Company Secretary Managing Director & Director Director Chairman
Signed in terms of our separate report of even date annexed

Chittagong, Khan Wahab Shafique Rahman & Co. Hoda Vasi Chowdhury & Co.
15 November 2015 Chartered Accountants Chartered Accountants



Note(s) 2014-2015 2013-2014

Taka Taka

Net Earnings on Petroleum Products 20 1,732,991,810 1,471,212,889

Other Operating Income 23 412,059,119 315,506,268
Total Income 2,145,050,929 1,786,719,157
Administrative, Selling and Distribution 21 (749,574,095) (468,171,587)
Financial Expenses 22 (155,032,555) (144,081,635)
Depreciation 3.1 (73,761,806) (62,283,824)
(978,368,456) (674,537,046)
Operating Profit / (Loss) 1,166,682,473 1,112,182,111
Other Income 24 1,990,397,963 2,120,914,544
Net Profit 3,157,080,436 3,233,096,655
Contribution to Workers' Profits Participation and
Welfare Funds @ 5% of Net Profit (157,854,022) (161,654,833)
Profit before Income Tax 2,999,226,414 3,071,441,822
Provision for Income Tax:
Current 12 (784,636,004) (744,020,180)
Deferred 14 38,597,888 (10,641,677)
(746,038,116) (754,661,857)
Profit after Income Tax 2,253,188,298 2,316,779,965
Other Comprehensive Income
Unrealized Gains/(Loss) on Available-for-Sale of
Financial Assets 5.1 1,851,788,570 296,917,120
Total Comprehensive Income 4,104,976,868 2,613,697,085

Earning Per Shares (Basic) 25 20.40 23.08

Earning Per Shares (Restated) 25 20.98

These financial statements should be read in conjunction with the annexed notes
and were approved by the Board of Directors on 15 November 2015
and were signed on its behalf by :

CFO & Company Secretary Managing Director & Director Director Chairman
Signed in terms of our separate report of even date annexed

Chittagong, Khan Wahab Shafique Rahman & Co. Hoda Vasi Chowdhury & Co.
15 November 2015 Chartered Accountants Chartered Accountants


Amount in Taka
Fair Value Retained
Particulars Share Capital Capital Reserve General Reserve Gain on Total
Investment Earnings

Balance as on 01 July 2013 912,600,000 152,833,103 4,310,000,000 3,530,977,400 1,199,518,000 10,105,928,503

Issue of Bonus Shares for 2013 91,260,000 - - - (91,260,000) -
Final Cash Dividend for 2013 - - - - (821,340,000) (821,340,000)
Other Comprehensive Income - - - 296,917,120 - 296,917,120
Net profit for the year - - - - 2,316,779,965 2,316,779,965
Transferred to General Reseve - - 1,350,000,000 - (1,350,000,000) -
91,260,000 - 1,350,000,000 296,917,120 54,179,965 1,792,357,085

Balance as at 30 June 2014 1,003,860,000 152,833,103 5,660,000,000 3,827,894,520 1,253,697,965 11,898,285,588

Balance as on 01 July 2014 1,003,860,000 152,833,103 5,660,000,000 3,827,894,520 1,253,697,965 11,898,285,588

Issue of Bonus Shares for 2014 100,386,000 - - - (100,386,000) -
Final Cash Dividend for 2014 - - - - (903,474,000) (903,474,000)
Other Comprehensive Income - - - 1,851,788,570 - 1,851,788,570
Net profit for the year - - - - 2,253,188,298 2,253,188,298
Transferred to General Reseve - - - - - -
100,386,000 - - 1,851,788,570 1,249,328,298 3,201,502,868

Balance as at 30 June 2015 1,104,246,000 152,833,103 5,660,000,000 5,679,683,090 2,503,026,263 15,099,788,456

These financial statements should be read in conjunction with the annexed notes
and were approved by the Board of Directors on 15 November 2015
and were signed on its behalf by :

CFO & Company Secretary Managing Director & Director Director Chairman

Signed in terms of our separate report of even date annexed

Chittagong, Khan Wahab Shafique Rahman & Co. Hoda Vasi Chowdhury & Co.
15 November 2015 Chartered Accountants Chartered Accountants



2014-2015 2013-2014
Taka Taka
Collection from Sales & Other Income 128,465,680,955 128,762,727,581
Payment for Cost and Other Expenses (122,201,474,545) (122,371,245,187)
Interest on Fixed Deposit 461,291,292 425,094,895
Interest on SND 1,267,929,271 1,414,920,103
Dividend Receipt 162,376,550 115,983,250
Bank Charges Paid (785,297) (559,226)
Income Tax Paid (703,024,319) (686,363,956)
Cash Inflow / (Outflow) from Operating Activities (A) 7,451,993,907 7,660,557,460
Acquisition of Fixed Assets (170,171,247) (212,668,466)
Capital Work in Progress 4,623,631 75,977,534
Advance (188,701,053) 158,296,271
Proceed from sale of Fixed Assets 395,660 159,000
Cash Inflow / (Outflow) from Investing Activities (B) (353,853,009) 21,764,339


Dividend Paid (895,004,196) (820,804,667)
Creditors For Other Finance (6,412,766) 40,818,968
Cash Inflow / (Outflow) from Financing Activities (C) (901,416,962) (779,985,699)
Net Increase/ (Decrease) in Cash & Cash Equivalents for the Year
(A+B+C) 6,196,723,936 6,902,336,100
Cash and Cash Equivalents at the beginning of the year 15,117,380,657 8,215,044,557
Cash and Cash Equivalents at the end of the year 21,314,104,593 15,117,380,657

Operating Cash Flow Per Share 67.48 76.31

These financial statements should be read in conjunction with the annexed notes
and were approved by the Board of Directors on 15 November 2015
and were signed on its behalf by :

CFO & Company Secretary Managing Director & Director Director Chairman
Signed in terms of our separate report of even date annexed

Chittagong, Khan Wahab Shafique Rahman & Co. Hoda Vasi Chowdhury & Co.
15 November 2015 Chartered Accountants Chartered Accountants


Notes to the Financial Statements


The Company was incorporated on 12 March 1975 as Private Limited Company under the
Companies Act 1913. Subsequently it converted into a Public Limited Company on 25 June
2007 vide special resolution dated 03 June 2007 under the Companies Act 1994 (Previously
1913). The company was listed with Dhaka Stock Exchange (DSE) and Chittagong Stock
Exchange (CSE) in 2008. The registered office of the company is situated at Jamuna
Bhaban, Agrabad C/A, Chittagong. The company acquired all the properties, rights, interests
and assets of Bangladesh National Oils Limited (ex-Pakistan National Oils Limited) which
were vested in Bangladesh Petroleum Corporation under an agreement entered into between
the company and the corporation, based on the audited accounts of the company as on 31
December 1976. The company also acquired all the properties, rights, interests and assets of
Indo-Burma Petroleum Company Limited (a subsidiary of Bangladesh Petroleum
Corporation) on 01 January 1986 based on the audited accounts of IBPCL as on 31
December 1985. Vendor’s agreement to this is yet to be executed. The Company is
functioning as a subsidiary of Bangladesh Petroleum Corporation. The business of the
company is marketing of refined Petroleum Oil, Lubricants, L.P. Gas and Bitumen.
2.1.1 Basis of preparation and presentation of the financial statements
The financial statements have been prepared and the disclosures of information made in
accordance with the requirements of the Companies Act 1994, the Securities and Exchange
Rules 1987, other applicable laws and regulations and the International Accounting
Standards (IASs) and International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) adopted by the
Institute of Chartered Accountants of Bangladesh (ICAB), as Bangladesh Accounting
Standards (BAS) & Bangladesh Financial Reporting Standard (BFRS). The Board of
Directors are responsible for preparing and presenting the financial statement including
adequate disclosures, who approved and authorized for issue of these financial statements.
The financial position and statement of comprehensive income have been prepared
according to BAS 1 “Presentation of Financial Statements” based on accrual basis of
accounting following going concern assumption under Generally Accepted Accounting
Principles (GAAP) in Bangladesh and cash flow statement according to BAS 7 “Cash Flow


