Highlights of The Plenary Proceedings of Friday 24Th April 2020 1. The Sitting, Presided Over by The Rt. Hon. Speaker, Rebecca A. Kadaga

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1. The Sitting, presided over by the Rt. Hon. Speaker, Rebecca A. Kadaga,
commenced at 11:13 am.
2. In her Communication, the Speaker;
a) Commended Commercial Banks for cooperating with Members inspite of
the Court Order of 21 st April 2020, arising from Miscellaneous
application No. 179 of 2020 (Hon. Karuhanga Gerald Vs the
Parliamentary Commission and the Attorney General). She however
called out Orient Bank for withholding Members’ monies and advised
them to desist from perpetuating an illegality.
b) Informed Members that the Clerk would;
i) Notify them on the venue of the Sitting of Tuesday 28th April 2020.
ii) Furnish them with the Standard Operating Procedures, developed
by the Minister of Local Government, for the utilization of funds
disbursed to districts for the mitigation of the COVID-19 pandemic
3. The following Urgent Questions were raised:-
a) On the challenges posed especially to border communities, by the influx
of truck drivers, some of whom have tested positive for COVID-19, to the
management of the COVID-19 pandemic; raised by Hon. Oboth
Marksons Jacob, MP West Budama South.
The Minister of Finance, Planning and Economic Development, Hon. Matia
Kasaija informed the House that the National Taskforce on COVID-19 is
deriving solutions to the matter and that the matter will be addressed
b) On the food insecurity and dire living conditions of the border
communities in Bukwo District who can no longer cross to Kenya eke out
a living due to the rising water levels of the Suam river and blockading
the border due to the threat of COVID-19; raised by Hon. Chemutai

Evelyn, Bukwo DWR. She added that the efficiency of the Police in
Bukwo was being hampered by transport challenges.
The Speaker guided the Member to pick interest in the utilization of the
UGX. 165m supplementary budget allocation to Bukwo District to ensure
that it addresses the most pressing needs of the population.
The Minister of Finance, Planning and Economic Development, Hon. Matia
Kasaija undertook to liaise with the National Taskforce to explore the
allocation of a vehicle to aid the movement of the Police in Bukwo District.
c) On the need for urgent evacuation of inhabitants of Masolya Island on
Lake Victoria in Mayuge District that is facing submersion due to the
swelling water levels of the lake; raised by Hon. Ntende Robert, MP
Bunya South.
The Minister of Finance, Planning and Economic Development, Hon. Matia
Kasaija assured the House of Government’s intervention to address the
plight of the affected population.
The Minister of State for Environment, Hon. Atim Anywar Beatrice
informed the House that her Ministry was determined to combat
environmental degradation to forestall worsening climatic conditions.
d) On the devastation of the livelihoods of the border communities of Kisoro
District, who are largely dependent on cross border trade, by the closure
of Uganda’s borders with Rwanda and the Democratic Republic of Congo
due to the threat of the COVID-19 pandemic and the need for
Government to devise a stimulus package for the afflicted business;
raised by Hon. Bitangaro Sam Kwizera, MP Bufumbira South.
The Minister of Finance, Planning and Economic Development undertook to
present to Parliament, Government’s plan for a stimulus package for
businesses afflicted by the COVID-19 lockdown.
e) On the blatant perpetuation of mischief by some law enforcement and
security officials under the guise of implementing COVID-19 guidelines;
raised by Hon. Ssekikubo Theodore, MP Lwemiyaga.

The Minister of Finance, Planning and Economic Development, Hon.
Kasaija Matia guided the Member to relay the complaint, in writing, to the
Prime Minister for onward transmission to the Commander in Chief for
appropriate action.

f) On the deplorable living conditions of Ugandan families who were evicted

from the Democratic Republic of Congo in February 2019 and blocked
from retrieving any of their belongings; raised by Hon. Karungi Eliabeth
Beikirize, Kanungu DWR.
The Minister of Finance, Planning and Economic Development, Hon.
Kasaija Matia guided the Member to relay the matter, in writing, to the
Prime Minister for appropriate action.
g) Hon. Waluswaka James, MP Bunyole West rose on;
i) The violation of the COVID-19 guidelines on social distancing by
the Minister of Trade, Industry and Cooperatives, Hon. Amelia
Kyambadde and a Television talk show host, a one Mr. Kaggwa
Njala Simon whilst appearing on a local Television show, “Morning
Breeze” on NBS TV.
ii) The maligning of the House by Hon. Kyagulanyi Sentamu, MP
Kyadondo East who, whilst returning the UGX 20m disbursed to
MPs for the mitigation of the threat of COVID-19, labeled the it a
The Speaker guided that;
1). Government disbursed UGX. 165m shillings to every district and
that as Members of the District 2019 taskforces, MPs should ensure
that the money is appropriately utilized in managing the COVID-19
2). Hon. Kyagulanyi Robert Sentamu should make a Statement in
response to on the allegations raised by Hon. Waluswaka James
after which he will be referred to the Committee on Rules, Privileges

