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Change Management

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Learning Objectives
Program Level: Basic

After completing this course, the learner should be able to:

• Define change management

• Identify the difference between change management and

project management

• Identify the change management process

• Name five change tools

• Name the roles in change management

Field of Study:
Program Prerequisite: Advance Preparation:
None None
Program Content

This course will be an overview of:

• Definition of change management

• The change management process

• The roles in change management

• The change tools

• Best practices in change management

Major Topic / Concept Index

1 2 3 4

The Basics The Change Process Change Tools Best Practices in

Change Management

• Definitions • Planning Change • Sponsorship • Contributors to Success

• Roles and • Managing Change • Communication Plan • Obstacles to Success
Responsibilities • Reinforcing Change • Coaching • Overcoming Resistance
• Measuring the Impact • Training
of Change
• Resistance Management

Slides 6–17 Slides 18–27 Slides 28–39 Slides 40–48

1 The Basics
The Basics

Change Happens for a Reason…

• "Become more efficient"
• "Get closer to the customer"
• "Become more competitive"
• "Get products/services faster to the customer"
• "Align work and strategy"
• "Improve revenues"
• "Streamline information flow in organization"

Note: The ultimate impact of any of these reasons for change is on one or
more of the following: Processes, Systems, Organization Structure, and/or
Job Roles.

The Basics4
Definition of Change: Movement…

Out of Current State Through Transition State To Future State

Note: The same three states of movement in change are the same for
organizations and for individuals.

The Basics4

Definition of Change Management:

A structured process and set of tools for enabling employees to
adopt the changes.

Current Transition Future

State State State
• Today's processes and • How do we change? • New processes and
tools of daily work. tools of daily work.
• Change what?
• Comfortable and • Fuzzy and scary.
familiar. • Hard work

The Basics: What Do We Need to Consider?

Organizational Structure Business Processes

Key Questions: Key Questions:
•How is the organizational structure impacted? How are business processes impacted?
•How should the organization be structured in What business processes will be changed or
order to best operate after the change? eliminated?
•What roles/responsibilities will be changed or How will changes in business processes
eliminated? impact other areas in the organization?
•How can changes in roles/responsibilities How can changes in processes be
best be communicated and enforced? communicated and enforced?
Corporate Performance Corporate Culture
Key Questions: Key Questions:
How does the change affect the organization's Will the change be perceived as positive or
performance relative to the competition? negative by the people in the organization?
What are the critical success factors to ensure What are the most effective communication
that positive change translates to improved mechanisms, given the corporate culture?
corporate performance? What steps can be taken to influence the
What are the keys to ensuring that negative organization's perception of the change?
change has a minimum impact on corporate What steps can be taken to ensure rapid
performance? acceptance of the change?

The Basics

Project Management – technical side of change

Change Management – people side of change

The Basics
Difference between Project Management and Change Management
Discipline Process Tools
Project • Initiating • Statements of work; Project
Management • Planning charter; Business case
• Executing • Work breakdown structure;
• Monitoring and Budget estimations; Resource
Controlling allocation; Schedule
• Closing • Tracking; Risk identification and
mitigation; Reports on
performance and compliance

Change • Planning for change • Sponsorship

Management • Managing change • Communications
• Reinforcing change • Coaching
• Training
• Resistance management

The Basics
Do All Projects need PM and CM?
How much Project How much Change Management
Management is needed? is needed?

Depends on the complexity and Depends on the amount of

degree of change to processes, disruption created to individual
systems, organization structure employee's day-to-day work and the
and job roles. organization attributes, such as
culture, value system, and history
with past changes.
Source: 3D_generator/iStockphoto

The Basics6
Change Management Roles and Responsibilities
In charge of making • Authorize
the project a and fund the
success via a Sponsors project
coalition of • Control all Monitor department
executive sponsors resources budgets, schedules,
problems, day-to-
day work

Project Change Mgmt.

Leader Leader

• Oversee the
daily work
• Ensure
• Works with
project team • Plans and implements Supervisors change is
change mgmt. plans happening
• Controls project
schedule • Prepares senior leaders
• Deals with as sponsors
vendors • Prepares managers/
supervisors to be

The Basics3

Using Change Management Directly Impacts:

• Speed of Adoption

• How quickly the change is adopted into the organization and how
well the project stays on schedule.

• Utilization Rate

• How high is the overall level of participation and ultimate utilization

of the new processes, tools and job changes
Source: Madmaxer/iStockphoto

• Proficiency

• How well are employees achieving the expected levels of


The Basics
Component Objective
The Change To improve the organization in some way, i.e., reduce
costs, improve revenues, solve problems, seize
opportunities, greater customer satisfaction/retention,
streamline processes, etc.

Project Management To develop plans and actions on the technical side of

the change to achieve the success on time and on

Change Management To help the individuals impacted by the change be

successful by building support, addressing resistance,
and developing the needed knowledge and skills to
implement the change.