2.2 Presentation of Financial Statements
The presentation of this financial statements is in accordance with the guidelines provided
by BAS 1 : Presentation of Financial Statements.
The Financial Statements Comprises:
a) a statement of financial position as at 30 June 2015;
b) a statement of comprehensive income for the year ended 30 June 2015;
c) a statement of changes in equity for the year ended 30 June 2015;
d) a statement of cash flows for the year ended 30 June 2015;
e) notes, comprising a summary of significant accounting policies and other explanatory
2.3 Principal accounting policies
The specific accounting policies have been selected and applied by the Company’s
management for significant transactions and events that have a material effect within the
Framework for the Preparation and Presentation of Financial Statements. Financial
Statements have been prepared and presented in compliance with BAS 1 “Presentation of
Financial Statements”. The previous years figures were prepared according to the same
accounting principles. Compared to the previous year, there were no significant changes in
the accounting and valuation policies affecting the financial position and performance of the
company. However, changes made to the presentation are explained in the note for each
respective item..
2.4 Application of Standards
The following BASs are applied to the financial statements for the year under review:
BAS 1 Presentation of Financial Statements
BAS 2 Inventories
BAS 7 Statement of Cash Flow
BAS 8 Accounting policies, changes in accounting estimates and errors
BAS 10 Events after the Balance Sheet date
BAS 12 Income Taxes
BAS 16 Property, Plant & Equipment
BAS 17 Leases
BAS 18 Revenue
BAS 19 Employee Benefits
BAS 21 The Effects of Changes in Foreign Exchange Rates
BAS 24 Related Party Disclosures
BAS 33 Earnings Per Share
BAS 37 Provisions, Contingent Liabilities and Contingent Assets
BAS 39 Financial Instruments: Recognition and Measurement


2.5 Reporting Period
The financial statements cover one calendar year from 01 July 2014 to 30 June 2015.
2.6 Authorization for Issue
The financial statements have been duly authorized for issue by the Board of Directors for
the year ended at 30 June 2015.
2.7 Functional and Presentation Currency
The financial statements are prepared and presented in Bangladesh Currency (Taka), which
is the company’s functional currency. All financial information has been presented rounded
off to the nearest Taka except where indicated otherwise.
2.8 Comparative Information
Comparative information has been disclosed in respect of the year ended 30 June 2014 for
all numerical information in the financial statements and also the narrative and descriptive
information where it is relevant for understanding of the current years financial statements.
Figures for the year ended 30 June 2014 have been re-arranged wherever considered
necessary to ensure better comparability with the current year.
2.9 Use of Estimates and Judgments
The preparation of financial statement in conformity with BFRS/ BAS requires management
to make judgments, estimates and assumptions that affect the application of accounting
policies and the reported amounts of assets, liabilities, income and expenses, and disclosure
requirements for contingent assets and liabilities during and at the date of the financial
Actual results may differ from these estimates. Estimates and underlying assumptions are
reviewed on an ongoing basis. Revisions of accounting estimates are recognized in the
period in which the estimate is revised and in any future periods affected as required by BAS
8 : Accounting Policies, Changes in Accounting Estimates and Errors.
2.10 Related party Disclosure
Parties are considered to be related if one of the parties has the ability to control the other
party or exercise significant influence over the other party in making financial and
operating decisions. The Company carried out transactions in the ordinary course of
business on an arm’s length basis at Commercial rates with related parties. Related party
disclosures have been given in note 30.
2.11 Statement of Cash Flow
The statement of Cash Flows has been prepared in accordance with the requirements of BAS
7: Statement of Cash Flows. The cash generated from operating activities has been reported
using the Direct Method as prescribed by the Securities and Exchange Rules, 1987 and as
encouraged by BAS 7 whereby major classes of gross cash receipts and gross cash payments
from operating activities are disclosed.


2.12 Reclassifications
To facilitate comparison, certain relevant balances pertaining to the previous year have been
rearranged/restated/reclassified whenever considered necessary to confirm to current periods
2.13 Accounting Convention and Assumption
The financial statements have been prepared based on historical cost convention basis and
accordingly adjustment has been made for inflationary factors affecting the financial
statements. The accounting policies, unless otherwise stated, have been consistently applied
by the company and are consistent with those of the previous year.
2.14 Going Concern
The company has adequate resources to continue in operation for foreseeable future. For this
reason the directors continue to adopt going concern basis in preparing the financial
The current credit facilities and adequate resources of the company provide sufficient funds
to meet the present requirements of its existing businesses and operations.
2.15 Materiality and Aggregation
Each material item as considered by management significant has been presented separately
in financial statements. No amount has been set off unless the company has a legal right to
set off the amount and intends to settle on net basis.
Income and Expenses are presented on a net basis only when permitted by the relevant
accounting standards.
2.16 Property, Plant and Equipment
2.16.1 Recognition and Measurement
Property, plant and equipment are capitalized at cost of acquisition and subsequently stated
at cost less accumulated depreciation and the capital work in progress(when arises) is stated
at cost in compliance with the requirements of BAS 16: Property, Plant and Equipment. The
Cost of acquisition of an asset comprises its purchase price and any directly attributable cost
of bringing the assets to its working condition for its intended use inclusive of inward
freight, duties and non-refundable taxes.
2.16.2 Maintenance Activities
The company incurs maintenance costs for all major items of property, plant and equipment.
Repairs and Maintenance costs are charged as expenses when incurred.
2.16.3 Subsequent Expenditure
The company recognizes in the carrying amount of an item of property, plant and equipment
the cost of replacing part of such an item when that cost is incurred, it is probable that the
future economic benefits embodied with the items will flow to the company and the cost of
the item can be measured reliably. Expenditure incurred after the assets have been put into
operation, such as repairs and maintenance is normally charged off as revenue expenditure


in the period in which it is incurred. In situation where it can be clearly demonstrated that
the expenditure has resulted in an increase in the future economic benefit expected to be
obtained from the use of the fixed assets, the expenditure is capitalized as an additional cost
of the assets. All other costs are recognized to the statement of comprehensive income as
expenses if incurred. All are up-gradation /enhancement is generally charged off as revenue
expenditure unless they bring similar significant additional benefits.
2.16.4 Disposal of Fixed Assets
On disposal of fixed assets, the cost and accumulated depreciation are eliminated and gain or
loss on such disposal is reflected in the statements of comprehensive income, which is
determined with reference to the net book value of the assets and net sales proceeds.
2.16.5 Depreciation on Fixed Assets
Depreciation is provided on all fixed assets except Land & Land Development at the
following rates on straight line basis over the periods appropriate to the estimated useful
lives of the different types of assets. Leasehold lands are amortized according to the
amortization schedule. The rates at which assets are depreciated per annum are given below:
Category of Assets Annual Rate (%)
Buildings 5-10
Tanks and Pipelines 5-15
Machinery 7.5
Up-Country Depot 7.5
Service and Filling Station 10
Pumps, Filling & Fire Fighting Equipment 5-15
Laboratory & Engineering Equipment 7.5-15
Vehicles & Other Rolling Stock 20
Railway and Jetty sides 5-7.5
Furniture & Fittings 5-20
Returnable Packages 20
Oil Tanker M. T Jamuna 10

2.17 Valuation of Inventories (Note - 6.00)

Inventories are carried at the lower of cost and net realizable value as prescribed by BAS
2: Inventories. Cost is determined on weighted average cost basis. The cost of
inventories comprises of expenditure incurred in the normal course of business in
bringing the inventories to their present location and condition. Net realizable value is
based on estimated selling price less any further costs expected to be incurred to make
the sale.


