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Corporate Law
Submitted to:
Sir Naveed Chohan
3rd May, 2019
6th semester
Submitted by:
Abdul Rahman-017
Umer Khalid-008
Gulfam Ashraf-181
Sajjad Hussain-041
Abdul Rahman-429



Abstract pg3
Arguments on the Business Culture pg3
 Pakistan
 China
Focusing on nurturing the poor pg4
 Increasing their Aptitude
Changing the culture of Government pg5
 Imran Khan’s point of View
Rebuilding Pakistan’s International Credibility pg8
 Political leadership of the foreign ministry
Revolutionize Cyber Security Services pg9
 Future of Cyber Security
Future of Pakistan’s position in the world pg10
Conclusion pg10
References pg11

The way of doing business is different around the world. Some prefer hand to
hand dealing, some prefer buying online and some prefer hiring agents to buy. It’s
a world of differentiation where you can store different ideas or do what you
want. No one has right to stop someone doing business at anyplace. Talking about
why facing difficulties in doing business, why to face restrictions and hurdles in
doing business? Making an environment to visualize the aspects of the cause of
this problem and analyze the trends to compete with the world equally.

Arguments on the Business Culture

Business culture depends on the organization what are their values, approaches
and activities that are shared between one another on daily basis. But how is
culture made? There are unique factors which help in creating one, I have
observed some common components of cultures from the world. Merging all
those components can be an initial step in creating a different lasting culture.
Mission or vision is a start of better culture, and you get a chance to set the
foundations of your business. The value you let yourself create shows the
authenticity of your original ideas. Once you set the foundation you come to know
when you need to reshape the structure you created and how you can compete in

Business Culture of Pakistan

However, the very important law that I have found an article for developing
countries like (Pakistan) is tort law. This law refers that if one party commits
wrong toward another party in legal liability. Further, I would like to explain this
(tort) law with an example, a person who is walking in front of juice shop
suddenly his foot came on a banana peel and he falls down with it and gets
injured, he can sue for his damages and get expenses from that juice shop. In the
article the author is saying that I haven’t found tort law in Pakistan because we
are facing and hearing that the medical staff involved the doctors take the wrong
organ of patient or giving poisonous injection to kill helpless drinkers and the
other things that are mentioned in the article is that selling donkey and dogs meats
by food vendors. I believe as a Pakistani that if the government starts focusing on
the tort law or implemented only in a few years this law will boost the economy
of Pakistan. Actually, society is surrounded by corrupt and selfishness and greed
for wealthy health.

Business Culture of China

The Chinese culture is stronger than that of Pakistan where there is more esteem
for teaching, authority and age. The Chinese culture gives the value to talk to
others with politeness and with etiquettes and has made this a vital basis of
business dealings. They are well mannered in their dealings which show how
easily they can raise the standards and self-esteem of the people.

Focusing on nurturing the poor

In Pakistan, half of our population is sacred of higher class due to lack of
education and awareness about the fundamental rights of an individual. Many
people are spending a lot for the betterment of the poor. The prosperity of the
poor can lead to solving many problems of our country and can achieve changes
in social and economic matters of Pakistan. In the international market our image
reflects how we deal each and every matter. We should get together and help the
poor to prosper as soon as possible.

Increasing their Aptitude

Those children are growing in poverty has a negative effect on his minds. Those
poor children that not fulfill his nurturing skills by parents are distressing. The
children are poverty stress and depression for a long time. The researchers believe
it is a responsible for parents to give excellent facilities about their food, shelter
and clothes. If they have not so much resources of their parents then parents will
not give such kind of facilities to their children. If the parents will not give such
kind of facilities to the children will go to stress and depression for a long time. It
is such kind of problem affected by developing countries like Pakistan. In
developing countries effected the problems of is a responsibility of a
state that work out on that particular issue of poverty that how to reduce the
poverty in the country. If they have proper right to every citizen then there is no
issue in the developing country of the poverty. In the developing countries the
major problem is the labor wages. They give not so much high wages in our
country. Those parents have not high level education then they have work as a
Labor. Every parents work for their children to give better education and better
health facilities. But the problem is that the labor wages is low and the other cost
of education fee and the food is high. So the children will not have so much
educate and give better food. Due to that reason children will not go to school and
they have work as a labor to fulfill the finance system of the house. The research
analyze if they have proper food to our children then they have no life time
problem about the stress. The poverty issue only in the developing countries not
in the develop is not the problem of develop country because the
government set the system of everything. In that particular country the labor
wages is high. Every child have proper education and proper food because in that
country every person that work for their children and they have high wages to
the labor and they have not so much problems of health and food of
that the developing area countries parents will afford the things at the age of 18
years. After the age of 18 years it is the responsibility of child that they have work
for themselves and give education as well. It is so much difference of food in
develop and developing countries. In the develop country they have provide
healthy food because they have wages is high. But in developing countries the
food is not pure. Due to not so much proper food the child will not grow so much.
So it is the responsibility of the government that give proper food to the people of
their country.