and Discipline for allegedly bringing the name of the House into
The Minister of Finance, Planning and Economic Development, Hon. Matia
Kasaija informed Members that the UGX. 165m disbursed to Districts for
the management of the COVID-19 pandemic is not meant to cater for food.
He clarified that it is meant for treating the critically sick, fuel and
transporting samples to Entebbe for testing. He undertook to relay the
Members’ demands for food relief for the entire population to the National
COVID taskforce headed by the Prime Minister.
h) On the flooding of areas of Garilaaya, Ntimba and Bukungu by the rising
water levels of the River Nile; raised by Hon. Kumama Nsamba George
Wilson, MP Bbaale County.
The Minister of Finance, Planning and Economic Development, Hon. Matia
Kasaija assured the House of Government’s intervention to address the
plight of the affected population.
i) On the deplorable living conditions of populations in Bundibugyo District
displaced by the sinking of parts of the landmass in the District since
December 2019 and the destruction of Gravitational Flow Schemes and
road networks by landslides; raised by Hon. Gafabusa Richard
Muhumuza, MP Bwamba County.
The Minister of Finance, Planning and Economic Development, Hon. Matia
Kasaija undertook to relay the matter to the Rt. Hon. Prime Minister.
j) On the deplorable living and working conditions of hundreds of Police
personnel who have not been paid since August 2019 and yet they
continue to be deployed; raised by Hon. Muyanja Johnson Ssenyonga,
MP Mukono South.
The Minister of Finance, Planning and Economic Development, Hon. Matia
Kasaija attributed the delay in payment to cash flow challenges and
undertook to offset the arrears before the end of the financial year

k) On the threat to the management of the COVID-19 pandemic posed by
cross border truck drivers plying the Uganda-Kenya border through
ungazetted border crossings Namisindwa District and the deplorable
living conditions of persons displaced by landslides dating back to 2017;
raised by Hon. Masika Apollo, MP Bubulo East.
The Minister of Finance, Planning and Economic Development, Hon. Matia
Kasaija informed the House that requisite guidelines were being devised
to address the threats posed by cross border truck drivers.
l) On the unclear legal regime under which the country is being run at the
moment citing the failure of the Attorney General to issue new Statutory
Instruments to enforce the most recent Presidential directives that are
slated to expire on 5th May 2020 and that Lawyers be categorized as an
essential service since legal representation is a non-derogable right;
raised by Hon. Basalirwa Asuman, MP Bugiri Municipality.
The Minister of Justice and Constitutional Affairs, Hon. Prof. Ephraim
Kamuntu responded to the matter and reiterated Government’s respect for
the rule of law.
m) On the exclusion of the Social Assistance Grant for Empowerment
(SAGE) from the list of priorities of Government budgetary resource
disbursements during the COVID-19 lockdown to the detriment of its
beneficiaries; raised by Hon. Opolot Jacob Richards, MP Pallisa County.
The Minister of Finance, Planning and Economic Development, Hon. Matia
Kasaija undertook to address the matter.
n) On the non-payment of Local Defence Unit personnel since their
recruitment on 26th July 2019; raised by Hon. Abacacon Angiro Gutumoi
Charles, MP Erute North.
The Minister of Finance, Planning and Economic Development, Hon. Matia
Kasaija attributed this delay in payment to cash flow challenges and
undertook to address it.
o) Hon. Aol Betty Ocan, Gulu DWR/LOP rose on;

i) the failure of Government to effect the payment of Ugandan traders
who incurred losses in South Sudan despite the House voting the
requisite resources.
ii) the dire financial position of District Councilors who no longer
earn any allowances because of the lack of Sittings due to the
threat of the COVID-19 pandemic.

The Minister of Finance, Planning and Economic Development, Hon.

Matia Kasaija undertook to address the matters.

p) Hon. Nabulindo Jane Kwoba, Busia DWR rose on;

i) The threat posed by cross border truck drivers entering Uganda
through un-gazetted border points where they can not be tested for
ii) The looming food insecurity in Busia District due to the COVID-19

The Minister of Finance, Planning and Economic Development, Hon.

Matia Kasaija assured the House of Government’s commitment to
address the matters.

q) Hon. Mugabe Dononzio Kahonda, MP Ruhinda rose on;

i) The questionable utilization of the UGX 100bn that was
appropriated by Parliament for the purchase of maize at fairer
prices in 2019 when maize prices plummeted
ii) The status of loans contracted by Government to aid agricultural
The Minister of Finance, Planning and Economic Development, Hon. Matia
Kasaija informed the house that the UGX 100bn was released through the
Agricultural Credit Facility (ACF) but the uptake of the facility was poor
because of the uncertainty of markets for the maize at that time. He
informed Members that the ACF is still available.
r) Hon. Achia Terrence Naco, MP Bokora County rose on;

i) The need for Government to allow MPs to travel to their
constituencies to deliver seeds and other planting materials during
the COVID-19 lockdown
The Speaker guided the Member to refer to the guidelines she issued
on 23rd April 2020 where-in Members are free to travel to their
ii) The upsurge of incursions of Turkana cattle rustlers into Karamoja
and the attendant insecurity it has caused.
s) On the impediments to online learning, being piloted by the education
sector during the COVID-19 lockdown, especially in rural communities
without appropriate ICT infrastructure and limitations for individuals
with hearing and visual impairments; raised by Hon. Ababiku Jesca,
Adjumani District Woman MP.
The Speaker directed the Minister of Education and Sports to address the
House on the matter.
4. The House supplied the development budget estimates totaling to UGX.
18,076,920,072 for the Fiscal Year 2020/21.
5. The House passed the Appropriation Bill, 2020.
The House specifically;
a) Passed Clauses 1, 3 and 4 without amendment and amended
Clause 2, the Schedule and the Long Title.
b) Appropriated a total of UGX 29,998,953,191,000 as the total
National Budget for the FY 2020/21
6. The Speaker adjourned the House at 3:38pm to Tuesday 28 th April 2020 at

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