Category of Stocks Basis of Valuation
Petroleum Products : Valued at cost, those from at ERL transfer Price
Other Products and Store & Spares : Weighted average cost.
2.18 Accounts Receivable
These are carried at original invoice amount. This is considered good and collectible, and
therefore, no amount was written off as bad debt and no debt was considered doubtful to
provide for during the year under review.
2.19 Cash and Cash Equivalents
Cash in hand and cash at banks (Note-9) and investment in fixed deposit with banks (Note-5)
have been considered as the cash and cash equivalents for preparation of these financial
statements as there was insignificant risk of changes in value of these current assets.
2.20 Investment
2.20.1 Investment in shares of listed company has been valued at fair value being year end stock
exchange quoted price in compliance with the requirements of BAS-39 “Financial
Instruments: Recognition and Measurement”. The said investment has been considered as
available for sale and presented as Non-Current assets, and accordingly, the gain on
revaluation has been shown under “Other Comprehensive income in compliance with the
said BAS-39.
2.20.2 Investment in other shares is valued at cost, intrinsic value was not considered.
2.21 Accounts Payable & Accruals
2.21.1 Trade and other payables
Liabilities are recorded at the amount payable for settlement in respect of goods and services
received by the company, whether or not billed by the supplier.
2.21.2 Provision
The preparation of financial statements is in conformity with Bangladesh Accounting
Standards BAS - 37, “Provisions, Contingent Liabilities and Contingent Assets”
requires management to make estimates and Assumptions that affect the reported
amounts of revenues and expenses, assets and liabilities during and at the date of
financial statements.
In accordance with the guidelines as prescribed by BAS 37, provisions were recognized in
the following situation:
 When the company has a present obligation as a result of past events;
 When it is probable than an outflow of resources embodying economic benefits will be
required to settle the obligation; and
 Reliable estimates can be made of the amount of the obligation.
We have shown the provisions in the statements of financial position at an appropriate level
with regard to an adequate provision for risks and uncertainties. An amount recorded as a
provision represented the best estimate of the probable expenditure required to fulfil the
current obligation on the financial position date.


Other provisions are valued in accordance with BAS 37 Provisions, Contingent Liabilities
and Contingent Assets. Other provisions comprise all recognizable risks from uncertain
liabilities and anticipated losses from pending transactions.
2.22 Revenue Recognition
2.22.1 Income i.e., Margin on products supplied by BPC and other Gas companies are recognized
after Delivery of goods to the customers.
The company is engaged in marketing of oil products. The income it earns is termed, as
‘Margin’ that is Fixed and determined by the Govt. Jamuna has no control over fixing the
price of the products. Company records ‘Purchase’ while receiving supply and ‘Sales’ while
making delivery of the same considering the nature of business and its earning, the
management changed the presentation of accounts in the year 2005-2006. According to the
changed policy, sales net of cost of goods sold (net earnings from petroleum product) has
been directly presented in accounts as revenue. Before 2005-2006 purchases and sales were
separately shown in accounts.
2.22.2 Dividend income is recognised on approval of the said dividend in the annual general
meeting of relevant company. Stock dividend (Bonus Shares) is not considered as revenue.
2.22.3 Interest on fixed deposit is accounted for on accrual basis.
2.23 Employee Benefits
2.23.1 Employee's Provident Fund
The company operates a contributory provident fund scheme for its permanent employees.
Provident fund is administered by a Board of Trustees and its funded by contributions partly
from employees and partly from the company at pre-determined rates. These contributions
are invested separately from the company’s assets.
2.23.2 Employees' Gratuity
Upto 31.03.2015
Entitlement was minimum 5 (five) years service for the Officers and 1 (one) year service for
Workers and Staffs. Gratuity shall be 2 months / 60 days basic salary for every completed
year of service.
Since 01.04.2015
In accordance with the resolution of the Board of Directors dated 25.03.2015 a Gratuity
Scheme in line with Ministry of Finance Circular dated 19.11.1995 has been adopted. Under
this Scheme the Employees are entitled to 2 (two) months basic salary plus D.A. after
completion of 1 (one) year but less than 10 (ten) years service in the Company. In case of
service life exceeding 10 (ten) years the employees are entitled to Gratuity payment as per
the Circular of Finance Ministry dated 19.11.1995. The Gratuity liability has been created in
the accounts as per guideline of BAS – 8, Para – 25, “Accounting Policies, Changes in
Accounting Estimates and Errors”.
2.23.3 Insurance
Employees are covered under the Group Insurance Scheme.


2.23.4 Workers' Profit Participation & Welfare Funds (WPP & WF)
Provision for Workers Profit Participation Fund has been made @ 5% of net profit as per
provision of the Bangladesh Labour Law 2006 and is payable to workers as defined in
the law.
2.24 Income Tax Expenses
Income tax expenses comprise of current and deferred tax. Income tax expenses is
recognized in the statement of comprehensive Income and accounted for in accordance with
the requirement of IAS 12: Income Tax.
2.24.1 Current Tax
Current Tax is the expected tax payable on the taxable income for the year, and any
adjustment to tax payable in respect of previous years. The company qualifies as a “Publicly
Traded Company”; hence the applicable tax rate is 25% as prescribed in the Finance Act,
2015. Tax on dividend has been provided at applicable rate.
2.24.2 Deferred Tax
The Company has recognized deferred tax using balance sheet method in compliance
with the provisions of IAS 12: Income Taxes. The company’s policy of recognition of
deferred tax assets/liabilities is based on temporary differences (Taxable or deductible)
between the carrying amount (Book Value) of assets and liabilities for financial reporting
purpose and its tax base, and accordingly, deferred tax income/expenses has been
considered to determine net profit after tax and earning per shares (EPS). A deferred tax
asset is recognized to the extent that it is probable that future taxable profit will be
available, against which temporary differences can be utilized. Deferred tax assets are
reviewed at each reporting date and reduced to the extent that is no longer probable that
the related tax benefit will be realized.
2.25 Contingent Liabilities and Assets
Contingent liabilities are current or possible obligations, arising from past events and whose
existence is due to the occurrence or non- occurrence of one or more uncertain future events,
which are not within the control of the company. In accordance with BAS 37 “Provisions,
Contingent Liabilities, and Contingent Assets”, Contingent liabilities and commitments are
disclosed in note- 19 of the financial statements.
2.26 Proposed Dividend
The amount of proposed dividend has not been accounted for but disclosed in the notes
to the accounts along with dividend per share in accordance with the requirements of the
Para 125 of International Accounting Standard (IAS) 1: Presentation of Financial
Statements. Also, the proposed dividend has not been considered As “Liability” in
accordance with the requirements of the para 12 & 13 of International Accounting
Standard (IAS) 10: Events After The Reporting Period, because no obligation exists at
the time of approval of accounts and recommendations of dividend by the Board of


2.27 Earnings per Share (EPS)
This has been calculated in compliance with the requirements of IAS 33: Earnings Per Share
- dividing the basic earnings by the weighted average number of ordinary shares outstanding
during the year. Basic earnings represent the earnings for the year attributable to ordinary
Current Year (2014-2015)
The Bonus Shares issued during the year 2014-2015 were treated as if they always had been
in issue. Hence, in computing the Basic EPS of 2014-2015, the total number of shares
including the said bonus shares has been considered as the weighted Average Number of
Shares outstanding during the year 2014-2015.
Earlier Year (2013-2014)
The number of shares outstanding before the bonus issue has been adjusted for the
proportionate change in the number of shares outstanding as if the bonus issue had occurred
at the beginning of the earliest period reported (2013-2014), and accordingly, in calculating
the adjusted EPS Of 2013-2014, the total number of shares including the subsequent bonus
issue in 2013-2014 has been considered as the Weighted Average Number of Shares
outstanding during the year 2013-2014. The basis of computation of number of shares as
stated above is in line with the provisions of IAS 33, Earnings per Share. The logic behind
this basis, as stated in the said IAS is, that the bonus shares are issued to the existing
shareholders without any consideration, and therefore, the number of shares outstanding is
increased without an increase in resources.
Diluted Earnings Per Share
No diluted EPS is required to be calculated for the year as there was no scope for dilution
during the year under review.
2.28 Foreign Currency Transactions
Foreign Currency Transactions are recorded at the applicable rates of exchange prevailing on
the respective dates of transaction. The monetary assets and liabilities, if any, denominated in
foreign currencies at the Balance Sheet date are translated at applicable rates of exchange
ruling at that date. Exchange differences are charged of as Revenue Expenditure in compliance
with the provisions of BAS – 21, “The effects of Changes in Foreign Exchange Rates.”
However, there were no foreign currency transactions during the year under review.
2.29 Concentrations
The Company has significant concentration of business transacted with a particular
supplier, BPC. If business with BPC, is stopped suddenly that will severely affect the
company’s operations.
The company does not have a concentration of available sources of labour, services, or
licenses or other rights that could, if suddenly eliminated, severely affect the operations of
the company.
2.30 Directors' Responsibility Statement
The Board of Director takes the responsibility for the preparation and presentation of these
financial statements.