Changing the culture of Government

Political culture may be defined as how people participate and how much they
participate in political process. If also defined the nature of government and
citizens that how government fulfilled the desires of citizens and what expect they
in return. Every country has a political culture which contain the set of norms,
values and beliefs. Political culture mean there is equal distribution of rights and
on one in the state is rich or poor and everyone enjoy their rights. While
examining the political culture of Pakistan we can see that there is heterogeneous
values and government talk about there is equal distribution of rights but in reality
they can't deliver that. The reason is this Pakistan is a multi-cultural, multi-ethnic
country also mix of rural and urban population. In rural areas. The caste/ Baraderi

system and these politician always gets advantages to these peoples. Pakistan
since its creation faces a lot crises and reason behind is the political culture of
nation. So we need to focus on these questions: what is the correlation between
culture and politics and how they relate each other? Also what kind of culture
found in Pakistan?

Every political party has their own principles and they work according to those
principles and this sometime vary from state to state and sometimes with in state.
Weakness in Pakistani political culture in his roots since the creation of Muslim
league and they face many problems. The bureaucratic control over the state fairs
instead of supremacy of political actors that’s give more power to bureaucracy.
The power owned by the state and this power distributed in to other province.
Unfortunately, this power is not equally distributed among the regions. Due to this
the country economy deceases day by day and faces many challenges. The
country government un-stability also effects on doing business in country, people
are getting poor day-by-day.

The establishment of democratic state cannot come true without establishing the
equality in the state and provide everyone the opportunity for doing business. Our
political system and judicial system has very flaws which not provide the
investors surety in this developing country. Also the existing differences in the
Pakistani society on religion have sharply divided the peoples which create
problems for ease of doing business. Pakistan political culture has many problems
and may impact on overall development of country. The difference between
political systems create disturbance among peoples, we have laws but no one act
on those. Throughout the history of Pakistan, the external powers are involved in
development and culture of Pakistan.

Imran khan point of view:

Prime Minister Imran khan is doing effective struggle in term to change the
political culture of Pakistan. Corruption is the main cause of political disorder and
our politician come in government and everyone make their own asset as well as
they can. Imran khan give hope to people to make Naya Pakistan and end this
decease of corruption from our country. They come in government with the aim
of end the corruption but question is how it's possible. When everyone corrupts
and no proper law in our country so how it's possible to end up the corruption. All
the past governments doing corruption of billions of dollars and now these
peoples come us to the stage when dollar price reach at high level and poor people
difficult to survive. Everyone blaming each other but no one ready to accept this
as they destroy the country economy. The point is Imran khan aim to end the
corruption from country fulfilled when the culture of doing government changed.
Khan should analyze critically what is operational and what is dysfunction within
the compound of central go. Khan should analyze critically what is operational
and what is dysfunction within the compound of central government. Pakistan
desperately needs new and young educated and honest people to embrace the
challenges of the present and future-making. Pakistanis living abroad are the asset
to be counted to enhance the planned cause of political reformation and nation-
building. This helps to provide the ease of doing business opportunity.

Economy comparison of Pak-China:


Decades of internal political dispute and low level of foreign investment have
slow the growth and underdevelopment of Pakistan. Pakistan has the challenging
security environment, electricity shortage and under the huge amount of loan.
Pakistan’s GDP growth has gradually increased since 2012. Official
unemployment was 6% in 2017, but this fails to capture the true picture, because
much of the economy is informal and underemployment remains high. Human
development continues to lag behind most of the region. Pakistan must continue
to address several longstanding issues, including expanding investment in
education and healthcare, adapting to the effects of climate change and natural
disasters, improving the country’s business environment, reducing dependence on
foreign donors, and widening the country’s tax base. Given demographic
challenges, Pakistan’s leadership will be pressed to implement economic reforms,
promote further development of the energy sector, and attract foreign investment
to support sufficient economic growth necessary to employ its growing and
rapidly urbanizing population, much of which is under the age of 25. But there is
still hope for PTI government that they overcome the challenges and provide
environment in which people can easily access to basic needs. Also CPEC is also

very huge investment by china in Pakistan and may change the economy of


China is emerging economy in the word in very less time as they struggle hard to
overcome the challenges. The Chinese Government faces numerous economic
challenges including: (a) reducing its high domestic savings rate and
correspondingly low domestic household consumption; (b) managing its high
corporate debt burden to maintain financial stability; (c) controlling off-balance
sheet local government debt used to finance infrastructure stimulus; (d)
facilitating higher-wage job opportunities for the aspiring middle class, including
rural migrants and college graduates, while maintaining competitiveness; (e)
dampening speculative investment in the real estate sector without sharply
slowing the economy; (f) reducing industrial overcapacity; and (g) raising
productivity growth rates through the more efficient allocation of capital and
state-support for innovation. China domestic consumption make the economy less
depend to other and with the huge population country they build their economy so
why we are? If we change the culture of government and come in one platform
we can overcome this problem.

