Biotechnology: Genetic Engineering

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Biotechnology is essentially the use of biological systems, i.e. microbes, plants and animals and process to
produce substances or effects beneficial to people. Biotechnology can be classified into two types
a) Gene biotechnology involving gene transfers and
b) Non-gene biotechnology involving gene cells, tissue or the whole organism
Various techniques used in Biotechnology are genetic engineering or recombinant DNA technology, hybridoma
technology, cell and tissue culture, embryo transfer technology, protein engineering fermentation, biconversion and
immobilization of cells and cellular products. It is used in the manufacture of antibiotics, vitamins, vaccines,
plastics, disposal of toxic waste using bacteria pollution control and production of new fuels, etc.
Genetic Engineering:
The use of Genetic Machinery of life for production of any special substance is called Genetic Engineering and
Genetic Technology. Some of the techniques of genetic manipulation are as follows:
a) Isolation of Genes: In the isolation of genes, appropriate sequences are directly obtained from the Genome of
normal cell or from other cells (like those of phages) where they might have been inserted. This can be made
possible by cleavage and denaturation. Appropriate sequence can be isolated by different techniques. One of the
most common and important method is "southern blots technique" for isolation of genes.
b) Synthesis of Genes: There are two approaches now available for synthesis of genes. If detailed structure of gene
is available, this gene can be sythasised by purely chemical methods as done by Dr. Hargobind Khurana and
reported by him for the first time in 1970. DNA can be synthesized on RNA template so that if pure mRNA for a
gene is available, complementary DNA (cDNA) which will be the presumed gene in question, can be synthesized.
Thus, the synthesis of cANA from mRNA of agent is the second approach for gene synthesis, cDNA has also been
used for isolating the gene from DNA extracted from living cells using Southern Blots technique.
c) Total Synthesis of a Human Interferon Gene: Interferon is a protein, which has a property of inhibiting viral
infection and cell proliferation and thus can be used for treatment of viral infection and malignanies (cancer). At
least three kinds of interferon gene are known in human genome.
The plasmids with this newly synthesized gene have been transferred into bacteria (E-coil) which are being
utilized now for synthesis of interferon in industry. This will greatly reduce the cost of production of this drug
Tissue Culture:
It is a technique of growing tissues of cells of multi-cellular organisms in an artificial environment. Tissue
culture is a process whereby small pieces of living plant tissues (explants) are isolated from a plant and grown on a
semi-defined or defined nutrient medium in controlled environmental conditions. Explants can either be large
seedlings or small single cells or even the prototypes, it has vast potential in
a) Producing Crops, which can withstand high salinity, aridity and other inhospitable conditions.
b) Conservation of Endangered plant species and preservation by Cryopreservation (freeze drying method). In India
National Bureau of Plant Genetic Resources (NBPGR) of ICAR is the prime organisation, preserving
endangered plant species.
c) Genetic Engineering in which foreign genetic materials are introduced to make tailor-made individuals.
d) Producing biological active compounds for pharmaceutical Industry.
e) Obtaining disease free plant material.
f) Clonal propagation on a mass scale, especially of ornamental and horticultural plants, which have a great export
potential. (Clonal propagation: multiplying trees/crops of a hybrid variety or an endangered species on a mass
scale with in a short span of time using tissue culture).
Use of Biotechnology in Health and Medicine:
Biotechnology has found a wide range of applications in medicine. While dealing with diseases, application
of biotechnology includes prevention, diagnosis and cure of diseases. Through human genetics, it has found use in
genetic counseling, antenatal diagnosis and gene therapy. In forensic medicine, it has already been used for
identification of individuals who could be criminal.
Vaccines: Vaccines against several pathogenes have either been produced or are expected to be produced in near
Diagnostic Tests: DNA probes and monocloned antibodies (including ELISA tests for diagnosis of AIDS) for
diagnosis of various diseases like Filariasis, Hepatitis-B, Malaria, Kalaazar, Typhoid, STD and antenatal diagnosis
(Feotus with a genetic defect) have been developed.
Drugs: Drugs for treatment of diseases can be manufactured using biotechnology, example insulin for treatment of
diabetes and interferons for treatment against some tumour viruses, are now being manufactured in bacterial cells in
large quantities.
Gene Therapy: Human hereditary disorders are corrected by replacement of the defective genes with a normal
Fertility Control: Efforts are being made for developing safe, effective, long-lasting and reversible contraceptives

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