2.31 Financial Risk Management
The company management has overall responsibility for the establishment and oversight of
the company’s risk management frame work. Risk management policies, procedures and
systems are reviewed regularly to reflect changes in market conditions and the company’s
activities. The company has exposure to the following risks from its use of financial
 Credit risk
 Liquidity risk
 Market risk
2.31.01 Credit Risk
Credit risk is the risk of a financial loss to the company if a customer or counterparty to a
financial instrument fails to meet its contractual obligations and arises principally from the
company’s receivables. Management has a credit policy in place and exposure to credit risk
is monitored or an ongoing basis. Risk exposure from financial assets, i.e. Cash at Bank and
other external receivables are nominal.
2.31.02 Liquidity risk
Liquidity risk is the risk at the company will not be able to meet its financial obligations as
they fall due. The company’s approach to management liquidity (Cash and Cash
Equivalents) is to ensure, as per as possible, that it will always has sufficient liquidity to
meets its liabilities when due, under both normal and stressed conditions, without incurring
unacceptable losses or risking damage to the company’s reputation. Typically, the company
ensures that it has sufficient cash and cash equivalents to meet expected operational
expenses, including financial obligations through preparation of the cash flow forecast,
prepared based on timeline of payment of the financial obligation and accordingly arranged
for sufficient liquidity/fund to make the expected payment within due date.
In extreme stressed conditions, the company may get support from the related company in
the form of short term financing.
2.31.03 Market risk
Market risk is the risk that any change in market prices such as foreign exchange rates and
interest that affect the company’s income or the value of its holding of financial instruments.
The objective of market risk management is to manage and control market risk exposures
within acceptable parameters.
(a) Currency Risk
As at 30 June 2015 there was no exposure to currency risk as there were no foreign
currency transactions made during the year under review.
(b) Interest Rate Risk
Interest rate risk is the risk that arises due to changes in interest rates on borrowing.
There was no loan which is subject to floating rates of interest. The company has not
entered into any type of derivative instrument in order to hedge interest rate as at the
reporting date.


3.1 Operating Fixed Assets at Cost less Accumulated Depreciation : Amount in Taka

Fixed Assets at Cost - note 2.16.1 Depreciation / Amortization - note 2.16.5
Deprecia Charged during the year down value
At Deletion/ At 01 Deletion/
Particulars Addition At tion At At
01 July Adjustment July Adjustment
during the 30 June Rate (%) On Opening Total 30 June 30 June
2014 during the 2014 On Addition during the

year 2015 Balance Taka 2015 2015
(Restated) year (Restated) year
Freehold Land 14,661,627 13,135,949 - 27,797,576 - - - - - - 27,797,576
Leasehold Land 10,191,301 - - 10,191,301 3,454,038 105,053 - 105,053 - 3,559,091 6,632,210
Building 179,196,146 5,345,702 - 184,541,848 5-10 68,060,472 7,280,323 175,208 7,455,531 - 75,516,003 109,025,845
Tank & Pipe Lines 152,931,129 15,992,004 1,533,726 167,389,407 5-15 72,402,363 10,013,176 877,425 10,890,601 1,533,726 81,759,238 85,630,169
Plant & Machinery 10,014,278 540,954 - 10,555,232 7.5 5,495,124 496,486 25,621 522,107 - 6,017,231 4,538,001
Up-country Depots 680,835,291 102,991,214 - 783,826,505 7.5 294,309,796 38,295,502 6,361,438 44,656,940 - 338,966,736 444,859,769
Service & Filling Stations 19,159,839 - 467,616 18,692,223 10 19,159,837 - - - 467,616 18,692,221 2
Pump Filling & Fire Fighting Equipment 38,730,624 1,242,554 - 39,973,178 5-15 25,501,264 1,779,977 111,792 1,891,769 - 27,393,033 12,580,145
Laboratory Office & Engineering Equipment 52,282,110 13,497,390 - 65,779,500 7.5-15 31,548,090 4,141,261 1,321,224 5,462,485 - 37,010,575 28,768,925
Vehicles & Other Rolling Stocks 40,333,614 14,761,900 - 55,095,514 20 36,669,562 1,600,600 48,826 1,649,426 - 38,318,988 16,776,526
Railway Siding and Jetty 6,015,648 - - 6,015,648 5-7.5 4,982,860 76,502 - 76,502 - 5,059,362 956,286
Furniture and Fixtures 16,342,429 2,663,580 - 19,006,009 5-20 11,096,201 788,298 263,094 1,051,392 - 12,147,593 6,858,416
Returnable Packages 171,075 - - 171,075 20 171,072 - - - - 171,072 3
Oil Tanker MT Jamuna & Others 16,259,663 - - 16,259,663 10 16,259,660 - - - - 16,259,660 3
30-Jun-15 1,237,124,774 170,171,247 2,001,342 1,405,294,679 589,110,339 64,577,178 9,184,628 73,761,806 2,001,342 660,870,803 744,423,876

30-Jun-14 1,024,504,654 212,668,466 48,346 1,237,124,774 526,874,861 49,797,976 12,485,848 62,283,824 48,346 589,110,339 648,014,435

3.2 Free Hold Land :

Out of Total 47.054 acres freehold land, 2.30 acres are yet to be registered in the name of the company.
Land measuring 2.10 acres and 0.51 acres are possessed by Chittagong Dry Dock Ltd. and some filling stations respectively.
3.3 Leasehold Land :
The company owned & possessed 5.761 acres of lease hold land of which 3.733 acres are taken on lease from Government and various organizations for 99 years and 2.028 acres are taken on lease from M/S Eastern Refinery
Limited for a period of 50 years through transfer / lease deed. During the year the company amortized Taka 105,053 against the above land.
30-Jun-15 30-Jun-14
Taka Taka
Opening Balance 68,936,251 144,913,786
Addition during the year - note 4.1 90,436,821 90,850,305
159,373,072 235,764,091
Capitalized during the year - note 4.1 (95,060,452) (166,827,839)
Closing Balance 64,312,620 68,936,251
4.1 The break up of Capital Work in Progress - note 4