The Basics
Elements of a Complex Change7

2 The Change Process
The Change Process

Three Phases of the Change Process4

1 Planning Change

2 Managing Change

3 Reinforcing Change
The Change Process

Three Phases of the Change Process4

1 Planning Change
• Applying readiness assessments, risk assessments and strategy
• Identifying and preparing change management resources on the
project team
• Creating the necessary sponsorship and preparing sponsors to
effectively lead the change

The Change Process

Three Phases of the Change Process4

2 Managing Change
• Preparing a communications plan for the change project
• Creating a roadmap for all key sponsors of the change
• Developing a plan to help supervisors coach employees through
the transition
• Creating a training plan on knowledge and skills
• Developing a resistance management strategy
• Integrating change management with project management

The Change Process

Three Phases of the Change Process 4

3 Reinforcing Change
• Gathering feedback
• Identifying resistance to the change
• Correcting gaps in knowledge and skills
• Measuring adoption of the change and compliance
• Celebrating successes and transitioning the project over to day-
to-day operations

The Change Process
Change Impact on Employee: The Emotional Change Curve5

The Change Process
Change Impact on Employee: The Emotional Change Curve5

• Establish rapport
• Show empathy
• Deal with denial
"I don't • Focus on facts and
want to feelings
be here"

The Change Process
Change Impact on Employee: The Emotional Change Curve5
• Resolve conflict
• Focus on goals
• Encourage creativity
• Focus on goals
• Get into details

"Maybe I
want to
be there"

The Change Process
Change Impact on Employee: The Emotional Change Curve5
• Be more directive
• Train
• Coach
• Involve early adopters
• Set new goals
• Review and learn

"I'm ready
to learn"

The Change Process
Change Impact on Employee: The Emotional Change Curve3

can accelerate
the process

3 Change Tools
Change Tools
Change Management Tools
Sponsorship Plan The Sponsors are the executives who launch and
fund the change initiative, and have the overall
responsibility for the results of the change.

Communication Plan The Communication Plan outlines a strategic view

of what to communicate to whom and when.

Coaching Plan The Coaching Plan guides employees through the

transition, dealing with resistance and failures.

Training Plan The Training Plan outlines the ways to close the
knowledge and skills gaps.

Resistance Management The Resistance Management Plan looks out for

Plan indicators of resistance to change early and often,
and addresses way to mitigate.

Change Tools

Sponsorship Plan1

Sponsors (Executive and General)

• Use behaviors that include active and visible engagement
throughout the change initiative
• Build a coalition of sponsors within the organization who have
direct control over the employees, processes, systems, and
rewards impacted by the change
• Communicate honestly, early and often

Source: Aquir/iStockphoto

Change Tools
Communications Plan: Essential Messages on The Change6
Impact on the Organization
• Explain where the organization • Offer a broad overview of how the
is today with data and facts organization will transition to the
that accurately portray the future; share what will change and
current state; share why the when the changes will occur
change is necessary

• Align the change with the vision • Warn of the business risks to the
and direction for the organization if the change is not made,
organization without alarming the people

• Present benefits to • Notify the organization that we have

organization no alternative, without inciting panic

Key Point: The top level executive should deliver the message
when it pertains to the business need for change and alignment of the
change with the organization's overall direction.
Change Tools
Communications Plan: Essential Messages on The Change1
Impact on the Individuals
• Provide specific information • Discuss details of changing roles and
related to job changes, how employees' day-to-day activities
reporting structure changes will be affected
and compensation information
as early as possible
• Solicit input from employees • Periodically update the employees on
in designing and implementing project status
the changes
• Inform employees of new • Help employees prepare for the
performance measures and change by offering resources and
work with them to set mutually training on skills they need to
agreed upon goals that succeed
support the company vision

Key Point: The immediate supervisor should deliver the message

when it pertains to the individual employee impact resulting from the
Change Tools
Communication Plan: Status Updates and Progress Reports

Update Messages
• The schedule for the project overall
• When will new information be available?
• How will information be shared about the project?
• Major milestones and deliverables
• Key decision points
• Early success stories

Change Tools
Communication Plan

• Conversations
• Town Hall presentations
• Team meetings
• Email
• Newsletters
• Conference calls
• Videos
• Posters
• Voice mails Source: Smart/iStockphoto

Change Tools
Coaching Plan1

Coaching Plan for Managers and Supervisors

Assess the employees impacted Help employees through the
by the change regarding transition

• Their knowledge and skills • Meet with employees one-on-

needed in future state one and in small groups
• Their readiness and • Listen
willingness to accept the • Provide support and resources
change to help them
• Their level of resistance and Source: Aquir/iStockphoto
reasons for resistance

Change Tools
Training Plan1

Training Plan for Employees

During the Transition
• Assess how they are dealing with the transition
• Assess how they are solving problems

After the Change

• Assess gaps in new environment in
• Knowledge (basic and new)
• Skills (technical and process)
• Relationships (new teams, new reporting hierarchy, etc.)
• Problem solving