Rebuilding Pakistan’s International Credibility

According to this article the author is saying about that the 2017 years was not a
good for Pakistan to standing at international level. The main reason was that the
leaders of Pakistan was not taking lesson from their mistake. The major problem
from Pakistan is that they cannot convince the international community about
their honesty in war against with this information Pakistan is the 3rd
worst country in the world. The most interesting parameters for the for the quality
study that researchers used to measure the global reputation of the countries the
number of the immigration checking in the airport. Pakistan are surround most
of the immigration I the world. Coming to the passport issue actually it’s
calculate the power of which a citizen have in the nation .the study is about visa
arrivals and the foreign relation of between the country of departure and arrival.
In most of the world Pakistan is the low ranks in the around the world not only in
Political leadership of the foreign ministry

Foreign trade is about every transaction about the international trade of export
and import with cross the border or with another we know that every
nation have some specialize in natural resource however Pakistan has also natural
resource but or taking the benefits like other countries ,as we know that trade is
very important for the country but country like a Pakistan has many barrier to
enter with their neighbors countries like India ,Afghanistan .on the other hand
India have very broad trade with china .trade is not only indicator for economic or
profit it is also expand the culture among the countries. Pakistan is very low
ranked among all the nation in trade even if you check the reports of the world
trade organization you will not see even mention the name of Pakistan ,so for the
government of Pakistan it is important to create a law where a individuals have
access to enter at every trade as we all know that a country like a Pakistan have
more tax on their public investor so they should decrease the some of the tax to
motivate or encourage their investor also for government they should create
opportunity for the public because we the un employment rate is very high so for
control that government should take some serious step. Recently a lot of Pakistani
restaurant change their category from purely Pakistani to purely to Indian. In the
last Pakistani leader has made the Pakistan name in very bad so many
international countries don’t want to have relation with a such country’
government should work hard to remove the corruption from the government sets
and should create and facilities to the public because if your country have stable
economic and have best leaders so every international country will want to have a
good relation with your country and will have good trade with your countries.

Revolutionize Cyber Security Services

In the other article it’s explaining that the cybercrime is not that much high in
Pakistan like a country USA, Russia. As a country like Pakistan the internet speed
is not that much high however all developing countries have the same problem
low quality net speed they have. But the government of Pakistan create an idea to
stop the miss use of mobile card ,coming to the 2008 every individuals have
access to buy so many mobile card ,in that time it was difficult for the
government or for IT EXPERTS to Have information of all the people who are

using the mobile sim card. Because the main reason was that the not all the sim
cards was registers with the main based so it was difficult for the government to
have information of all .but now it’s quite done by the IT experts that every
individual have right to buy only 5 sim cards on the biases of their nationality, so
every individual will register with the government and government will have
easily access with their information. This action has stop so many cybercrimes
and has positively effect on making peace in the country.

Future of Cyber Security

Some big cybercrime that have found by the IT experts is sale of illegal articles,
spoofing email and password cricking. The cyber security of Pakistan is getting
better day by day to enhance the business process to daily use. Recently many
banks were hacked and they had to suffer great loss due to which to keep oneself
on the safe side. This will promote many new entrants that is manufacturers to
invest securely and free from worries.

Future of Pakistan Position in the world

The future of Pakistan is seen very bright as we can see the Gwadar port is
established which shows that more opportunities are on the line and above that the
CPEC is also under completion. The current government has many plans for the
better future for better Pakistan. The have KSA, Gulf and Russia are supporting
Pakistan to become a developed nation.

We are a better Islamic nation but we are just lagging behind a bit. There is a
saying It’s never too late. The hard work together of our people can make this
place a better place. Once you set the foundation you come to know when you
need to reshape the structure you created and how you can compete in future.
Pakistan’s elite and middle class have to rise to the occasion to help resuscitate
the faltering economy. Pakistanis have to pay taxes so that their government can
refuse aid from others. Unless Pakistanis demonstrate the willingness to carry
their own weight by paying taxes, there is no hope of an honorable existence for
Pakistan in the community of nations.



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