At Expenditure Capitalized At
Particulars 01 July incurred during the 30 June
2014 during the year 2015
i) Chittagong Terminal:
Construction of Office Building 837,725 160,000 - 997,725
Radar Type Auto Tank Gauging System 17,288,906 6,582,820 - 23,871,726
External Floating Roof Convert to Fixed Roof of T.
No. 17 - 3,302,880 3,302,880 -
Construction of Hard Standing - 1,940,965 1,940,965 -
Develop. Work at Oil Water Separator Area - 414,567 414,567 -
Construction of Oil Tank 3000 MT - 12,633,161 - 12,633,161
Contruction of RCC Culvert & Walkway - 1,843,926 - 1,843,926
Develop. Work at Railway Wagon Shed Area - 1,548,568 1,548,568 -
Renovation of Bottom Plate of Tank No. 01 - 10,356,632 - 10,356,632
ii) Chittagong Office
Automation / Computarisation 6,639,017 544,159 7,183,176 -
iii) Parbatipur Depot:
Re-construction of Boundary Wall - 528,335 528,335 -
Ext. of Wagon Pump House & Inst. Of 2 Pump - 773,509 773,509 -
iv) Daulatpur Depot:
Construction of Oil Tank 2000 MT 7,571,700 4,601,474 12,173,174 -
Construction of Temporary Office Building - 3,794,675 3,794,675 -
Renovation of Tank No. 15 (Bottom Plate) - 4,011,460 - 4,011,460
v) Fatullah Depot:
Construction of 500 KVA Sub-Station 7,587,000 - - 7,587,000
Const. of Sub-Station & Main Switch Room - 612,094 612,094 -
Const. of RCC Retaining Wall & B. Wall - 3,004,990 - 3,004,990
Extension of Pump House - 840,361 840,361 -
vi) Baghabari Depot:
Construction of Office Building 6,000 - - 6,000
Construction of Fire Fighting system 18,000 - 18,000 -
vii) Barisal Depot:
Construction of Oil Tank 7000 MT 28,987,903 18,049,979 47,037,882 -
Vertical Extension of Boundary Wall - 539,897 539,897 -
viii) Sachnabazar Depot
MV Joytun-Major renovation Works & Transf. - 10,106,569 10,106,569 -
ix) Chandpur Depot
2 Cont. Sup., Instal. & Cons. of Lub Drum Y. - 1,444,692 1,444,692 -
x) Rajshahi Depot
Lub God. With S. Room & Reno. Of T.L. Fil. A. - 2,801,108 2,801,108 -
30 June 2015 68,936,251 90,436,821 95,060,452 64,312,620
30 June 2014 144,913,786 90,850,305 166,827,839 68,936,251


30-Jun-15 30-Jun-14
Taka Taka
In Shares - note 5.1 & 5.2 5,855,083,090 4,003,294,520
In FDR - note 5.3 6,428,333,873 5,103,639,316
12,283,416,963 9,106,933,836

5.1 MJL Bangladesh Limited

Particulars Quantity Market Value Market Value Unrealised

30.06.2015 30.06.2014 Gain/(Loss)
Original Shares 8,770,000
5,767,383,090 3,915,594,520 1,851,788,570
Bonus Shares 44,582,295
Total 53,352,295 5,767,383,090 3,915,594,520 1,851,788,570
Less: Original Cost 87,700,000 87,700,000
Fair Value Gain on Investment 5,679,683,090 3,827,894,520

5.1.1 The Company holds 19.45% shares of MJL Bangladesh Limited.

5.1.2 JOCL earned 15% i.e. TK. 69,589,950 as cash dividend from MJL Bangladesh Limited for the year 2014.
(JOCL received Tk. 115,983,250 as cash dividend from MJL Bangladeh Limited for the year 2013)
5.1.3 The market value of each share of MJL Bangladesh Limited was TK.108.10 on 30 June 2015 in Chittagong Stock Exchange

5.2 Omera Fuels limited:

Quantity Cost
Original Shares 8,770,000 87,700,000

5.2.1 The Company holds 25% shares of Omera Fuels Limited.

5.2.2 JOCL has got allotment of 8,770,000 shares of Tk. 10 each of Omera Fuels Limited (OFL) in exchange of its land by 30
June 2015.
5.2.3 Omera Fuels Limited (OFL) has commenced its commercial activities in August 2013. Previous name of OFL was Mobil
Jamuna Fuels Limited (MJFL) and renamed as Omera Fuels Limited (OFL) on 20 October 2011. OFL has set up a Tank Terminal
of 14 Tanks having total storage capacity of 70,000 MT at Guptakhal, Patenga, Chittagong on its own free hold land measuring
6.175 Acres revalued at Tk. 3,335.00 Million (Original cost Tk. 87.50 Million). The Tank Terminal has automated custody transfer
and inventory management system with no manual intervention and this is the first & only Tank Terminal in Bangladesh of
International Standard and Certified by " Germanischer Lloyd SE ", a leading international certification body.
5.2.4 As per Audited Financial Position as on 31.12.2014 Net Asset Value (NAV) per share of Omera Fuels Limited is Tk. 101.04
(2013 : 99.60) and Earning Per Share (EPS) for the year ended 31.12.2014 is Tk. 2.30 (2013 : Tk. 0.34)
5.2.5 Omera Fuels Limited did not declare any dividend for the year 2014.

30-Jun-15 30-Jun-14
5.3 In FDR: note 5 Taka Taka
Principal 6,086,660,849 4,912,690,440
Accrued Interest 341,673,024 190,948,876
6,428,333,873 5,103,639,316
Inventories in Trade - note 6.1 9,773,927,158 7,711,357,498
Stores & Spares - note 6.2 74,548,349 80,812,110
9,848,475,507 7,792,169,608


6.1 Inventories in Trade - note 6
30-Jun-15 30-Jun-14
Quantity (Ltr.) Taka Quantity (Ltr.) Taka
Stock - note 6.1.1 137,728,263 9,329,614,137 110,076,104 7,299,811,505
L.P. Gas (Cylinder) 1,942 1,223,460 3,696 2,328,480
Imported Lubricants 823,581 232,187,245 803,901 224,928,708
Lubricants 224,122 36,645,743 264,176 32,828,542
Imported Grease 29,787 15,400,474 37,676 19,208,245
Bitumen (MT) 1,699 113,611,090 1,198 73,874,996
138,809,394 9,728,682,149 111,186,751 7,652,980,476
Raw Materials - Lubricants 303,927 45,245,009 539,521 58,377,022
Raw Materials - In Transit - - - -
139,113,321 9,773,927,158 111,726,272 7,711,357,498

30-Jun-15 30-Jun-14
Quantity (Ltr.) Taka Quantity (Ltr.) Taka
6.1.1 Inventories - note 6.1
HOBC 4,926,992 464,094,943 1,557,639 146,916,511
MS 10,061,662 910,394,221 7,322,729 651,190,496
SKO 9,662,278 629,261,252 9,018,239 588,126,214
HSD 103,630,979 6,753,630,902 74,029,345 4,824,492,414
FO 7,966,091 471,592,587 16,663,061 988,119,517
JBO 1,480,261 100,640,232 1,485,091 100,966,353
137,728,263 9,329,614,137 110,076,104 7,299,811,505

30-Jun-15 30-Jun-14
Taka Taka
6.2 Stores & Spares - note 6
Non Returnable Empty Packages 4,167,870 4,714,467
L.P.G Store Materials 31,681,045 32,080,934
Chittagong Terminal Stores 26,441,068 26,879,171
Depot Stores 11,811,134 16,349,036
Pesticide Materials 447,232 788,502
74,548,349 80,812,110

Dividend Receivables - 92,786,600
LPG Distributors Account 11,996,787 6,908,600
Sundry Debtors (POL Products) 875,461,462 1,126,563,441
887,458,249 1,226,258,641
Provision for Doubtful Debts (5,784,326) (5,784,326)
881,673,923 1,220,474,315

7.1 No amount was due by the Directors (including Managing Director), Managers & Officers of the Company and any of them
severally and jointly with any other person.

7.2 Due to uncertainty of recovery of Tk. 44,371,237 the Company filed a case against the party and the case is in progress in the
court. Another Debtors holding Tk. 49,694,567 was also considerd doubtful and the Company filed similar recovery case and in
consequence Tk. 30,000,000 was recovered on 21 October 2015 and balance Tk. 19,694,564 is expected to be recovered soon.


