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DNA Finger Printing

The technique of DNA finger printing was first developed by Alec Jeffreys in 1985-86 in UK. DNA finger
printing is a process which looks for variations in our DNA, the basic genetic material found in every cell of our
body. The DNA not only carries a blue print for our life, but also varies significantly from one person to another.
DNA finger printing does it to look inside DNA and regions of DNA that show a great deal of variations from one
person to another. These regions account for a small proportion of our genetic material, but the variations are such
that we can locate these regions, highlight and identify them using DNA probes and obtain a pattern, a series of
bands or stripes on X-ray film. Individual, except in case of identical twins who have the same DNA.
Biopesticides: The use of chemical pesticides (chemicals used for killing pests that harm crops) is being
discouraged in recent years due to development of resistance by pests, environmental pollution and rising costs.
Therefore, the development and potential use of Biopesticides and an integrated approach to pest control for crop
protection have become necessary. Biopesticides are natural predators or enemies of pests which include parasites,
predators, fungi, bacteria and viruses
1) Non chemical method
2) Rely on natural enemies of pests
3) Kill or cripple only targeted pests
4) No harm to non targeted organism
1) Development of resistance by pest insects to insecticides
2) Elimination of a host of friendiy insects honeybees, pollinators, Nitrogen fixing bacteria etc.
3) Accumulation of pesticides residue in the food and fodder that may cause health hazards.
4) In the absence of natural enemies certain pests grew with renewed vigour e.g. snakes get killed by the pesticides
but rodents increase in the absence of the snake.

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