Change Tools
Resistance Management Plan2

How to Identify Resistance

• Engage in two-way • Conduct an analysis of the
communications with organization to assess the
employees impacted by readiness for change
the change
• Interview managers • Gauge reaction, watch body
responsible for past language, and pay attention to
changes casual remarks
• Set deliverables and • Hold open Q&A sessions,
monitor their progress regularly

Change Tools
Resistance Management4
Primary Reasons Front-line Employees Resist
• Employees were not • Individuals were comfortable with
aware of the business the current state
need for change
• Employees were unsure if • Employees believed they were
they had the skills needed being asked to do more with less,
for success in the future or do more for the same pay
• Job losses are feared as • Rumors were not addressed or
part of the change corrected
• History of failed change in • Too much change already going
the past on
• Lack of involvement in the • Inadequate time to react to the
change change

Change Tools
Resistance Management2
Tactics to Manage Resistance
• Have an executive share • Encourage employees to be a part
the business need for of the solution by involving them in
change with all levels of the decision-making, implementation
organization and support activities

• Work with early adopters to • Communicate honestly, early and

help train/advise others often; don't lie if you don't have
resisting the changes answers

• Conduct baseline and • Hold informal discussions with

follow-up surveys and small groups
• Document concerns, • Monitor new processes and
comments and share at assess productivity against
meetings benchmarks
4 Best Practices in Change Management
Best Practices in Change Management2,3

Contributors to Success Obstacles to Success

• Active and visible sponsorship • Resistance from employees
• Use of change management and managers
processes and tools • Inadequate senior
• Effective communications management sponsorship
• Employee involvement in the • Cultural barriers
change • Lack of change management
• Effective project leadership expertise
and planning

Source: Milkos/iStockphoto

Best Practices in Change Management
Most Common Mistakes Made by Executive Sponsors

Failed to personally engage as the sponsor for the change

• Abdicated sponsorship to • Failed to communicate the need
lower level managers, the for change and risk of not
project team or consultants changing

• Was not visible and active • Failed to reinforce a consistent

throughout the project; message
failed to stay involved or
track progress

Best Practices in Change Management
Most Common Mistakes Made by Executive Sponsors
Changed priorities mid-stream
• Commitment wavered or • Other projects get higher priority
support dwindled
• Got bored • Moved on to the next "flavor of
the month"

• Failed to identify and • Let project move along without

manage change overload celebrating milestones
(change saturation)

Best Practices in Change Management
Most Common Mistakes Made by Executive Sponsors
Did not build a sponsorship coalition
• Assumed support would be • Moved too fast
• Underestimated resistance • Assumed messages trickled down
and everyone understood the need
for change
• Failed to set expectations • Tolerated resistance

• Did not recognize need for • Did not see change leadership as
change management early a gap
• Rushed the change without • Dictated the change with little or no
adequate preparation communication

Best Practices in Change Management

What to do differently?
• Dedicate resources to change • Create a transition strategy with
management achievable timeframes
• Secure executive sponsorship • Hold face-to-face discussions
earlier in the project that are honest and
• Repeat key messages early and straightforward and that offer
often details of the change on a
• Involve employees in the change personal level
process • Hold small group meetings to
share information, brainstorm
solutions and implement new

Best Practices in Change Management

Effective Involvement of Human Resources

• Participate on the change management team
• Conduct training programs
• Redesign roles (structure, job descriptions, staff changes, and
performance targets)

Best Practices in Change Management
Consequences of Not Managing The People Side of Change
• Lower productivity • Arguing whether change is needed
• Resistance • Absenteeism
• Turnover of employees • Changes are not successful
• Disinterest in any change • Employees find work-arounds
• The change is scrapped • Employees revert to old ways of
• Divisiveness working

Best Practices in Change Management

Change management is about helping employees and the
organization through the change process in order to:
• Accelerate change within an organization and reduce the
disruption to day-to-day operations
• Increase the value recovered or ROI from change projects
• Ensure that projects are on-time and on-budget
• Increase an organization's change capacity and the
associated responsiveness to market changes


1. APMG and Smith, Richard, The Effective 5. Knoster, T. (1991). Presentation at TISH
Change Manager's Handbook: Essential Conference. Adapted from Enterprise Group,
Guidance to the Change Management Body of Ltd.
Knowledge. Pub: Kogan Page, 2014.
6. Kotter, John P., Leading Change. Pub: HBR
2. HBR's 10 Must Reads on Change Press, 2012.
Management. Pub: HBR Press, March 2011.
7. Lippitt, M. (1987). The Managing Complex
3. Hiatt, Jeffrey, ADKAR: A Model for Change in Change Model. Enterprise Management, Ltd.
Business, Government and our Community.
Pub: Prosci, 2006.

4. Hiatt, Jeffrey, Change Management: The

People Side of Change. Pub: Prosci, 2012.

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