30-Jun-15 30-Jun-14
Taka Taka
Advances - note 8.1 1,538,068,069 1,275,338,527
Deposits - note 8.2 850,427,489 1,028,199,965
Pre-Payments - note 8.3 13,872,181 13,879,003
2,402,367,739 2,317,417,495
8.1 Advances - note 8
Bangladesh Petroleum Corporation 316,099,119 296,962,584
Padma Oil Co. Ltd. 605,510,959 539,805,795
Meghna Petroleum Limited 217,315,101 190,586,389
Eastern Refinery Limited 2,214,165 2,035,152
LPG Limited 164,394 86,053
Eastern Lubricants Blenders Limited 6,113 6,113
Standard Asiatic Oil Company Limited 72,233 11,780,000
MJL Bangladesh Limited 64,310,718 82,695,102
Advance against other than Revenue Expenses - note 8.1.1 270,233,608 81,532,555
Others 62,141,659 69,848,784
1,538,068,069 1,275,338,527

8.1.1 Advance against other than Revenue Expenses - note 8.1

Construction of Mongla Oil Installation 212,000,000 12,000,000
LPG Import, Storge & Botling Plant at Mongla 1,500,000 1,500,000
Construction of 03 Oil Tank at Baghabari 56,733,608 56,835,108
Advance Against Land Purchase - 11,197,447
270,233,608 81,532,555
8.2 Deposits - note 8
LPG Limited 24,495,450 24,495,450
Standard Asiatic Oil Co. Ltd. 3,500,000 2,000,000
Eastern Lubricants Blenders Ltd. 106,628 106,628
Others 822,325,411 1,001,597,887
850,427,489 1,028,199,965
8.3 Pre-Payments - note 8
Pre-paid Rent & Insurance 13,872,181 13,879,003
13,872,181 13,879,003
8.4 Advance realizable in Cash
Employees - Car, House Building Loan etc. 29,466,724 28,690,735
Staff Provident Fund 13,360,034 11,356,874
42,826,758 40,047,609

8.5 Amount recoverable or adjustable within twelve months from

the date of Statement of Financial Position. 2,377,872,289 2,292,922,045

8.6 Aggregate Amount due by managers and officers of the

Company. 10,894,506 12,000,761

8.7 The maximum aggregate amount due by the managers and

officers of the Company at the end of any month during the
year. 10,894,506 12,000,761

8.8 Amount due by the directors of the Company. - -


30-Jun-15 30-Jun-14
Taka Taka
With different banks:
Short Notice Deposit (SND) Account 15,542,195,456 10,765,772,559
Current Account - note 9.1 (315,982,396) (562,340,803)
15,226,213,060 10,203,431,756
Cash In Hand 1,230,684 1,258,461
15,227,443,744 10,204,690,217

9.1 The credit balance arises due to issuance of cheques for an amount in excess of balance lying with banks.


For Trading Supplies & Services - note 10.1 23,915,331,130 17,338,101,881
For Expenses - note 10.2 1,697,580,421 1,623,018,582
25,612,911,551 18,961,120,463

10.1 Creditors for trading supplies & services - note 10

Payable to BPC 22,827,996,958 12,086,478,690
Payable to Others 1,087,334,172 5,251,623,191
23,915,331,130 17,338,101,881
10.2 Creditors for Expenses - note 10
Payable to BPC 1,249,126,422 1,179,338,293
Payable to officers & staffs against salary 18,840,530 11,515,922
Tanker charge payable 65,903,116 75,520,606
Workers Profit Participation & Welfare Fund 157,854,022 161,654,833
Railway freight payable 34,726,473 22,682,990
Payable to Others 171,129,858 172,305,938
1,697,580,421 1,623,018,582
Payable to Dealers & Distributor's (Security Deposit) 129,561,595 118,340,595
Payable to LPG Distributor's (Security Deposit) 15,097,790 15,047,790
Payable to Supplier & Contractor's (Security Deposit) 16,604,230 34,287,996
161,263,615 167,676,381


30-Jun-15 30-Jun-14
Taka Taka


Opening Balance 108,917,818 51,261,594
Provision made during the year 784,636,004 744,020,180
893,553,822 795,281,774
Payment made during the year (703,024,319) (686,363,956)
Closing Balance 190,529,503 108,917,818

Year wise details are as follows:

Accounting Year Tax Paid Tax Provided Balance (Taka)

30.06.1988 to 30.06.2003 34,631,255 3,403,844 (31,227,411)

30.06.2004 29,238,248 - (29,238,248)
30.06.2005 23,900,573 1,721,000 (22,179,573)
30.06.2006 31,701,642 120,000,000 88,298,358
30.06.2007 85,522,440 199,321,736 113,799,296
30.06.2008 243,916,657 175,869,357 (68,047,300)
30.06.2009 174,819,509 140,257,353 (34,562,156)
30.06.2010 177,608,877 190,832,700 13,223,823
30.06.2011 357,067,878 347,514,706 (9,553,172)
30.06.2012 582,973,032 676,773,633 93,800,601
30.06.2013 709,526,216 646,473,592 (63,052,624)
30.06.2014 686,363,956 744,020,180 57,656,224
30.06.2015 703,024,319 784,636,004 81,611,685
3,840,294,602 4,030,824,105 190,529,503

30-Jun-15 30-Jun-14
Taka Taka
Opening Balance 234,117,423 233,921,092
Provision made during the year 219,175,992 23,547,593
453,293,415 257,468,685
Payment made during the year (24,062,568) (23,351,262)
Closing Balance 429,230,847 234,117,423

13.1As disclosed in note - 2.23.2 Provision for Gratuity was increased during the year by Tk. 219,175,992 which was in the previous
year Tk. 23,547,593. Since JOCL adopted a new Gratuity Scheme considering Employees service length, so the increased provision
includes the shortfall provision of preceeding years.

30-Jun-15 30-Jun-14
Taka Taka


Opening Balance (28,037,301) (38,678,978)

Provision made during the year - 10,641,677
(28,037,301) (28,037,301)
Realized during the year (38,597,888) -
Closing Balance (66,635,189) (28,037,301)


30-Jun-15 30-Jun-14
Taka Taka

Opening Balance 16,555,785 16,020,452
Proposed Final Dividend for 2014 903,474,000 821,340,000
920,029,785 837,360,452
Payment Warrants Cleared (895,004,196) (820,804,667)
25,025,589 16,555,785
Sale Proceeds from Fractional Bonus Shares 632,300 667,300
Payment against Fractional Bonus Shares (632,300) (667,300)
25,025,589 16,555,785

Year wise break up:

2006-2007 3,278,643 3,278,643
2007-2008 4,147,365 4,148,444
2008-2009 1,452,085 1,503,205
2009-2010 798,949 811,099
2010-2011 1,583,756 1,735,658
2011-2012 1,419,148 1,542,053
2012-2013 2,779,128 3,536,683
2013-2014 9,566,515 -
25,025,589 16,555,785

30-Jun-15 30-Jun-14
Taka Taka
16.1 Authorised
300,000,000 Ordinary shares of Tk 10 each 3,000,000,000 3,000,000,000

16.2 Issued, subscribed and paid-up

5,000,000 Ordinary shares of Tk 10 each fully
paid for consideration otherwise than in cash. 50,000,000 50,000,000
105,424,600 Ordinary shares of Tk 10 each issued as bonus - note 16.2.1 1,054,246,000 953,860,000
110,424,600 Ordinary shares of Tk 10 each 1,104,246,000 1,003,860,000

16.2.1 Bonus Share Capital

5,000,000 Bonus shares of Tk. 10 each for 2005-2006 50,000,000 50,000,000
35,000,000 Bonus shares of Tk. 10 each for 2006-2007 350,000,000 350,000,000
9,000,000 Bonus shares of Tk. 10 each for 2009-2010 90,000,000 90,000,000
16,200,000 Bonus shares of Tk. 10 each for 2010-2011 162,000,000 162,000,000
21,060,000 Bonus shares of Tk. 10 each for 2011-2012 210,600,000 210,600,000
9,126,000 Bonus shares of Tk. 10 each for 2012-2013 91,260,000 91,260,000
10,038,600 Bonus shares of Tk. 10 each for 2013-2014 100,386,000 -
105,424,600 1,054,246,000 953,860,000


16.3 Position of share holdings
30-Jun-15 30-Jun-14
Percentage (%)
No. of Shares (%) of share No. of Shares
of share holding

Bangladesh Petroleum Corporation 66,346,774 60.08 60,315,249 60.08

Institutions (Financial & Others)
Local 26,063,671 23.60 24,821,119 24.73
Foreign 1,505,627 1.37 6,930 0.01
27,569,298 24.97 24,828,049 24.74
Local 16,310,811 14.77 15,074,124 15.02
Non-resident Bangladeshi 160,834 0.15 116,185 0.11
Foreign 36,883 0.03 52,393 0.05
16,508,528 14.95 15,242,702 15.18
110,424,600 100.00 100,386,000 100.00

