Assessment 1 2 3 4 5 6 7: Monthly Class Evaluation

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Monthly class Evaluation

Student’s Name: Gangto Month: March, 2020

Evaluator: Teacher Yvonne

Assessment 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

■ Listening

■ Speaking

■ Pronunciation

■ Vocabulary

■ Grammar
■ Reading

Gangto has a good listening skill when you speak slowly. He can respond to questi
■ [Listening]
appropriately and correctly. However, he needs repetition when it comes to long ques

Gangto can speak well about himself and his work. He is conversant and doesn't n
■ [Speaking) much guidance when it comes to expanding his topics. He is confident and vocal of
opinions and experiences in life.

Though Gangto has enough vocabulary, he needs to work a lot on his pronunciation
intonation. His native accent is too apparent and he mumbles most of his words.
Please practice the following words:
■ [Pronunciation]
behind, women, house, least, side, said, time, unwell, pro
vacation, solution, exact, blind, anxiety, might, routine, coughs, fatal, severe, thou
regularly, pair, passionate, pressure, decision, won
He can understand most of the words in the book and if there are new words it isn't
for him to grasp their meanings.
■ [Vocabulary] New words:
wielding, priest, unconsciously, bobbing, despise, fundamentally, evade, prost
tolerate, anxious, anticipate,

He could mostly correct his errors independently. However, he needs to level up his
by creating longer and more complex sentences. He has to be more careful of hi
prepositions, Subject-Verb Agreement and articles (a, an, the).
Here are some of the sentences he learned
They only consider THEMSELVES and
OTHER people. Controlling your PERSONAL desires
getting happiness. Living a common life is HAppine
■ [Grammar] Unfortunately, he suffered FROM a
accident which caused his untimely death. This paragraph TE
US THE behaviour of Americans and Japanese REGARDING eye contact.
Human contact
help you communicate with others well. I MA
SURE I go to the gym after work atleast 3-4 days a week.
Some clients have also postponed some of their operations.

Gangto is an ideal student. He's always focused in class and tries his best to discuss t
■ [Suggestions and
best of his knowledge. He is advised to brush his listening skill more by watchin
movies/news in English and/or listen to podcasts and songs in English.

suggested after demo

OR Textbook the old
Current book:--------------------------> Speak Your Mind 1
student is
Page we are studying:------------------> page 31
textbook,and which
■ Student Skype live:.cid.e70f4ad1dbc5a6c0

■ Student QQ

■ Student Zhumu

■ Student Email
March, 2020

. He can respond to questions

when it comes to long questions.

s conversant and doesn't need

e is confident and vocal of his

a lot on his pronunciation and

es most of his words.
de, said, time, unwell, proposal,
coughs, fatal, severe, though,
ere are new words it isn't hard

ndamentally, evade, prostitues,

r, he needs to level up his skill

as to be more careful of his
the sentences he learned:
sider THEMSELVES and not
g your PERSONAL desires is
a common life is HAppiness.
ately, he suffered FROM an
This paragraph TELLS
NG eye contact.
Human contact will

d tries his best to discuss to the

ing skill more by watching
and songs in English.

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