16.4 Classification of Shareholders by holding

30-Jun-15 30-Jun-14

Holdings No. of Total Holdings Total Holdings

No. of Holders
Holders (%) (%)

Less than or equal 500 shares 10,028 1.44 11,362 1.82

501 to 5,000 shares 3,854 5.49 4,029 6.09
5,001 to 10,000 shares 304 1.94 311 2.24
10,001 to 20,000 shares 168 2.16 146 2.00
20,001 to 30,000 shares 70 1.59 64 1.54
30,001 to 50,000 shares 48 1.68 56 2.19
50,001 to 100,000 shares 43 2.81 43 3.06
100,001 to 1,000,000 shares 48 12.08 39 9.18
Over 1,000,000 shares 3 70.81 5 71.88
14,566 100.00 16,055 100.00

16.5 Market Price of Ordinary Shares.

The shares are listed with Dhaka and Chittagong Stock Exchange. On the last working day for the year, each share
was quoted at Tk.196.60 in the Dhaka Stock Exchange Ltd., Tk. 197.50 in the Chittagong Stock Exchange Ltd.

16.6 Option on Unissued Ordinary Shares.

There was no option on unissued shares as on 30 June 2015.


30-Jun-15 30-Jun-14
Taka Taka

Capital gain on sale of land & structure at Chandpur 3,591,102 3,591,102

Capital gain on sale of 12.35 acres land at Patenga to Joint Venture
Co. as details below:
Sale of Land 175,000,000 175,000,000
Original Cost of Land (14,428) (14,428)
Related expenses aginst transfer of land (25,743,571) (25,743,571)
149,242,001 149,242,001
152,833,103 152,833,103


Opening Balance 5,660,000,000 4,310,000,000

Transferred during the year - 1,350,000,000
Closing Balance 5,660,000,000 5,660,000,000


19.1 Contingent Liabilities:

There were no contingent liabilities as on 30 June 2015.

19.2 Contingent Assets:

There were no contingent assets as on 30 June 2015.

19.3 Capital Expenditure Commitments:

The capital expenditure commitment as on 30 June 2015 was Tk 1,110.50 lac (30 June 2014: Tk 1,181.18 lac)


2014-2015 2013-2014

Turnover - note 20.2 127,649,328,113 128,509,790,057

Less: Cost of goods sold - note 20.2 (126,034,148,592) (127,209,946,306)
1,615,179,521 1,299,843,751
Add: Operational Gain - note 20.3 117,812,289 171,369,138
1,732,991,810 1,471,212,889

20.1 Gross earnings on Petroleum Product - note 20

2014-2015 2013-2014
Operational Operational
Gross Earnings Net earning Gross Earnings Net earning
Gain/(Loss) Gain/(Loss)
i. Major Products

HOBC 63,222,987 (7,326,400) 55,896,586 48,002,976 (2,285,751) 45,717,225

MS 676,128,896 (27,023,869) 649,105,027 334,290,904 (7,907,357) 326,383,547
SKO 118,349,104 2,190,732 120,539,836 137,799,182 (1,654,462) 136,144,720
HSD 417,979,565 17,045,148 435,024,713 445,097,926 27,760,660 472,858,586
FO 91,666,779 131,086,057 222,752,836 97,441,227 148,502,796 245,944,023
JBO 1,029,744 1,922,429 2,952,173 1,208,952 6,981,771 8,190,723
Sub Total 1,368,377,075 117,894,097 1,486,271,172 1,063,841,167 171,397,657 1,235,238,824
ii. Minor Products

Bitumen 3,925,662 - 3,925,662 4,201,586 - 4,201,586

Lubricants &
Grease 237,330,303 (16,919) 237,313,384 226,212,837 (8,359) 226,204,477
LPG 5,546,482 (64,890) 5,481,592 5,588,162 (20,160) 5,568,002
Sub Total 246,802,446 (81,809) 246,720,638 236,002,584 (28,519) 235,974,065
Grand Total 1,615,179,521 117,812,289 1,732,991,810 1,299,843,751 171,369,138 1,471,212,889

20.2 Turnover and Cost of Goods Sold -note 20

2014-2015 2013-2014

Quantity Turnover Cost of Goods Sold Quantity Turnover Cost of Goods Sold

i. Major Products

HOBC 31,778 4,122,150,578 (4,058,927,592) 24,466 3,905,370,481 (3,857,367,505)

MS 55,225 7,181,082,819 (6,504,953,923) 57,003 7,353,986,286 (7,019,695,382)
SKO 104,112 8,071,167,552 (7,952,818,448) 105,407 8,837,381,054 (8,699,581,872)
HSD 1,075,701 84,412,707,447 (83,994,727,882) 1,044,350 81,988,893,151 (81,543,795,225)
FO 340,802 20,812,903,352 (20,721,236,573) 380,671 23,210,500,212 (23,113,058,985)
JBO 4,828 387,298,160 (386,268,416) 5,654 454,700,280 (453,491,328)
Sub Total 1,612,446 124,987,309,909 (123,618,932,834) 1,617,550 125,750,831,464 (124,686,990,298)
ii. Minor Products

Bitumen 13,086 837,860,474 (833,934,812) 14,005 841,383,647 (837,182,062)

Lubricants &
Grease 4,786 1,608,791,638 (1,371,461,336) 4,968 1,701,993,293 (1,475,780,457)
LPG 4,163 215,366,092 (209,819,610) 4,167 215,581,652 (209,993,490)
Sub Total 22,034 2,662,018,204 (2,415,215,758) 23,140 2,758,958,593 (2,522,956,009)
Grand Total 1,634,481 127,649,328,113 (126,034,148,592) 1,640,690 128,509,790,057 (127,209,946,306)


20.3 Net Operational Gain/(Loss) :


Vol. Taka Vol. Taka Vol. Taka Vol. Taka Vol. Taka Vol. Taka Taka Vol. Taka
MI CTG. 89,339 8,426,454 69,047 6,315,039 106,839 7,048,169 1,562,733 101,843,310 1,586,534 94,060,173 38,064 2,570,081 (61,110) 3,452,556 220,202,116
DAULATPUR (21,679) (2,044,763) (129,535) (11,847,271) (2,344) (154,634) (128,375) (8,366,199) 228,982 13,571,562 (3,508) (236,860) - (56,459) (9,078,165)
FATULLAH (132,699) (12,516,170) (122,518) (11,205,496) (8,788) (579,744) (275,616) (17,961,895) 296,408 17,572,221 (6,084) (410,792) (13,550) (249,297) (25,115,426)
CHANDPUR (905) (85,360) (12,958) (1,185,139) (11,417) (753,179) (44,333) (2,889,182) - - - - - (69,613) (4,912,859)
SYLHET 447 42,161 6,633 606,654 (37,624) (2,482,055) (106,923) (6,968,172) - - - - - (137,467) (8,801,412)
BARISAL - - (16,436) (1,503,237) 7,907 521,625 (8,366) (545,212) - - - - (1,890) (16,895) (1,528,714)
BHAIRAB BAZAR - - - - 197 12,996 (90,826) (5,919,130) - - - - - (90,629) (5,906,134)
BAGHABARI (12,752) (1,202,769) (57,723) (5,279,346) (36,931) (2,436,338) (488,498) (31,835,415) 99,241 5,882,102 - - - (496,663) (34,871,765)
CHILMARI - - - - - - (21,788) (1,419,924) - - - - - (21,788) (1,419,924)
JHALAKATHI - - - - 2,346 154,766 5,396 351,657 - - - - - 7,742 506,423
NATORE - - - - - - (23,308) (1,518,982) - - - - - (23,308) (1,518,982)
PARBATIPUR - - (41,691) (3,813,059) 2,013 132,798 (111,214) (7,247,816) - - - - - (150,892) (10,928,078)
RANGPUR - - - - (147) (9,698) (19,749) (1,287,042) - - - - (3,369) (19,896) (1,300,109)
RAJSHAHI - - - - (60) (3,958) (25,961) (1,691,878) - - - - - (26,021) (1,695,837)
SREEMANGLE 573 54,045 9,709 887,985 10,153 669,793 26,575 1,731,893 - - - - - 47,010 3,343,717

SACHANA BAZAR - - - - 1,064 70,192 11,802 769,136 - - - - - 12,866 839,328
BOGRA - - - - - - - - - - - - (1,890) - (1,890)
2014-2015 (77,676) (7,326,400) (295,472) (27,023,869) 33,208 2,190,732 261,549 17,045,148 2,211,165 131,086,057 28,472 1,922,429 (81,809) 2,161,246 117,812,289

2013-2014 (24,234) (2,285,751) (86,457) (7,907,357) (26,204) (1,654,462) 425,973 27,760,660 2,504,263 148,502,796 103,403 6,981,771 (28,519) 2,896,744 171,369,138

2014-2015 2013-2014
Taka Taka

Storage, Selling & Administration 110,983,077 91,150,645

Payroll & Benefits 554,791,227 299,253,083
Contributory Provident Fund 7,855,322 6,815,965
Rent & Other Taxes 20,833,556 21,754,454
Travelling & Office Transport 14,338,332 17,109,426
Fuel & Electricity 12,664,937 11,342,094
Repair & Maintenance 20,518,066 16,175,157
Insurance Premium 6,098,578 3,215,763
Audit Fee (Statutory) - note 26 200,000 200,000
Directors Fee - note 27 591,000 455,000
Management Service Charge 700,000 700,000
749,574,095 468,171,587


Bangladesh Petroleum Corporation - note 22.1 80,506,081 83,912,807

Interest on Worker's Profit Participation Fund & WF 73,741,177 59,609,602
Bank Charges 785,297 559,226
155,032,555 144,081,635

22.1 This represents provision made for financial expenses which is computed on sales quantity ranging from Tk. 0.0506
to 0.0699 per liter against major products.


Product Handling Commission & Others 209,690,558 110,901,703

Net Profit/(Loss) on operation of Tanker MT Jamuna (1,809,472) (97,665)
Service Charges 204,178,033 204,702,230
412,059,119 315,506,268


Dividend Income - note 5.1 69,589,950 115,983,250

Interest on Bank Deposits 1,267,929,271 1,414,920,103
Interest on Fixed Deposits 612,015,440 561,892,679
License Fee 2,594,190 1,988,710
Interest on House Building Loan 1,281,129 1,223,158
Interest on Car Loan 142,296 104,271
Rent Receipts 24,638,618 24,358,362
Profit/(Loss) on Sale of Fixed Assets - note 24.1 395,660 159,000
Others 11,811,409 285,011
1,990,397,963 2,120,914,544


24.1 Profit/(Loss) on Sale of Fixed Assets - note 24

Acc. Dep. WDV as

Original Profit / Name of Mode of
Particulars of Assets as on on Sales Price
Cost (Loss) Parties Disposal
30.06.14 30.06.14

Filling Station Equip. Paglapir F.

21,981 21,981 - 50,000 50,000 Auction
(Auto Speed F.S.) Station

Filling Station Equip. Saptak

209,811 209,811 - 80,000 80,000 Auction
(A.S.K. Chy & Sons) Enterprise

Filling Station Equip. MIRSIL F.

97,764 97,764 - 127,600 127,600 Auction
(Kutubuddin & Sons) Station

Filling Station Equip. Midway F.

138,060 138,060 - 138,060 138,060 Agreement
(Midway F.S.) Station
467,616 467,616 - 395,660 395,660

2014-2015 2013-2014
Taka Taka

Earnings attributable to the Ordinary Shareholders 2,253,188,298 2,316,779,965

Number of ordinary shares at the end of the year 110,424,600 100,386,000

Earning per share (Basic) 20.40 23.08

Earning per share (Restated) 20.98


Audit Fee (Statutory) 200,000 200,000

200,000 200,000

Audit fee represents auditors’ remuneration only which is fixed up by the shareholders in the Annual General Meeting.



2014-2015 2013-2014
MD & MD &

Salary, Allowances & Bonus 18,077,175 38,463,557 14,769,991 31,409,957

Rental 6,671,760 12,354,804 6,651,260 12,476,787
Utilities 2,446,277 5,348,394 1,640,937 3,735,316
9,118,037 17,703,198 8,292,197 16,212,103

Leave Encashment 1,509,304 3,189,751 2,269,811 3,895,223

Provident Fund 1,108,926 2,225,947 1,123,272 2,227,494
29,813,442 61,582,453 26,455,271 53,744,777

Number of Person 31 94 34 99

27.1 The Managing Director, General Manager, Departmental Heads, Managers and Officers are paid cash house
rent allowances.

27.2 The Managing Director, General Manager & Departmental Heads are provided with free use of company’s car,
subject to limit. Other Managers are paid cash assistance under car loan scheme, subject to limit and Other Officers
are paid cash allowances.

27.3 Residential telephone for mainly company’s business for Managing Director, General Manager, & Managers,
subject to limit.

27.4 The Managing Director, General Manager, Managers & Officers are provided with free medical facilities
according to company’s rules.

27.5 The Managing Director, General Manger, Managers & Officers are provided with coverage for Group
Insurance Scheme.

27.6 The Directors, other than Managing Director who is an Ex-Office Director, are not paid any remuneration
except fees and expenses in connection with attending Company’s Board Meeting.


Number of Employees
2014-2015 2013-2014


The number of employees with an aggregate annual remuneration

not being less than Tk 36,000. 574 554
574 554


No payment was made during the year in foreign currency on account of royalty, professional, consultation fees, interest & others.


During the financial year under review, the company carried out a number of transactions with related party in the normal course
of business. The related party are as follows :

Amount In Lac Taka

Nature of Transaction Balance
Name of Party/Company Relation
Transactions Value Dr. / (Cr.)

Bangladesh Petroleum Corporation Mother Concern Multiple Business 2,569,402.26 (237,610.24)

Padma Oil Company Limited BPC Unit Product Exchange 9,244.63 (657.09)

Meghna Petroleum Limited BPC Unit Product Exchange 1,007.41 103.21

Eastern Refinery Limited BPC Unit Product Supply 1.79 22.14

MJL Bangladesh Limited Investment/Supplier Product Supply 27,311.83 642.17

Eastern Lubricants Blenders Limited BPC Unit Blending of Lub. 100.77 (7.49)

Lequified Petroleum Gas Limited BPC Unit Product Supply 4,204.00 98.98

Standerd Asiatic Oil Company Ltd. BPC Unit Blending of Lub 2,459.58 3.37



There was no guarantee to third party on 30 June 2015. 2014-2015 2013-2014

Taka Taka

a) Claim against the company but not acknowledged as debt (Income Tax) 386,884,555.00 336,207,938.00

The income tax assessments for the year from 2003-2004 to 2012-2013 are
pending for settlement at different stages from Commissioner of Appeal to
Supreme Court Appeal Division.


33.1 Subsequent to the statement of Financial Position date, the Board of Directors recommended 100% (One Hundred Percent)
cash dividend i.e. Taka 10.00 per share which will be recognized in the accounts as and when approved by the shareholders in
the Annual General Meeting. Excepting to that, no circumstances have arisen since the date of Statement of Financial Position
whichwould require adjustment to, or disclosure in, the financial statements or notes thereto.


34.1 Figures appearing in these accounts have been rounded off to the nearest taka.

34.2 Previous year's phrases & amounts have been re-arranged, wherever considered necessary, to
conform to the presentation for the year under review.

These financial statements should be read in conjunction with the annexed Notes
and were approved by the Board of Directors on 15 November 2015
and were signed on its behalf by :

CFO & Company Secretary Managing Director & Director Director Chairman

Signed in terms of our separate report of even date annexed

Chittagong, Khan Wahab Shafique Rahman & Co. Hoda Vasi Chowdhury & Co.
15 November 2015 Chartered Accountants Chartered Accountants




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